This seems unbelievable considering the technological
developments of the last few decades, but it is
important to take into account the growing
importance of maritime transport globally. Every year
the number of merchant ships increases [1] and their
dimensions get bigger. According to [11] over 80% of
world merchandise trade by volume is carried by sea.
At the same time, despite the continuous
development of techniques used in maritime
transport, equipping ships with modern devices,
implementing new procedures, rules and regulations,
including crew training in accordance with new safety
standards, the number of recorded accidents in
maritime transport is continuously growing, and their
effects and consequences may be very serious. Some
accidents have had an irreversible impact on the
marine environment and have also led to the
bankruptcy of their shipowners. Therefore, it is very
important to analyze the accidents that have occurred
and to investigate their causes in order to prevent
further accidents.
There are many different causes of marine
accidents, where the intervention of the MoB MEDS
boat would be justified, e.g. collision with another
vessel, grounding, loss of control, loss of electrical
power (blackout), heavy seas, immobilization by
fishing net, human error in manoeuvring,
uncontrolled ballast water discharge, and many
others. These examples are not exhaustive, but the
common factor in each case is the request of
immediate assistance.
The boat MoB MEDS discussed in the article could
respond to this request and significantly improve the
safety level of Polish waters. The ship can be
categorized as a diving support vessel (DSV). This
group of vessels has been in continuous development
since the 1960s due to the demand for this type of
vessel in the offshore sector. DSV was intended to
support underwater works and deep-water diving.
Among the DSV we can distinguish relatively large
units (LOA>100m; draft>6,5m) which support oil
Analysis of Maritime Accidents in the Context of
Demand for MoB MEDS the Mobile Base of the Marine
Emergency Diving Service
M. Jurczyński & G. Rutkowski
Gdynia Maritime University, Gdynia, Poland
ABSTRACT: The purpose and scope of this paper is to present the demand of Polish waters for the boat MoB
MEDS the Mobile Base of the Marine Emergency Diving Service, which would enable necessary underwater
works (repairs and inspections) for ships requiring immediate assistance. The MoB MEDS boat could also
protect sensitive sea areas against potential oil and / or chemical spills from the ship, which could seriously
threaten the safety of human life, the safety of navigation and the protection of the natural environment with its
unique ecological values. Mentioned demand is supported by the analysis of selected statistical data on
maritime accidents in Polish waters and planned maritime investments.
the International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 15
Number 1
March 2021
DOI: 10.12716/1001.15.01.22
platforms and wind farms; medium-sized units
(LOA~30m, draft~3m) which also are capable of long-
term operation in the open sea; small units (LOA
10M, draft1m) which operate mainly in internal and
coastal waters. The boat MoB MEDS discussed in the
article belongs to the last group and is intended to
operate in the Gulf of Gdańsk, the Vistula Lagoon and
nearby navigable canals leading from the sea port of
Gdańsk to the sea port of Elbląg.
All the ships listed above are distinguished by
good mobility and high speed in operation. Most of
them undertake various underwater activities within
nearby harbours and anchorages. Due to the main
assumption of the vessel (possibility of providing
immediate assistance), the owners of described boats
operate mainly in a well-defined area and they rarely
provide services to other countries or ports. Services
which they provide include: inspection and repair of
underwater structures (e.g. berths, piers, docks),
underwater welding and cutting, recovery of the lost
equipment, metal thickness measurements, hull
inspections for classification societies and propeller
Currently, very few units of this type are equipped
with devices to combat oil pollution, but such
solutions also exist, e.g. the German company Baltic
Taucherei und Bergungsbetrieb Rostock GmbH has
several boats equipped with oil spill containment
barriers, pumps and oily water tanks. They can
effectively support the activities of German Search
and Rescue (SAR) units by increasing the fleet of
pollution removal vessels. However, the operating
areas of such ships are usually limited to nearby
internal waters, e.g. within the port of Hamburg.
