Identification of transmitting stations in the maritime
terrestrial radiotelephony due to the use of analog
radio channels is carried out by means of voice
message identifiers: station name, call sign, maritime
mobile service identity (MMSI). Timely, reliable and
unambiguous identification of the transmitting station
is essential for safe navigation. But practically because
of different reasons such verbal identification may be
absent at all, transmitted with delay, or understood
with errors. Verbal identification does not protect
against illegal radio transmission. Illegal
transmissions are especially harmful on the VHF
distress channel 16. As usual, unauthorized
transmissions are performed anonymously. Reliable
automatic identification (AI) of such transmissions
could avoid the violation of radiotelephone
River Automatic Transmitter Identification System
(ATIS) [4] mandated on inland waterways in Europe
for identifying the transmitting vessel uses a short
transmission digital messaging in Digital Selective
Calling (DSC) format which is sent digitally
immediately after the ship's radio operator has
finished talking and releases push-to-talk (PTT)
button. In COMSAR proposal [1] the necessity of
maritime automatic identification is grounded and
quite reasonably noted that the identification should
be done immediately after pressing the PTT button on
the contrary of ATIS releasing PTT. However, the
proposal was not supported by a technical decision
and did not have further progress.
GPS Synchronization of Audio Watermarks in the
Maritime Automatically Identified Radiotelephony
O.V. Shyshkin, V.M. Koshevyy & I.V. Ryaboshapka
National University Odessa Maritime Academy, Ukraine
ABSTRACT: Audio watermarking (AW) technology in cooperation with GPS synchronization of watermarked
frames is proposed for application in the maritime VHF communication for automatic identification of
radiotelephone messages. Automatic identification ensures efficient messaging from the very beginning of a
radio transmission, while eliminating the human factor inherent in voice identification. AW refers to inaudible
embedding of additional data just into the post microphone signal, using standard marine installations without
any additional radio channel resources. The designed algorithm is based on data embedding in the Fast Fourier
Transform domain with the rate of 32 bit/s. The experimental prototype of the device is designed on the base of
micro-controller development kit 32F429IDISCOVERY and GPS module NEO-6M-0-001.
Designed system, applied for automatic ship’s identification, provides the full compatibility with the existing
radio installation, and does not require replacement of standard VHF transceivers and operational procedures.
Besides automatic identification the system may be used in the special applications, for example, by the threat of
terrorist attack; generally contributes to navigation safety and information security.
the International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 15
Number 2
June 2021
DOI: 10.12716/1001.15.02.05
It is known also “keying phenomenon”, relating to
PTT button falling back in a VHF transceiver because
of various reasons [1]. This phenomenon brings the
communication blackout of other stations near the
ship or very poor communication state in relevant
areas around the ship, which is especially harmful
when the ship is in the area of Vessel Traffic Services
(VTS). Localization and identification of such a
malicious and intentionally anonymous transmissions
requires the use of radio direction finding, but can be
implemented by means of automatic identification.
A similar problem exists in the VHF mobile radio
of civil aviation where analog amplitude modulation
used for voice radio communication between aircraft
pilots and air traffic control operators in the frequency
band (118…136) MHz. In paper [8] speech
watermarking technology [2] is applied to solve the
issue. The designed algorithm is based on speech
unvoiced phonemes recognizing and replacing them
by certain noise sequences. The algorithm is quite
sophisticated, sensitive to phonetic features of speech
and, most importantly, does not allow data
transmission without speech accompaniment.
Therefore, the above-mentioned “keying
phenomenon” cannot be identified.
Audio watermarking (AW) identification doesn’t
require an additional frequency and time resources,
alteration standard transceivers and radio
communication procedures.
A lot of watermarking algorithms are proposed for
computer file application, and the latest one [6] is
based on division speech signal into “embeddable”
frames that correspond to voiced and unvoiced
frames and “non-embeddable” frames for voice
pauses. Embeddable frames are considered suitable
for data transfer, but non-embeddable frames do not
convey any data. According this approach speech free
transmission regime under PTT button pressing is not
suitable for watermarking at all, and algorithm [5]
also doesn’t solve the “keying phenomenon”.
Some audio watermarking algorithms for maritime
VHF radiotelephony were presented in papers [10
13]. Computer simulations and experiments have
shown that the key issue for reliable data transmission
using digital watermarking technology is the
synchronization of time frames in the transmitter and
In this paper we propose to use GPS receiver for
frame synchronization of watermarked audio signal.
Contemporary digital watermarking presents the
technology of embedding a certain data (watermark
data) within a host (or carrier) signal and the
perceptual without noticeable degradation of the host
signal. Host signal can be a signal of any physical
nature: picture, video, audio, text, etc. In our case the
host signal is audio signal in the form of voice
At once we note that in the absence of a voice
message at a pressed PTT key, the role of a carrier
signal is performed by natural noises of the
surrounding space and electronic schemes.
