Modern ship bridges comprise complex and highly
automated human-machine systems [9]. The crew’s
safety and capability to accomplish core navigation
tasks strongly depends on interacting effectively with
machines, as is characteristic for complex
sociotechnical systems. Effective interaction is most
likely to be achieved when the information flow
between humans and machines is optimally attuned
to human capabilities and skills [17, 18]. One way to
enable this adaptation is to adopt a human-centered
approach when designing the interactive system.
Human centered design aims to maximize the
usability of interactive systems by focusing on the
users, their needs and requirements [7]. This is
achieved by applying human factors and ergonomics
methods. For instance, users should be included in all
phases of the design process of the interactive system.
As a result, the users’ effectiveness and efficiency, but
also their satisfaction and safety when using the
interactive system, will likely be enhanced.
Unfortunately, human-centered approaches are
rarely employed in the design process of bridge
systems [2] with user needs being rarely the primary
focus [9], although the e-navigation concept strives to
do so [13]. As a result, ship bridge design is not well
aligned with human skills and abilities, which in turn
likely leads to impairments in efficient execution of
core tasks such as collision avoidance and navigation.
This can potentially have severe consequences.
Consistent with our reasoning, poor design has
already been identified as a contributing factor to
accidents [9, 17, 21, 23].
The concept of situation awareness comes into play
when investigating the link between poor design and
the prevalence of accidents [9, 23]. Situation
Which Radar and ECDIS Functionalities Do Nautical
Officers Really Need in Certain Navigational Situations?
S. Hochgeschurz
, F. Motz
, R. Grundmann
, S. Kretzer
& L. Thiele
Fraunhofer Institute for Communication, Wachtberg, Germany
Fraunhofer Center for Maritime Logistics and Services, Hamburg, Germany
ABSTRACT: Today’s navigation systems risk information overload and display clutter due to the multitude of
available functionalities and information. Different navigational situations present differing challenges to the
navigator, because of varying traffic or maneuvering conditions. This suggests that the need for information and
functionalities on ECDIS and radar systems depends on the navigational situation, which was investigated by
means of an online questionnaire. A sea voyage was divided into three situations, ranging from narrow
maneuvering in port areas, to confined navigable waters, and open sea. N = 80 navigators completed the
questionnaire. A compound priority measure was calculated to express the need for each functionality.
Approximately half of the functionalities were prioritized in a situation dependent manner and substantially
more functionalities were prioritized higher on ECDIS than on radar systems. The results have strong
implications for aligning navigation systems more with user needs in the sense of a human-centered design
the International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 15
Number 1
March 2021
DOI: 10.12716/1001.15.01.06
awareness describes the ability to perceive events in
the current environment (level 1), to understand their
current meaning (level 2), and to be aware of what
they imply for the future (level 3) [6]. Thus, situation
awareness is highly dependent on information about
the current situation [3]. Such information is gathered
in two ways, by looking out the window and by
precisely examining bridge systems. In the latter case,
information is usually not directly available, but only
through selecting certain functionalities. If
functionalities and corresponding information are
presented inadequately or if simply too many
information and functionalities are displayed, nautical
officers may experience information overload and
retrieve relevant information too slowly [24]. This in
turn may cause impaired situation awareness [5]
which has often been directly linked to accidents as a
causal factor [23].
In the last years, a strong increase of modern
information systems and thus of available information
on ship bridges has been observed [23], well above
and beyond the scope of information and
functionality required by current performance
standards [11, 12] .Therefore, we assume that there is
a serious risk of current systems impeding the
establishment of adequate situation awareness due to
their sheer volume of information and functionalities.
Furthermore, the findings of a study suggest that not
all functionalities displayed are used frequently in
practice [24]. In this study, navigators completed an
online questionnaire indicating how frequently they
use selected functionalities and information on
integrated navigation systems (INS) during a watch.
They were additionally given the opportunity to
comment on their responses. Many navigators used
this opportunity to report that the functionalities’
frequency of use often depends on the navigation
The findings of [24] have two major implications.
