Among many logistical problems, appearing during
cargo transportation, there is always a form of route
rationalization problem. Whether it is a land
transportation by means of rail or road transport, or a
maritime transportation, or even an air
transportation, it necessary to find optimal route for
moving cargo from point A to point B. Building a
supply chain may involve solving this problem
repeatedly for many iterations [1]. Thus, it is very
important to have an instrument, supporting the
decision making process, when it comes to route
In maritime container cargo transportation, it is
crucial to build economically stable closed vessel
routes. Container vessels should be able to perform a
round trip and return to the initial port, having
delivered as many containers as possible, while also
having spent least possible time to perform a trip and
using shortest routes.
It is possible to reduce a route rationalization
problem in its general form down to a classic
travelling salesman problem (TSP). The criterion for
solution optimality may be length of a route, time of
cargo transportation by a certain route, amount of
fuel consumed, etc. A classic TSP implies that a
salesman (in this study’s case a vessel) has a task of
travelling through a number of cities (sea ports),
visiting each one only once. The problem is to find
optimal route
Theoretically it is possible to solve a route
rationalization problem (or a TSP) by means of the
most obvious brute force method. However, the
complexity of the problem does not allow to do this
in a sensible amount of time, due to faster than
exponential (factorial) growth of possible outcomes
with a polynomial growth of input. In fact, the
travelling salesman problem is proven to be NP-hard
[2]. This means, that there are no deterministic
algorithms, capable of solving the problem in
polynomial time. Thus, the only way to solve the
Cargo Vessel Route Rationalization with Chimerical
Genetic Algorithm
A.L. Kuznetsov
Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
G.B. Popov
“Maritime Construction and Technology” LLC, St. Petersburg, Russia
ABSTRACT: One of the most basic problems in logistics is the problem of route rationalization. Route
rationalization may be based on different criterions, but at its core it always can be reduced to classic
mathematical problems, such as travelling salesman problem (TSP). This study discusses methods, used to find
approximate solutions for TSP and proposes authors modification of classic genetic algorithm (GA) for solving
vessel’s route rationalization problem. Test results and strategies for vessel’s route rationalization are discussed.
A number of conclusions on best strategies for route rationalization is carried out.
the International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 14
Number 4
December 2020
DOI: 10.12716/1001.14.04.28
problem is to use approximating algorithms, which
allow to find at least a proximate solution in
polynomial time.
There are many approaches to solving TSP using
approximating algorithms. A number of researchers
use particle swarm algorithms to solve TSP [3, 4].
Other researchers use dynamic programming [5, 6].
There is a vast plane of studies including the usage of
evolutionary algorithms, specifically genetic
algorithms [7, 8, 9]. It is also a common practice to use
combinations of methods, such as a combination of a
genetic algorithm with a dynamic programming [10].
This paper proposes the usage of a modified
genetic algorithm. The core of the algorithm has
already been proposed in a previous study by the
authors [11]. This study considers improved version
of the proposed algorithm and highlights some of the
performance results of the algorithm.
Any classic genetic algorithm consists of the
following steps:
1 initialization;
2 selection;
3 genetic operators (usually crossover and
4 termination.
Steps 2 and 3 are repeated until a certain condition
is met or a certain amount of algorithm steps is
performed, which calls the function of termination.
Optimality criterion for each solution is abstract
distance between points (in this study’s case sea
ports). In terms of genetic algorithms theory
optimality criterion is called a fitness function, and is
calculated for each solution on each step of algorithm.
Each sea port has its X and Y coordinates, which
allows to calculate the distance between each two
ports, using (1):
This allows to build distance matrix, which
includes distances between all pairs of sea ports.
A possible solution for a vessel route
rationalization problem is a sequence of vessel’s ports
of call arranged in a certain order. The sequence
should always be closed, i. e. the initial port should
be the same as the final port, and there should not be
any reoccurring ports. A classic crossover operator is
not applicable to this problem, because of the way the
genetic inheritance works. Parent solutions provide
parts of their port sequences, but they do not
consider, that these parts may repeat in children
solutions. This is illustrated on Fig. 1, a.
The algorithm, suggested by authors, builds
around splitting solutions in two parts: heads and
tails. Each solution provides two children: one with
the head of its parent and the other one with the tail
of its parent. Missing parts of children are then
generated randomly out of the number of missing
ports. This ensures that no port in a solution sequence
is repeated twice. The proposed algorithm is
illustrated on Fig. 1, b.
Figure 1. Port inheritance: a classic GA; b chimerical
In order to keep the size of solution population
constant the two resulting chimera children are
compared based on their fitness functions. The best
out of two solutions is selected to be carried to the
next generation, the other one is destroyed.
In previous research the chimerical GA (hence the
chimera children used in genetic operators stage of
the algorithm) was prototyped using means of VBA
and MS Excel. A more advanced model was built in
AnyLogic 6. The current version of the algorithm is
built in Visual Studio Community Edition 2019 as a
console application written in C#. This allowed to
build a more open source application, as it is not
constrained by licenses of certain software.
