The recent decade has seen a increasing development
in ship routeing services whereby more reliable
weather conditions, sea states and surface currents are
taken into account (e.g. [3, 13, 11]). Optimum ship
routing means the “best route” for a ship based on the
marine weather forecasts including wave and surface
current conditions, ship characteristics and cargo
requirements. For most voyages this will mean the
minimum transit time that avoids significant risk to
the vessel, crew and cargo. The goal is not to avoid all
adverse weather, waves and current conditions but to
find the best balance to minimize time of transit and
fuel consumption without placing the vessel at risk to
damage or crew injury. In recent years concern
regarding CO2 emission from ships has also emerged
and should therefore preferably be taken into account
regarding ship routing and voyage optimization (e.g.
[7, 8]).
In this paper we will present preliminary results of
the investigation and development of tools for
optimizing performance of voyages at sea (TOPVOYS
project) funded by the MarTERA EraNet Co-fund
program for a 3-year period from 2018-2021. The data
is outlined in section 2, followed by the approach for
the development of the routing optimization tool in
Section 3. Section 4 describes the validation method
and the summary is provided in Section 5.
The types of data and information products
considered necessary for provision of reliable and
optimized ship routing can be grouped into marine
weather data, model forecast fields, near real time
satellite data and in-situ measurements. Regarding the
satellite data there is a wide range of oceanic variables
that will be used to retrieve and validate the surface
currents and frontal structures as indicated in Table 1,
including sea surface temperature (SST), chlorophyll
(Chl) observations, surface geostrophic current,
significant wave height and wave length and
propagation direction.
Tools for Optimizing Performance of VOYages at Sea
J.A. Johannessen
, A. Perrin
, L. Gaultier
, S. Herlédan
, C. Pouplin
, F. Collard
, J.P.Maze
M. Dussauze
, J. Rapp
, R. Fanebust
, S. Andersen
, O. Franks
& R. Meyer
Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center, Bergen, Norway
OceanDataLab, Plouzané, France
Actimar, Brest, France
CMA-CGM, Marseille, France
Grieg Star, Bergen, Norway
Nelson Mandela University, Port Elisabeth, South Africa
CSIR, Cape Town, South Africa
ABSTRACT: The aim of the TOPVOYS project supported by the MarTERA ERA-Net Cofund program within
the European Commission is to advance and implement analyses tools and decision support system for voyage
optimisation. Based on marine weather analyses and forecasts combined with near real time satellite-based
observations of wind, wave and surface current conditions as well as sea surface temperature fields the best
shipping route are examined. The proposed approach aims to identify the optimum balance between
minimisation of transit time and fuel consumption as well as reduction of emissions without placing the vessel
at risk to damage and or crew injury. As such it is compliant with the International Maritime
Organization guidelines [6] for ship routeing to keep the traffic smooth and avoid accidents, notably in the
presence of unfavorable marine meteorological conditions. The tool performances will be demonstrated both in
post-voyage analyses and real time operations for the North Atlantic Ocean crossings, voyages from Europe
through the Mediterranean Sea and the Suez Channel to the Far East (e.g. China, South Korea) and voyages
around Southern Africa.
the International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 15
Number 1
March 2021
DOI: 10.12716/1001.15.01.25
Table 1. Key satellite sensor data (level, resolution, provider). Note that radar altimeter data (wave height) are available in
the CMEMS multi-observation data set.
Sensor Product Level Resolution Data Provider
Sentinel-3 SLSTR SST and SEVIRI Sea surface temperature/fronts L2 ~ 1 km EUMETSAT
Sentinel-3 OLCI Chl Chlorophyll/fronts L2 ~ 300 m EUMETSAT
Sentinel-3 and Jason altimeters Surface geostrophic current/fronts L3 ~ 10 km CLS/Salto Duacs
Sentinel-3 and Jason altimeters Significant wave height L3 ~ 10 km CLS/Salto Duacs
Sentinel-2 spectral imager Wave length - direction/glitter L2 ~ 1 km ODL
Sentinel-1 A/B SAR Wave length - direction L2 ~ 1 km Scihub/ESA
Sentinel-1 SAR Doppler shift Radial surface current L3 ~ 2 km Scihub/ESA
CMEMS-Multi-Obs (Global) All above from Sentinel-3 L3/L4 ~ 10 km CMEMS
Table 2. In-situ sensor data and providers
Sensor Key products/resolution Coverage Data providers
HF radars Surface current/ order km surface EMODNET PHYSICS
Loch (ship-based) Surface current/ tens of meters surface CMA CGM (Watch Report)
Argo Surface current/ ~100 m surface CMEMS, Coriolis
Surface drifting buoys Current/~100m 15m depth CMEMS, Coriolis
Table 3. Complementary model-based surface current fields. *The GlobCurrent fields is an interpolated regular global
surface current product derived from satellite data. Geostrophic balance and Ekman current estimation applied.