First, they suggest the feasibility of reducing the
number of functionalities and presenting them
according to the navigators’ needs. Only information
and functionalities that are really needed should be
available on bridge systems to reduce clutter and
information overload [5]. The necessity of rarely used
functionalities is therefore questionable. On the other
hand, the findings of [24] also hint at how the number
of functionalities could be reduced by presenting
only those information and functionalities that are
needed in the current navigation situation. Therefore,
in different navigational situations, different
functionalities and information could be presented
according to the navigators’ needs.
A ship’s voyage can be roughly divided into three
navigational situations [19, 20]:
1. a maneuvering phase at the beginning of the
voyage in port or in very restricted areas,
2. a phase of navigating on the open sea without
much traffic or restrictions due to shallow waters,
3. a phase between the port and the open sea, which is
characterized by dense traffic, traffic separation
schemes and shallow waters.
Due to the three situations’ different
characteristics, the specific tasks of nautical officers
vary with the situation. In phase 3, the attention of
nautical officers is focused on the close-range
situation (3-5 nautical miles) and on orientation
between all available aids (RADAR, AIS, VHF, Echo
Sounder) that serve to clearly identify the traffic
situation. In phase 2 however, more emphasis is
placed on an assessment of the situation in a large
range (12-24 nautical miles) and especially on efficient
and economical movement. In phase 1, coordinating
events in the immediate vicinity of the own ship is
most important, for example when coordinating along
tugs or shore lines, or managing the interaction
between the own ship, which is moving very slowly,
environmental influences, as well as fixed installations
such as piers. Phase 1 is also characterized by very
restricted areas, where sensor technology is primarily
needed for depth measurement and to determine the
ship’s drift. Those diverse situational requirements
therefore likely cause the ship’s bridge systems to be
used differently across situations. In line with this
reasoning, the range of the radar system, for example,
is used differently depending on the navigation
situation [14].
Hence, there is a strong need to examine the
situation dependent demand for functionalities in
order to enable future navigation systems to be
optimally aligned with user needs in different
navigational situations. The aim of the current study
is to shed light on this important issue by inspecting
the effect of the navigational situation on the
perceived importance of functionalities and
information and their frequency of use. For this
purpose, nautical officers were directly consulted in
the sense of a human-centered design approach [7] to
identify their specific needs and requirements. Based
on the current body of research [14, 24], the following
hypothesis was formulated: The need for
functionalities and information on ship bridge
systems depends on the navigation situation. To tap
more into measuring the need for functionalities, and
not only their frequency of use, the importance of
functionalities was additionally enquired.
2.1 Participants
Navigators were recruited for participation with the
support of international organizations involved in
shipping. Recruitment was carried out online
primarily by email. To be included in the analysis,
navigators were required to have at least one year of
experience at sea as a nautical officer. This was to
ensure that all participants were familiar with the
navigation systems and their functionalities.
A total of N = 80 participants completed the online
questionnaire, with n = 25 for open sea, n = 27 for
confined waters, and n = 28 for restricted areas. On
average, participants possessed M = 13.87 (SD = 9.85)
years of sailing experience and most of them (66%)
had been sailing during the past six months prior to
the study. The navigators were most acquainted with
tankers (56%), bulkers (16%) and containers (15%),
and were employed as second officer (35%), master
(28.7%), third officer (15%), and first officer (2.5%), or
possessed another nautical position (18.8%) at the
time of data collection.
