International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 2
Number 3
September 2008
Safety and Security Aspects for the Effective
Shipment of Radioactive Materials with
Maritime Transportation
Z. Er
Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey
ABSTRACT: The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) estimates that 10 million shipments of radio-
active materials are transported annually. Each shipment is made up of either a single package or a number of
packages transported from one location to another. The vast majority of these shipments, some 95%, relate to
non-fuel cycle transports such as the transport of smoke detectors, and cobalt sources for medical purposes.
Only 5% relate to nuclear fuel cycle transports. This study investigates the safety stability aspect, harmonized
regulation based transportation, sustaining shipment aspect for the transportation of radioactive materials by
ships. Consequently the originality of this paper appears the alignment of existing maritime rules and
regulations with the IAEA regulations in order to provide easy understanding and usage for the establishment
of code of safe and secure practices for seafarers with the countermeasures and harmonized regulations that
are practically implemented by the navigation officers and Master.
Each day thousands of shipments of radioactive
material are transported on international and national
routes. These consignments, which are carried by
road, rail, sea, air and inland waterway, can range
from smoke detectors, and cobalt sources for
medical uses, to reprocessed fuel for use in
electricity generation. The IAEA regulations for the
Safe Transport of Radioactive Material were first
published in 1961 and have been revised regularly
to keep pace with scientific and technological
developments. Today, more than 60 member States
and the UN Model Regulations for the Transport of
Dangerous Goods along with modal agencies such as
the International Civil Aviation Organization
(ICAO) and the International Maritime Organization
(IMO) have adopted safety requirements and
standards based on the IAEA Regulations. As a
result, the IAEA Regulations apply to the transport
of radioactive materials almost anywhere in the
In addition, shipments comply with the safety
requirements of the shipping states’ governments.
Packages used for the transport of nuclear materials
are designed to retain their integrity during the
various conditions that may be encountered while
they are being transported and to ensure that an
accident will not have any major consequences.
Regulatory performance tests include fire, impact,
immersion, pressure, heat and cold. Maritime
transportation is integral to the whole process of
matching product to markets. The transport of
dangerous goods, such as Class 7 radioactive
materials must be conducted in a manner to assure
safety to life and the environment (IMDG Code,
2005). It must also be done cost-effectively taking
into account the ISPS Code which is not technically
focused on the transportation of dangerous goods in
general sense.
The transport of radioactive materials is
intentionally regulated to protect human, property
and the environment. Shipments of radioactive
materials must comply with relevant physical
protection requirements developed by the IAEA, as
well as the safety requirements of the Modal
Organizations such as the IMO and ICAO.
1.1 Transport security
After the Second World War the increased pace of
industrialization around the world led to growth in
the transport of goods classified as dangerous,
including petroleum products, gases, explosives,
petrochemicals, acids and radioactive material.
Because of the safety related issues linked to the
intensifying international and multimodal movement
of dangerous goods, in the early 1950s the Transport
and Communications Commission of the United
Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)
acknowledged a need for a uniform system of
transport regulation. It was recognized that a
consistent approach to regulating dangerous goods
transport provided the best way of ensuring
consideration of all hazards (WNTI Review Series
No. 1, 2006).
After the attacks of September 11th, 2001,
concerns intensified over the vulnerability of U.S.
ports to acts of terrorism. One particular concern
involves the possibility that terrorists would attempt
to smuggle illegal fissile material or a tactical
nuclear weapon into the country through a cargo
container shipped from overseas. This testimony
discusses the programs already in place to counter
such attempts, new initiatives now under way to
enhance the nation’s security against such attempts,
and the key challenges faced in implementing these
various efforts.
Maintaining secure as well as safe transport
remained a priority at the IAEA in 2005. Work
continued on developing guidelines on transport
security. These guidelines were the subject of a
Technical Meeting in 2006.These guidelines also
request the IAEA Secretariat to report on the
planning and work of the International Expert Group
on Nuclear Liability (INLEX) (ICCP, 2004).
The safe and efficient transport of radioactive
materials is vital to many aspects of modern life,
from the generation of electricity, to medicine and
health, scientific research, and agriculture. All these
industries are becoming increasingly global in terms
both of products and services. Maintaining safe and
secure national and international transport by all
modes is essential to support them. Radioactive
material is only one of a total of nine classes of
dangerous goods that are routinely transported
worldwide (Dixon, 2001).
The IAEA General Conference, in 1998,
recognized that “compliance with regulations which
take account of the Agency’s Transport Regulations
is providing a high level of safety during the
transport of radioactive materials. in accordance with
Resolution GC(42)/RES/13 (Croxford, 2005).