The analysis of such DSV market carried out
within Poland [9] has shown that on most of the
navigable waters there is la ack of specialized vessels
with low draft, which could undertake the required
action (divers service and oil/chemical spills
combating) in a short period of time. There are a
relatively large number of companies providing
underwater services, however, the vast majority of
them do not have their own vessels, or they have the
vessels which does not comply with a number of legal
requirements to perform underwater works.
Specialized oil-combating vessels are mostly owned
by the government (Polish Navy, SAR Service,
training/research vessels of the Maritime Institute
etc.), but by definition, they cannot perform
commercial work.
State Marine Accident Investigation Commission
(SMAIC) is an independent organization, which
carries out safety investigations based on maritime
accident researches in Poland. It is crucial to be aware
of the legal regulations (especially the act dated 31
August 2012, Journal of Laws item 1068, 2012, with
further amendments), which limit the number of
investigated cases. Some of these limitations are
presented below.
Data on accidents at sea cover ships of either
Polish or non-Polish nationality when the incident or
accident at sea occurred in Polish internal waters or
Polish territorial sea. Passenger ro-ro ferries or
highspeed passenger ships are also included when the
incident or accident occurred outside the internal
waters or territorial sea of the EU member state
provided that the last port of call of that ship was a
Polish Republic's seaport. Besides, these statistics
cover ships of gross tonnage below 50, i.e. fishing
boats, yachts or tugs.
Maritime chambers adjudicate cases on marine
accidents only at the request of the parties concerned
or a maritime administration body. Marine accident
should be considered as an occurrence or several
consecutive occurrences linked directly to the ship's
operations, resulting in:
any loss of life, major serious injury to a person or
loss of a person onboard the ship;
the sinking of the ship, loss of the ship in another
way, or damage to the ship seriously affecting its
structure, manoeuvrability or operability so that an
in-depth repair is required;
ship's grounding, or any ship's hull contact with
the sea bottom, an impact of the ship into a subsea
laying-up or collision of the vessel;
fire, explosion;
an impact into a port facility, installation Offshore,
hitting a surface or underwater obstacle;
cargo dislocation;
damages due to unfavourable weather conditions,
damages by ice;
crack of the hull or suspected damage to the hull,
damage by the ship to a port's infrastructure, or to
facilities providing access to ports, harbours,
installations or offshore structures causing a
serious risk to safety of the ships, other ships or
persons, or a damage to the natural environment
or posing a risk thereof.
The SMAIC is obliged to investigate every ‘severe’
or ‘very severe’ marine accident. The Commission
does not deal with marine accidents or incidents
participated exclusively by vessels of the Naval
Forces, Border Guard or Police, 15 meters long fishing
boats, leisure yachtsexcept for very serious accidents;
or accidents not participated by maritime ships, at
offshore drilling units.
In accordance with Art. 40(1). 2 of the Law on
SMAIC, the reports of this organization cannot
constitute evidence in criminal proceedings, they do
not establish fault or responsibility for causing the
accident. They only determine the circumstances and
causes of its occurrence to prevent future maritime
accidents and incidents. SMAIC has been operating in
Poland since 2013, so despite the above described
limitations of undertaking research and selected types
of accidents (which require underwater work or oil
spill prevention), accidents described below are
relatively numerous.
However, in practice not all marine casualties are
reported (minor marine casualties and incidents are
usually concealed to avoid certain legal,
administrative and financial consequences) and those
that are reported are not always subjected to a
detailed analysis of the effects and causes of the event.
As a result, ‘Marine Accidents’ and ‘Incidents’ or even
less ‘Severe Accidents’, including those that required
underwater diver intervention, are not always
reported or they are less frequently presented, even
though they represent a significant group in the
events recorded by the SMAIC. It is also crucial to be
aware that describing mentioned cases is not the duty
of the SMAIC. As an example, Table 1. presents data
on cases reported to the SMAIC [10] by the type of
marine accident. Almost half of the reported accidents
(and even 73% in 2017) are not described, mainly due
to the previously indicated legal limitations of the
organization. A significant number of undertaken
studies are terminated without issuing a report,
because they resulted from renounced investigations.