Product Coverage Resolution Model Provider
RTOFS global ~ 8 km HYCOM NOAA
GOFS global ~ 8 km HYCOM NRL
MED-CMEMS Mediterranean Sea ~4 km NEMO CMEMS
IBI Iberian Peninsula & Bay of Biscay ~2 km NEMO CMEMS
GlobCurrent* global ~ 25 km Geo/Ekman CMEMS
Wave Model global ~ 10 km MFWAM MeteoFrance
Importantly, these satellite data can often be
complemented and collocated with in-situ data
allowing comparison of the surface current and
frontal structures derived from the satellite data to the
Argo floats, surface drifter data, HF-radars and on-
board estimates of surface currents as shown in Table
Finally, the satellite and in-situ based observation
data are combined and extended with surface current
and wave field forecast products offering global and
regional coverages at spatial resolutions ranging from
25 km to 2km as shown in Table 3.
A major innovation in this project is the systematic
use of satellite observations of the marine
environment in near real time to generate information
products tailored to ship locations and their planned
course for the next 24 hours. Presently, the joint EU-
ESA Copernicus program
(https://marine.copernicus.eu) ensures routine access
to the sea surface current, significant wave height,
wave spectra and sea surface temperature derived
from the Sentinel satellite missions (see Table 1).
These variables, in turn, allows the identification and
location of meandering surface current frontal
boundaries and eddies, evidence of wave-current
interactions and presence of crossing seas.
Satellite data regularly collected over time is also
highly useful to establish climatology that function as
reference conditions for assessing the magnitude of
the departure of the near real time product from the
climatology mean. This is illustrated in Figure 1
displaying the 4-year mean of significant wave height,
significant wave height gradient and surface
geostrophic current vorticity (estimated from the
gradient in meridional minus zonal current). Not
surprisingly the roughest sea state conditions are
found in the Southern Ocean with a mean significant
wave height between 4 and 5 m. In comparison, the
mean significant wave height in the North Atlantic
and North Pacific respectively ranges between 3-4 m
and 2-3m.
On the other hand, when looking at the mean of
the significant wave height gradient and the surface
geostrophic current vorticity the pictures largely
change towards the manifestation of the boundaries of
the basin-scale surface current system such as the Gulf
Stream, the Kuroshio Current and the greater Agulhas
Current, known to reach surface current speeds of 1-2
m/s. These intense current regimes are recognized
with strong mesoscale and sub-mesoscale variabilities
that have large influence on the sea state, in particular
due to the change in wave heights invoked by wave
refraction from the spatially varying surface current
[9]. As noticed in Figure 1, the two fields show a
significant degree of collocated expressions of distinct
anomalies in both the significant wave height gradient
and surface geostrophic current vorticity. This is a key
indicator of strong wave-current interaction, notably
caused by:
refraction of the longer waves (> 200 m) as they
propagate across the surface current boundaries
and feel the significant change in surface
geostrophic current and associated vorticity field;
steepening of the waves and in particular the
shorter wind waves (< 50 m) as they propagate
against the strong surface currents.
Wave refractions by the surface current are
observed in both Sentinel-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar
(SAR) images and Sentinel-2 multispectral images
(under cloud free conditions) revealing both the
incident wavelength and direction and their changes
when propagating across the surface current
boundaries. Moreover, complementary collocated
observations from Sentinel-3 deliver measurements of
the surface current and sea surface temperature
(under cloud free conditions).
Figure 1. 4-year mean (20132016) for significant wave
height (top), significant wave height gradient (middle) and
surface geostrophic current vorticity (lower) computed
using the constellation of 4 satellite altimeters and projected
on a 0.5° * 0.5° grid. The color bars mark the value in the
given units.
An example of multi-sensor satellite-based
observations of the spatial variability in the significant
wave height, the wave propagation direction and the
surface geostrophic current blended with swell
propagation simulations is shown in Figure 2 with
focus on the core of the Agulhas Current.