Transport of nuclear fuel cycle materials is
conducted within a rapidly changing environment.
Transporters of radioactive materials have an
outstanding safety record. Indeed, the transport of
radioactive materials could be regarded as a model
for the transport of other classes of dangerous goods.
The industry has a long track record over several
decades. It is noteworthy that where there have been
transport incidents involving radioactive materials,
and these have been few relative to the number of
such transports, they have been without major
radiological consequence for health and the
environment. The incidents there have been, have
largely been transport events involving radioactive
materials, not radiological events involving
transport. There is good evidence that packages
conforming to the International Atomic Energy
Agency standards offer sufficient protection under
accident conditions. That is not the conclusion only
of those in the industry; that is the conclusion of
the international community of nations, members
of the IAEA.
There are two principal reasons for this
outstanding safety record. It is due primarily to well-
founded regulations developed by such key
intergovernmental organizations as the International
Atomic Energy Agency with the essential
contributions of the Member States who participate
actively in the regulation implementation and
revision processes, and their reflection in the
international transport safety regime of modal,
regional and national regulations. It is due also to the
professionalism of those in the industry. There shall
be a necessary synergy between the two, between the
regulators whose task it is to make and to enforce the
rules for safe, reliable and efficient transport, and
those whose job it is to transport within the rules.
Both, the regulator and the transporter, can be more
effective in achieving their purposes when they co-
operate in the interest of mutual understanding.
1.2 The Recommended safe and secure transport
of radioactive materials
Nuclear power industry is generating electricity in 31
countries, supplying over 16% of the world’s
demand. To sustain this important source of energy,
it is essential that nuclear fuel cycle materials
continue to be transported safely and efficiently
(Dixon, 2001). When the transportation of nuclear
materials is examined they can be mainly
categorized with the following manner:
Front end materials- Uranium ore concentrate:
Uranium ore is widely distributed. The main sources
are in North America, Australia, South Africa and
Eastern Europe.
Uranium hexafluoride: Hex produced from the
conversion of UOC is a very important intermediate
in the manufacture of new reactor fuel. In storage
and during transport the Hex material inside the
cylinders is in a solid form. Hex is also stored in
these cylinders prior to being transported to an
enrichment plant. Hex is routinely transported by
road, rail or sea, or more commonly, by a
combination of transportation modes. Hex cylinders
are transported using trailers, rail wagons or standard
ISO flat rack containers.
Enriched uranium hexafluoride: Only 0.7% of
natural uranium is ‘fissile’, or capable of undergoing
fission, the process by which energy is produced in a
nuclear reactor. This is enriched to the level required
for most common types of nuclear reactors.
Commercial enrichment plants are in operation in
the USA, Western Europe and Russia and this gives
rise to extensive international transport operations
involving Hex between conversion and enrichment
plants. Smaller universal cylinders are used to
transport enriched Hex. These cylinders are some
76 cm (30”) in diameter and are loaded in overpacks
to guard against a criticality excursion i.e. an
unwanted fission reaction. The loaded overpacks are
generally transported using ISO flat rack containers
for transport to fuel fabrication plants.
Fabricated uranium fuel: Reactor fuel is generally
in the form of ceramic pellets. The pellets are
encased in metal tubes to form rods which are then
arranged into a fuel assembly ready for introduction
into a reactor. The fuel assemblies are transported in
specially designed packages and the configuration of
packages during transport guarantees that criticality
excursions could not occur.
Back end materials, Spent fuel, MOX fuel, and
vitrified high-level waste: Fuel is discharged
periodically from nuclear reactors, typically after
about three to five years as it becomes less efficient.
This highly radioactive ‘spent’ fuel can either be sent
to a reprocessing plant or stored pending final
Non-fuel cycle radioactive materials: Radioactive
materials are also widely used in gamma processing
which provides 40% of the world’s sterile medical
disposables and devices (from swabs and syringes to
hip joints and heart valves) as well as sterile
ingredients for pharmaceuticals. Large sources are
also used for sterilisation purposes in the food
industry and in many industrial applications, for
example in the radiography of highduty metal
fabrications. These gamma sources are manufactured
in very few countries and sea transport is therefore
vital to distribute them from the manufacturers to
several hundred users worldwide. Radioactive
materials are also used in medicine for diagnostic
purposes and therapy, and in the manufacture of
radiopharmaceuticals (Dixon, 2001).
