The importance of control over such a dangerous
toxicant as Hg in the biosphere is difficult to
overestimate. Monitoring of water bodies and their
depositing component for pollution levels in bottom
sediments in river mouths that flow into internal
resource-significant water bodies is particularly
relevant . Such an object is the Vistula lagoon of the
Baltic Sea. The state network for controlling surface
land waters in the Kaliningrad region covers only
13points (18 sections). There has been no
hydrochemical monitoring of the water area since
1989 (the State Committee on Hydromet had
conducted before; only 15 stations had been
controlled in the estuary of the Kaliningrad Bay). In
recent decades, coastal pollution assessments of
Russian lagoon sector have been fragmented (in
duration, measurement intervals and survey areas).
They have been carried out with different goals by
various organizations (2000-2015: AtlantNIRO,
GeoHydroBalt (Kaliningrad), Environmental
Analytical Center (Moscow), CER-ENERGO (St.
Petersburg), etc.). The results of evaluations are not
widely available. Among all the methods for the
contaminant identification there are often used not
expensive, but low-sensitive ones. The variability of
pollutant concentrations in the bottom sediments of
the water bodies is poorly studied (Bogdanov 2018 a,
2018 b, Bogdanov & Vorontsov, Morozov 2004,
Environmental problems of the Kaliningrad region…
1999, 2002, etc.).
The goal is to assess the causes of the variability of
content and reliability of methods for determining Hg
in the bottom sediments in the Kaliningrad Sea Canal
(KSC) and in the river mouths flowing into the Vistula
Lagoon (Fig. 1).
Mercury in the Bottom Sediments of the Ship Channel
and River Mouths: the Vistula Lagoon
N.A. Bogdanov
Institute of Geography, Russian Acade
my of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
O.V. Bass
Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Kaliningrad, Russia
A.N. Paranina & R. Paranin
Herzen State Pedagogical University, St. Petersburg, Russia
ABSTRACT: It is studied the distribution of Hg in bottom sediments of estuaries on the banks of the open water
area of the Vistula Lagoon and in the Kaliningrad Sea Canal (KSC) isolated from it. Methods for the
determination of Hg: inversive voltammetry and highly sensitive flameless atomic absorption spectrometry. It
has been established: from spring to autumn the activation of storms and surge events in the lagoon,
intensification of the water flushing regime of the channels ensure a significant Hg decrease in river mouths,
but in dynamically weakened KSC conditions - an increase in Hg (from 0.05 to 0.85 mg / kg). In KSC bays, the
safe level of Hg (0.3 mg / kg) for the period 2000-2015 was not exceeded (0.008 to 0.216 mg / kg), which
indicates a favorable ecological and epidemiological situation. Hg determinations by low-sensitivity methods
can be used only in qualitative assessments of the variability in concentrations of any dangerous toxicant.
Finding a reliable amount of Hg in river mouths requires the use of highly sensitive methods of analysis.