Figure 2. Daily surface geostrophic currents on 2016.02.28
(velocity as black arrows). The magenta lines map the swell
propagation rays. The magenta circles give the Sentinel-1
wave-mode images location the same day. Two Jason-2
altimeter tracks are shown, whose significant wave height
values are normalized to fit the current scale [12].
Evidence of altimeter-based observations of strong
wave-current interactions are clearly depicted in
which increased significant wave height are collocated
with areas of intense surface geostrophic currents, in
particular for the opposing currents such as seen near
the retroflection region of the Agulhas Current
centered around 39°S and 18°E. The complementary
simulated wave-current refraction are highly in
consistence with these observations and reveals how
the refractions lead to changes in wave propagation
and the set-up of crossing seas. The importance of the
wave-current interaction can also be explored from
the model simulations as highlighted by the
comparison of the significant wave height field with
and without the presence of the surface current (see
Figure 3). As noticed the significant wave height is
enhanced by around 50% in the core of the Agulhas
Current. Hence, the convergence (growth) of wave
energy (higher sea states) and directional spreading
(dangerous crossing seas) can be located both from the
observations and the model simulations leading to a
more reliable assessment of potential navigational risk
areas. The assessment may also yield more confidence
in model predicted sea state and location of unwanted
extreme waves.
Figure 3. Significant wave height from WW3 sea state
model for Sept 9, 2015 at 0h UTC. (left) without surface
current; (right) relative variations of significant wave height
( Hs) when considering surface current from the CMEMS
operational Mercator model (from [9] pers. com).
An innovative tool aiming at providing value-added
surface current products currently tailored to the
Mediterranean Sea, North Indian Ocean, East Asia
seas, North Atlantic, South Atlantic and seas around
Southern Africa is under development and testing.
The products are provided both from available
forecasts and from observations. A series of post-
processing routines have been developed in order to
help the ocean forecaster build the optimized surface
current forecast. Different proxies have been defined
to qualify the surface current forecast performances at
each in-situ measurement location. Moreover, the
comparison of models with satellite derived sea
surface temperature and surface geostrophic current is
used to assess the ability of the ocean models to locate
the mesoscale structures (e.g. eddies, meanders
fronts). This analysis provides comparison scores
ranging from 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent) and is tailored to
both current direction and current magnitude as
indicated below.
These scores are established automatically through
comparison with direct current estimation made on
the bridge (e.g. Watch Reports), with surface drifters
and visually by comparison with SST field. The closer
the score is to 5, the better is the agreement between
the forecast product and the observations. Hence,
according to the scores within a subregion, the routing
software (ACTIROUTE) proposes an optimized and
qualified surface current field used by external
software to select the most preferred route. Otherwise,
the most direct route is followed. In order to facilitate
the decision support for the operator which makes the
analysis of the performance of the various forecast
products, the current maps from the different
products can be overlaid and displayed in the same
SEAScope visualization portal. The operator can then
quickly verify if the products and observations are
coherent. In the same way, the scores obtained by
comparing the forecast products to the observations
are saved in a format readable by SEAScope.
In the TOPVOYS study, new diagnostics have been
implemented to validate surface currents using tracer
observations such as the sea surface temperature and
the Chlorophyll. The position of the dynamical
current structures can then be assessed when a
satellite-based SST or Chlorophyll map is available.
The frontal structures are extracted from the tracer
image and compared with the Lagrangian Coherent
Structures derived from the surface currents. To
extract the frontal structures, an algorithm consistent
with [1] and [2] is implemented to locate the position
of the fronts as schematically illustrated in Figure 4.
For each moving window, a histogram is used to
detect different population. The points that are
separating the two population are considered as the
representation of the surface front. For each point, a
probability of having a front is then estimated by
counting the number of times it has been detected on
the moving window. A contour-following processing
on the probability for the presence of the front is then
performed to reconstruct the frontal structures.
Figure 4. Algorithm for extraction of fronts from a tracer
Next, in order to compare the frontal structure
with the different available velocity products it is
necessary to compute a proxy for each velocity
product using the Finite-Size Lyapunov Exponent
(FSLE) to reveal the possible position of the tracer
gradient in the velocity field (e.g. [5, 10]). From the
FSLE image a contour following algorithm is then
applied to retrieve the corresponding frontal
structures followed by a comparison to the
corresponding fronts derived in the tracer image as
shown in Figure 5. This yield estimates of the distance
between the fronts as well as the differences in
curvature and direction and enables the selection of
the best velocity for each points along the front.