IAEA has been the body responsible for
developing requirements governing radioactive
material transport for more than 40 years.
Radioactive material is considered as one of the nine
classes of dangerous goods, which are transported all
over the world on a regular basis. The transport of
the so-called Class 7 radioactive material, like that
of the other eight classes of dangerous goods, is
regulated by the international community through
the organizations established by the UN in the
second half of the 20th century. The dangerous
goods transport safety regime is established under
the United Nations umbrella. In compliance with the
ECOSOC request, IAEA works in close co-operation
with the UN Committee of Experts, as well as with
specialized UN agencies such as the International
Maritime Organization (IMO), the International
Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the UN
Economic Commission for Europe, responsible for
the various sets of modal transport requirements
(WNTI Review Series No.1, 2006).
The World Nuclear Transport Institute has
consultative status with the International Maritime
Organization (IMO) and with the United Nations
Committee of Experts on the Transport of
Dangerous Goods. World Nuclear Transport
Institute has observer status with the International
Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). IAEA Director
General, Dr. ElBaradei invited WNTI to attend
meetings of the Transport Safety Standards
Committee (TRANSSC), the premier IAEA body
charged with considering implementation and
revision of the IAEA Transport Safety Regulations.
Through the WNTI participation in this committee
and the related cycle of IAEA meetings industry
collectively now has the opportunity to register its
views on implementation of the IAEA transport
safety regulations, which forms a basis for
international, regional and domestic regulation, to
identify any problems arising from existing
regulations, and to propose changes to them (WPP-
01, 2001). There is a great deal attendant on
transport, particularly and properly for the transport
of dangerous goods. There are national, regional and
international standards and regulations to govern
transport safety, efficiency and reliability (WPP-04,
3.1 Port security concern on nuclear materials
The current security environment of course has an
impact on the manner in which nuclear materials are
moved within, and between, countries. Seaports, rail
yards, airports all have adopted increased security
to guard against unauthorized access to radioactive
materials. For example, ocean ports have
significantly reduced the amount of time that
radioactive material may be held at terminals prior to
loading or after unloading and yet, the latter often is
a function of waiting for customs clearance before
freight can be removed from the port premises.
Material in transit now frequently has to be moved to
specially guarded, secure facilities, where the total
length of time between unloading and reloading is
also limited. Rising security concerns also have an
impact on the risk assessments carried out by
insurance companies providing coverage for both
vessels and cargo. Owners of the materials are
concerned about the ‘perceptions of risk’ attached to
the movements of their materials, because it affects
not only premiums, but the potential for delays as a
result of increasing restrictions imposed by ports,
recognized organizations in accordance with the
ISPS Code or inland transport authorities. Security
related communication between all parties involved
in shipment of radioactive materials is essential to
ensure that current warnings are received in a timely
manner for assessment, and incorporation into
transport plans, and to ensure a prompt response
from qualified entities in the event of an incident
(Green, 2006).
3.2 Shipping aspect and carriage of nuclear
There are 63 non-governmental organizations,
including the World Nuclear Transport Institute
(WNTI), which have consultative status with IMO,
while 36 intergovernmental organizations have
concluded Co-operation Agreements with IMO. In
relation to dangerous goods, the IMO committees
with responsibility for technical decisions are the
Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) and the Marine
Environment Protection Committee (MEPC).
Amongst the sub-committees, the Sub-Committee
on Dangerous Goods, Solid Cargoes and Containers
(DSC), which reports to MSC, is the most active in
this field. When IMO adopts instruments, it strives
for consensus in order to have them implemented
by as many States as possible. IMO adopts both
conventions and codes. Member governments are
responsible for implementing a convention by
agreeing to make it part of national law, whereas
codes have the status of recommendations (WNTI
Review Series No.1, 2006).
Radiation sources used in the oil and gas industry
are frequently transported between service company
bases and points of use; they are sometimes
transferred or redirected to new locations and may be
moved, removed for temporary storage or reallocated
within a field or between sites. They are vulnerable
to loss or theft or simply to being misplaced. Service
companies and operators must keep detailed and
accurate records to account for the whereabouts of
sources at all times so as to prevent accidental
occupational exposure or unauthorized disposal. For
sources used on offshore platforms and rigs, the
keeping of an up-to-date record at an appropriate
onshore location would aid recovery of the sources
in the event of a serious incident. The likelihood of
loss or damage is greater for portable or mobile
sources (particularly small items such as smoke
detectors and beta lights). Every effort must be made
to locate radiation sources that are not accounted for
and the regulatory body must be notified promptly of
any loss. Sources that are lost or ‘orphaned’ present
a radiological risk to the public and constitute a
potentially serious hazard to any individual member
of the public who attempts to remove a source from
safe containment. They may become a significant
economic burden and risk to the wider public if, for
example, they are recycled with scrap metal.