International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 14
Number 3
September 2020
Table Sedimentation conditions, long-term and seasonal variability of Hg in bottom sediments in the river mouths of
Prokhladnaya, Graevka and KSC
Objects Sample selection: Hg, Methods Sediment Dynamic conditions of
Station year. mg / kg composition sedimentation (Fig. 2)
number months
Prokhladnaya 2 2000.06 0,016 AAS Fines and The open water area of the
2001.06 0,010 fine-grained sands bay: the reentering angle of
2010.05 15,0 IVA the breakwater at the village
2010.10 2,1 Ushakovo, significant surges
KSC Graeyvka 4 2000.06 0,011 AAS Fine-grained sands, Minor surges; dynamically
sub-latitude 0,023 admixture of weakened zone of circulations
area: 2010.05 0,05 IVA medium and in the bays, steamboat wave,
settlements villages 2010.10 0,85 fine-grained disturbance of bottom
Izhevskoye Izhevskoye: 7 2000.08 0,077 AAS Fines and sediments by turbulence from
Vzmorye downward the 0,136 fine-grained sands, screw propellers;
mouth of the 2001.06 0,133 admixture of black, predominant transfer of
river Grayevka, cheesy oily-clayey matter, energy and pollutants
ship passage, slimes of H
2S odor eastward the mouth of the
moorings river Pregolya
village 8 2000.08 0,023
Vzmorye: 0,096
along the coast, 2015.11 0,008-
moorings, ship (6 samples) 0,136
channel 0,015-
Background [4] 2000.06 0,023 The upper river courses of Deyma and Pregolya beyond large
industrial facilities and residential areas
Target safe level of concentration 0,3 Recommendations and indicative estimates of environmental
Minimally hazardous concentration with and hygienic hazard to humans and ecosystems: Dutch lists of
toxicological risks (urgent remediation) 10 pollutants, bottom sediments [1, 8]
AASatomic absorption spectrometry using the "cold steam" technique, modified scheme of the Zeeman effect and
spectrometers "IMGRE-900" (2000-2001), "SA-915 +" (2015), detection limit (DL) Hg = 0.001 mg / kg; IVA inversion
voltammetry, DL = 0.01 mg / kg
Bottom sediments: layer 0-0.1 m; sands, admixtures of
gravel, silt, pelite; dark-colored sludge with H
2S odor;
the mouths of the main rivers (Mamonovka,
Prokhladnaya, Pregolya, Grayevka, Nelma,
Primorskaya); KSC sections (stations No. 7, 8); survey
time - ice-free periods of 2000, 2001, 2010 and 2015
(Fig. 1, table).
The definitions of Hg are made by accredited
laboratories using metrically certified, but different in
accuracy methods: highly sensitive non-flame AAS
(2000-2001 and 2015), IVA (2010). The approximate
diagnosis of the ecological and hygienic danger of Hg
accumulation is compared with the background
content and threshold levels of hazardous
concentrations (table) (Bessonov & Yanin 2005,
Bogdanov & Vorontsov, Morozov 2004, SP 11-102-97
Engineering … 1997).
3.1 Major sources of mercury and migration factors
Sources of Hg: solid, liquid, gaseous wastes and spills
of Hg-containing substances at industrial, transport,
agricultural, residential facilities; emissions from fuel
combustion plants; transboundary pollutants
transfers and others. Secondary contamination is
associated with the resuspension of contaminated
bottom sediments by floating craft (table) (Bessonov
& Yanin 2005, Bogdanov 2018 a, 2018 b, Bogdanov &
Vorontsov, Morozov 2004, Environmental problems…
1999, 2002, Volokh & Yanin 2005).
Conditions and factors of accumulation-scattering Hg.
The main ones, besides the existing Hg sources and
their functioning characteristics, include
hydrometeorological and lithodynamic conditions:
wind conditions, surge events, coastal dynamics of
water and sediment, size and sorption capacity of
bottom sediments and suspensions; seasonal
fluctuations in the river water content, etc. (Fig. 2,
Figure 1. Scheme for sampling sediments: estuaries and KSC
(Kaliningrad Sea Canal)
The water content of the rivers increases and the
coastal dynamics intensifies in the autumn-winter
period. Self-cleaning conditions for studied objects
becomes favorable. The maximum marks of water
level in the bay fall at September-February (> 80% of
occurrence; up to +180 cm 3-4.12. 1999 with W and
SW winds and 136 cm 20.10. 1989, E and NE winds)
[4, 5, 6]. The energy potential of hydro- and litho-
dynamic processes off the banks and in the mouths of
rivers in the open waters of the lagoon is higher by
several orders than in the KSC. In its sub latitudinal
section dynamically stagnant zones of weak water
circulations, sediment and accumulation of pollutants
are characteristic (the mouth of the Grayevka river,
the bay near the villages of Izhevskoye, Vzmorye and
others, Fig. 2).
