Autonomous shipping is no doubt a future of the
maritime industry [21]. According to Rolls-Royce, a
fully automatic ship will go to its first voyage by 2035
[21] which means the need for related research now.
However, autonomous shipping poses a great
challenge for information technology and research in
the field of onboard control systems. In contrast with
autonomous cars, autonomous ships will operation in
much larger environments travelling by much longer
distances. The following types of ships with regard to
autonomy are defined in research: ordinary ships,
where all decisions are made by the crew and all
operations are performed by the crew, smart ships,
where the crew still makes a decision, but the
operations are performed automatically and
autonomous ships where both decisions and
operations are automatic [12]. Smart ships are not
guaranteed to have the crew on board. Such ships can
be controlled from a remote control centre [6, 37].
However, it seems doubtful that smart ships with
fully remote control can be implemented because
such ships would require stable network connection
with the control centre along the entire route of the
voyage, which may be difficult to secure in the case of
trans-ocean voyages [37]. Therefore, smart ships are
expected to have some degree of autonomy to make
them able to operate amid the absence of connection
with the control centre. It is expected that an
autonomous ship can also be controlled remotely,
therefore there can be stages of fully autonomous
operation and remotely controlled stages within a
single voyage [35]. Remote control stages may be
required to navigate the ship in the most dangerous
or difficult circumstances, e.g. at nearshore areas and
Towards Autonomous Shipping: Benefits and
hallenges in the Field of Information Technology and
I. Yanchin & O. Petrov
State Marine Technical University
, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
ABSTRACT: This paper is dedicated to an overview of components of an onboard control system of an
autonomous ship. This system controls and operates the ship. Therefore, this system needs to be able to analyze
the ship’s state, predict its future development and analyze the consequences of its own decisions. The paper
focuses on software aspects of the onboard control system, not the hardware. The paper provides an overview
of technologies that can be used to implement the components of such a system responsible for planning new
routes, handling the ship during the voyage, ensuring its seaworthiness and safety during the voyage,
monitoring an autonomous ship from an onshore control centre, ensuring the robustness of the onboard control
system, and collective operations of multiple autonomous ships. The paper describes benefits the maritime
industry would gain from deploying some of the technologies developed for autonomous ships on ordinary,
human-controlled ships. The paper also describes some challenges, especially in the field of automatic decision
and reasoning, arising from the emergence of autonomous and smart ships. The main contribution of the paper
is that it summarizes existing research in different areas of autonomous ship technology.
International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 14
Number 3
September 2020
at ports [37]. In this paper we focus on fully-
autonomous ship operations, thus regarding
autonomous ships and smart ships that operate in the
autonomous regime.
This paper is dedicated to the challenges in the
field of information technology and
telecommunication with regard to smart and
autonomous ships. It is expected that the success in
these fields will significantly affect the maritime
industry as being the most important milestone in the
journey towards autonomous shipping [35].
Within this paper, we assume that an autonomous
ship is controlled and monitored by a single onboard
control system. This system runs on the onboard
computers that are connected into the onboard
computational network. The paper describes the
design neither of the onboard control system nor the
computational network, but refers to them when
describing their components responsible for tackling
the challenges arising from the emergence of
autonomous and smart ships.
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2
provides an overview of techniques that can be used
to plan safe and optimal routes for autonomous ships.
Section 3 is dedicated to automatic ship handling,
ensuring its seaworthiness and safety while following
the route, keeping the ship on the route, and collective
operations of multiple autonomous ships. Section 4
describes the remote monitoring of a ship. Section 5 is
dedicated to the robustness of the onboard control
system that controls the ship. Section 6 concludes the
Route planning is an important feature of the ship’s
onboard control system. The crew uses this feature to
plot efficient routes taking into account weather
conditions, legal regulations, fuel efficiency and other
requirements [17]. If the system fails to plot an
effective route or the resulting route is not suitable for
some reason, the crew still can intervene and
introduce corrections. In case of an autonomous ship,
there is no crew to correct the inefficient route.
Planning an efficient route for an autonomous ship is
a more complicated task than in the case of an
ordinary ship [6]. The onboard control system needs
to be able to plan as efficient routes as possible
without any human intervention.
