All manner of water-going” platforms have been by
far the first sophisticated machines developed by
humans. As a key element of exploration, commerce
and war, ships have always involved engineering
solutions to difficult problems and talented humans
to build and operate them. For thousands of years
sailors have placed their trust, and their lives, in
constructions of wood, then steel, in the face of a
challenging ocean. It could be said that the age of
“autonomy” has been slow to come to ships. But this
is changing. Nowadays there are many small and
medium-size unmanned boats in routine-use, paving
the way towards fully autonomous vessels as
ultimate step in this sector. Many institutions,
universities and companies have begun developing
Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USV) aiming to cover a
wide range of applications and services, evolving
rapidly. With growing worldwide interest in
commercial, scientific, and military issues associated
with both open-ocean and shallow waters, there has
been a corresponding growth in demand for the
development of more complex USV with advanced
guidance, navigation, and control (GNC)
functionalities. The development of fully-
autonomous USV is underway aiming to minimize
both human control needs and the effects to the
effective and reliable operation from human errors
USV are defined as unmanned vehicles which
perform tasks in a wide range of environments
without any human intervention with highly
nonlinear dynamics. Further improvements on USV
technology are expected to bring tremendous
benefits, such a lower development and operation
cost, improved staff safety, extended operational
range, and precision and greater autonomy. Increased
Trends and Challenges in Unmanned Surface Vehicles
(USV): From Survey to Shipping
C. Barrera
, I. Padron
, F.S. Luis
, O. Llinas
& G.N. Marichal
Oceanic Platform of the Canary Islands, Las Palmas, Spain
University of La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain
Technological Center for Marine Sciences, Las Palmas, Spain
ABSTRACT: Autonomy and unmanned systems have evolved significantly in recent decades, becoming a key
routine component for various sectors and domains as an intrinsic sign of their improvement, the ocean not
being an exception. This paper shows the transition from the research concept to the commercial product and
related services for Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USV). Note that it has not always been easy in most cases due
to the limitations of the technology, business, and policy framework. An overview of current trends in USV
technology looking for a baseline to understand the sector where some experiences of the authors are shown in
this work. The analysis presented shows a multidisciplinary approach to the field. USV's capabilities and
applications today include a wide range of operations and services aimed at meeting the specific needs of the
maritime sector. This important consideration for USV has yet to be fully addressed, but progress is being
the International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 15
Number 1
March 2021
DOI: 10.12716/1001.15.01.13
flexibility in sophisticated environments and
dangerous mission [4, 7, 67] is also envisaged.
With the inclusion of a more robust, commercially
available and affordable navigation equipment (GPS,
IMU, etc.), wireless telemetry systems, “blue” power
sources and trending intelligent-analytics
technologies (Artificial Intelligence, Machine/Deep
learning, etc.) [47, 51, 52, 57], the applications range
for USV has significantly increased and improved in
key domains and sectors such as scientific research,
environmental missions, ocean exploration, military
uses and other applications (transportation,
communication relays, refueling, unmanned aerial or
unmanned underwater vehicles platform, etc.) [2, 45,
This paper is organized as follows: Section 2
provides an updated overview on USV technology.
Section 3 focus on autonomous vessels as evolution
from USV technology in as ultimate step on maritime
navigation technology [6]. Section 4 provides a
description of the policy framework as key driver for
autonomous maritime navigation and shipping
implementation. Section 5 is addressed to review
intelligent analytics methodologies in path planning
and collision avoidance for USV navigation. Finally,
concluding remarks are drawn in Section 6.
Through the last two decades, several USV
developments have been undertaken through public
and private initiatives with diverse scope and
purpose [46, 53, 79]. After clearly experimental
beginnings with limited capabilities in terms
autonomy, endurance, payload, power outputs, etc.,
in recent years significant progress has been made in
all USV subsystem components (hull and structural
elements, propulsion and power system, GNC,
telemetry, payloads, data management and ground
station). This enabled USV to become a leading
commercial technology solution in several
applications and services (some on a routine basis)
beyond the military and research [5, 10, 26, 27, 41].
