The laboriousness (complexity) of container handling
operations is usually evaluated by the average
number of moves required for their performing. In
order to calculate the commercial and operational
characteristics one also needs to consider the time
needed to implement each movement [1-4]. When the
analytical approach is used, one cannot think in terms
of single operations, so the mean time of moves is
usually considered instead. Still, the number of moves
is not deterministic but stochastic value and should be
described by distribution functions. In order to get
ones, e.g. distribution density, which is important
parameter for container terminal design and
operational management, usually methods of Monte-
Carlo group are used [5]. These methods, actually, can
be considered as an attempt to introduce individual
values of different parameters which are defined by
the integral functions of each characteristic. In a way,
these methods of random generation of values are
directly reversed to the generalization provided the
step before.
In many cases this approach can be considered as
oversimplified, i.e. when a terminal exploits several
different types of container handling equipment for
stacking operations. Another problem appears when
Planning Simulation Experiments in the Tasks of
Studying the Operational Strategies of Container
A.L. Kuznetsov, A.V. Kirichenko & A.D. Semyonov
Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
H. Oja
Konecranes Finland Corp., Hyvinkää, Finland
ABSTRACT: There is a lot of scientific papers that consider the efficiency of different container yard’s handling
strategies. The methods of assessment vary from abstract mathematical calculations to aposterioric collection
and analyses of practical data. This article deals with a new way of stacking strategy’s estimation. It postulates
that investigations based on the extrapolation of existing strategies cannot be reliable due to rapid changes in
terminals’ environment and restricted amount of data that can be collected within limited periods of the
strategies’ application. The hypothesis of the study is that the only method that could provide robust
comparative study of container stacking strategies is the simulation modelling. In the same time, any model is
only a tool of analyses. The synthesis could be provided only by massive iterations of single simulation
experiments with controlled searching procedure in the space of parameters. Consequently, the stress of the
simulation study should be put not on the model itself, but on the way how to use it, i.e. on the experiments
planning. Only a rationally constructed machine of simulation scenario generation could provide adequate and
statistically reliable results. In order to demonstrate the importance of this ‘task setting’ machine, two example
strategies are selected for comparison: (1) allocation of containers to slots with the minimum height and (2)
stacking of containers in accordance with expected dwell time. It also shows that the objective function has a
great impact on the optimal strategy implementation. In the study described in the paper the number of moves
requested to select a container is opted as an optimization criterion.
the International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 14
Number 4
December 2020
DOI: 10.12716/1001.14.04.08
one wishes to study technological and operational
changes which can manifest themselves and affect the
terminals’ efficiency only in a long-termed
Generally speaking, the operational strategy of the
cargoflow handling consists of few particular tactics.
From mathematical point of view, most of these tactics
should be treated as heuristics. The heuristics” is
used in operational research theory to describe
methods which are considered to be useful and
effective, but these features cannot be proved
mathematically [6-7]. As the result, their right for
existing is only proved by practice and/or simulation
The heuristics constituting the operational strategy
are usually relevant to different interconnected parts
of general problem, that is why their individual
influence on the quality of operational decisions very
is difficult to separate and assess. The complex
interaction of different elements and unknown
sensitivity of the results to stochastic fluctuations of
the parameters cause high volatility of the final
evaluation. A single experiment cannot neither prove
any conclusions nor reveal the effects of such "weak”
influences. One example of these influences is the
‘operational temperature’ of a box in the stack. This
particular factor is selected in the paper to unfold the
suggested method of simulation experiments’
As it was mentioned above, the operational strategies
of container terminal are usually formed from the
number of heuristics and thus based on intuitive
perceptions. One of the most famous examples of this
perception is commonly practiced segregation of
containers on the “hot” and “cold ones. This
segregation is based on the consideration of
containers dwell time.
In the practice of container yard operations, the
“hot” containers are the ones that dwelled in the stack
long enough to be selected from the stack soon.
Otherwise, recently arrived containers are the “cold”
ones and expected to dwell there for some time.
“Cold” containers arrive after “hot” and could block
the access to the “hot” ones, so they have to be shifted
to other positions in order to clear a target “hot”
container. An example of a stack where cold” and
“hot” containers marked by different colors reflecting
their current dwell time is represented by Fig. 1.
Figure 1. An example of graphical representation of
containers’ status
When a request for container selection occurs, the
target container can be blocked by other ones.