The designed embedding algorithm is based on
dividing audio samples stream into frames of N = 256
samples in each frame. One data bit is embedded in
each frame. Every frame is processed according to the
following algorithm.
1. Accumulation of samples
,1, =
2. Calculate Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) of the host
3. Calculate FFT coefficients S of the modified signal
taking into account the embedded data bit d.
The amplitudes of the coefficients should be
slightly changed or not depending on bit d, except for
the first number (DC component), and the phases are
preserved: angle(S) = angle(X).
Scaling coefficient M is defined by the formula:
even even even
x x x
= + +
( ) ( )
4 1 4 1
2 2 1
even i odd i
x abs X x abs X
- sums
of amplitudes for even and odd coefficients
- a certain threshold,
( )
1, 1d =−
- embedded data bit.
The value of
threshold value is a trade-off
between digital watermarks robustness and
distortions introduced into the host signal. The higher
, the higher robustness against external influences
and the greater the introduced distortions, which
should be limited by auditory insensitivity.
Formula (1) is derived from solving a quadratic
even odd
Mx M x d
or given that
even odd
M x M d x
The logic of the algorithm is as follows. A host
signal feature that is being modulated by embedded
data bit presents the difference between amplitudes of
the even and odd FFT coefficients. Mathematically
this feature, denoted
, can be expressed by the
scalar product of the FFT amplitude vector
the binary alternating
1, 1+−
values vector
of length
( 2) 2LN=−
2 3 4 5 2 2 2 1
( , )
- + - +...+ - ,
Ax Ax Ax Ax Ax Ax
= =
Ax u
( )
Ax = abs X
- amplitudes of FFT coefficients,
( )
1, 1, 1, 1,..., 1, 1 .= + + + u
The modulated feature
must take values:
, if 1,
, if 1.
A frame for a given host signal and data bit may or
may not require signal modification. If the feature
initially satisfies condition (3), then no modification of
the amplitudes should be done. Otherwise, it is
necessary to recalculate the amplitudes to satisfy
condition (3) with equality sign.
New amplitudes of even and odd coefficients are
calculated using the formula:
2, 4,..., 2 2,
3, 5, ..., 2 1.
M Ax , i= N
As =
M Ax ,i= N
4. Calculate the complex conjugate coefficients and
samples of the modified signal in the time domain
using inverse FFT:
, 1,2, ..., 2 1.
, ( , , ..., ).
N i i
S = S i N
= fft S S S
+ +
=s S S
, 1,2, ..., 2 1.
, ( , , ..., ).
N i i
S = S i N
= fft S S S
+ +
=s S S
Recovery of the embedded data bit in the receiver
is carried out by calculation the FFT of the received
signal y and the feature
in the FFT domain.
Estimation of embedded bit
is detected according
to the rule:
1, 0,
1, 0.
2 3 4 5 2 2 2 1
( , ) - + - +...+ - ,
Ay Ay Ay Ay Ay Ay
= =Ay u
- amplitudes of FFT coefficients,
.= fftYy
In fact, the computational core of the detection
algorithm in the receiver coincides with the data
embedding algorithm.
In the algorithm we used, the embedded bit signal
energy is distributed over an interval of one frame,
including 256 samples. Accurate frame
synchronization is essential for correct decoding of
the embedded data bit. The use of any self-
synchronizing codes is rather problematic because
they require additional information capacity of
watermarks, which in turn increases the distortion of
the host signal and reduces the auditory insensitivity
of the introduced distortions.
Therefore, we use external synchronization from
the Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver. The
GPS receiver, in addition to the coordinates, generates
precise time signal - the so-called pulses per second
(PPS) [3], synchronized with Coordinated Universal
Time (UTC).
GPS receiver module provides PPS signal that is
widely used in various Time-Division Multiple Access
(TDMA) communication systems, for example
Automatic Identification System (AIS) [7]. The
existing AIS is a VHF communication system for
maritime information exchange, such as MMSI,
position, course, speed and other data. The two AIS
channels organized into time slots that are shared by
means TDMA. Each channel has 2250 slots per
minute. So duration of each slot is 26.7 ms.
GPS receiver module NEO-6M, we used, has an on
board programmable numerically controlled oscillator
that outputs a synthesized frequency from 0.25 Hz up
to 1 kHz. Accuracy for time pulse signal is not worse
60 ns [9]. GPS receiver module NEO-6M was
configured for outputting frame synchronization
frequency fsync = 32 Hz.
4.1 MatLab simulation
Computer simulation was carried out in MatLab
environment for speech wav-files with sampling
frequency Fs = 8 kHz . Impacts of the threshold
the signal quality are presented by time domain
signalogram in Fig. 1. The stream of random binary
data with bitrate 32 bit/s was embedded into the host
audio file .wav of duration about 3.5 s (up).
Watermarked signals under threshold value
= 1
= 3 are shown in the middle and down
correspondingly. Time frames are given for reference
by vertical red strokes under the audio.
