Education and training of future professionals have
recently been encountering a number of challenges:
technological, societal, environmental, economic and
other changes take place on a continuous basis with
acceleration. That’s why it can hardly be predicted
what professions will be needed in the future and
what kind of knowledge, skills, and attitudes have to
be taught and learned. On the other hand, training
and education require years from the initial idea to a
fully developed and introduced study programme
preparing required specialists; it means that education
systems have to use a proactive approach and respond
to the encountered changes quickly and effectively.
However, despite all challenges, transportation and
movement of goods and people never stop satisfying
the needs of people. All the related support businesses
and activities also take place on land and on oceans,
yet in a changed situation when the concerns about
safety and security significantly increase. The
transport sector, including its part in maritime
industries, is highly affected by the above mentioned
rapid technological changes and especially by
digitalization challenges [1], such as the introduction
of maritime autonomous surface ships, the
development of digital shipping and logistics
processes on land, an enormously increasing amount
of data accompanying all processes, etc. This require
proper education and training of specialists for
An Integrative Approach for Digitalization Challenges
of the Future Maritime Specialists: A Case Study of the
Lithuanian Maritime Academy
I. Bartusevičienė
& E. Valionienė
World Maritime University, Malmö. Sweden
Lithuanian Maritime Academy, Klaipėda, Lithuania
ABSTRACT: Rapid changes in technologies and digitalization challenges caused by Industry 4.0 with the
integration of the AI, machine learning algorithms, internet of things’ technologies, introduction of maritime
autonomous surface ships and the development of digital shipping and logistics processes require proper
education and training of specialists working in maritime industry to ensure safety and security of people,
oceans, goods and environment. The shipping and logistic processes and operations, including the decision-
making processes, on the global scale and on the scale of whole-organisation ecosystems become more
dependent on the manipulation of data from different unstructured open sources and private data sets,
increased amount of data stream from sensorial systems. The specialists working with automated systems need
competences to use and interpret special data, engineering and analysis algorithms, and skills in using
modelling tools of optimised solutions in shipping and logistics. Educational institutions have to be ready to
present effective solutions to educate quickly adaptable specialists able to meet volatile labour market needs
able to meet digitalization challenges. The case study of the Lithuanian Maritime Academy (LMA) presented in
the paper is based on the use of an integrative approach and work integrated learning with the aim of enabling
the educational environment to develop proper competencies of the specialists of shipping and logistics
information systems.
the International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 15
Number 2
June 2021
DOI: 10.12716/1001.15.02.11
maritime industries so that they are able to function
effectively and to ensure safety and security both on
land and at seas.
Educational institutions have to be ready to
respond to recent changes and present effective
solutions for the development of a future
professionals with respective knowledge and practical
skills enabling them to meet volatile labour market
needs, with emphasis placed on the possibility of their
quick adaptation to the rapid technological, digital,
social, and other changes. One of the solutions aiming
to meet future challenges was taken by the LMA when
it undertook educating and training professionals of
shipping and logistics information systems. Industry
4.0, a global strategic revolution of innovations and
technologies, influences the demand for such
specialists. This trend describes how new technologies
and machine-learning algorithms can be used in
different fields of national, regional, and worldwide
industries. The development of 5G and 6G
technologies influence the integration of the internet
of things’ technologies into shipping and logistic
processes and operations on land and at sees. The said
integration has changed technological, engineering,
economic, and management processes of the whole-
organization ecosystems because decision-making
becomes more dependent on the analysis and
manipulation of data from different unstructured
open source and private data sets. Automated
autonomous systems get rapidly integrated into the
global supply chains, which means that the increasing
data stream from sensorial systems creates the
demand for the contemporary competencies of
specialists working with automated systems in use
and the interpretation of special data engineering and
analysis algorithms as well as open-source accessible
tools for modelling optimised solutions in shipping
and logistics.
By way of answering to the questions: What kind
of specialists will be needed in the future? What
learning theory or approach can be suggested to solve
the above-mentioned problems? - the LMA undertook
preparing shipping and logistics information systems
specialists through an approach of integrative
learning and work integrated learning, thus enabling
the educational environment to serve the purpose of
developing proper competencies as a foundation for
preparing the type of “individuals best suited to
thrive along the edge of chaos” [7].
There is no doubt that future professionals have to be
suited to adapt to the continually changing
environment. That means that to prepare students for
an unknown future is to help them to learn to deal
with uncertainties, take risks, confront dilemmas,
embrace complexity, recognise the limitations of their
own knowledge, and maintain health and wellness.