Traditionally, the blocking container is replaced to
closest position with minimum height [8-9]. From the
other hand, the higher the temperature of blocking
container, the higher is the probability that it will soon
leave the terminal. Consequently, “hot” containers
could be moved to higher positions, where they
would not be blocked by other containers. At the same
time, it can take a longer time to place a container to a
position chosen by “operational temperature” then to
closest one with minimal height, since it could require
longer travel distance. This could lead to the decrease
of the positive effect gained from the number of
moves reduction due to increase of mean move time.
The results can be proved or denied only by very
large numbers of experiments. However, envisaging
the subtle character of this effect, these experiments
must be implemented simultaneously for each variant
of container stacking strategy in absolutely identical
operational conditions.
Implementing this or that technological
innovations in the operational practice of a real
terminal, we will not be able to make any evidential
conclusions: the registered changes of parameters
could be influenced by many controllable and
uncontrollable factors, including pure statistical errors
caused by limited data base of real world
experiments. If, for example, we would read over
every arriving container surah of Quran or sprinkle
with Holy Water or apply semantical networks for
improving the allocation, to evaluate the effect of
these techniques by the operational data in the end of
the year will be impossible. In order to do so we had
to gain the parallel results from these three hypothetic
variants and the forth basic variant, where we would
operate without proposed measures, and do it in
absolutely identical external operational environment
(mainly on the same patterns of external transport
flows). Moreover, the closer would be the monitoring
results, the longer period of observation it will take.
Obviously, the practical experiments with real
terminals are inacceptable, both for ‘singularity’ of the
results and thus low statistical reliability, and simply
for costs of these experiments. On the other hand,
equally inapplicable turn out to be also common
simulation techniques.
The methodological problem responsible for this
contradiction is that every task of the study of a
partial strategy requires the development and
implementation of specific simulation models [10].
These partial models should be synchronized and
coordinated by input data, together creating a unified
basis for adequate and efficient study of various
operational strategies. This paper offers a variant to
solve this problem.
The import containers, arriving by sea and departing
by land, move opposite to export containers, arriving
by land and departing by sea. In both directions this
movement is not continuous and ceaseless; it assumes
delays of containers on the terminal (dwelling or
storage) for certain time (Fig. 2).
Figure 3. Graphical representation of container flows and
Every crossing of the terminal perimeter by cargo
flows shown by this figure assumes certain physical
handling of containers, mainly discharging from
arriving and loading on the departing vehicles. The
relevant facilities constitute the dedicated cargo front.
Depending on the capacity of the vehicles handled at
this front, the discharging and loading procedures
deal with different sizes of compact cargo parties. For
the automobile transport they encounter couples of
containers, for rail transport hundreds and for sea
transport several thousands
Obviously, all containers arrived to the terminal
sooner or later leave it, so the algebraic sum of all
inbound flows taken with the sign plus and all
outbound ones with the sign minus is zero. In the
same time, the typical cargo parties of different
transport modes cause different “packs” of containers
in inbound and outbound flows. For example, an
ocean ship delivered several thousand containers to a
port should be discharged and charged as soon as
possible to minimize its idle operation time, i.e. cargo
operation time for port operators and ship turnaround
time for ship owners.
A cargo party of a ship could consist of hundreds
railroad train parties, receiving and dispatching of
which should be done so that the railroad routes’
capacity is not exceeded. Similarly, the truck traffic
should be spread evenly in order to meet the
throughput capacity of the connecting road network.
The unevenness of the inbound and outbound
flows caused by the different sizes of cargo parties
and requirements to handle them in different periods
of time necessitates the existence of certain ‘buffer
stock’ of containers at the terminal. The physical
storage of these containers is performed by the
container yard of the terminal. The container yard is
characterized by its capacity, handling technology and
equipment parameters, which are defined by the
characteristics of container flows.
These dependences reveal themselves both directly
and indirectly, through many internal ties (e.g. by the
limited size of the technologic resources shared for
different operations). Their specific interdependences
make analytical (algebraic) techniques inadequate to
provide the accuracy needed for the design and
planning activity, thus forcing to use mathematical
modeling, particularly simulation.
The general structure of the model complex
(environment) designated to serve as a tool of the sea
port operation analyses is given by Fig. 3.
Figure 3. General structure of the sea terminal model
The model shown by this figure consists of two
generators of cargo flows (sea side and land side), the
sea cargo front (SCF), the land cargo front (LCF) and
the container yard (CY).
The parameters of container flows include annual
volumes, the sizes of cargo parties and time
characteristics (unevenness and densities). The
parameters of cargo fronts describe their throughput
capacities expressed via the productivity and number
of technological equipment allocated for handling.
