The first step shall be to describe the operational
environment at the scenario including the level of
ATS provided, CNS equipment, the airport ground
equipment, airspace and any procedures in place. The
purpose of the operational description is to define the
CONOPS specific to the airport. The objective is
therefore to provide detailed information on the
operational environment and compare it to.
The Final FHA of LPV approaches is based on the
Operational Model of LPV approaches in the ECAC
Area, which clearly defined nominal operations prior
to analyse degraded cases. For each operational action
(performed by either system, human operator or
jointly in the successive phases of flight), relevant
failure modes were identified. Each failure mode was
then analysed in turn in terms of examples of causes
(to check its validity), operational consequences and
mitigations, hazards, rough risk comparison against
Safety Case Activities in SHERPA Project
A. Fellner
Silesian University of Technology, Katowice, Poland
ABSTRACT: This paper has been issued in the framework of the SHERPA project under the Grant Agreement
No 287246 with the GSA (European GNSS Agency). This document contains the main technical activities
conducted by PANSA in the frame of project’s WP2000. The objectives of WP2000 are: To work towards the
implementation of a LPV procedure at each of the scenarios; To develop EGNOS National Implementation
Plans, To develop and EGNOS Regional Implementation Plan, To summarise EGNOS expected benefits in a
single airport. Specifically, the objectives of this document are technical activities conducted towards the
implementation of a LPV procedure in scenario: procedure design, safety assessment, business case, EGNOS
service provision requirements. The first step shall be to describe the operational environment at the scenario
including the level of ATS provided, CNS equipment, the airport ground equipment, airspace and any
procedures in place. The purpose of the operational description is to define the CONOPS specific to the airport.
The Final FHA of LPV approaches is based on the Operational Model of LPV approaches in the ECAC Area,
which clearly defined nominal operations prior to analyse degraded cases. For each operational action
(performed by either system, human operator or jointly in the successive phases of flight), relevant failure
modes were identified. Each failure mode was then analysed in turn in terms of examples of causes (to check its
validity), operational consequences and mitigations, hazards, rough risk comparison against ILS operations,
and when pertinent, recommendations in terms of risk reducing measures to be considered. Safety Case
Activities drawn up as part of the SHERPA project was accepted by GSA, EUROCONTROL. At present an
algorithm of acting while designing and executing procedures constitutes final approaches according to GNSS.
International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 14
Number 3
September 2020
ILS operations, and when pertinent,
recommendations in terms of risk reducing measures
to be considered. A more detailed view on the
hazards identification method is provided in the next
section, where the Final FHA table is described. In
deviation to the SAM FHA guidance, a brainstorming
FHA session bringing together the adequate
operational and technical experts was not possible
given the constraints of the project and the experts’
availability. Consequently, the work was organized as
1 In a first iteration FHA tables were filled in by a
safety expert, with support (questions/answers)
from two technical experts;
2 Then several FHA working sessions were
Three half-day working sessions were held
with 3 technical experts from an airframer,
among which one has a solid operational
background as well; and
One half-day working session was held with
ANSP relevant specialists: 4 APP, ATCO, one
En-route ATCO and one technical expert.
During those working sessions, the operational
model was first submitted to experts for validation,
and then the FHA as initiated by the safety expert was
submitted for discussion and further development. As
the FHA table was projected on screen, conclusions of
the discussions were recorded on-line on reaching
agreement. Note that, as a mature operational concept
is not yet available for the LPV operations, a major
amount of effort (including the FHA working
sessions) was spent to complete, refine and validate
the operational model. The Final FHA table was
submitted for review to a sub-set of RAFG
participants and other relevant operational and
technical experts. Main results of a Final FHA
intermediary version and open issues were submitted
to the validation of the operational and technical
experts at the occasion of the Safety Assessment
workshop mainly dedicated to the PSSA.
The next step, which is the second part of the FHA, is
to analyse the hazards with the help of event tree
analysis. This methodology can be broken down into
several steps:
1 Identify the hazard consequences and classify
them according to severity of effects.
Table 1. Summary of consequences of hazards.
ID Consequence Severity of effect
C1 Controlled Flight Into Catastrophic (Severity 1)
Terrain (CFIT)
C2 Landing accident Catastrophic (Severity 1)
C3 Mid-air collision Catastrophic (Severity 1)
C4 Missed approach Minor (Severity 4)
C5 Safe landing No effect
2 Identify mitigations and their effect. The
probability of any hazard leading to a catastrophic
event (accident) is affected by mitigations.