Although educators cannot reduce the uncertainty
about the future, they can help students develop the
tools to learn how to adapt and live in uncertain times
[2, 4]. Learning for an unknown future means making
decisions in situ, without all of the information at
hand [2]. It is difficult to foresee what kinds of skills
and competences will be needed in the future. Reich
[14] predicts that technical and behavioural
competences will be needed, Levy and Murnane [13]
highlight the need for higher-order cognitive skills
and interpersonal competences, while Mindell [14]
points out that the entire nature of the workers’
population able to operate all types of systems will be
changed. Gardner [7] identifies the consequences of
the development of technologies on employment:
unemployment of people who lost their jobs can
last for an undetermined period of time,
depending on how quickly new jobs will be
developed; to illustrate this, the example of
replacement of taxi drivers by Uber can be
creation of new jobs is an unpredictable process
because of two factors: time (the timing of job
destruction does not match the timing of job
creation) and location (new jobs can be created in a
different location from the dismantled job);
some professions will disappear due to
technological development, especially the
professions related to the performance of routine
and operational tasks which can be done
As mentioned in the WMU Report (2019)
Transport 2040: Automation, Technology and
Employment The Future of Work [21], workforce in
shipping will need training and reskilling. Special
attention should be paid to the digital skills, their
combination with the maritime skills, and the
understanding of port operations. The tasks of
maritime professionals are anticipated to increasingly
transform into digital ones, especially in operation
monitoring and system management, and to reduce
operational work. Digital skills can be divided into
three domains: 1) data fluency and the ability to
interpret and analyse large amounts of data; 2) digital
operation of equipment, such as ships, cranes, and
winches; and 3) software engineering of fundamental
programmes and systems. Education and training will
have to be adapted in order to equip seafarers with
the new skills required [21]. In major areas of port
operations, in the context of automation, digital skills
can be categorised as applied to the functioning of: the
terminal operation, including the waterway ship
scheduling service; the foreland transport service,
including railway and road transport service
connected to the port; the hinterland transport service,
including railway and road transport service
connected to the port; and warehouses related to the
port [21].
According to the Future of Jobs report [20], the
changes in the demand for, and composition of, skills
indicate a shift toward “soft” skills (see Fig. 1). It can
be anticipated that proper education and training of
“human/soft” skills will have to be provided to all
kinds of specialists, including engineers, managers,
and professionals of information technologies.
Emphasising the introduction of transferable/generic
competences into study programmes can develop
“Soft” skills. Transferable/generic competences are
important in the context of lifelong learning,
regardless of the field of studies. They can be divided
into three main groups [16]:
instrumental competences (competences that
function as means or tools for obtaining a given
end), such as critical thinking, problem-solving,
decision-making, oral communication, writing
skills, etc.;
interpersonal competences (different capacities
that enable people to interact well with others),
such as teamwork, self-motivation, conflict
management, etc.;
systemic competences (skills and abilities
concerned with the comprehension of an entire set
or system), such as creativity, innovation, project
management, leadership, etc.
Figure 1. Change in the skills demand and composition [20].
To conclude, future professionals will need special
technical, digital, and soft skills in order to effectively
function in a rapidly changing environment.
However, the question: What kind of theory or
approach can be applied to the training of such
professionals? - is not easy to answer. A possible
answer to this question can be the introduction of an
integrative approach and work integrated learning
(WIL) into the education and training systems.
The traditional theories and approaches to learning,
such as behaviourism, cognitivism, connectivism,
constructivism, problem-based learning, blended
learning, etc., applied solely one by one to the
education and training of future professionals, can
hardly meet the recent challenges to the full extent.
The approach to be used is to combine different
perspectives and approaches in a flexible way in a
specific context-oriented environment. The authors of
the paper believe the most appropriate one to be an
integrative learning approach combined with work
integrated learning. An integrative approach to
learning can be understood as an approach to
education that allows students to understand and
apply the inter- and intra-disciplinary connections
between different educational experiences not only in
learning, but also in the real-world context. It is the
tool enabling students to use all their learning
experiences of different levels of complexity in all
domains of learning, such as cognitive, affective, and
psychomotor (i.e. from the lower level of the cognitive
domain of learning, i.e. remembering, to the highest
one, i.e. creating, etc.), across the curriculum and co-
curriculum: from establishing simple connections
between ideas to using and transferring
comprehensive learning to new, complex situations in
educational institutions and outside them [2, 8].