Unnecessary risks that may result in the loss of a
source ought to be avoided; for example, it is
desirable that source containers are not lifted over
the sea. When sources must be manipulated and
where there is a risk of loss, suitable precautions
need to be taken (IAEA-TCS-0103, 2002). A plate
covering the annulus around a well logging tool, or a
chain connecting the source to the handling rod
while it is being inserted into the tool, is sufficient to
prevent a disconnected source from falling into a
well. A tarpaulin may be used to cover deck grating
during an emergency procedure to recover a
disconnected source from the projection tube of a
radiographic exposure container (IAEA Safety
Report Series No.34, 2003). .
3.3 Packaging of nuclear materials
The containers in which radiation sources are
transported, moved and stored are generally designed
to provide adequate shielding and radiation safety
under most climatic conditions. They demand a
degree of maintenance that may need to be increased
in more arduous working environments, for
example, in salty or sandy environments where
corrosion and increased wear may be of concern.
Installed gauges often remain in position for long
periods of time and it is important that they are kept
clean so that identification markings, labels or other
safety markings. Otherwise, in the longer term, the
obvious profile, discernible relevant markings and
even the source’s identity may be lost. The care and
maintenance of ancillary equipment for controlling
the radiation source (tubes and cables used for
radiography and handling rods used for well logging)
are similarly very important (IAEA Safety Report
Series No.34, 2003). The 1985 Edition of the IAEA
Regulations provided for four types of packages,
depending on the activity and physical form of their
radioactive content, these are expressed as follows:
excepted; industrial; Type A; and Type B (WNTI
Review Series No.1, 2006).
3.4 Development of Regulations for the Sea
Transport of Dangerous Goods
The need for international regulations governing the
carriage of dangerous goods by sea was recognized
by the 1929 International Conference on the Safety
of Life at Sea (SOLAS), which recommended that
rules on the subject should have international effect.
The Safety of Life At Sea Conference of 1948
adopted a classification system for dangerous goods
and certain general provisions concerning their
carriage in ships in Chapter VI of the SOLAS
Convention. It also recommended further study with
the object of drafting international regulations.
Meanwhile, in 1956 the UN Committee of Experts
published its first Recommendations, which offered
a general framework to which existing modal
dangerous goods transport regulations could be
adapted and within which they could develop. The
ultimate aim of the UN Orange Book was to bring
uniformity to maritime and other modal transport
rules on a worldwide basis.
As a further step towards meeting the need for
international rules governing the carriage of
dangerous goods in ships, the International
Conference on Safety of Life at Sea in 1960 laid
down a general framework of provisions in Chapter
VII of the SOLAS Convention. The Conference also
invited IMO to undertake a study with a view to
establishing a unified international code for the
carriage of dangerous goods by sea in co-operation
with the UN Committee of Experts, taking account
of existing maritime practices and procedures. The
Conference further recommended that the unified
code prepared by IMO should be adopted by the
governments party to the SOLAS Convention.
Following completion of the necessary development
work, the International Maritime Dangerous Goods
(IMDG) Code was adopted by the fourth IMO
General Assembly in November 1965. Like the other
modal dangerous goods requirements, the IMDG
Code covers nine classes of dangerous goods. Class
7 radioactive material is covered through
incorporation in the IMDG Code of the relevant
provisions of the IAEA Regulations for the Safe
Transport of Radioactive Material (IMDG Code,
2005). During the 1980s, the scope of the IMDG
Code was extended to include provisions and
requirements for the transport of substances and
materials harmful to the marine environment,
identified as marine pollutants. Inclusion of marine
pollutants in the Code also assisted in the
implementation of Annex III of the International
Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from
Ships, 1973, as modified by its 1978 Protocol 61
(the 1973/78 MARPOL Convention). Annex III
contains the regulations for preventing pollution by
harmful substances carried in packaged form,
including packages in portable tanks, freight
containers, road tankers and rail tank wagons. The
harmful substances covered by MARPOL Annex III
are thus those identified by GESAMP 63 as marine
pollutants in the IMDG Code. GESAMP has not
considered packaged radioactive material in the
context of marine pollutants and Annex III does not
apply to radioactive material. In addition to the
IMDG Code, the IMO introduced the Code for the
Safe Carriage of Irradiated Nuclear Fuel, Plutonium
and High-Level Radioactive Wastes in Flasks on
Board Ships (the INF Code) in 1993 (WNTI Review
Series No.1, 2006).