Within this paper, we define an efficient route as a
route that is the shortest route possible in terms of
travel time that does not put the ship in danger in any
way. This definition can be extended to assume
additional requirements. For example, the route
planning system can take fuel consumption into
account, in this case, the system would try to achieve
a compromise between travel speed (and thus travel
time) and fuel consumption possibly by using slow
In case of an autonomous ship, there can be two
approaches for planning a route. In the first case, the
route is planned by the onboard control system of the
ship, in the second case, the route is planned by a
shore control centre and then transmitted to the ship
[36, 41]. In the latter case, the route could be evaluated
by an expert before being transmitted to the ship [41].
In both cases, the input data for the route planning
procedure is the destination point and the additional
constrains for the route (e.g. fuel consumption, arrival
time and so on).
Weather conditions affect the ship’s safety and its
ability to follow the route. Taking the weather into
account not only helps to avoid negative effects on the
ship [35,41] but also reduces the economical costs of a
voyage by reducing the travel time and fuel
consumption [16, 43]. Therefore, the ability to take
weather conditions into account is essential for the
route planning system [17, 23, 38].
One of the most common algorithms used for
pathfinding is A*. This algorithm is able to find the
shortest path between two vertices of a graph or grid.
It is possible to tune the algorithm to take into account
requirements specific for a particular task, e.g.
weather conditions [17], ice [45] or in order to reduce
the computation time [28]. However, A* is known to
be highly dependant on the heuristic function used to
determine which vertices to investigate and for its
high memory consumption in case of the large search
spaces (grid with many vertices) [33]. One can reduce
the complexity by reducing the number of points the
grid has, however, this reduces the freedom of the
algorithm to choose movement direction thus
reducing the optimality of the route.
Planning a route for a ship is a complex task that
requires attention to many factors affecting routes
safety and optimality. The navigators plan routes
using their experience and background [35]. Building
this experience into a formal route planning algorithm
like A* or Dijkstra’s is a difficult task. We argue that
the maritime industry could benefit from employing
algorithms and techniques that belong to the fields of
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep
Learning. We can divide these promising techniques
into two groups: those that use a kind of agent that is
trained from its own or external experience and those
that are heuristic, fuzzy, or competitive approaches to
find the solution for the task in question [30].
Two of the most well-known techniques of the first
family are Reinforcement Learning and its variant,
Deep Reinforcement Learning. Reinforcement
Learning uses a table π, called policy, that helps
understand why the agent took particular action
being in a particular state, thus making the decision
process interpretable. This table is designed during
the preparation stage of the training process and must
contain all of the possible agent states and all of the
possible actions the agent can take. Deep
Reinforcement Learning does not require any
predefined states and table π, instead, it uses a deep
neural network that takes state representation as
input. Deep Reinforcement Learning has
demonstrated good results in training an agent to
play Go [39], chess [40] or video games [44], making it
possible to beat a champion human player. However,
in practice, even an expert often fails to design a good
reward function for the agent, thus making it possible
to maximize the reward without actually completing
the task [22]. Moreover, currently, there is not enough
research in the field of Reinforcement Learning about
solving problems other than games [22]. Another
difficult here is that the training process assumes that
the agent needs to observe all possible states and take
all possible actions for any of them to test what
happens, thus making the training process
computationally difficult.
We argue that there is still not enough research to
employ Reinforcement Learning to planning a route
for a ship. Another obstacle on this path is that the
agent needs an environment that it interacts with
while solving the task [22]. As we have already
pointed out, the agent needs to observe all possible
situations, including those that lead to maritime
accidents, moreover, it needs to observe these
situation several times with slightly different
properties. Therefore, using natural environments as
training environments and real ships as agents to
train the route planning system has unacceptably
high costs, not to mention the related dangers.