The initial reference on the path to autonomous
ships is technical. The core technologies that enable
unmanned vessels have come about largely due to
developments in other fields [8, 15, 22, 23]. Improved
USV capabilities allow to undertake missions both in
coastal and open-ocean areas for long periods of time
due to a more efficient power and propulsion systems
based in some cases on renewable energy sources
(solar, wind, waves), Fig. 1. State-of-the-art
broadband telemetry systems enable remote real-time
operation and decision-making by the operator. In
parallel with the mechanical and electronic system
architecture improvements for USVs, software
advanced rapidly as well, with special focus on
autonomous navigation methods and techniques in
compliance and contribution to ocean digitalization
and e-navigation framework initiatives.
Figure 1. Wave Glider ASV starting a mission conducted by
While small USV developments are usually
deployed within sight of the operator there are many
others that go further. Considering hull dimension
and propulsion system as classification factors,
several flag-ship developments through last decade
have been released, highlighting Sailbuoy [21] tested
as pre-commercial solution at Oceanic Platform of the
Canary Islands (PLOCAN) open-ocean observatory in
2012; Wave Glider [17, 30] robust enough to complete
a crossing of the Pacific Ocean from California to
Australia or successfully accomplish routing transects
across the Macaronesia region by PLOCAN;
AutoNaut [36] performed trials at PLOCAN testy-site
waters for marine mammal monitoring, see Fig. 2; C.-
Enduro; the Saildrone [86] able to perform long-range
missions such circumnavigate the Antarctica and
ATL2MED [71] being PLOCAN an active member in
the second one providing its test-site facilities for
launching and initial field validations; DriX [34] with
specific applications on survey-services for industry;
Mayflower [50] expecting to sail between Plymouth-
Cape Cod (MA, USA); Sphyrna [72] that focusses on
passive acoustic monitoring applications; Data
Explorer; XOCEAN XO-450 [82] for energy and
seabed mapping commercial survey services; SeaTrac;
Submaran-S10 [58] as hybrid concept able to both sail
the ocean surface and glide the water-column as
underwater vehicle.
All of them are fully or partially powered by
endless ocean-energy sources. In parallel, half-way to
autonomous ship concept, developments such Sea-
KIT [73]; Ocean Infinity [59] have also been released
for specific seabed-mapping and survey-services in
industry applications at ocean-basin level worldwide.
These developments, many of them already
commercial, demonstrated that specialty USV could
withstand the harsh ocean environment for extended
periods and their software and systems were reliable
enough for extended voyages and missions.
Figure 2. AutoNaut ASV trials at PLOCAN test-site
The current global trend on autonomy developments
in mobility seems to be widely yet accepted by the
maritime community, primarily due to budgetary
issues. Up to date, autonomous and remotely
operated platforms at sea have been mainly used as
carriers of sensors and other measuring devices
mainly addressed to oceanography, hydrography and
off-shore applications in nearshore, controlled test-
site areas or outside shipping routes. However,
nowadays we are facing a step further towards a new
paradigm associated with cyber-physical systems, big
data and autonomy as part of Shipping 4.0 and
Digital Ocean international trends and strategies.
Efforts in transport cost reduction, the global need of
minimize emissions and the demand for improving
safety at sea are three base reasons on why
autonomous shipping is under consideration and
early stages of implementation [9, 54, 65, 66].
Under these premises, the development and future
implementation of vessels as MASS (Maritime
Autonomous Surface Ship) will represent an inflexion
point for the paradigm shift in the industry and
maritime shipping system as a whole [39, 61, 80, 81].
Therefore, for a successful and smooth settlement of
MASS as well as the relevant infrastructures in the
maritime sector, key aspects related to autonomous
shipping and their impact on technology, regulation
and societal aspects should be envisaged [1, 28, 29].