Investigations carried out by SMAIC are very
extensive and insightful, sometimes they require large
financial outlays (e. g. recovery of the wreck to
determine the damage or the cause of sinking)
therefore in many cases they also take a long time. The
number of studies undertaken by the commission
does not stand out in comparison with other
Table 1. Number of reported marine accidents by
Specification 2016 2017 2018 2019
Number of notifications 90 114 110 144
Investigations not started, 61 83 44 71
investigations renounced or
another reason
Proceedings initiated 29 31 66 73
Investigations completed 16 21 53 49
Number of abandoned 15 19 53 49
Source: Statistical Yearbook of Maritime Economy 2020,
Data by the State Maritime Accident Investigation
Commission, December 2020.
According to [2] in the 2014-2019 period the
number of 19418 marine casualties and incidents in
Europe was reported and only in 833 cases, an
investigation has been launched. The data collected by
the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) has its
methodological limitations - their publication contains
statistics on marine casualties and incidents which
involve ships flying a flag of one of the EU Member
State or occur within EU Member States’ territorial sea
or internal waters or involve other substantial
interests of EU Member States.
Table 2. Accidents by location
Location of accident 2016 2017 2018 2019
Total 90 114 66 73
Ports (total) 29 45 35 38
Gdańsk 5 5 4 12
Gdynia 6 10 11 6
Szczecin 4 8 12 5
Świnoujście 2 6 5 8
Other ports 12 16 3 7
Open sea 23 28 16 17
Bays and lagoons 28 32 5 -
Rivers 3 5 - -
Others (canals, straits, ports road 7 4 10 18
steads etc.)
Source: Statistical Yearbook of Maritime Economy 2020,
Data by the State Maritime Accident Investigation
Commission, December 2020.
Table 2. summarizes marine accidents by location
in the 2016-2019 period [10]. Specified categories, such
as ports, bays and lagoons, rivers, canals, strait ports,
etc. mostly represent shallow waters. Each year they
are the vast majority of an accident in all. Neither
Vistula Lagoon nor Szczecin Lagoon is specified
separately, but they are probably included in the ‘Bays
and lagoons’, where during four years as many as 65
sea accidents were registered.
Figure 1. Distribution of voyage segments and location of
occurrences. Source: European Maritime Safety Agency,
Annual Overview of Marine Casualties and Incidents 2020
The concept of MoB MEDS the Mobile Base of
Maritime Emergency Diving Services is to operate in
such areas (especially those inaccessible to other
rescue vessels with greater draft). Figure 1. shows that
in Europe more than a half of the maritime accidents
occur in internal waters, and even 27.4% of them
occur in the territorial sea (belt of coastal waters
extending at most 12 nautical miles from the baseline
of a coastal state [12]).
The subcategory of port and coastal waters
accounts for 46% of cases (summing up departures,
arrivals and anchored or alongside vessels). As many
as 43% of accidents occur in route, so assistance often
doesn’t reach the ship on time.
Table 3. Cause of accident
Location of accident 2016 2017 2018 2019
Error in navigation or manoeuvring 90 114 66 73
Loss of control 29 45 35 38
Damages of appliances 5 5 4 12
Short circuit, fire, setting fire by 6 10 11 6
Bad weather conditions 4 8 12 5
Hull leakage 2 6 5 8
Mechanical defects 12 16 3 7
Immobilization by fishing net 23 28 16 17
Source: Statistical Yearbook of Maritime Economy 2020,
Data by the State Maritime Accident Investigation
Commission, December 2020.
Table 3. provides different causes of accidents.