Figure 1. Audio signalograms: up host signal; middle
watermarked signal,
= 1; down watermarked signal
= 3.
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
Host signal
Time, s
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
Watrmarked signal, ro = 1
Time, s
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
Watrmarked signal, ro = 3
Time, s
Artifacts caused by data embedding appear in the
pauses between individual words as uniform noise,
starting from the threshold value
(encircled in
red). At intervals of continuous speech, these artifacts
are not perceptible by ear up to the threshold value
= 5.We assume that signal time samples are within
the range (-1, +1).
This effect is explained by the fact that the
neighboring amplitudes of the spectrum (even and
odd) are changed by multiplying/dividing by
coefficient M in different directions, generally
retaining their total intensity. Such changes of the
closed by frequency harmonics are not audible. For
the used FFT dimension of 256, the harmonic
frequency separation is Fs/N = 31.25 Hz.
In pauses the noise power increases due to the
need to maintain a minimum gap between the sums
of even and odd amplitudes for alternative data bits
( 1) ( 1) 2d d =
according to formula (3).
Insignificant noise increasing in pauses allows to
ensure constant watermark robustness regardless the
presence or absence of a speech signal.
The watermarked signal quality was estimated by
watermark-to-signal ratio:
x s x
denote root mean square deviation of
=−w x s
and host signal
Simulation results on
( ), dBWSR
are presented
in Table 1.
Table 1. Dependence of WSR on threshold
1 2 3 4 5
-24.7 -21.7 -19.2 -17.2 -15.4
Watermark robustness against external
interferences may be estimated by means “Eye
diagram” in Fig. 2. The eye diagram is calculated as
the dependence of the feature
according formula
(2), for watermarked signal, depending on the frame
offset as many times repeated and superimposed
( )
( 2) , 1, length( )
i N i s + =
50 100 150 200 250
Shift, Number of samples
Figure 2. Eye diagram,
The vertical eye opening characterizes robustness
of the embedded data against external interference,
while the horizontal aperture allows evaluating the
robustness to synchronization errors, including the
signal delay uncertainty in the air and transceiver
elements. Decision on the detected bit is made at the
moment of the 128-th sample. The clearance in the eye
diagram at this moment is exactly
4.2 Practical implementation
The experimental prototype of the device is designed
on the base of microcontroller development
kit32F429IDISCOVERY and GPS module NEO-6M-0-
001. Device characteristics are shown in Table 2.
Table 2. Characteristics of the experimental device
Parameter Value
Microprocessor STM32F429ZIT8
Processor frequency 168 MHz
Float point operations:
FFT 256 370 µs
IFFT 256 475 µs
Other operations per frame 32 µs
Total processing Tx ~ 900 µs
Rx ~ 400 µs
Program Memory:
ROM 160 kB
RAM 160 kB
ADC, DAC 12 bit
Sampling frequency 8192 kHz
Watermarking bitrate 32 bit/s
ADC time conversion 0.5 µs
Power supply 5 V, 180 mА
Experiments in a real radio channel were carried
out according to the scheme shown in Fig. 3. Standard
VHF radio stations IC-M330 and Sailor RT-2048 were
used. The AW data embedding module was
connected into the break of audio circuit in the
transmitter (points 1 - 2), and the audio watermark
detecting module was connected to the audio output
of the receiver (point 3).Testing were carried out for
the parameter
= 1. The signal delay at reception,
caused by the need to accumulate 256 samples and
execute the processing algorithm by the
microcontroller, was two frames, i.e. about 62.5 ms.
Figure 3. Scheme of experiment
Taking into account that binary version of MMSI
requires 30 bits [6], an arbitrary word with a length of
32 bits was selected as an embedded data. The word
was continuously transmitted by IC-M330 radio
every second on the background of arbitrarily voice
messages or just pressed PTT button without any
speech accompaniment.
Sampling frequency was chosen to be Fs = 8192 Hz
to get 32 frames per second with a length of one
frame 256 samples.
Voice messages at the receiving side were received
without perceptible distortions. Various
combinations of MMSI data during multiple
transmissions were detected without errors.
The addressed, properly identified VHF
radiotelephone communication plays an important
role in general maritime safety. Automatic
identification, in turn, ensures efficient messaging
from the very beginning of a radio transmission,
while eliminating the human factor inherent in voice
AI allows you to identify anonymous,
intentionally compromised and harmful
transmissions such as PTT button falling back in a
VHF transceiver. AI makes possible integrating MMSI
detected data and AIS data for graphic display of the
transmitting station.
The proposed audio watermarking algorithm in
cooperation with GPS synchronization made it
possible practical AI implementation of
radiotelephone messages using standard VHF marine
Watermark rate 32 bit/s give the possibility
transmitting MMSI every second during the entire
time the push-button is pressed. The transfer of other
data, such as coordinates, is also possible with the
appropriate input.
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