Figure 5. Validation of the velocity field (k) using the tracer
image (i)
An example of the practical use of this validation
tool is shown in Figure 6. This is based on
reconstruction of a surface current field from the
satellite-based SST frontal maps (derived from
SEVIRI) followed by an interpolation onto the grid of
the surface current products derived from
GlobCurrent. The two surface current maps are then
compared and assessed for consistency and accuracy.
Only points containing frontal information are used
for this validation. The comparison demonstrates that
the mesoscale anticyclonic eddy is satisfactorily
positioned in both fields although there are slight
differences in both surface current magnitudes and
In the following a more comprehensive test case is
presented for the region extending from the Gulf of
Aden to the East of the Socotra Island. This area (see
Figure 7) encompasses various hydrodynamic
features (frontal areas, mesoscale eddies, meandering
currents) that in some cases may require a potential
change in routing. The challenge is thus to precisely
locate the position of these features. Hence, the
comparison shall preferably enable the assessment of
the different products in terms of quality and
reliability in order to select the best route.
Figure 6. Comparison of independent surface current fields.
The white arrows represent the surface current field derived
from the SST frontal map and re-interpolated on the grid to
validate against the black arrows independently derived
from the GlobCurrent products.
Figure 7. Schematic hydrodynamic features in the mouth of
the Gulf of Aden (extracted from [4] revealing presence of
anticyclonic (A) and cyclonic (C) eddies and meandering
surface currents.
The results of the comparison between the FSLE
retrieved from different observation-based and
model-based surface current velocity fields and the
SST fronts derived from the SEVIRI product in the
North-West of the Arabian Sea in February 2021 are
shown in Figure 8. Inside the Gulf of Aden (yellow
square), the fronts detected from the SEVIRI SST
display the edges of two rings (consistent with
structures in Figure 7). The distances between these
SST-based fronts and the FSLE-based fronts are
smaller for the HYCOM product (~20 km: blue/green
color) than for Mercator or the Total Current derived
from observations (~80-100 km: brown color). This
implies that HYCOM model should be considered for
the routing in this area. In contrast, at the mouth of
the Gulf of Aden (red rectangle), the distance between
the FSLE computed from the Mercator model field
and the fronts detected from SEVIRI is on average
smaller than the other two products.
The routing (following the ACTIROUTE software)
will update its optimization procedure with these new
observations (SST) by considering the metrics
retrieved from the comparison between FSLE-based
and SST-based frontal locations, orientation,
structures and curvatures. In particular, it will
penalize the local products with larger separation
distance between the observed-based and model-
based fronts. This work is still under progress.
Figure 8. Comparison between the FSLE-based fronts (white
lines) and the observed SST-based fronts (colour). The
colour represents the distance from SST to FSLE based
fronts from dark blue (0 km) to dark red (80 km). Each line
represents the result of one velocity field: FSLE based fronts
from the observed total surface current (top), from the
HYCOM model (middle) and from the MERCATOR model
(bottom) The background grey-scale image is from the
SEVIRI L3 SST product (missing data due to cloud cover).
In this paper we have used near real time satellite data
and in-situ data of the surface current and sea surface
temperature fields for assessment and optimization of
the surface current field for ship routing. It has been
demonstrated that synoptic maps of surface frontal
structures provide highly important products and
information on meandering patterns and motions
which are proxy for the surface currents dynamics,
and as such allowing assessment and validation on
the quality of the delivered surface current products
with emphasis on the upper 10 to 20 m. Moreover,
regular use of wave ray-tracing model with different
surface currents will be run for simulations of rapidly
changing and possibly occurrences of extreme waves
invoked by wave-current interaction.
The ultimate goal is to advance the development of
a decision support system for optimization of ship
routing that provides a reliable traffic-light system by
which indices for the pre-selected ship routes builds
on regular near real time updates of:
meandering fronts and eddies;
rapidly changing currents;
evolving wind sea and swell fields;
likelihood of wave energy focusing caused by
wave-current interaction;
likelihood of crossing seas;
likelihood of dangerous waves.
The provision of these indices will be based on the
combination satellite-based and and-situ based data
sources and model fields including:
surface current from the GlobCurrent database;
model-based surface current (CMEMS, etc)
sea state from wave models with and without
wave-current interaction;
altimeter derived significant wave height data;
Sentinel-1 SAR-based wave mode and
interferometric wide acquisitions;
Satellite-based sea surface temperature fields;
ECMWF wind field and wind stress
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