Between 2016 and 2019 in Poland there were 343
accidents caused by an error in navigation or
manoeuvring, 147 losses of control, 84 cases of
immobilization by the fishing net and 21 hull leakage.
It may be assumed that a significant part of the
reported marine accidents analysed here could
require underwater inspection by specialized divers.
Almost every case of those listed in Table 3. can
develop into series of consecutive events: loss of
control of the vessel, contact with the bottom, and
eventually hull and propeller damage. Some of these
scenarios also end with oil spillage and ship loss.
Detailed reports of SMAIC provide such examples.
Table 4. shows data on oil pollution clean-up
operations in particular years by the Polish Maritime
Search and Rescue Service. SAR vessels, similarly to
the ambulance service, are dedicated to saving lives,
but not necessarily to salvage property. There is
nothing more valuable than human life, but very often
those abandoned, damaged ships sink with their fuel
or dangerous cargo onboard and they became a
serious threat to the environment. In many cases, an
immediate repair could prevent further, larger spills,
which leads directly to significant reductions of
further environmental protection costs.
Outlays may exceed several thousands of dollars
per ton of spill clean-up. In estimating such cost, it is
important to take into account independent variables
(spill size, season, oil type, time for a spill to reach
shore), which may significantly increase it [3, 5].
Figure 2. Natura 2000 areas in the Pomerania. Source:
National Marine Fisheries Research Institute MIR, 2017.
The Mobile Base of the Marine Emergency Diving
Service MoB MEDS in addition to underwater work
can also deal with oil spill prevention. After
preventing the area from further spread of the spill,
specialized divers would be able to repair the hull. In
the case of a spill, there is often the matter of dealing
with huge amounts of oil one of the largest was as
much as 287 thousand tonnes of oil spilled into the sea
about 18 Nm from the coast of Tobago, after the
‘Atlantic Empress’ collision in 1979. Despite the
relative increase of the safety level, the list of major oil
spills [4] also includes accident from 2018 oil tanker
‘Sanchi’ collision led to a 113,000 tonnes oil spill.
Even though there were no accidents on such scale
in Polish waters, the possibility of their occurrence in
the future should not be dismissed. In cases of such
massive spills, most countries are not prepared to
react appropriately to mitigate the consequences. It is
also worth taking into account the fact that a
significant part of Polish coastal waters is under the
special legal protection of Natura 2000. Every marine
accident potentially means an oil spill that can cause
serious consequences to the ecosystem of the ‘marine
environment. Such areas include the Vistula Lagoon,
the Gulf of Gdańsk, the Vistula estuary, Orłowo Cliffs
and rock reefs, the Bay of Puck, the Słupsk Lagoon,
the Szczecin Lagoon, the Oder estuary and coastal
waters of the Baltic Sea.
The intensity of coastal traffic directly affects the
safety of navigation. Busy ports such as Singapore or
Rotterdam need to have highly developed
navigational infrastructure (numerous fairways,
emergency anchorages, VTS support, TSS) and
logistics that enable efficient and safe transhipment
operations. As shown earlier, a significant number of
accidents occur in port waters, so the readiness of
specialized rescue units is also an important aspect.
The number of arriving ships and transhipped
cargo in Poland is continuously growing. Among
20800 vessels that arrived in 2019, 2468 of them were
tankers, which should be considered as a potential
risk of massive oil/chemical spill [10].
Table 5. Cargo traffic in seaports by category (loaded and
unloaded cargo in thousand tons)
Year Liquefied Crude Oil Other liquid
gas oil products bulk
2016 1010,7 9986,5 775,5 1327,4
2017 1650,5 11186,7 7131,5 1381,8
2018 2414,0 13085,3 7019,4 1280,4
2019 3050,3 15660,5 6447,6 1672,8
Source: Statistical Yearbook of Maritime Economy 2020.