Mitigations are potential barriers which can
prevent hazard leading to an accident. It is
proposed to fill the following table:
Table 2. List of mitigations
ID Mitigation Description Max
of failure
M1 Deviation Aircraft can wrongly fly at a lower altitude than the approach procedure minima or can Warszawa
is not deviate from the approach path or MA procedure path. Thus the aircraft is in a risk of CFIT. 0.5
towards The mitigation of this risk is that there is no obstacle in that area and the approach/ Katowice
obstacle manoeuvre/MA can be finished safely. In the generic safety case, E
UROCONTROL proposed 0.5
value 0.5.
The value for Warszawa and Katowice was set to 0.5, but further reduction possible.
Warszawa is not located in a mountainous area. In addition, the approach path is relatively
obstacle free (this was included in the NPA GNSS approach safety assessment).
M2 Deviation Aircraft can wrongly deviate from the approach path or MA procedure path. Thus the Warszawa
is not aircraft is in a risk of mid air collision. The mitigation of this risk is that there is not any 0.05
towards traffic in the vicinity of the aircraft on approach, hence the deviation is not towards another, Katowice
another aircraft. In the generic case E
UROCONTROL used value 0.05. 0.05
aircraft The values for Warszawa due to crossing RWY is being reviewed and Katowice -specific
value is consistent with this.
Probability of deviation towards another aircraft depends on multiple parameters (e.g.
airport & runways configuration, departure routes structure, etc). Although it could be fairly
assumed that the probability of having two aircraft in the same airspace with conflicting
trajectories is much lower than the probability to converge to obstacles, the proposed value
for flying towards an aircraft is Q = 0.05.
M3 Missed The aircraft may deviate from the final approach path (vertically or laterally), air crew may Warszawa
Approach detect some FAS errors or can fail to establish visual contact with the RWY above DA, and 0.5
(MA) thus will initiate MA to avoid CFIT or landing accident. E
URCONTROL used probability value Katowice
timely of 0.5 in the generic safety case. 0.5
M4 Approach Air crew can fail to laterally intercept the final approach path or aircraft can be too high Warszawa
is before FAWP. In such situation, air crew can decide to intercept the final approach path 0.1
stabilising from above, in violation of the normal procedure. On deciding to capture the glide slope Katowice
from above, the flight crew have some confidence on succeeding. However, this manoeuvre 0.1
involves certain risk that the crew will not be able to stabilise the aircraft path. The mitigation
is that crew is able to stabilise the aircraft (intercept the final approach path, decelerate to
extend flaps and landing gear) on time and land safely. E
UROCONTROL’s probability of failure
of this mitigation is 0.1. The value for Warszawa and Katowice is consistent with it.
M5 Aircraft Crew may decide to descend below DA without visual. This involves a risk of CFIT. Warszawa
is in However,if aircraft manages to descend safely to an altitude where visual contact is 0.5
right established, it can be in right position for landing. E
UROCONTROL’s probability of failure Katowice
position for this mitigation is 0.5. The value for Warszawa and Katowice is consistent with it. 0.5
for Value for this mitigation reflects the degree of information available by this time.
landing According to E
UROCONTROL, when further information is collected,this figure might evolve.
M6 Recovery Proximity to terrain, obstacle or another aircraft can be recovered by the flight crew via Warszawa
with visual visual cues by launching a MA or avoidance manoeuvre. The effectiveness of this mitigation 0.5
cues depends on the number of factors, such as weather, day/night, airport lighting, surrounding Katowice
vicinity lighting, etc. For this reason the probability of failure has to be rather conservative 0.5
and is consistent with E
UROCONTROLS assumption in the generic safety case.
Difference in airport lighting in favour for Warszawa so value could be further decreased.
M7 Recovery Proximity to terrain, obstacle or another aircraft can be recovered by the flight crew via Warszawa
with visual cues by launching a MA or avoidance manoeuvre and is assumed to be 0.5 for M8 0.1
visual when the aircraft is on final approach path. Katowice
cues Note that M7 mitigation during MA is considered five times more efficient than on final 0.1
specific approach path. On final approach, guidance is very accurate and has a high integrity. One
to missed can assume that the crew will trust this and therefore will less monitor the final path itself.
approach During missed approach, the crew is aware of the route to fly, and of the fact that precision
(H8) is lower than on final approach. Also, as the route is not converging towards a known point,
the crew will be more involved in the navigation process than it was during final approach.
