The maritime world is changing more rapidly than
ever before. Decarbonisation, globalisation,
digitalisation and last but not least pandemic-
related economic crisis resilience-seeking are just few
of the trends affecting our entire civilization. And the
maritime industry is not immune to these trends. As a
matter of fact, it is a driving force for some of them
just to note that a vast majority of global trade is done
by the use of merchant vessels, thus allowing for
globalisation of commodities flow.
Meanwhile, the digitalisation of shipping consists
not only in improved data exchange processes among
involved parties, big data analysis and utilization of
block-chain technologies [1]. The ultimate goal (at
least for some of the industry actors) is to make
vessels navigate themselves across the oceans safely
and efficiently [2]. In order to achieve this, a huge
change would be required in multiple aspects of
global shipping industry such as: legal system,
education and training, hull and equipment design,
external services. Among the latter there are not only
insurance or communication, but also hydrography
In the age of ECDIS (Electronic Chart Display and
Information System) being compulsory for most of
the sea-going vessels, the art of chart-work may seem
somewhat forgotten, at least by younger generations
of navigators [4]. This however does not change the
fact that a huge workload, know-how and a sense of
art must be dedicated to enable ECDIS to present
what it is to present: a model of vessel’s surroundings
and for a navigator to develop what (s)he is to
develop: a situational awareness [5]. From her/his
perspective, this complex process of converting
topography into a digital file presented on a screen is
done somewhere in a background and only its effects
are visible. No further consideration can be paid to
the process during bridge watch that consumes all the
mental capabilities of the navigator. With ships
gradually becoming autonomous or unmanned, this
With Regard to the Autonomy in Maritime Operations –
ydrography and Shipping, Interlinked
. Wróbel & A. Weintrit
Gdynia Maritime University
, Gdynia, Poland
ABSTRACT: With change being the only thing that is constant, modern world is undergoing a disruptive
change to many aspects of everyday life. Covering 70% of our planet, oceans and industries connected with
them are of no exception. The apparent drive towards autonomization in shipping will not only change the way
vessels are navigated, but will affect virtually all services needed for the vessels to be navigated. These include
not only the design of ships themselves, training of their crews, remote supervision of onboard processes, but
also the extremely important - yet not always appreciated - domain that allows for a safe navigation: maritime
hydrography. This paper discusses some insights on how the autonomous vessels and future hydrographers
may benefit from each other.
International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safe
ty of Sea Transportation
Volume 14
Number 3
September 2020
exposure to the effects of hydrographers’ work will
diminish even further but not its extreme
The drive towards autonomy is also visible in
hydrography itself with some operations already
being performed by autonomous equipment
airborne, surface and submersible [6]. The rationale
behind this trend lies in improved operational
capabilities, lower cost and comparable accuracy.
With the trend of autonomizing operations of
hydrographers as well as navigators the creators
and users of hydrographic data (see Fig.1&2.)
potential synergies and overlaps can be sought for the
benefit of both parties.
Figure 1. Autonomous Surface Vessel for bathymetry
mapping, note remote operators’ station on top [7]
Figure 2. Remote operation station for autonomous ship,
note nautical chart displayed [8]
Autonomy is defined as the ability of the system to act
without direct human intervention [9]. As a matter of
fact, it can take many facets or degrees to which a
system can operate autonomously [10]. All in all, even
the most sophisticated system can eventually reach a
point where a human action is required: maintenance
or remote control, for instance.
The idea of a remotely controlled boat has first
been published by Nikola Tesla as early as in 1898
[11]. However, the technological progress made
autonomous boats feasible only recently [12], [13].
While there is a multitude of potential applications,
several were explored to a greater extent than others.
Among the former are remote sensing including
hydrography [14], [15] and military applications [16].
Meanwhile, commercial shipping lags behind [17],
[18], potentially due to the necessity of involving
greater number of actors into the operations, global
scale of operations, as well as legal issues [19].
Regardless the purpose, an autonomous boat is to
achieve it without or with limited human
intervention. To this end, this means that a
sophisticated control system shall be developed to
move the vehicle around and enable it to fulfil its
mission. In order to achieve this, the mission shall be
defined and resources for such completion provided,
too. On top of that, a situation awareness module
shall be implemented so that the vehicle does not end
up colliding with an obstruction or other vehicle
operating in the same area. On the other end of the
spectrum, it can be lost forever at vast areas of the
ocean, floating endlessly, dead in the water.
Hydrographic drones can operate on surface or
underwater. Depending on the purpose, they can be
equipped with echo-sounders, side-scan sonars, sub-
bottom profilers or other equipment. A variety of
technical solutions for control exist, including remote
one as well as full autonomy [20]. They can relay the
obtained data or store it on board for future transfer.
Meanwhile, autonomous merchant ships are
envisaged to haul cargo between ports. Here too, a
variety of concepts exists with different approaches to
the issue of crewing, autonomy levels, and means of
control. However, with ultimate plan of allowing for
world-wide operations, a magnitude of social and
technical challenges is greater. In order to solve these,
a concept of shore-control centre (SCC) has been
developed a shore-based facility from which fleets
of ocean-going vessels could be supervised and
controlled. The rationale behind implementation of
autonomous vessels lies in improved working
environment, cost reductions, improved safety, and
reduced environmental impact [21].