Integrative learning enables students to understand
the world as a whole real system instead of just
having a number of unconnected ideas and facts
which are not related to their future professional life
According to Torlind [19], integrative learning
experiences are activities that lead to the acquisition of
disciplinary knowledge as well as personal and
interpersonal skills and the product, process, and
system building skills; that comes in many varieties:
“connecting skills and knowledge from multiple
sources and experiences; applying skills and practices
in various settings; utilizing diverse and even
contradictory points of view; and understanding
issues and positions contextually” [19]. Integrative
learning involves bringing together traditionally
separate subjects so that students can grasp a more
authentic understanding and make connections
between academic knowledge and practice. In
engineering education, an integrative approach allows
to mix elements of an innovative and entrepreneurial
spirit with scientific values into a socially oriented
combination, which is supported by cultural
understanding and includes scientific, technical,
social, and environmental dimensions of engineering
in “one comprehensive form of education” [10].
Work integrated learning can be understood as
inseparable part on an integrative learning approach,
mostly focused on the development of students’
abilities to integrate their learning through a
combination of academic and work-related activities.
It involves all possible educational activities from the
academic learning of a subject to its practical
application in the workplace. Fullan and Scott [6]
suggest educating people to be able to “learn to do
and do to learn” by focusing on deep learning and
real-world problem solution at personal, social, local,
and global levels. Their idea is to integrate thinking,
learning, and doing through implementing WIL in
order to prepare a person able to live with uncertainty
within a global context [5]. To be effective in the 21st
century, specialists need to have an interpersonal and
cognitive capacity to identify problems in the volatile
world and the ability to design effective responses
and solutions. This idea is based on Kolb’s [12]
experiential learning theory, highlighting the
experience as a main source of productive learning at
the other level of an unpredictable and rapidly
changing world.
Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario [18]
describes three different types of WIL:
1 1. Systemic training at the workplace as a central
piece of learning (i.e., apprenticeships);
2 2. Structured work experience as familiarisation
with the world of work within an education
programme (i.e., field studies, professional
practices, internships, placement, practicums, etc.)
3 3. Institutional partnership as post-secondary
education achieving industry and community
goals (i.e., service learning).
The theoretical framework of integrative learning,
understood as a learning approach allowing students
to understand and apply the inter- and intra-
disciplinary connections between different
educational experiences in the academic, real-world,
and cultural contexts, and work integrated learning,
focused on the development of students’ abilities to
integrate their learning through a combination of
academic and work-related activities, has been
applied at the LMA in the study programme of
Shipping and Logistics Information Systems (SLIS).
The trends in the development of digital shipping and
logistics processes suggest that the global supply
chain is evolving and leading to qualitative changes in
the skills and competencies of specialists employed in
the maritime transport sector. Although the need for a
human in automated global supply chain systems and
processes is not completely ruled out, there is no
doubt that the number of the staff directly
participating in some processes will decrease, while
the remotely-based jobs will be in demand [11]. In
addition, such types of competencies as data
collecting and processing, data engineering and data
analysis, programing and modelling as well as
research methodology in the field of business
processes will be required. All these competencies
could be called digital competencies working in the
era of automated processes.
In the case of the LMA, it can be seen that changes
in the labour market influence changes in its study
programmes and consequently programmes’ learning
outcomes [4, 17]. The Academy provides six
different study programmes oriented to the maritime
transport sector on foreland and hinterland: Marine
Navigation, Marine Engineering, Marine Electrical
and Electronic Engineering - for Seafarer Training;
Maritime Logistics Technologies, Port and Shipping
Management, and Port and Shipping Finances for
shore side. Digitalization of maritime transport
operations and processes lead to certain
consequences, and one of them can be explained in the
context of the relationship of education and the labour
market. Changes related to Industry 4.0 are taking
place in all areas of the maritime transport sector, and
they strongly influence the labour market
requirements for sufficient digital competencies and a
wide range of interdisciplinary skills. The LMA has
responded to the said market challenges by
developing a new study programme meeting the
labour market needs. A new study programme
Shipping and Logistics Information Systems (SLIS)
was prepared for the development of digital technical,
specific, and soft skills of specialists employed in the
maritime transport sector with the perspective to
partial changes in other study programmes by
adapting them to the digitalization in the global
supply chain. The SLIS study programme is aimed to
develop the combination of the skills and
competencies from different professional foreland and
hinterland logistics areas to be able to solve global
supply chain connectivity problems.
Another consequence of Industry 4.0 and global
digitalization and automation is related to human
recourses and communication in maritime
organizations. Different digital competencies
dependent on the profession, moreover, on the age of
the staff as well as on their personal intelligence and
interests, at maritime transport companies influence
interrupted communication in the area of the IT
implementation under the automation of business
processes. Usually, the main problem is related to the
ability of managers to understand IT specialists and
capability of IT specialists to understand the tasks
assigned by the managers. This problem can be
explained by the difference between professional
activities of IT and programming specialists, who
concentrate on IT systems administration or coding,
and professional activities of managers, who are
mainly interested in business processes and
company’s profit maximization. Working together,
they could find optimal solutions, however they
usually fail to understand each other’s concerns.