Therefore, fail of recovery via on-board detection of incorrect MA path execution is assumed
0.1 and is consistent with E
UROCONTROLS probability of failure.
M8 Recovery Recovery via aircrew detection onboard mitigates risk resulting from deviating from the Warszawa
via correct final approach path or MA path. 0.5
aircrew Some deviations are noticeable (e.g. magnetic heading differs from what is expected, too Katowice
detection high or too low vertical speed, abnormal engine thrust settings, sudden deviation due to 0.5
onboard some discontinuity), other cannot be determined, especially deviations at the end of the FAS
are the most dangerous. Aircrew might detect discrepancies with respect to chart by monitoring
the distance to threshold (displayed to pilots) which allows them to roughly estimate if current
height is right (about 300 ft resolution) compared to altitudes on the charts.
With regard to these various means a rough probability of 0.5 for recovery via aircrew detection
was defined. This is in line with E
UROCONTROL’s probability of failure.
M9 Recovery The ATCO detection that an aircraft flies low while intercepting the final approach path Warszawa
via ATC strongly depends on the size of the vertical deviation and the distance to runway. A 1000 ft 0.5
radar Mode C deviation at 8 Nm away from the runway should attract his attention. Based on that, Katowice
detection the adopted probability for detection and recovery is 0.5 0.5
M10 External Even when the aircraft is not in perfect landing conditions above the runway threshold, this Warszawa
conditions should not necessarily lead to a landing accident: Probability that External conditions 0.01
(runway (runway dry or long, luck…) favour collision is 0.01. In both cases the value was consistent Katowice
dry or with E
UROCONTROL’s probability of failure. 0.01
3 Analyse the hazard consequences with the use of
event trees. Analyse the hazard consequences with
the use of event trees, in order to allow assessing
the risk associated to those hazards. Once the
analysis is done, it is proposed to States to provide
the final conclusion for each of the hazards by
means of the following table:
Table 3. Summary of event trees analysis
ID General conclusion Consequence Frequency
H3 No additional barriers as to CFIT Warszawa
EUROCONTROL FHA (catastrophic) 0.125
identified. The safety nets Katowice
were not included in this 0.125
H4 No additional barriers as to Landing Warszawa
EUROCONTROL FHA accident 0.00025
identified. The safety nets (catastrophic) Katowice
were not included in this 0.00025
H6 No additional barriers as to CFIT Warszawa
EUROCONTROL FHA (catastrophic) 0.125
identified. The safety nets Katowice
were not included in this 0.125
H7 No additional barriers as to CFIT Warszawa
EUROCONTROL FHA (catastrophic) 0.125
identified. The safety nets Katowice
were not included in this 0.125
calculation. Landing Warszawa
accident 0.125
(catastrophic) Katowice
H8 No additional barriers as CFIT Warszawa
to EUROCONTROL FHA (catastrophic) 0.0025
identified. The safety nets Katowice
were not included in this 0.0025
calculation. Midair collision Warszawa
(catastrophic) 0.00025
4 Establish the TLS - identify relevant categories of
accidents and find target level of safety for each of
these accidents. It is proposed to fill the following
Table 4. Summary of LPV TLSs
Accident type LPV TLS
Controlled Flight Into Terrain (CFIT) 1 x 10
Landing accident 1 x 10
Mid-air collision 2 x 10
5 Allocate safety objectives - allocate TLS from step 1
for each type of accident to individual hazards by
using risk tree analysis. Risk trees for individual
accident categories shall be prepared. Allocation
has to be done apportioning the TLS among the
branches that compose each risk tree. Then, the
Safety Objectives will determine the allocation of
Safety Requirements to system elements in the
fault tree analysis. Using the probabilities coming
from the previous section:
( )
Q are the event probabilities in sequences initiated by
Hazard X that end up in the applicable accident;
C is the allocation chosen for each branch of the trees.