Another approach is to simulate the natural
environment. In this case, all of the processes that
take place in Nature and affect the ship are modelled
and this modelled environment is used to train the
agent. However, this approach requires the model to
represent the real processes as precisely as possible so
that the agent can use its knowledge gained from the
simulation in the real-life tasks. This poses a difficult
We, therefore, argue that we should not use agents
that are trained from their own experience for
planning ship routes due to high costs of real
experiments and extremely difficult development of
We, therefore, think that the route planning
algorithms should be based on approaches that can
adapt to a changing environment and can handle
complex success criteria but do not require
preliminary training. Genetic algorithms are one of
such approaches [20]. The fitting function can be
expressed as a weighted sum of values describing
different route’s properties thus making the algorithm
to generate a good route through maximizing these
value. Genetic algorithms can be effectively
parallelized using the island model, taking advantage
of distributed onboard computation systems [7, 18].
Since in every moment a genetic algorithm operates
on a set of possible solutions, it is possible to get a set
of Paretooptimal routes as a result and choose the
final one using another examination technique [25].
Another advantage of genetic algorithms is that it is
possible to restrict the total computation time allotted
for planning the route and still get an acceptable sub-
optimal solution [18].
As we have already said, navigators use their
experience to judge on the route’s quality. Experience
is a very subjective and personal concept so it could
not be formalized to be used by an automatic route
planning systems. We propose to use a set of
characteristic coefficients that can be used to measure
route’s properties thus making it possible to compare
routes and select the best one. The fitting function of a
genetic algorithm can be represented as a weighted
sum of this coefficient values. These coefficients
express how close the route is to the ideal route.
Therefore, professional navigators could be
interviewed about what is the optimal and safe route
and what is the ideal route, and then these qualities
can be expressed through formalized coefficients.
Here we propose several basic coefficients that can
be used as a starting point. This set can be
extended with additional coefficients designed for a
particular ship. Moreover, different routes for the
same ship could be planned while taking into account
different coefficients that were selected according to
the cargo, technical conditions or other factors.
The safety coefficient can be defined as
( )
( )
Sr P=
P is the probability of a negative encounter
(e.g. collision, rough weather, severe pitching) to
occur while the ship follows the route r. The shorter
route is a better route, therefore the distance
coefficient can be defined as
( )
( )
( )
is the length of the line segment
between start and destination points and l
r is the
length of the route being examined. The closer the
route to the straight line, the greater the value of D is.
Since it is not possible to find a shorter way between
two points than the straight line, this coefficient can
be used to measure the optimality of the route with
regard to its length. Another coefficient related to
optimality is the time coefficient
( )
( )
is the time needed for the ship to travel
along the straight line
( )
with the maximum
technic-ally possible speed and tr is the time needed
to travel following the route r. This coefficient helps
ensure that the route is not only short in terms of
distance but that it will not take long to follow it.
According to [?], the number of manoeuvres the ship
needs to perform during the voyage also affects the
route’s optimality and the most important manoeuvre
is the change of direction. The change of direction
usually happens at a waypoint that joins two edges of
the route each of which defines new direction. There-
fore, we can define the simplicity coefficient as
( )
where p
r is the number of waypoints in the route.
Every route has at least two points: start and
destination, and the simplicity coefficient encourages
the route to have as little points as possible.
Route planning algorithm needs to be robust and
able to handle unexpected situations. It also needs to
be predictable and its output needs to be
interpretable. That is why designing such an
algorithm requires extensive testing and verification
[35]. Formal algorithms like A* or Dijkstra’s are
proven to be able to find the best solution but they
pose strong requirements for the environment and the
input data [11]. Non-formal algorithms like genetic
algorithms may pose less strict requirements but there
can be no formal proof of correctness. Therefore,
testing and verification of such algorithms require
simulation of the common and extreme situations in
order to validate their behaviour. There are several
techniques that can be used to verify and validate the
correctness of models and algorithms while using
simulation modelling, the Balchi’s scheme is one of
them [1, 2].