From the purely technology perspective, ships
should be built with enhanced control capabilities,
broadband telemetry, graphic interfaces, complex
sensor payloads, etc. in order to be operated by
means of remote land-based or off-shore services [40].
However, the technology replacing manning needs to
re-shape the crew in terms of safety, efficiency and
environmental protection. On the industry side,
MASS is expected to change shipbuilding and
equipment, as well as shipping protocols and port
infrastructures. Industries related to high specialized
technology base sectors such autonomy and
automation, unmanned operations, big data, artificial
intelligence, machine learning, enterprise-grade
connectivity and analytics will be essential.
In what refers to global trends of autonomous
vessels development, in the past decade several
international projects with large investment have
been (and still) conducted with Scandinavian
companies and research institutions playing a leading
role. Rolls Royce [69], Kongsberg, DNV GL,
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
(NTNU), among others, are fully involved with
ambitious plans to develop a new generation of all-
electric and autonomous container ships by 2022,
according to projects listed in Table 1. In the same
direction, other research institutions and companies
are developing complementary and competing
concepts to support unmanned shipping operations,
coupled with specific infrastructures and services,
including autonomous ports, high bandwidth
telemetry, etc.
Table 1. Flagship projects to develop autonomous vessels
Project Name (Period) Main Partner Institutions
MUNIN (2012-215) 8 EU research and industry
ReVOLT (2014-2018) DNV GL, NTNU
AAWA (2015-2018) Rolls Royce, DNV GL
MUNIN, ReVOLT [18], AAWA have paved the
way for Yara Birkeland project [70, 85]. Yara and
Kongsberg have partnered to develop the world’s
first fully electric container vessel, starting in 2017
working towards remote operation by 2019 and is
scheduled to go fully autonomous in 2021.
Therefore, despite the rapid development of
science and technology in the maritime industry,
autonomous vessels indisputably need to be subject
to the international regulations necessary for the
vessels to operate safely across nations and even the
seabed areas beyond national jurisdiction. Some
regulatory aspects of manned vessels may be
compatible with unmanned vessels, such as certain
clauses of the International Safety Management (ISM)
Code. However, there is a need for specific
international regulations taking into account the
characteristics of unmanned vessels as well.
While technology and market push are required for
any innovation to take hold, regulation aspects
become a major consideration. This is especially right
in the case of autonomous vessels, where certain key
developments can be noted as advancing the field.
During the period of roughly 2000-2010 early
work on software and algorithms to enable
unmanned vessels to adhere to the COLREGs
(Convention on the International Regulations for
Preventing Collisions at Sea) began. The ASTM
Committee launch, designed to develop technical
standards for unmanned maritime vehicles, including
a sub-committee for regulatory issues. This catalyzed
further policy developments. The Association for
Unmanned Systems International (AUVSI) began to
engage the issue through their Maritime Advocacy
Committee in 2011. A particular focus was informing
and engaging the U.S. Navigation Safety Advisory
Council (NAVSAC). This body informs the U.S. Coast
Guard, the relevant regulator for U.S. Waters.
Through a series of meetings this work eventually
resulted, in late 2012, in a resolution offering advice
on both technology solutions, such as use of the
automated identification system (AIS) and policy
steps, such as amendments to certain COLREGs [37].
The UK’s industry group, Maritime UK, launched
an effort to develop voluntary best practices for
unmanned vessels, though they referred to them as
maritime autonomous systems (MAS). The first
version of the UK Industry Code of Practice focused
mainly on technical aspects such as design and
construction of MAS [25, 49]. The UK Maritime
Autonomous Systems Regulatory Working Group
(MASRWG) released this first document in 2017.
While the guidance in the first version of the code
was for design, construction, and operation, it was
heavily focused on design and manufacture. Seeing
significant growth in the autonomous systems the
MASRWG updated the Code of Practice to increase
focus on the USV operations, with firstly guidance on
skills, training and platform’s registration.