The gamma and neutron sources used in these
tools are normally transported in separate heavy
containers termed shipping shields or carrying
shields. They are Type A transport packages (or
sometimes Type B for the neutron source) that meet
the specifications for Category III labelling as
defined by the IAEA Regulations for the Safe
Transport of Radioactive Material (IAEA Safety
Requirements, 2005). They may be transported by
road in the vehicles of the logging companies to the
land well. When they are to be used offshore, the
shields are usually contained in an overpack. This
may be a large thickwalled box (external dimensions
about 1.75 m × 1.75 m × 1.75 m) that also serves as
a storage container at the well site. The dose rates of
the 137Cs source are significant but not normally
isotropic owing to the construction of the source
assembly. Dose rates may exceed 7.5 μSv/h for up to
30 m in the forward direction and about 4 m behind
the operator. The radiation from the source is
directed away from any occupied areas. The dose
rates of the neutron sources can exceed 7.5 μSv/h for
distances of up to about 4 m. In addition to a ‘set’ of
sources used in the logging tools, the logging
engineer will need a number of field calibration
sources to carry out final checks on the tools before
beginning the log. Master calibrations are
periodically performed on the tools at the logging
company’s operations base. These tests will involve
putting the sources into the tools or into a section of
the tool and either placing the tool inside a
calibration block or placing a block over the source
position on the tool. The master calibration for the
neutron–gamma logging tool involves generating
neutrons while the tool is inside a tank filled with a
suitable fluid (for example, clean water). The tank
and its contents remain radioactive for a short time
(up to 30 min) after the tool has been switched off.
The logging tools and the sources they contain are
subjected to very high downhole temperatures and
pressures. The sources normally fall within the
definition of ‘special form radioactive material’ as
sealed sources satisfying the test criteria specified by
the IAEA and ISO standards. Nevertheless, the
sources are normally given the further protection of a
special container (a pressure vessel) whenever they
are in the shield or logging tool. The sources also
need frequent checks for leakage of radioactive
substances in accordance with test criteria specified
by ISO standards (IAEA Safety Report Series No.34,
Radioactive material plays an important role in our
lives. Radioactive material being shipped includes
uranium ores, nuclear fuel assemblies, spent nuclear
fuel, radioisotopes and radioactive waste. Every
year, millions of packages containing radioactive
material for use in medicine, agriculture, industry,
defence and science are transported across
international borders via roads, rails, air and sea.
Transport of these materials must be carefully
regulated to ensure the safety of transport workers
and the public, as well as property and the
The IMO has established international standards
for ships carrying certain high activity radioactive
material, such as irradiated nuclear fuel, high
level waste and plutonium, called the INF Code.
The INF Code sets forth requirements in areas of
ship design or equipment including damage stability,
fire protection, temperature control of cargo
spaces, structural considerations, cargo securing
arrangements, and electrical arrangements. The
analysis and results in this study are primarily
focused on these high activity materials.
While this study encompassed marine transport
of packaged radioactive material on four different
types of ships: container ships, roll-on/roll-off
(Ro-Ro) ships, general cargo (breakbulk) ships,
or purpose-built ships, the results of the study are
applicable to any ship transporting radioactive
material that complies with the applicable cargo ship
requirements of the International Convention for
Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), as well as with the
specific requirements of the IMDG Code for the
radioactive material considered. In addition, for
ships that carry shipments of INF code materials,
this study takes into consideration special provisions
of the three separate classes of ships, depending on
the total maximum radioactive quantity that may be
carried on board:
Class INF 1 Ships: ships that are certified to carry
INF cargo with an aggregate activity less than
4000 TBq,
Class INF 2 Ships: ships that are certified to carry
irradiated nuclear fuel or high level wastes with
an aggregate activity less than 2 × 106 TBq and
those certified to carry plutonium with an
aggregate activity less than 2 × 105 TBq,
Class INF 3 Ships: ships that are certified to carry
irradiated nuclear fuel or high level wastes and
those certified to carry plutonium with no
restriction of the maximum aggregate activity of
Consequently this study was mainly concentrated
on safety and environmental awareness issues for the
carriage of nuclear materials via by ships. The
outcomes would be utilized not only the industry
itself but the Maritime Training and Education
(MET) institutions that are providing relevant
training on the carriage of dangerous goods such as
Class 7.
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