After the ship has acquired the route, it needs to
follow it. This means the onboard system needs to be
able to handle the ship autonomously. This is
expected to be the most difficult component of the
onboard control system since it needs to take into
account different aspects of ship handling, including,
but not limited to, keeping the ship on the route and
ensuring that the ships seaworthiness is satisfactory
3.1 Keeping the ship on the route
Keeping the ship on the route is the first responsibility
of the onboard control system when underway. The
system analyzes the ship’s motion and checks that the
actual route does not deviate from the prescribed one
more than allowed. In the case of discrepancy, the
control system orders the propulsion system of the
ship to perform actions to resolve this discrepancy
Since it is expected that the prescribed route allows
some sort of freedom (i.e. it does not prescribe the
exact waypoints), another important aspect is
planning the exact manoeuvres prescribed by the
route [37]. For example, if a route prescribes the ship
to go under a bridge, the onboard control system
must issue orders to make the ship go under the
bridge’s arc by a safe distance from the columns and
ensure that the arc is high enough. Although bridges,
canal locks, and other infrastructure facilities can be
detected during the planning stage, the actual route
affects the moment of time when the ship reaches the
facility and ship’s exact position relative to it. That is
why the ship needs to be able to plan the manoeuvres
itself before performing them thus requiring the
onboard control system to analyze the current
situation and issue orders with regard both to the
manoeuvre and the environment. Therefore, this
component of the control system needs to be
universal enough to be able to deal with different
manoeuvres and surrounding situations.
It is expected that the onboard control system can
be based on AI approaches [35] thus being able to
handle situations that differ from those observed
during the design stage.
The onboard control system can benefit from tree-
based situation classification approach [31]. In case of
such an approach, there is a set of classifiers
organized as a tree. Each classifier takes the
representation of the situation that includes, but is not
limited to, images from the cameras that capture
images or video of the surroundings, radars that
observe the surroundings, gyroscopes and
accelerometers that measure the ship’s state and other
sensors. The root classifier that corresponds to the
root vertex of the tree performs the initial
classification of the situation, whether it corresponds
to an open area, a bridge, locks, and so on. This initial
classifier makes the top-level decision detecting which
type the situation belongs to and does not detect its
internal properties. Once the generic type of the
situation is determined, the situation representation is
passed to the next level of the tree. Classifiers of this
level are specialized to observe situations of a specific
type and are able to detect different subtypes of them.
Figure 1 illustrates the tree-based classification
Figure 1. Sample tree-based situation classifier. Each level
refines the output of the previous one until the final
decision is made.
Therefore, each level of the classification tree
refines the decision made by the previous level thus
enabling the onboard control system to capture all
important properties of the situation [31]. The
refinement process finishes when the tree traversal
process reaches a leaf that contains navigation
instructions suitable for the detected situation [31].
The use of a classification tree helps to keep each
classifier specialized on a particular task thus making
it easier to design it, train it, maintain its operation,
interpret the output or insert new tree branches (thus
making the tree aware of new situations) leaving
other branches intact. In addition, the classifiers can
be independently replaced or updated according to
the requirements.
The classifiers could be based on Deep Neural
Networks or use simpler machine learning models
suitable for the task being solved by the classifier.
Convolution Neural Networks have demonstrated
good results when processing image and video data
or other spatiallydistributed values [15]. If the inputs
for the network contain both image and non-image
data, it is possible to train a two-branch neural
network (figure 2), where one branch handles image
data and another one non-image data and then they
join their outputs for further processing. Twobranch
neural networks have demonstrated good results
when processing mixed data of different nature [46].
Figure 2. An example of neural network with two branches.
3.2 Ensuring the route correctness
As we have already said, the route’s quality is
expressed through a set of characteristic coefficients
that describe the route’s properties. These coefficients
can also be used to ensure that the actual route does
not deviate from the prescribed one in a way that may
lead, in the long run, to an accident.
Consider the prescribed route and the actual route
that is being plotted during the voyage. In order to
check that the actual route is not going to cause an
accident we can to compute its characteristic
coefficients during the voyage taking into account the
actual locations of the waypoints and their properties,
and then compare these coefficients to those
computed for the prescribed route. This lets to
determine which properties of the actual route are
worse than expected. Another approach is to plot the
sum of the characteristic coefficients and thus decide
whether the trend is positive or stable (the route
quality either increases or stays the same) or negative
(the route quality decreases) [30]. Figure 3 shows an
example of a route quality plot.
Figure 3: Route quality decreases over time, this indicates
negative trend.
According to the plot 3, the route quality decreases
with time, which means that if the ship does not re-
plan the route, an accident may happen [30].