A multidisciplinary group of Spanish research
centers, companies and public agencies, under the
coordination of DGMM (General Directorate of
Marine Merchant) are joining forces since late 2020 in
order to setup a working group on autonomous
maritime navigation. Its main goal is to setup the
right national framework to develop and operate
USV and autonomous ships that currently are under
development [56, 78]. PLOCAN is one of the active
partners providing both test-site capabilities and the
ownership of the first autonomous boat flagged in
Spain [24].
Figure 3. UTEK unmanned boat tested at PLOCAN test-site
While these previous efforts were regional in
focus the ultimate regulator responsible for the
COLREGs is the International Maritime Organization
(IMO). In 2017, following a proposal by a number of
Member States, IMO's Maritime Safety Committee
(MSC) agreed to include the issue on its agenda. This
led to yet another name for the technology, marine
autonomous surface ships (MASS). IMO agreed to
start with a scoping exercise to determine how the
safe, secure and environmentally sound operation of
MASS might be introduced in IMO policies and rules
Subsequently, in 2019 the MSC approved interim
guidelines for MASS trials. These were intended to
guide the ongoing developments and early
demonstrations on larger MASS eyeing commercial
scale vessels. The guidelines said that trials should be
conducted to provide at least the same degree of
safety, security and protection of the environment as
provided by the relevant existing regulations for
manned vessels. They addressed risk mitigation
practices and MASS operator qualifications. Notably
the guidelines also suggested that appropriate steps
to ensure cyber risk management.
The next step in the IMO process is to complete
their scoping exercise. This will evaluate IMO rules
and policies for applicability to MASS operations,
taking into account human, technology and
operational factors. Of particular interest to the
technology community the IMO will employ four
“degrees” of autonomy for the scoping exercise
(Table 2). The IMO anticipates completing this work
in 2021.
Table 2. MASS Levels of Control according to IMO in the
frame of a regulatory scoping exercise from 2018.
Level Description
1 Ships with automated processes and decision
2 Remotely controlled ships with seafarers onboard
3 Remotely controlled ships without seafarers
4 Fully autonomous ships
In Level (1) seafarers are on board to operate and
control shipboard systems and functions. Some
operations may be automated and at times be
unsupervised but with seafarers on board ready to
take control. Level (2) seafarers are available on board
to take control and to operate the shipboard systems
and functions. In level (3) the ship is controlled and
operated from another location. There are no
seafarers on board. Finally, in Level (4) the operating
system of the ship is able to undertake decisions and
determine actions by itself.
One of the biggest challenges in developing the
technology for MASS is to demonstrate that
unmanned systems are at least as safe as a manned
ship system and to provide the Shore Control Centre
(SCC) with adequate situation awareness. In case of
emergency situations such as stranding or evasive
manoeuvring, the ship systems should be remotely
monitored and controlled by the operators of the SCC
receiving crucial information via satellite at short
time intervals (Figure 4). The SCC should also have a
smart alarm system and the ability to switch to the
manual control mode in case of doubt on the
autonomous system [38, 63, 68].
Figure 4. USV - Shore Control Centre (SCC) at PLOCAN
The mission-oriented operating system (MOOS)
enabled surveys for both commercial and scientific
purposes to make good use of USV technology.
MOOS allowed such missions to be executed in a
supervisory control approach. Usually the vessel low-
level control (i.e. rudder actuation and navigation
path planning to pre-set waypoints) is automated
while the overall behaviour is managed by an
operator (Figure 5). This approach is commonly seen
in USV today [11, 19, 77, 84].
Figure 5. Graphic interface for USV remote piloting based
on pre-set waypoints with overlapped path planning tools
from multi-source data assimilation.
Autonomous navigation is achieved by training or
programming the instrument with the stored data
about its behavior in various operational scenarios.