2.2 Measuring and Assigning the Priority of
In this study, our aim was to investigate how to
arrange functionalities on navigational displays for
different navigational situations to be optimally in
line with human skills. For this purpose, navigators
were asked to indicate how frequently they use 169
ECDIS and 168 radar functionalities and how
important they consider them when navigating in a
certain situation. We selected the functionalities for
the questionnaire based on simulator investigations of
three ECDIS and radar systems. See Table 1 for a list
of categories and a selection of example
Table 1. Categories and example functionalities
Categories Example functionalities
Own ship information Heading, ROT
Environmental Wind speed, direction of current
Display presentation Select ship centered mode, change
range/scale indication and setting
Cursor location Cursor position, cursor bearing
from own ship
Tools Select and display range rings,
select and display VRM1
Route information Route name, next WPT number
Route monitoring Set cross track distance, display
bearing to next waypoint
Targets and other Acquire Radar target, activate AIS
objects target
Chart settings Select safety depth, show deep
Display of Select tidal data, select surface
environmental data currents
Own ship settings Select show stern line, select show
past track for own ship
Radar setting Select S- or X-band, set gain
Functionalities Set a trial maneuver, perform
parallel indexing
Alert handling Acknowledge alerts, temporarily
silence alerts
The same online questionnaire served as the basis
for a previous study by our research group, in which
the task dependency of functionalities was
investigated [10]. In this previous study, we examined
the interaction effect of the task a functionality
belonged to (route monitoring vs. collision avoidance)
and the device on which the functionality was
available (radar vs. ECDIS). To analyze this
interaction, a subsample of 210 of the 337 surveyed
functionalities was examined, which included only
those functionalities that could be clearly assigned to
one of the two tasks.
In contrast, the main purpose of the present study
was to investigate whether the navigational situation
had an influence on the evaluation of all 337
functionalities. As in the previous study, the variable
of interest was coined as the priority of a
functionality, consisting of an integration of the two
factors surveyed: frequency of use and importance.
Frequency of use is established as a valid indicator of
whether users really need a feature (see [24]). As a
rule, the more frequently a feature is utilized, the
faster it needs to be accessible. Yet, there are
functionalities that need to be rapidly accessible, even
though their frequency of use is low. The POB
function for example is allegedly almost never
employed but may become extremely important in a
person overboard situation. Therefore, functionalities’
frequency of use was complemented by surveying
functionalities’ importance. These two ratings were
obtained using 5-point scales. The frequency of use
scale covered ratings from “never” (1) to “always” (5),
whereas importance was classified from “extremely
unimportant” (1) to “extremely important” (5). See
Figure 1 for example questions.
Figure 1. Example questions for ECDIS and two
To create the priority measure that accommodates
both types of information, we integrated the two
ratings on a global 5-point scale. On this scale, a high
priority rating indicates a high overall need for the
functionality, whereas a low rating corresponds to a
low need for the respective functionality. We
employed expert ratings of importance, frequency of
use and priority for developing our global priority
measure. These established the following rules: first, if
a functionality received the highest possible
importance or frequency of use rating, or both, it was
given a priority rating of five, resembling the highest
priority. Second, if the frequency of use and
importance ratings coincided, the corresponding
rating was adopted for the priority scale. Third, if the
frequency of use and importance ratings deviated by
one point, the higher rating from both scales was
taken for the priority. Fourth, if the frequency of use
and importance ratings featured a two-point
difference, the mean of both ratings was calculated
and adopted as the resulting priority. The remaining
cases were classified with a priority of three.
2.3 Situation Dependency of Functionalities
In this study, our aim was to investigate whether the
need for functionalities depends on the navigational
situation. For this purpose, three navigational
situations were defined: open sea, confined waters
and restricted areas. Open sea was described as a
situation without any land, water depth, or traffic
separation restrictions and with little traffic (e.g. the
middle of the Atlantic Ocean). Confined waters was
characterized by opposing features, as it was marked
by the presence of land, water depth, traffic separation
restrictions and heavy traffic (e.g. the English
Channel). Lastly, restricted areas were described as
areas with very limited maneuverability due to the
presence of land, port, water depth, and height
restrictions (e.g. port areas).
To quantify situation dependency, mean priority
ratings were first calculated for each functionality and
then trimmed by 20%. Trimmed means were used to
account for possible deviations from the normal
distribution, as they are less sensitive towards outliers
than untrimmed means and thus more robust [8, 16].
Trimmed means were then rounded, which enables
precisely assigning the functionalities to one of the
five priority levels. Finally, functionalities were
classified as either situation dependent or situation
independent, based on the assigned priority level.