Both hydrographic drones and merchant vessels
are similar with respect to the general concept of
performing complicated tasks autonomously and
have similar design philosophy. There are, however,
important differences between these domains
including that: (1) their missions are different and (2)
technological readiness of the solutions is different
(see Fig.3).
While there are multiple units successfully used in
hydrography [6], [23], autonomous merchant
shipping is a relatively new concept with only few
vessels operational worldwide, mostly as prototypes
or a proof-of-concept [17], [24]. More importantly,
most of these trials are done in restricted waters while
it is expected that autonomous merchant vessels (also
referred to as Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships,
MASS) will exploit its full potential during ocean
passages rather than in near-shore navigation [25].
The delayed development of the merchant shipping
concepts provides some important benefits, such as
learning from the problems apparent and solved
through the development of similar domains [12],
[26]. Having skipped at least some of the childhood
diseases, the development of lagging domain can be
Figure 3. An operational hydrographic drone (top, [6]) and
an autonomous vessel under construction (bottom, [22])
As the purpose of operating hydrographic drones is
to gather data related to environment, these platforms
shall move along pre-programmed paths (profiles) to
allow on-board sensors to detect sea bottom features
with sufficient reliability and accuracy. In order to
meet international standards for accuracy of
bathymetry data [27], all environmental sensors shall
operate with maximum efficiency not only side-scan
sonars, echo-sounders etc., but also position-fixing
Meanwhile, the very purpose of merchant ships,
including prospective autonomous ones, is to haul
their cargo between ports. They also need to meet
certain requirements pertaining to the precision of
navigation as well as equipment installed on board
and its operation. With the aim of making
autonomous merchant vessels at least as safe as
conventional ones [28], it can hardly be imagined that
these standards are loosened for this novel and yet-to-
be-proven technology. Rather, the prospective MASS
will be packed with redundant, cutting-edge
environmental sensors and other kinds of equipment
to ensure the reliability of the processes [5]. Data from
such sensors would need to undergo a fusion process
in order to be validated and to extract additional
features of the system or environment. This creates an
interesting opportunity. Since all of the following
must be met:
1 the control algorithms of autonomous merchant
vessels need to obtain accurate information on the
under-keel-clearance to navigate safely especially
in shallow, near-shore waters;
2 position of the vessel must be determined with
high precision, accuracy and reliability;
3 efficient means of communication between ship
and SCC must be ensured
then why can’t the collected data be used for the
purposes of creating or updating bathymetry of the
The concept of the proposed data-exchange system
is presented in Fig.4. Herein, bathymetrical data
collected by MASS and verified against global-
referenced position are transferred to a fleet
management centre via a satellite communication link
(or any other means of efficient data transfer). Such
centre is expected to receive at least periodical reports
from MASS for safety reasons [29]. Once cross-
checked against revealing potentially confidential
commercial information, relevant datasets could be
relayed to the relevant hydrographic office in order to
update their model of area. If only MASS are not
legally restricted to navigate along prescribed routes,
vast areas of the sea could soon be covered by a de-
centralized fleet of vessels carrying bathymetry
sensors. High-density bathymetry charts could be
developed using thus created data provided that
accuracy standards are maintained on every step of
the process.
It shall be noted that an opportunity for such data-
exchange did not exist to date. Present-day,
conventional ships are usually equipped with one
single-beam echo-sounder, satellite navigation
systems that not always meet the hydrographic
standards [27], [30] and need not to relay
environmental data to any party. As a matter of fact,
technical capability of transferring any data at high
seas with satisfactory rate has only become available
in recent years together with the development of
commercial satellite communication systems.
Moreover, MASS pre-implementation period
appears to be a perfect time for making initial
preparations for realizing the said concept. Increased
availability of bathymetry data would benefit
virtually all actors active in maritime domain,
including operators of MASS producing the original
datasets. All in all, accuracy and reliability of water
depth data affects the process of passage planning a
process that must be carefully performed for
autonomous vessels having limited means of in-situ
human intervention. Not to mention the fact that
corrected nautical charts would be widely published.
In this sense, prospective MASS can be regarded as
a de-centralized swarm of hydrographic drones,
serving their secondary purpose while fulfilling the
primary mission of moving commodities around the
world. This will not make the actual hydrographic
drones obsolete as there will still be plenty of room at
the bottom in areas that MASS cannot reach due to
the draft (shallow waters), or to which their sensors
will not be suited (deep waters, for instance).
However, near-shore waters, port approaches, straits
etc., could be well covered without additional effort
or cost except for data storage/transfer and
Figure 4. The proposed data-exchange system for de-centralized hydrography
The ongoing digitalisation of the industry did not
leave hydrography services or shipping untouched.
With emergence of new operational concepts within
particular domains, potential for cross-industry,
interdisciplinary synergies can be sought to develop
new, innovative solutions. To achieve this, at least a
means of communication and dissemination between
members of different scientific and industrial
communities shall be established to identify each
other’s needs and assets. Within the emergent domain
of autonomous merchant shipping, there might exist
an opportunity of using therein obtained
environmental data to improve safety of navigation.
Paper was presented on-line at World
Hydrography Day by Hydrographic Office of the
Polish Navy in Gdynia, Poland, in June 2020.
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