The application is controlled by a number of
console-typed commands, including commands for:
generating ports and locating them (inputs are
number of ports and X and Y coordinates);
generating initial solution population (input is
size of population);
running chimerical GA (inputs are percent of
mutations and number of algorithm steps
Figure 2. Console view examples: a distance matrix
output example; b chimera GA step example.
In test mode the optimal fitness function is known
beforehand, as all the ports are situated in a shape,
closest to a circle. The resulting polygon’s perimeter
is the optimal solution. Termination condition is met
when a solution’s a fitness function equals to optimal
fitness function.
Examples of a distance matrix for 10 ports and of
GA step output for 12 ports are presented on Fig. 2.
Several strategies were tested with the algorithm.
Table 1 and Fig 3. provides results for comparing two
particular strategies. Strategy 1 considers constant
size of solution population and a 15% chance of
mutations on each step of the algorithm. Strategy 2
considers making size of population equal to the
number of sea ports, while chance of mutations
equals to 10%.
Figure 3. Comparison of strategies for running chimerical
The table and figure above show that the speed of
the algorithm (in steps, or generations) grows with
the size of population, which is expected. However,
this effect may not be the same, when comparing real
time of algorithm running. Due to larger population
in strategy 2, each step takes longer to calculate which
leads to longer time delays in between algorithm
steps. Moreover, strategy 1 (with constant 12
solutions in population) is more favorable for lower
numbers of sea ports (12 and lower). This leads to
strategy 3, which would suggest, that it is necessary
to pick such sizes of populations, which are
approximately twice the amount of sea ports. This is
tested with 20 ports rationalization problem.
Results of testing strategy 3 are presented on Fig. 4
and Fig. 5. Observations were performed for each
Figure 4. Strategy comparison for chimerical GA for 20
ports: a 12 solutions, 15% mutations, b 20 solutions,
20% mutations, c 40 solutions, 15% mutations.
Table 1. Strategy comparison for running chimerical GA
N of Strategy 1 Strategy 2
ports Size of % Steps (generations) Size of % Steps (generations)
population mutations to find optimal solution population mutations to find optimal solution
5 12 15% 2 5 10% 1
6 12 15% 2 6 10% 15
7 12 15% 3 7 10% 37
8 12 15% 6 8 10% 69
9 12 15% 11 9 10% 83
10 12 15% 37 10 10% 23
11 12 15% 163 11 10% 166
12 12 15% 199 12 10% 291
13 12 15% 1343 13 10% 1457
14 12 15% 4003 14 10% 3071
15 12 15% 7089 15 10% 2599
16 12 15% 117448 16 10% 52255
17 12 15% 155089 17 10% 75748
18 12 15% 143562 18 10% 139670
19 12 15% 696619 19 10% 327347
It is seen from the figures, that in all three cases the
algorithm fluctuates around some mean value, finding
solutions with higher and lower fitness function.
However, those mean values are different and the
larger the size of population, the closer the mean
value becomes to the optimal solution. Moreover
strategy 3 allowed to find a considerably close
solution to the optimal one with fitness function of
686 miles, while the optimal fitness function is 625
miles. Best found solutions are shown on Fig. 5.
Figure 5. Best solutions, found for 20 ports with chimerical
Besides the fact, that fitness function of the best
solution lowers with the rise of population size, the
amount of solutions having lower fitness functions
increases. The number of observations with sub 1000
fitness functions is 3, 9 and 19 out of 20 for strategy 1,
2 and 3 accordingly.
Results of this research advance further the results of
authors’ previous research on chimerical genetic
algorithm. It is shown, that there are many possible
strategies to be used for running chimerical GA. It is
as important to pick the right strategy as it is
important to lay down the validity of the model,
based on genetic algorithms.
The dependency on the size of population is
shown in the results section above. The size of
solution population should grow with growth of
number of sea ports for a vessel to call. The size of the
population should be around twice the number of
ports for reliable results to appear. However, the rate
of performance of the model (in real-time seconds)
should also be a consideration as well as number of
steps needed to find optimal solution. Having too
many initial solutions may result in significant delays
in performance of the model.
Results show that proposed strategy 3 (population
size is twice the number of sea ports) is preferable not
only because it was the closest to optimal solution
with 20 ports, but also because it is more stable. The
fact that nearly every observation (19 of 20) has the
best solution with fitness function of lower than 1000,
while other strategies have significantly less such
observations, speaks in its favor.
A number of conclusions is made:
1 Genetic algorithms are a common method, used
for solving TSP, which means, that they are
applicable for solving vessel’s route rationalization
2 A modification of a genetic algorithm is suggested
with a modified crossover operator. The modified
version of the algorithm operates with splitting a
solution in two halves (heads and tails) and
generating the missing half randomly. The
modified algorithm is improved in this paper and
is implemented with use of C# programming
3 Tests are performed on the proposed version of the
chimerical GA, which show the robustness and
validity of the algorithm.
4 Different strategies of using the algorithm are
discussed. It is found, that the preferable strategy
involves generating solution population with size
twice the number of sea ports.
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