Only if functionalities received equal priorities in all
three situations, they were coined as being
independent of the situation. Otherwise,
functionalities were classified as situation dependent.
2.4 Experimental Design
We employed a 2 x 3 mixed design with navigational
device (radar and ECDIS) as within-subjects factor
and situation (open sea, confined waters, restricted
areas) as between-subjects factor. The questionnaire
measured the frequency of use and importance of
each functionality for each device in each situation.
Those ratings were combined to a compound priority
rating. The dependent variable of interest consisted of
the trimmed and rounded means of functionalities’
priority ratings. The two independent variables are
described in more detail below.
Device. Participants rated the frequency of use and
importance of 176 functionalities available on radar
and ECDIS navigation systems (within-subjects
factor). Since 161 of the 176 functionalities (91%) are
available on both systems, whereas 8 functionalities
are available on ECDIS only, and 7 functionalities on
radar only, each participant rated a total of 337
Situation. Participants were randomly assigned to
one of three navigational situations in order to reduce
the questionnaires’ length. At the beginning of the
questionnaire, participants were asked to focus on the
indicated situation while answering the questions.
Thus, situation was employed as a between subjects
factor with three levels.
2.5 Procedure
Data was collected by means of an online
questionnaire, which was programmed using the
online survey tool SoSci Survey [15]. First, navigators
were provided with general information regarding
the research aim and gave their informed consent for
participation. General questions were displayed
concerning the navigators’ occupational background.
Then, information about one of the three possible
situations was given, after which a control question
was asked to assure that participants were aware of
the assigned situation. Finally, participants rated the
functionalities’ frequency of use and importance on 5-
point scales. They were given the opportunity to leave
additional comments regarding the presented
functionalities at each page of the questionnaire.
Overall, completion of the survey took approximately
90 minutes.
2.6 Data Analysis
We performed both descriptive analyses and
inferential statistical tests with the help of IBM SPSS
and R. To avoid extensive α-error accumulation, we
did not apply inferential statistics to investigate the
situation dependency individually for each
functionality. However, inferential statistics were
applied to examine the global effect of situation and
device and possible interactions on trimmed priority
ratings. For this purpose, a mixed model ANOVA was
set up with the two factors device and situation,
including only the trimmed priority ratings of
functionalities available on both devices (n = 161
functionalities per device). Testing the assumptions of
the mixed model ANOVA revealed that group
variances for ECDIS were heterogeneous, as assessed
by Levene’s test (p = .001), whereas they can be
assumed to be homogenous for radar (p = .273).
Inspection of the Q-Q-plots suggested a deviation
from the normal distribution of trimmed priority
ratings. However, our sample consisted of n = 161
functionalities per cell and mixed model ANOVAs are
considered to be robust against normality violations
and heterogeneous variances, when sample size is
large and equal in all cells [22].
A one-way ANOVA with situation as factor and
trimmed priority ratings of all functionalities included
(n = 337 per situation) was conducted to follow-up the
mixed model ANOVA. Again, Q-Q-plots indicated
deviations from a normal distribution and Levene’s
test was significant (p = .014), but sample size is
sufficiently large for the ANOVA to be considered
robust [22]. The one-way ANOVA was followed by
three independent samples t-tests. For all inferential
statistical tests, an alpha level of α = .05 was employed
and Bonferroni adjusted if appropriate. As a measure
of effect size, Cohen’s d, η
and ηp
were utilized and
interpreted according to [1].
Descriptive statistics of trimmed priority ratings are
displayed in Table 2. Untrimmed priority ratings were
included to illustrate the difference between
untrimmed and trimmed ratings. The means of
trimmed priority ratings were consistently higher
than the corresponding means of untrimmed priority
ratings on both devices and in all three situations. Our
priority scale consists of five levels, with the third
level representing the scales’ midpoint. All means
were well above a value of 3, suggesting that most
functionalities received a rather high priority. This
also explained why trimmed means were always
higher than untrimmed means, since the lowest 20%
of priority ratings that were excluded then had a
greater impact on the mean than the highest 20% of
priority ratings that were excluded.
