systems will raise challenges related to performance,
security, and safety regulations [26]. The security
aspect of robotics research is often neglected, giving
attackers chances to take over and potentially cause
physical damage [9]. The Robot Operating System
(ROS), for example, though widely used in robotics
research, is not secure enough to be accessed publicly
unless a series of security hardening is done [10].
As an effort to overcome these problems, we
propose a web-based, service layer that is built upon
mature open-source software. There are currently
multiple implementations still under active
development. An early version of our service layer is
implemented in the Robotic Vessels as-a-Service
(RoboVaaS) project, which aims to create a direct
communication channel between the port customers
and professionals that perform five oceanographic
services, such as quay-wall inspection and
environmental data collection [23]. In the European
Union (EU) project Shipping Contributions to Inland
Pollution Push for the Enforcement of Regulations
(SCIPPER) [24], the service layer is named
Environmental Shipping Monitoring Center (ESMC)
and focuses on collecting data from environmental
sensors and provides a web interface for visualising
emission information. In the Horizon 2020 funded
project SEarch, identificAtion and Collection of
marine Litter with Autonomous Robots (SeaClear),
the service layer interfaces with a team of
heterogeneous robots (air- and waterborne) and
assists with marine litter clean-up operations. In
another EU project Risk-aware Autonomous Port
Inspection Drone (RAPID), the service layer is
officially called Command and Control Center which
instantiates a customer service-request web interface
and the operator mission-support interface. In
general, these implementations are designed to be
working closely as an integrated environment with
managers, engineers, operators, and clients, who
expect to track progress and analyse results of services
involving off-shore electronic or robotic systems
without the need to understand intricate details. On
the other hand, the online delivered robotic services
are not focusing on creating external interfaces for
directly commanding robotic systems.
We adopted a microservice architecture and split the
whole system into several computational components
which communicate with each other through a set of
well-defined and transparent Application
Programming Interfaces (APIs) over Hypertext
Transfer Protocol (HTTP) protocol. In this way, each
microservice can focus on its core functionalities and
offload computation to other responsible services. For
example, the encryption and decryption of
authentication token are handled solely by the
authentication server. When the back server processes
a user request, it can simply call the decode API of the
auth server to retrieve the user’s identity information
from the token, without the need to implement
another authentication algorithm. Moreover, as
explained in [8], by decoupling the overall system in
microservices, various cloud-based services can be
exploited to fulfil the requirements of the different
users involved in operating complex robotic systems.
The reliability overall is also enhanced since the crash
of a particular microservice does not result in a
complete system meltdown.
We use a centralised approach to manage overall
system states and access control policies of data
channels. Although peer-to-peer communications in a
decentralised setup have less overhead and fewer
dependencies, we believe the service provider should
possess ownership of data channels and have the
power to immediately alter the system state in case of
malicious activities or emergencies. By accessing the
broker services the service provider can also verify the
source and time of any communicated data.
To reduce duplication of effort, we strive to reuse
as much mature and open-sourced technologies as
possible. For example, service logic is mainly written
in Javascript and run in NodeJS servers. User data and
state information are stored in a PostgreSQL database.
This approach allows us to focus on tackling logic that
addresses problems specific to a particular use case.
Interfacing the service layer with other robotic
systems requires services to translate data. For
example, Rosbridge [6] is required to convert data
between the ROS message format and the AMQP or
WebRTC protocols. Another issue associated with
ROS middle-ware or Data Distribution Service (DDS)
is that they do not offer mechanisms to force an
established communication to hang up. Due to these
incompatibilities, our approach is to create a bridge
node and treat it as a single monolithic vehicle.
The aspired service layer serves to provide business
logic and to handle data according to a large set of
different use-cases for various sectors and
applications. Our implementation supports the
following functionalities or features:
− Accessibility through internet: The service layer
acts as the frontier facing end-users (or clients) and
should be publicly accessible as a website. It
should follow the latest security standards while
leveraging the capabilities of modern browsers.
For example, communication channels should
conform to secure protocols such as Transport
Layer Security (TLS) and Datagram Transport
Layer Security (DTLS), to prevent eavesdropping
of network packets and to ensure the integrity of
data. To mitigate vulnerabilities related to Cross-
Origin Resource Sharing (CORS), we deploy a
front server that is in essence an Nginx-based
reverse proxy server, to tunnel communications
between client and servers. In this way, the front
server acts as a single point of