Table 4. Hazardous incidents and pollution fought by the maritime search and rescue service SAR
Year Port Number of Pollutant Amount of
incidents with chemicals removed,
pollutants in tonnes m
2016 Gdynia 1 petroleum derived substances -
Krynica Morska 1 petroleum derived substances -
Świnoujście 3 petroleum derived substances 14,5
2017 Gdynia 1 oil-like substances 37,0
Świnoujście 2 oil-like substances 2,0
2018 Darłowo 1 oily waters -
Gdynia 1 oily waters -
Świnoujście 1 oily waters 0,2
2019 Kamień Pomorski 1 spill from a ship -
Łeba 1 oily spill -
Source: Statistical Yearbook of Maritime Economy 2020, Data of the Polish Maritime Search and Rescue Service, Gdynia,
December 2020.
Transshipment of liquefied gases has increased 3
times, crude oil 1,5 times in 2016-2019 period. Cargo
traffic is increasing and will continue to increase -
further planned investments will develop the
maritime economy. These include, but are not limited
Central Port in Gdańsk the project of the
development of the next deep-water part of the
port in the direction of the Gdańsk Bay including
the construction of several different terminals: ro-
ro, chemical, LNG, cereal, passenger and cruise
terminals (approximately 410 ha). The first
terminals may be ready as soon as 2029. [6]
Outer Port in Gdynia the project involves the
construction of a new port pier that will include a
container terminal, the new quays will be able to
handle the largest vessels that can enter the Baltic
Sea (LOA 400m and draft up to 16m). The
estimated annual handling capacity of the
terminal is 2.5 million TEU. Planned completion of
construction and equipping of the Outer Port is
2028 [7]
Świnoujście LNG terminal expansion the
terminal has been in operation since 2016, but the
owner already has further development plans
including: additional regasification installation,
third LNG process storage tank, LNG-to-Rail
transshipment installation and the second jetty for
loading/unloading of LNG carriers and bunker
FSRU terminal at the Port of Gdańsk in
September 2020 representatives of GAZ-SYSTEM,
the Port of Gdańsk and the Maritime Office in
Gdynia signed a letter of intent regarding
cooperation in the construction of a floating
storage and regasification unit. This project will
undoubtedly have an impact on the development
of this cargo traffic in the region.
Offshore wind farms in January 2021 the concept
already received legal support President of
Poland has signed the Offshore Act into law,
which regulates the development of 10.9 GW wind
farms in the Baltic Sea. The investment will be
operational or under development by 2027.
Crosscut of the Vistula Spit due to the specifics
of the basin and justifiable demand for using the
discussed boat in the lagoon, the investment is
discussed below in more detail.
Investment of crosscutting the Vistula Spit has
started in 2019, but this idea has been considered
for a long time in terms of various economic and
environmental aspects.
The project includes the construction of a
sheltering harbour on the side of the Gulf of Gdańsk,
construction of a channel with locks, a new road
system with movable steel bridges with a vertical axis
of rotation, which will allow passage over the channel
in front of the lock and behind the lock; construction
of an artificial island on the Vistula Lagoon.
The investment seems to be important for many
reasons. One of the most significant is that it will
shorten the water route to inland ports such as Elbląg,
Tolkmicko, Frombork and it will separate the
economic aspects from the political one [8, 9].
Planned and currently conducted crosscut and
dredging of the fairways will make it possible to
increase the economic activity of the communes, in
particular the development of trade and tourism. It
will enable vessels with draft up to 4m, length 100m
and width 20m to enter the port of Elbląg.
Figure 3. Map from project documentation of connecting
Vistula Lagoon with Gdańsk Bay and Elbląg Canal. Source:
Maritime Office in Gdynia, Internal materials
In the Vistula Delta and on the Vistula Lagoon the
main obstacle to navigation is depth limitation, air
draft under obstacles (bridges, power lines) and for
larger vessels also width of the fairway [Rutkowski,
2010 & 2020]. Despite planned dredging of the
fairway to the port of Elbląg, the remaining part of
the lagoon will still be inaccessible for vessels with a
draught of over 4 m. After the completion of the
investment, the traffic is expected to increase,
however, many rescue vessels that secure underwater
works and prevent from oil spills will not be able to
enter the Lagoon due to mentioned limitations.