Table 2. Means (and standard deviations) of untrimmed and trimmed priority ratings for 169 ECDIS and 168 radar
Open Sea (n = 25) Confined Waters (n = 27) Restricted Areas (n = 28)
Device untrimmed trimmed untrimmed trimmed untrimmed trimmed
Radar 3.63 (0.85) 3.72 (1.03) 3.36 (0.86) 3.41 (1.12) 3.53 (0.84) 3.58 (1.03)
ECDIS 4.14 (0.52) 4.37 (0.61) 3.83 (0.67) 4.01 (0.84) 4.08 (0.58) 4.28 (0.66)
Table 3. Descriptive statistics of trimmed priority ratings for the 161 functionalities applicable to both devices
Open Sea (n = 25) Confined Waters (n = 27) Restricted Areas (n = 28)
Device M SD M SD M SD
Radar 3.71 1.05 3.42 1.14 3.57 1.04
ECDIS 4.37 0.62 4.00 0.85 4.27 0.67
As shown in Table 2, radar functionalities received
lower mean priority ratings than ECDIS
functionalities in all three situations. Furthermore,
irrespective of the device, the priority of
functionalities in confined waters is on average lower
than the priority of functionalities in the other two
situations. Functionalities received the highest mean
priority ratings on open sea. A mixed model ANOVA
was set up to investigate whether these observed
differences in trimmed priority ratings are statistically
significant. Only those functionalities available on
both devices were included in the mixed model
analysis, leading to an elimination of 15
functionalities (n = 161 per device). The descriptive
statistics of these do not differ substantially from
those with all functionalities included (see Table 2)
and are displayed in Table 3.
The mixed model ANOVA yielded a significant
main effect of device (F(1,480) = 111.83, p < .001, ηp
.19) as well as a significant main effect of situation
(F(2,480) = 11.50, p < .001, ηp
= .05). The interaction
between device and situation was not significant
(F(2,480) = 0.30, p = .739, ηp
< .01), indicating that the
main effects can be analyzed and interpreted
separately. Since the main effect of device was
significant, the above observations regarding the
device dependency were underpinned statistically.
Trimmed priority ratings of radar functionalities were
indeed significantly lower than trimmed priority
ratings of ECDIS functionalities with a medium effect
size (d = 0.69).
The significant main effect of situation was
investigated further by conducting a one-way
ANOVA including all functionalities (n = 337 per
situation). The ANOVA model with situation as factor
and trimmed priority rating as dependent variable
reflected a significant difference in trimmed priority
ratings between situations (F(2,1008) = 10.24, p < .001,
= .02). Consequently, three t-tests were conducted
to examine the difference. After applying a Bonferroni
correction to adjust for multiple testing (α = .017),
there were significant differences in priority ratings
with small effect sizes between confined waters and
open sea (t(661) = -4.40, p < .001, d = -0.34) and
between confined waters and restricted areas (t(665) =
2.81, p = .005, d = -0.22). The difference between open
sea and restricted areas was non-significant (t(672) =
1.64, p = .101, d = 0.13). Therefore, trimmed priority
ratings were significantly lower for confined waters
than for the other two situations, confirming the
descriptive observation above. However, trimmed
priority ratings for open sea were not significantly
higher than ratings for restricted areas.
3.1 Device Dependency
As the inferential statistical tests described only
address the global means across all functionalities, the
device dependency effect was examined more closely
in the following. On each device, the functionalities’
distributions over the five priority levels after
rounding the trimmed priority ratings were observed
and are displayed in Figure 2 and in Figure 3. Radar
functionalities (Figure 2) seem to be more evenly
distributed over the five priority levels than ECDIS
functionalities (Figure 3). On ECDIS, one can observe
a descending order: the two highest ratings (levels 5
and 4) were predominantly given, while some
functionalities received a priority of 3 and even less
functionalities received a priority of 2. No
functionality was evaluated with a priority of 1 on
ECDIS. On Radar, three functionalities received a
priority rating of 1 in confined waters. Therefore,
navigators very rarely classified functionalities as
“extremely unimportant” and as never usedat the
same time, while a majority of functionalities were
rated as either “extremely important”, “always used”,
or both.