The parameters of the container yard include one-time
storage capacity and productivities of reception-
dispatching operations.
The features of the model, specifically the
characteristics of elements’ performance, should be
studied not qualitatively, but quantitatively, as well as
the time characteristics of the technologic processes
running inside it (utilization coefficients, delays and
refuses of servicing, queue lengths, waiting times etc.).
It is important to note that all input and output
parameters are not determined, but random values
and are represented by their a-priori and a-posteri
distribution functions.
Well known is the fact that the simulation is an
instrument of analyses and not of syntheses. Any
simulation enables to assess the qualitative
characteristics of the simulated object depending on
its input parameters’ values. Since all these
parameters are random values, it is necessary to run
serial experiments in numbers which would enable to
guarantee the required degree of the statistical
Besides the quantitative parameters set by
deterministic and random values, the handling of
cargo flows passing through the terminal depends on
the different strategies of containers’ allocation on the
yard aiming on the reduction of selection time,
minimization of idle moves, and maximization of the
utilization of the technological resources. The
selection of the appropriate strategy also could be
done using dedicated logical reference machines. This
feature allows to use this simulation tool not only for
accessing the values of the technological parameters,
but for comparative study of operational strategies
and tactics.
When using the simulation model not as the
design tool, but as an instrument for operational
planning, the sea side and land side generators would
be replaced by real-time information of vehicles
arriving and leaving within the planning interval of
time, as well as the actual data on the state of the
technological processes running at the terminal’s
elements, i.e. cargo fronts and yards. In this case the
models serve as a tool for the sensitivity analyses
(‘what happens if …’) in order to seek for rational
distribution of the technological resources between
different operations.
The single run of the model external generator shown
in Fig. 3 provides the detailed and full annual time
schedules for every transport mode connected in the
node. These time schedules contain the exact arrival
and departure times for every container passing
through the terminal within the simulation term.
Arriving containers should be allocated in the stack of
container yard, and in due moment (determined by
the generated time schedules) would leave the
terminal. As it was said above, in this paper the
investigated function of the operational strategy is the
shifting of blocking containers not in the lowest
positions (slots), but in spots determined taking into
account the operational temperature (the rest of dwell
time). The criterion for the estimation is the
laboriousness of selection. For this purpose, during
the simulation the total number and number of moves
per box are calculated. The computation is being done
by simulation of every physical motions and moves of
technologic equipment operating in the container
yard area.
The functional simulation model of container yard
operation in the structure of the modelling
environment on Fig. 3 is represented by the
rectangular in the center marked as ‘CY’. The arrow
denoting the model parameters includes both
geometrical characteristics of the container yard area
and technological features of the container handling
system, qualitative and quantitative. The
discriminating parameter of the investigated function
of the strategy are also included into this set: in one
case it is the minimal height strategy, in the other
minimal operational temperature.
The difference in the number of movements
received as the investigated property on Fig. 3,
enables to make judgment on the advantage or
disadvantage of the strategy over random allocation.
In order to make the statistically reliable
conclusions every experiments were repeated many
times for different variants of container flows
structures and volumes. This enables to exclude any
statistical fluctuations and influence of different
patterns of external transport arrival.
Fig. 4 represents the results of the simulation set
undertaken for the study of the selected function of
operational strategy.
Рисунок 3. Результаты экспериментов
The basic theoretical complexity of selection is
computated by the simple combinatoric formula ,
the lines showing the complexity of minimal height
and minimal temperature strategies show the saving
of 0.5 moves per container in favor of the latter.
Though this gain turns out to be big enough in the
year term, to reveal this fact by any traditional
singular simulation would not be possible.
1 Basic components of container terminal
operational strategies are the heuristics, or the
methods whose efficiency cannot be proved
2 In order to include a heuristic into operational
strategy of container terminal, it is necessary to
prove its practical usefulness, which cannot be
done only by imitational simulation.
3 The construction of the scenarios of influencing
conditions needed to investigate a strategy
requires to take into account many real factors, like
volumes and structures of cargo flows, sizes of
cargo parties, irregularity of the traffic, throughput
capacity of elements etc.
4 In order to receive the statistically reliable results,
the experiments should be done in large numbers,
both for stochastically close versions and different
variants, all in the same environment and with
identical values.
5 The paper offers the methodic for controlled
generation of scenarios, turning the simulation tool
from the instrument of analyses into the
instrument of synthesis.
6 As an example, showing the efficiency of the
proposed technique the strategic function of
container allocation by the current rest of the dwell
time is selected.
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