The autonomous behavior relies on intelligent
analytics based on machine learning (ML) algorithms.
As a major advance in ML, the deep learning (DL)
approach is becoming a powerful technique for
autonomy. DL methodologies are applied in various
fields in the maritime industry such as detecting
anomalies, ship classification, collision avoidance,
risk detection of cyberattacks, navigation in ports, etc.
[60]. A diverse range of methods are available in the
literature for USV and MASS autonomy and their
applications in maritime navigation.
All learning techniques require small to large
amount of data in sophisticated format as base for
algorithms to generate the working models. Hence
“Data engineering” plays a crucial role in the proper
functioning of these techniques that are used for
autonomous navigation, and particularly in the field
of ship automation. Considering the range of
scenarios under which USV or MASS is exposed to,
the amount of data to be engineered could escalate to
‘Big Data’. Extremely important elements for their
operation are the anti-collision system and the data
fusion method from various sensors detecting
obstacles on a programmed path aiming a reliable
avoidance for a safe operation [55, 83].
Data source and storage are other key components
on which the total process of ship automation is
based. Considering the diverse type of data being
loaded through sensors, experiments, simulation or
calculation could intensify the problem of effective
storage for the later stage of data cleansing and data
transformation. Data engineering is the basis for the
anticipated outcome expected from a model. These
models are necessary in order a USV or MASS to
navigate without pilot assistance.
Autonomous navigation of ship consists of
various sensors to detect the navigating path, the
environmental and vessel properties to determine
safe travel. The successful implementation of
autonomy on vessels would occur with intelligent
decisions in all operational conditions. Many
methods have evolved from remotely operated to
full-autonomous operations in the last three decades.
Table 3 shows traditional methods summarized in
two categories.
Table 3. Summary of traditional methods on autonomous
Classical Methods Reactive Methods
RoadMap Building Fuzzy Logic Controller
Neural Network
Cell Decomposition Neuro-Fuzzy
Generic Algorithm
Artificial Potential Field Particle SWARM Optimization
Artificial Immune network
Advances in deep learning has made the
approaches towards replicating these complex
situations and autonomous collision avoidance [42,
62, 76] an easily achievable task in support to
COLREGs [3]. A high level of recognition and
situational awareness is necessary when AIS Data is
combined with data from other sources. To develop a
fully autonomous anomaly detection system, it
should be supported with the visuals of vessel
interaction at various environments to take intelligent
decisions, which can be provided by the CNN
Path planning is one of the key parameters in
marine autonomous systems [13, 35, 44, 74, 75]. Its
essence is to avoid obstacles and reach the target
point at optimum distance and time. The effective
path planning includes methods of artificial potential
field, neural network [16, 64], fuzzy logic [14, 20, 43]
and genetic algorithm. Most recent path planning
algorithm, a deep learning approach, adopts a safety
domain around each obstacle that serves to indicate
the risk of collision. The algorithm uses deep
reinforcement learning to reach the local target
position successfully in unknown dynamic
environment. Deep reinforcement learning solves the
problem of dimensionality well and can process
multidimensional inputs.
In this paper, a global vision of the USV sector has
been shown from the experiences of the authors in
PLOCAN. A detailed analysis about the present and
future of this sector has been depicted. An especial
emphasis has been done in showing the
interdisciplinary nature of the field, involving
technological, commercial and politics aspects. In
particular, the new tends in artificial intelligence
field, which represent a big step forward in the
advance of the autonomous navigation. The
technological developments presented include a
multidisciplinary set of state-of-the-art: Sensors and
systems for orientation, navigation, control,
telemetry, propulsion, route planning, as well as
specific tools for supervision and situational
awareness operations, being key the inclusion of the
aforementioned techniques of artificial intelligence.
IMO is developing a global regulatory framework for
MASS implementation in coming years. Because of
that, it becomes necessary at this time to make further
efforts in order to analysis this new sector.
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