Figure 2. Number of functionalities in each priority level by
situation on radar
Figure 3. Number of functionalities in each priority level by
situation on ECDIS
Table 4. Examples of functionalities in the respective situation dependency categories
Situation Example functionalities on radar Example functionalities on ECDIS
OS Alphanumerical position Alphanumerical position
Rudder angle Select display orientation North Up/Head
Set curved heading line Up/Course Up
Select display of unknown objects Select true/relative motion mode
Enter geographical coordinates of any position Enter geographical coordinates of any position
and display that position and display that position
Set alert escalation (unacknowledged warning
escalation time)
CW -- change displayed chart area manually
RA Remove chart data Select align by heading or course over ground for
Select safety depth heading line
Select video emphasis Select show 2nd past track for own ship
Distance to "TO-WPT" Temporarily silence alerts/alarms
ETA POB function
Toggle past positions on/off
OS Show time labels Set target vector length (time)
Time to go to "TO-WPT" Perform manual update
CW COG Set own ship track length (time)
Set and load user configurations Set filters for AIS target information
Set filters for AIS target information Add/remove information from standard display
Select Display Base/Standard Display/All Plot own ship position manually (dead reckoning)
Information Set AIS settings (transmitter, select auto/manual
Calculate rise/set sun and moon for channel A/B, …)
RA Water depth under keel Water depth under keel
Water depth (chart datum) Select default ECDIS settings
Show shallow contour Set curved heading line
Add/remove information from standard display Time to go to cursor position
Time to go to cursor position Wind speed
3.2 Situation Dependency
Similar to the device dependency effect, the situation
dependency effect was also examined more closely by
looking at the individual functionalities. While the
priority of some functionalities appeared to be
situation independent, the priority of other
functionalities differed by situation. In total, 77 radar
functionalities (46%) and 86 ECDIS functionalities
(51%) were classified as situation dependent
according to the rules specified (see section 2.3).
Consequently, 91 radar functionalities (54%) and 83
ECDIS functionalities (49%) received the same
priority ratings in all three situations, i.e., were
classified as situation independent. Therefore, the
priority ratings of approximately half of the radar and
ECDIS functionalities can be viewed as depending on
the navigational situation.
To explore how exactly situation dependency
manifested itself, further analyses were conducted. As
the mixed ANOVA model already showed, situation
dependency stemmed mostly from the fact that
functionalities were evaluated differently in confined
waters than in the other two situations. This
difference was most pronounced with respect to
priority ratings of 5, 3 (ECDIS) and 2, but not for
ratings of 1 and 4, in which the number of priority
ratings was approximately the same in each situation,
as displayed in Figure 2 and Figure 3. In confined
waters, less functionalities received the highest
priority rating compared to the other two navigational
situations, complemented by a higher number of
lower priority ratings (i.e., ratings of 3 and 2).
Figure 4. Number of situation dependent functionalities
categorized by the situation in which they received the
highest priority (indicated by ) or the lowest priority
(indicated by). Functionalities received the same priority
in the unmentioned situations. OS = open sea, CW =
confined waters, RA = restricted areas
Figure 4 provides a clearer picture of
functionalities’ situation dependency by displaying
the number of functionalities that differed by one
priority level when comparing one situation to the
other two. If a functionality received the highest
(indicated by ) or lowest (indicated by ) priority
rating in one situation, it received the same priority in
the other two situations. There was only one
functionality on ECDIS ( change displayed chart
area manually) that received the highest priority in
confined waters. Again, most situational differences
originated from functionalities that received a lower
priority in confined waters than in the other two
situations. This was true for 25 radar and 41 ECDIS
functionalities, supporting the trend seen in Figure 2,
Figure 3 and the mixed ANOVA results. The second
most frequent origin for situation dependency was a
higher priority rating of functionalities on open sea
than in the other two situations, which accounted for
30 radar and 22 ECDIS functionalities. Functionalities
receiving the highest or lowest priority in restricted
areas, or the lowest priority in open sea were by far
less frequent. Table 4 displays examples of
functionalities classified in the respective situation
dependency category.