Therefore, IT specialists-graduates from the new
study programme can help to connect that interrupted
communication channel in the organization because
they will be familiar with the main business processes
in shipping and logistics, including the basic elements
of finance and management, and simultaneously they
will boast competencies in the area of information and
data analysis technologies. Given all that, the SLIS
study programme is a unique interdisciplinary study
programme in the area of the science of informatics in
As shown in figure 2, the LMA recently provides
seven study programs and prepares specialists for
different functional areas of the global supply chain:
the shipping market, the shipping services market, the
shipbuilding and repair market, port navigation
services, port logistics services, including port
logistics, stevedoring, and forwarding, moreover, ship
brokering, warehousing, custom brokering services,
and the hinterland transportation market, including
all the hinterland logistics services.
Figure 2. Integrative learning functions of the SLIS study
programme at the LMA
Digitalization is a continuously changing process
in all of those areas, where sensorial systems create a
big amount of specialised digital data which together
with a billion bits of public data forms huge data sets
used for different business and technical purposes. In
addition, the need to be able to analyse and use the
huge amount of digital data means important changes
for important maritime sectors. One of them is the
Navy sector, because the similar changes in
technologies take place in the Navy fleet, supply
logistics technologies, and radio communication.
However, differently from merchant maritime sectors,
Navy radio communication is based on special
standards, which are affected by the
changes in radio communication technologies. So, the
continuous changes of technologies and standards in
the Navy cause a need for corresponding skills. All
those reasons increase the Navy interests to educate
their specialists at LMA SLIS study programme since
it creates a unique educational ecosystem of the whole
maritime transport sector (Fig. 2).
It is important to note that the maritime transport
sector is a part of the national transport system and
economy as well as global. By clearly defining the
tasks and objectives of the national and global
transport system and requirements to the specialists
working in it, the market-oriented learning outcomes
were defined as shown in figure 3.
The involvement of different stakeholders into the
development of learning outcomes in ensured by the
programme’s approval by the steering committee
which consist of stakeholders from various areas from
the industry relevant to the study programme content.
Those conditions create opportunities for the
implementation of work integrated learning in all the
three work integrated learning dimensions, which are
part of an integrated approach to learning
One of the dimensions of the WIL methodology is
institutional partnership. An analysis of the Navy and
the merchant maritime transport sector relationships
and educational issues can be described through
institutional partnerships, as shown in figure 3. The
Lithuanian Navy is part of the Lithuanian Armed
Forces; however, they have different landscapes of
activity: the Lithuanian Navy functions on the
foreland, and the Lithuanian Armed Forces - on the
hinterland. The mentioned differences influence the
requirements for institutional partnerships between
the Lithuanian Navy and the LMA in the foreland
landscape (Fig. 3), because the main functions of the
Navy are related to shipping and supply logistics. The
Lithuanian Navy is tasked with a wide range of
missions: the protection of national interests in
territorial waters and the exclusive economic zone,
explosive ordnance search and disposal operations,
coordination of search and rescue operations, support
of special operations, control and protection of the
lines of communication, fisheries, and pollution
control. As shown in figure 3, the partnership in the
maritime transport sector-related education can be
implemented by the partnership of the military sector
(the Lithuanian Armed Forces and the Lithuanian
Navy) and the sector of education (General Jonas
Žemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania and the
LMA), providing development of military and
merchant maritime work skills.
Therefore, the Lithuanian Navy can be said to be
part of the maritime transport sector, because they
have their own specialised fleet and need to manage
supply logistics for recourses used in the
implementation of specialised Navy tasks. The
Lithuanian Navy is influenced by digitalization,
which is the consequence of the requirements for the
development of digital and soft skills adopted by the
STANAG is NATO Standardization Agreements for procedures,
systems and equipment components
military sector. To sum up, the new SLIS study
programme can be applied for the development of the
digital skills of specialists prepared for the Lithuanian
Navy and for ensuring lifelong learning of merchant
maritime specialists. Those are the main reasons for
creating an environment for the WIL applied in the
multi-sectorial partnership. An integrative approach
and WIL can be explained, based on the LMA study
programme SLIS and its interdisciplinary and multi-
sectorial purposes: the SLIS study programme is an
only study programme of that type in Lithuania, and
all the learning objectives are based on the relevance
of their application in the sector of logistics or in the
context of partnerships in the military sector within
the specialism of Navy Logistics through integrating
the radio communication modules and the military
maritime sector-applied courses in the General Jonas
Žemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania.