Figure 4. Work in progress in October 2020. Source: NDI
Group (one of the contractors of the investment) report,
October 2020
The greatest threats associated with oil and
chemical spills always affect the fishing industry,
tourism, water resources used for both industrial and
sanitary purposes and as a source of drinking water.
It is also worth mentioning that the Vistula Lagoon is
under the legal protection of ‘Natura 2000’. The best
way to combat hazards, including those caused by oil
and chemical spills, is to prevent them.
Effective measures which should be taken may
include improving maritime pilotage techniques,
training ships' crews and shore-based personnel
involved in transshipment operations, stricter
enforcement of regulations on pollution of the marine
environment, and also above all - preparing for
possible spills through regular drills and presence of
specialist vessels. Such units undoubtedly include
SAR maritime rescue vessels, but also commercial
units such as the Mobile Base of the Marine
Emergency Diving Service Mob MEDS.
Taking into consideration the expected significant
increase in cargo transportation in the coming years it
seems reasonable to have such boats, which would
enable divers to quickly reach ships in case of
emergency situation.
The statistics on maritime accidents described earlier
may be disturbing. In the vicinity of the Polish waters
there are already large plants or dangerous areas such
as the Gdańsk Refinery, the Oil Port in Gdańsk,
Świnoujście LNG terminal and numerous smaller
bunker stations located in different harbours. Traffic
intensity, as shown earlier, is constantly increasing
and will probably increase even more after
completing investments or plans such as crosscut of
the Vistula Spit, a new waterway connecting the Gulf
of Gdańsk with a port of Elbląg, Central Port
expansion, an outer seaport in Gdynia, FSRU
terminal, offshore wind farms and Świnoujście LNG
terminal expansion. Therefore, it can be assumed that
the occurrence of any maritime accident involving a
ship carrying petroleum products, liquified gases or
dangerous cargo in containers may be incalculable in
its consequences and long-term effects.
Conducted research also showed that many of the
analysed accidents could have been avoided or
reduced in effects if required assistance had arrived
earlier. It is also worth mentioning that regardless of
the region of the world, from where information on
accidents were collected, a significant number of
them took place in internal and coastal waters limited
by the depth and width of the area, where larger
vessels, including specialist SAR Maritime Search &
Rescue units could not reach or where reaching them
required a long sea voyage from another area.
Many ships have to stay for a long time waiting
for assistance or have to be towed to the place where
they can get such assistance. It always leads to a
significant increase in the risk of such operations,
deterioration of the ship's emergency situation and
the possibility of an uncontrolled spill of fuel or other
toxic substances. From this point of view, the need for
other specialized vessels such as MoB MEDS, which
is the Mobile Base of Marine Emergency Diving
Service, operating in shallow coastal and inland
waters also seems justified.
The Scientific Underwater Research Association SeaQuest
was reactivated in December 2020. From the very
beginning (since December 2020) the SeaQuest members
via Gdynia Maritime University in cooperation with PC
Divers have been actively involved in research activities
participating in conceptual research and development
studies on market analysis for MoB MEDS boat being the
Mobile Base of Marine Emergency Diving Service.
1. Electronic Quality Shipping Information System
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2. European Maritime Safety Agency:
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6. Port of Gdańsk: https://www.portgdansk.pl.
7. Port of Gdynia: https://www.port.gdynia.pl/pl.
8. Rutkowski, G.: Determining the Best Possible Speed of
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9. Rutkowski, G.: Mobile Base of the Marine Emergency
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10. Statistics Poland: https://stat.gov.pl.
11. United Nations Conference on Trade and Development:
12. United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
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