Table 4 and Figure 4 only include those
functionalities with a situational difference in priority
ratings of one level. Additionally, a difference of two
priority levels between at least two situations were
obtained in the following four functionalities: “rudder
angle” (ECDIS), “propulsion engine RPM” (ECDIS),
“select S- or X-band” (ECDIS), “set AIS settings”
The design process of ship bridge systems rarely
adheres to a human-centered design approach [2] and
seldom addresses users’ needs [9]. In our current
study, we aimed at changing this by surveying
navigators about how frequently they use
functionalities on ECDIS and radar systems and how
important they consider these. These two measures
were used to derive navigators’ overall need for the
functionality on the respective system by assigning
them to one of five priority levels. As previous
research suggests that functionalities’ use depends on
the navigational situation [24], we specifically
surveyed the need for functionalities in three separate
navigational situations: open sea, confined waters and
restricted areas.
4.1 Summary, Interpretation and Practical Relevance of
Study Results
Our analyses revealed that for about half of all 337
functionalities, the priority depended on the situation,
although the difference in priority between the
situations consisted only of one priority level for the
majority of functionalities (98%). Situation
dependency was mostly due to functionalities
receiving a higher priority on open sea or a lower
priority in confined waters than in the respective
other two situations, as confirmed by the inferential
statistical analysis. On average, functionalities
received a significantly lower priority in confined
waters compared to the other situations, regardless of
the considered navigation system.
One possible explanation for the higher
prioritization of functionalities on open sea than in the
other two situations is that on open sea, navigators
may have to rely more on navigation systems because
looking out of the window might not reveal much
information there. On the contrary, in confined waters
and restricted areas there is rather high traffic density
and a proximity to the shore. Thus, most events
happen within a close range of the own ship and
navigators retrieve most situational information by
simply looking out the window. Another plausible
explanation is that events on open sea are relatively
rare, allowing navigators to take the time to modify
routes and to prepare impending entries of busier
confined waters by adjusting limits and other settings
optimally to the circumstances in confined waters. As
a result, the need for such settings is higher on open
sea than in confined waters. The navigators’
comments underpin this assumption (see [10]).
Further, priority levels were given more
distinctively in confined waters. The need for
functionalities may thus be more differentiated in
confined waters than in the other two situations. On
open sea and in restricted areas most functionalities
were classified in only two of the five possible priority
levels, which was more pronounced for ECDIS than
for radar functionalities. In these two situations
almost all functionalities were assigned to the two
highest priority levels for the ECDIS. Therefore,
navigators are reluctant to dismiss functionalities as
extremely unimportant and never used, in line with a
central tendency bias often observed in
questionnaires, which states that participants prefer
scale midpoints over extremes [4]. However, for
higher priority levels, a central tendency bias was not
observed on the ECDIS, since most functionalities
were assigned to the two highest priority levels.
Hence, ECDIS functionalities are classified either as
extremely important, always used or both.
These findings are somewhat surprising, as one
would expect that some functionalities are not needed
due the high number of functionalities available on
the navigation systems. According to the survey
results, a large amount of ECDIS functionalities is
needed. This highlights the importance of optimally
adapting the ECDIS design to navigators’ skills and
capacities. All functionalities need to be accessible
quickly and effortlessly to allow for efficient execution
of core tasks.
In contrast to ECDIS functionalities, considerably
more functionalities on radar were assigned to lower
priority levels (see Figure 2). Accordingly, the mean
priority of radar functionalities was significantly
lower than the mean priority of ECDIS functionalities,
regardless of the situation. Consequently, the need for
radar functionalities is more nuanced than the need
for ECDIS functionalities. Results from our other
analyses underline this finding, indicating that radar
systems are mainly seen as collision avoidance tools,
whereas a less clear task allocation emerges for the
ECDIS [10].