Figure 3. The LMA in the network of institutional
partnerships for the WIL model implementation
In accordance within the law regulations in the
Lithuanian sector of education, the professional
bachelor study programmes have to ensure proper
work-related training of graduates, however WIL
approach can be rarely noticed. At LMA the
organisation and structure of SLIS study programme
is based on three main stages, each of following being
broader in the context of practical training in
simulators and companies. As shown in figure 4, at
the beginning of the study programme, students come
with a minimal basis of general, technical, and specific
knowledge, which is developed at the initial stage of
their studies through the implementation of systemic
training (Fig. 4), accounting for 40% of the study
programme credits. The integrative approach to
learning including WIL in the mentioned study
programme can be described by defining
interdisciplinary and multi-scale skills of future
graduates. Those skills, namely digital and soft skills,
as it is presented in the framework of work integrated
learning approach (see Fig. 4), are developed by
implementing three main parts of study process,
starting from the so-called input, as a provision of the
basic knowledge; following by the processing,
meaning education and training processes itself, and
finalized by the output described by learning
outcomes and trained skills in accordance with the
digitalization requirements. As it was explained
above, training the main and specific skills in the
described study programme is not sufficient, so the
special attention is paid to developing more important
special skills, such as digital competencies and soft
skills. In the case of the SLIS study programme,
special skills are related to the IT architecture, coding
in Python, and statistics in R by applying them to
specific shipping and logistics problem solution by
means of data analysis. In the process of training the
specialists of Lithuanian Navy, specific skills are
related to the Navy main functions, processes, and
international military tasks.
Figure 4. The framework of WIL approach of the SLIS study
All the courses of the study programme are
divided into four blocks, such as general courses,
informatics, statistics, and logistics, and, within the
three years of studies, the focus shifts from lower-
order cognitive skills, such as remembering and
understanding to higher-order cognitive skills, such
as evaluating and creating. Longer period of studies is
devoted to the practical training in real time and real
system simulators, and students are transferred from
simulated reality to the real processes at the maritime
sector companies. Such a structure of the study
programme is oriented toward the training of
practical skills in specific sectors, while the applied
methods are oriented toward the development of
“soft skills” through each content unit. Instrumental
competencies are trained in each content unit through
applying correct terminology and through learning to
use specific coding software as well as specific and
methodologically correct research and data analysis
methods. Moreover, instrumental competencies are
trained through the critical thinking education and
systemic point of view in the analysis of the processes
and operations in logistics and shipping. Another part
of soft skills is interpersonal competencies: that type
of soft skills is mastered through teamwork tasks,
including sharing of responsibilities between the team
members, improving leadership competencies, and
participating in different roles during the training in
simulators. One more part of soft skills, i.e., systemic
competencies, are trained in the last stage of the
studies, when students have to do experiments with
real data and find optimal solutions as well as prepare
software projects or decision projects for the
optimisation and problem solution in the selected
research fields by means of data analysis methods and
technological innovations.
The developers of the SLIS study programme
found out the fastest track to create a positive link
between personal and market expectations through
WIL by implementing as many dimensions as
systemic training for the basic operational
knowledge and skill development, the major part
of which are instrumental skills as part of the soft
structured work experience with the soft shifting
from real time simulators to the real market
processes, which partially belong to the
instrumental and interpersonal competencies;
institutional partnership for the training of special
competencies in real-world processes and for the
support of systemic competencies, trained over the
entire duration of the study programme.
The theoretical framework of Integrative learning is
understood as a learning approach allowing students
to understand and apply the inter- and intra-
disciplinary connections between different
educational experiences in the academic, real-world,
and cultural contexts for the purpose of preparing the
type of “individuals best suited to thrive along the
edge of chaos” [7]. Work integrated learning (WIL) is
focused on the development of students’ abilities to
integrate their learning through a combination of
academic and work-related activities; it can be
approached by three different types: systemic
training, structured work experience and institutional
The case study of the Lithuanian Maritime
Academy demonstrates the application of the
theoretical framework of integrative learning and
work integrated learning in the study programme
Shipping and Logistics Information Systems (SLIS) by
being able to develop special technical, digital, and
soft skills in order to effectively function in a rapidly
changing environment. The SLIS study programme
can be considered as a unique inter and intra-
disciplinary study programme in the area of the
science of informatics in Lithuania. All three different
types of work integrated learning, such as systemic
training, structured work experience and institutional
partnerships are incorporated in SLIS study
programme to ensure the positive link between
personal and market expectations.
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