Autonomy and artificial intelligence are disrupting
many sectors, including the marine industry. Many
companies and academia are researching to evolve
the field. Some companies have even started testing
autonomy in real commercial routes (with safety
drivers on board to meet current regulations). In late
2018 a ferry, developed by Finferries and Rolls Royce,
went between two cities in Finland, first navigating
autonomously and then remotely operated when
returning [1]. In Norway, also in 2018, Kongsberg
started testing autonomy on an autonomous ferry
with passengers and cars on board, mainly to reduce
the workload and to increase the safety [2]. To
convince authorities to change regulations to permit
using ships without a crew on board, it is of utmost
importance to guarantee safety. A human onboard a
ship is very flexible, and will in many situations
discover if the ship is behaving strangely or if an
unexpected event arises. When removing the crew,
the vessel will need to incorporate this extra safety
feature into the system instead.
When it comes to safe navigation, to have a correct
position is vital. Nowadays, crew members rely
heavily on the Global Positioning System (GPS) for
this. A loss of the GPS signal, or a jammed or spoofed
GPS, can for a crew-less ship result in hazardous
situations. The global quality assurance and risk
management company DNV GL believes unmanned
ships may need alternative positioning methods to
convince authorities that their safety is satisfactory
[3]. Furthermore, they believe autonomous ships will
not be fully autonomous for many years, but instead
rely on autonomy and remote control in combination.
Rolls Royce also believes this, as they see the
teleoperation of ships as a key technology in the
transferring process towards autonomous ships [4].
Moreover, they claim that the teleoperation of an
autonomous vessel will increase reliability and
performance. The communication link for the
teleoperation system is vulnerable to downtime,
VR Teleoperation to support a GPS-free Positioning
System in a Marine Environment
M. Lager, E.A. Topp & J.Malec
Lund University, Lund, Sweden
ABSTRACT: Small autonomous surface vehicles (ASV) will need both teleoperation support and redundant
positioning technology to comply with expected future regulations. When at sea, they are limited by a satellite
communication link with low throughput. We have designed and implemented a graphical user interface (GUI)
for teleoperation using a communication link with low throughput, and one positioning system, independent of
the Global Positioning System (GPS), supported by the teleoperation tool. We conducted a user study (N=16),
using real-world data from a field trial, to validate our approach, and to compare two variants of the graphical
user interface (GUI). The users experienced that the tool gives a good overview, and despite the connection with
the low throughput, they managed through the GUI to significantly improve the positioning accuracy.
the International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 14
Number 4
December 2020
DOI: 10.12716/1001.14.04.01
though, and during this time, the system must solve
the actions autonomously.
The work described by this paper has focused on
how to use remote operation to improve positioning
accuracy for small affordable vessels. Unmanned
ground vehicles (UGV) have, for many years, been
teleoperated to master harsh environments during,
e.g., military or search and rescue (SAR) missions [5]
[7]. Small autonomous vessels at sea are also
essential, and Murphy believes they will play an
important role during future SAR operations [8]. The
challenges with remote control and positioning are
similar for small and large ships. However, the
communication link’s throughput sets a limitation on
smaller, more affordable vessels, as they can not have
a large satellite antenna due to the size, weight, and
cost constraints. This limitation makes the streaming
of video and transmission of high-resolution images
infeasible. For the positioning problem, we have, for
the same reason, confined ourselves only to use
affordable navigation sensors.
Figure 1. A participant of the user study taking a bearing
by pointing towards an augmented landmark.
The positioning system is built upon our previous
implementation with terrain-aided navigation (TAN),
presented in [9]. This paper estimated the position
from a real-world field trial by comparing the bottom
depth and magnetic intensity with available maps. To
enhance the position accuracy even further, we
manually measured bearings to landmarks from the
recorded 360 image, making it possible for the
positioning tool to adjust the position estimation
accordingly. This is not possible to do manually on an
unmanned ship. In this new work, a user instead
measures these bearings from a teleoperation system
in virtual reality (VR), see Figure 1.
The teleoperation system also builds on our
previous work, presented in [10], [11]. This work
focused on developing a teleoperation tool with a
low-cognitive load that could provide a good
situational awareness (SA), leading to better safety for
the vessel. In the work described in the latter paper,
we developed a specific GUI to compare the
performance when using VR, 3D visualization on a
laptop, and 2D visualization on a laptop. In this
earlier study, we observed that the longer available
time for decisions at sea, measured in seconds or
minutes, makes it ideal for teleoperation. This
contrasts with the fast dynamics of the traffic
situations for cars and airplanes, often measured in
milliseconds, reported as challenging teleoperation
areas due to the vulnerability from mainly long
latency [12], [13]. Several research papers propose
methods to compensate or predict the teleoperated
vehicle’s pose to mitigate the latency problem [14]
[16]. We use this knowledge to predict our current
position based on heading, speed, and