Taken together, these results indicate that the need
for a functionality both depends on the navigational
situation in which it is used and on the device, on
which the functionality is displayed, with most
functionalities receiving a high priority rating. These
results include important insights into how ECDIS
and radar functionalities should be presented. On the
one hand, a situation dependent presentation would
be plausible, in which functionalities are presented
differently in the three situations according to the
navigators’ needs (which is in line with [13]).
However, different situation modes should be
employed with caution. According to [5], the number
of modes should be limited in order to prevent mode
confusion. Navigators may receive training to
understand and use the different modes correctly, so
that mode changes are expected and self-initiated
only. Future studies need to investigate whether
ECDIS and radar designs would benefit from
incorporating multiple situation modes when
navigators receive sufficient training. It would be
particularly interesting to see, if these new ECDIS and
radar designs perform better than traditional designs
in simulator tests, for example. In general, it would be
interesting to know, in which aspects the new ECDIS
and radar designs differ from traditional designs.
Further, the results offer implications on how
functionalities can be presented efficiently in the
navigational situations. For example, the
functionalities’ priority could be used as an indicator
of how quickly accessible the functionality should be
in the respective situation [10]. This offers a feasible
approach for radar systems, since on the radar,
different functionalities were assigned quite
heterogeneously to priority levels. On the ECDIS,
however, due to the largely homogeneous
prioritization, the accessibility measure alone will not
be sufficient to guide display design. Further
investigations and iterations with users actively
participating in the design process according to [7]
will be necessary.
4.2 Study limitations
We employed a between subjects design to investigate
the effect of the navigational situation on the priority
of functionalities. For this reason, it is not completely
clear whether the same navigator would have
prioritized functionalities differently in the three
navigational situations. However, we believe that the
between subject design was necessary to avoid
extending the already very long online questionnaire
even further. Furthermore, the relative ranking of the
functionalities’ priority within one situation is not
affected by the chosen method and is thus still
sufficient to guide display design. Nevertheless, we
will carry out further studies to investigate whether
the situation dependencies observed are solely
attributable to the design employed.
Another limitation is that we rounded the trimmed
means of priority ratings to be able to assign them to
different priority levels unambiguously and to
quantify situation dependency. Rounding sometimes
creates arbitrary differences. For instance, a trimmed
mean of 4.4 would be assigned to a priority of four,
while a trimmed mean of 4.6 would receive a priority
of five, although the difference in trimmed means is
very small. Furthermore, the practical relevance of our
obtained situational differences might be questioned,
since most situation dependencies (98%) resulted
from a difference of only one priority level. For this
reason, it is important to test a design guided by the
results of this questionnaire extensively before
establishing it in practice.
This study investigated the research question of which
functionalities nautical officers really need in which
navigational situations. Nautical officers regarded
almost none of the functionalities (< 1%) as never used
and extremely unimportant. Thus, the aforementioned
question must be answered in the following way
based on the study’s results. Nautical officers need
almost all functionalities to a certain extent regardless
of the navigational situation. However, differences in
the intensity of the need between the navigational
situations and the considered devices have been
observed. About half of the functionalities could be
classified as being used in a situation dependent
manner. Functionalities received overall higher and
more homogeneous priority ratings on the ECDIS
than on the radar, where priority ratings were on
average lower and more heterogeneous. These results
offer implications for ECDIS and radar design and
provide an important step towards a more human-
centered design approach. For instance, functionalities
might be presented in different situation-dependent
modes. Priority ratings may serve as sufficient
indicators of how fast a respective functionality
should be accessible on the radar. For the ECDIS,
where priority ratings were quite high and not as
diverse, future studies may investigate how
functionalities can be presented to avoid information
clutter and overload, allowing for an effective user-
centered navigation.
The study was carried out as part of a project funded by the
German Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital
Infrastructure. We would like to thank BM Bergmann
Marine for the grateful support. In particular, we would like
to thank all the nautical officers who completed the online
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