The candidate Safety Objectives for each accident
shall be presented in the next table (a new table must
be generated for each accident):
Table 5. Candidate safety objectives for CFIT
Hazard Candidate Safety Objective Contribution of the
branch to CFIT TLS
H3 1.6e-8 20%
H4 Not applicable - Hazard does not
lead to CFIT
H6 1.6e-8 20%
H7 1.6e-8 20%
H8 1.6e-8 20%
Safety 2e-9 20%
Table 6. Candidate safety objectives for landing accident
Hazard Candidate Safety Objective Contribution of the
branch to the
landing accident TLS
H3 Not applicable - Hazard does -
not lead to LA
H4 2.67e-4 33%
H6 Not applicable - Hazard does -
not lead to LA
H7 5.33-7 33%
H8 Not applicable - Hazard does -
not lead to LA
Safety 5.67e-8 33%
Table 7. Candidate safety objectives for MAC
Hazard Candidate Safety Objective Contribution of the
branch to the
H3 Not applicable - Hazard does -
not lead to MAC
H4 Not applicable - Hazard does -
not lead to MAC
H6 Not applicable - Hazard does -
not lead to MAC
H7 Not applicable - Hazard does -
not lead to MAC
H8 2e-7 50%
Safety 5e-11 50%
6 Derive final Safety Objectives: when one hazard
has more than one ultimate consequence (i.e.
contributes to more than one type of accident), the
most constraining objective has to be kept. Please
fill the following table:
Table 8. Final safety objectives
ID Title Consequences SO in
H3 Fly low while intercepting the final approach path Missed approach if detected. Safe landing if 1.6e-8
undetected and barriers work. CFIT if undetected
and barriers fail
H4 Attempt to intercept the final approach path from Missed approach or safe landing if barriers work. 2.66-4
above CFIT if barriers fail
H6 Failure to follow the correct final approach path Missed approach or safe landing if detected and/or 1.6e-8
barriers work. CFIT if undetected and barriers fail
H7 Descending below DA without visual Missed approach if detected. Safe landing if barriers 4e-9
work. Landing accident if deviation is not towards
obstacle but other barriers fail. CFIT if undetected and
in case deviation is towards obstacle
H8 Failure to execute correct missed approach No major impact on safety if detected and corrected- 2e-7
ultimate result would be missed approach or safe
landing. CFIT if all barriers fail and deviation is towards
obstacle. MAC if all barriers fail and deviation is towards
The Fault tree analysis consists in apportioning the
Safety Objectives of each hazard into Safety
Requirements to elements of the system. In other
words, one fault tree analysis has to be done for each
of the hazards identified in Table. The fault tree
analysis contains all the causes that can potentially
incur to the hazard. States are aimed to develop the
fault trees and perform the associated qualitative and
quantitative analyses.
The probability of occurrence of each of the causes
must be combined as specified by the developed fault
tree (sequence of AND and OR functions) to obtain
the final probability of occurrence for each hazard.
Obviously, probability of occurrence shall be lower
than the applicable Safety Objective. In case that the
Safety Objective is not met, it is necessary to define
Safety Requirements (SR), which define additional
functions to those already mentioned in the
nominal case; or
Integrity Requirements (IRs), which define the
level of performance of certain elements and
To summarise the final results of the fault tree
analysis, it is proposed to States to fill in the following
Table 9. Summary of all hazards’ achieved probability of
Hazard Safety Achieved probability Objective
ID Objective of occurrence met
H3 1.6e-8 Idem (according to Eurocontrol Yes
H4 2.66-4 Idem (according to Eurocontrol Yes
H6 1.6e-8 1.84e-6 No
H7 4e-9 Idem (according to Eurocontrol Yes
H8 2e-7 Idem (according to Eurocontrol Yes
Consequences analysis involves identifying the
sequences of events initiated by an OH, defined by
the success/failure of a series of barriers or other
relevant events and ending up in unacceptable end
consequences (accidents like CFIT, MAC and landing
accident) that are usually used in the NAV domain.
TLS-DNV clarifies what events are covered by these
accident categories:
Mid-air collision is where two aircraft come into
contact with each other while both are airborne.