Figure 2. Hydro- and lithodynamics of the estuary of the
Kaliningrad Bay [4]. Wave energy fluxes, T / s: 1, 2 and 3 are
transverse to the bay, En = 1-500, 501-1000 and 1001-1496,
respectively; 4, 5, 6 and 7paralic zone , E
= 0.01-1.1; 1.2-10;
11-50 and 51-104 respectively; 8 the resultant wind value
direction of 242° and of 62% frequency during sampling
period has corresponded to the average long-term
parameters (weather station "Kaliningrad"); 9 the
predominant transfer of water, suspensions and pollutants,
10, 11 and 12 suspended substances, mg / l: 12-50, 51-100
and 101-231, respectively; 13 bottom features, 14-15
sampling points, 16ledges of bank erosion.
3.2 Seasonal dynamics of mercury concentrations in
These are the seasonal features of coastal dynamics of
the receiving reservoir, fluctuations in the water
content and washing mode of the watercourses which
control the variability of Hg concentrations in the
bottom sediments.
During autumn-winter activity of surge events and
wind-cut occurrence in the estuaries of rivers that
flow into the open water area of the lagoon, alluvium
is cleared of pollutants. In our situation - from Hg.
Seasonal self-cleaning, period from May till October
2010, estuaries, mg / kg: Primorskaya from 53 to 0.53
(100 times), Pregolya from 62 to 5.7 (11 times),
Prokhladnaya 15 to 2, 1 (7 times), Nelma from 10.1 to
1.6 (6 times) Mamonovka from 8.1 to 3.9 (2 times). In
the estuary of the river Grayevka, open to surge from
S and SW winds, while KSC water area isolated from
the sea gulf and dynamically weakened, the amount
of Hg from spring to autumn 2010 increased ~ 17fold
(from 0.05 to 0.85 mg / kg). Episodic increases in Hg
emissions are also not excluded, according to the
differences in the values of its concentrations in the
mouth of the river Grayevka in 2000-2001 and in 2010.
In the alluvium of the river estuaries background
and signal levels of hazardous accumulation with excess
concentrations are recorded everywhere, which is
probably due to significant differences in the accuracy
and correctness of metal definitions. So, in June 2000
(AAS method) and May 2010 (SVM method) at the
mouth of the r. Prokhladnaya concentrations differed
1000 times (0.016 and 15 mg / kg, respectively).
Obviously, the reason for such variability lies not in
the «hurricane» increase in Hg emissions, but in the
accuracy of measurement methods (table).
3.3 Dangerous levels of concentration
In the bottom sediments of the bays of the sub
latitudinal part of the KSC, the excess of hazardous
levels of Hg concentration was not recorded either in
20002001 or in 2015 (conditions for an active mode of
navigation, tendencies of pollutant accumulation).
Moreover, Hg content was comparable among
themselves for different years of control that shows
the adequacy of the determination methods and the
absence of significant long-term changes in the
processes of entry concentration scattering of the
metal as well as a fairly favorable ecological and
epidemiological situation on Hg.
Regarding the variability of Hg content in the
alluvium of the river estuaries in the Vistula Lagoon
basin, one can identify the main reasons: openness /
isolation of the receiving water area; seasonality of
hydrometeorological, wave-energy and surge-surging
phenomena; water content and washing mode of river
courses. Autumn-winter activation of these natural
factors causes self-purification of alluvium in the
mouths of rivers on the open shores of Lagoon. The
dynamically weakened conditions in the areas
isolated from it, with a significant accumulation of
sources of pollutants and fine-grained bottom
sediments (<0.1 mm), contribute to Hg accumulation.
However, its amount in the sediments of the KSC for
the period 2000-2015 did not change significantly and
was below the dangerous environmental and hygienic
levels of Hg concentration.
Hg determinations by low-sensitivity methods can
be used only in qualitative assessments of the
variability of concentrations of a hazardous toxin.
The final elucidation of the causes of this kind of
variability and reliability of Hg amount in bottom
sediments requires additional studies of the
functioning the sources and conditions of Hg
accumulation with the use of highly sensitive
methods of analysis.
The work was performed under the theme of the State task
No. 0148-2019-0005, No. АААА-А19-119021990091-4.
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