This includes any in-flight collision between an
aircraft and another flying vehicle, whether
commercial, military or general aviation, including
microlights, hang-gliders, gliders and balloons. It
excludes collisions caused by hostile attack (i.e.
terrorism, hijack, sabotage or military attack) but
includes collisions caused in all other ways. This is
consistent with the CAST/ICAO common
terminology for mid-air collision;
Controlled flight into terrain (CFIT) is an in-flight
collision with terrain, water or another obstacle
without prior loss of control. This excludes
intentional flight into terrain/buildings due to
hostile attack. It also excludes cases where the
aircraft lands short or to one side of the runway
(covered under landing accidents). It includes
cases where the CFIT follows or is caused by an in-
flight disruption such as a fire or engine failure,
provided that flight control is maintained. This is
consistent with the CAST/ICAO occurrence
category “controlled flight into or toward terrain”;
Landing accidents include all types of accidents
during the landing phase of flight (see below),
other than collision. This includes abnormal
runway contacts (e.g. hard landings, gear-up
landings), loss of control on the runway (e.g. due
to wind-shear or surface contamination), runway
incursions (e.g. by animals, vehicles or people, but
not aircraft), runway excursions (e.g. veer-off,
overrun), off-runway touchdown (e.g. undershoot,
overshoot and offside touchdown). It includes
external causes (e.g. snow/ice/rain and wind-
shear), technical causes (e.g. gear failure) and
human causes (e.g. flight crew misjudgements). It
includes cases where the landing accident follows
or is caused by an in-flight disruption such as a
fire or engine failure, provided that sufficient
control is maintained to attempt a normal or
emergency landing. It includes cases where the
landing accident is followed by collision with
another aircraft outside the runway. There is no
specific CAST/ICAO equivalent for this term.
The consequences analysis is performed using the
Event Trees, but only the event sequences relevant for
the safety assessment (which determine the Safety
Objectives) are shown in the subsequent tables. The
full Event Trees, providing a graphical representation
of all the sequences of events developing
subsequently to an operational hazard (OH)
occurrence and their final outcomes, are provided in
Annex IV. Rough probability values will be assumed
for the events/barriers occurrence, based on field
feedback experience, expert judgement and other
qualitative considerations that will be duly justified.
In a first version of the FHA, efficiency of the ground
and airborne safety nets equipage were considered as
potential barriers to prevent accidents. In the final
version of the FHA they do not more influence the
safety objectives determination process. Meanwhile
their impact on the consequences analysis is provided
for information in annex V.
APV SBAS Approach - Concept of Operations, CONOPS,
Operational and Functional model of LPV approaches in the
ECAC area, OFM-LPV 2.0 2007;
Draft Guidance Material for the Implementation of RNP
APCH Operations PBN TF6 WP06 Rev 1 05/01/2012
SHERPA Grant Agreement Grant number 287246
EASA - AMC 20-26 : Airworthiness Approval and
Operational Criteria for RNP AR Operations;
EASA - AMC 20-27: Airworthiness Approval and
Operational Criteria for RNP APPROACH (RNP
APCH) Operations Including APV BARO VNAV
EASA - Helicopters Deploy GNSS in Europe (HEDGE)
project documentation,
EATMP Navigation Strategy for ECAC;
EGNOS Introduction in European Eastern Region MIELEC
project documentation,
EUR Document 001/RNAV/5 Guidance Material Relating to
the Implemen-tation of European Air Traffic
Management Programme;
FAA - AC 20-105: Approval Guidance for RNP Operations
and Barometric Vertical Navigation in the U.S. National
Airspace System;
FAA - AC 20-129: Airworthiness Approval for Vertical
Navigation (VNAV) Systems for Use in the U.S.
National Airspace System (NAS) and Alaska;
FAA - TSO C146A: Stand-Alone Airborne Navigation
Equipment Using the Global Positioning System
Augmented by the Wide Area Augmentation System
FAA: TSO C145A: Airborne Navigation Sensors Using the
Global Positioning System (GPS) Augmented by the
Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS);
Fellner A. SHERPA-PANSA-NMA-D11EP Issue: 01-00
EGNOS Poland Marked Analysis, 2012
Fellner A. SHERPA- PANSA-NSR-D21EP,2014
ICAO Annex 10,
ICAO Doc 9613 PBN Manual,
ICAO Doc 9905 RNP AR Procedure Design Manual
ICAO Doc. 7754 European Region Air Navigation Plan;
ICAO European Region Transition Plan to CNS/ATM;
ICAO Global Air Navigation Plan for CNS/ATM Systems.
Doc 9750;