3.3 Ship collective intelligence
Autonomous and smart ships are expected to be
equipped with an onboard control system that makes
all of the decision related to ship handling. As inputs,
this system takes data from the sensors installed
onboard. In some situations, however, an
autonomous ship needs to take into account the
actions of the surrounding ships in order to maintain
safety and comply with COLREGs [13, 35]. Consider
two possible cases: in the first case there are only
ships that operate fully automatically, and the second
case when at least one of the ships is operated by
humans. In both cases, the ships need to pass safely
through a particular area.
In the first case, when there are only smart ships,
these ships can communicate in order to infer a
decision [36]. The main difficulty here is to make all of
the ships to come to the same decision, i.e. to make all
of the ships agree with it. All ships are considered
equal, i.e. there are no primary ships that make
decisions and secondary ships that obey. In this case,
they can use a distributed consensus algorithms like
PAXOS [26] or Raft [34] that are widely used in
clustered and distributed computing. These
algorithms help a set of distributed computing nodes
get the same result for a particular task, thus coming
to a consensus. These algorithms can be used by
autonomous ships to come to a consensus about their
actions in the case of an encounter. Both PAXOS and
Raft guarantee that all distributed nodes end up with
the same state of the finite automaton that forms the
core of the algorithms. This means that all of the ships
in question are able to agree on how to behave in
order to safely pass through the area.
In the second case, the autonomous ships and
ordinary ship also need to communicate in some way
in order to agree on their actions [36]. However, in
this case, the ordinary ship is operated by humans
that need to be able to communicate with machines
operating other ships. This issue can be resolved by
installing onto ordinary ships a special
communication unit that is able to communicate with
smart ships (standardization required). The crew uses
this unit to explain their plans on the safe passage
through the area in question so that the autonomous
ships are aware of the human’s decisions and thus can
infer their own. The smart ships can still use PAXOS
and Raft to come up with a decision taking into
account human’s opinion. Another approach is to
make this onboard unit a part of the consensus
framework. The ordinary ship also takes part in the
decision process and is considered as a member of a
distributed consensus network. However, in this case,
the crew of the ordinary ship needs to obey the
collective decision.
3.4 Ensuring the ship’s seaworthiness
One of the most important tasks the crew needs to
care about is the ship’s seaworthiness. Here we
concentrate on seakeeping performance criteria, i.e.
the ability of a ship to effectively and safely deal with
the environmental conditions, i.e. pitch and roll,
buoyancy and stability. In the case of an ordinary
ship, the crew is responsible for maintaining these
criteria, but in the case of an autonomous or smart
ship, this needs to be done automatically. Since there
is no crew on board, no one can perform actions to
prevent an accident that is about to happen. The
onboard control system should preliminarily detect
such situations and take actions not just to prevent
them, but to avoid the related risks [30]. There is a
known controllability issue: under some
circumstances, the ship may not be under a full
control [35], therefore the onboard control system
needs to take into account that the issued orders may
be performed only partially, or have no effect.
Another difficulty is the uncertainty in the ship’s state
data: the data that is thought to be actual and correct
may be out of date or incomplete [42].
Waves affect the seakeeping characteristics
inducing rolling and pitching, which, in turn, affect
the ship’s stability. Waves are highly stochastic, non-
stationary process and therefore predicting its
parameters is a difficult task [8]. Although wave
parameters can be drawn from a wave spectra [19],
each spectrum provides approximate results and thus
needs to be tuned for a particular area [4]. The tuning
requires long time series of wave parameters, which
could not be collected during the voyage. Moreover, a
ship, in general, does not have the machinery
required to measure wave parameters, e.g. period or
wavelength. The possible solution is to install
accelerometers and gyroscopes onboard and directly
measure rolling and pitching parameters. The data
received from these sensors form a time series that
can be analyzed with Deep Neural Networks,
possibly predicting future parameters [10,48],
anomaly detection techniques or other approaches to
identify patterns and make decisions accordingly.
Hull consistency affects the ship’s buoyancy and
stability. In case of a breach, the hull’s compartment
gets flooded thus changing the list angle and reducing
ship’s stability. Additional water volume inside the
hull also reduces the ship’s buoyancy. Therefore it is
important that the onboard control system is able to
monitor the hull’s integrity and compartment
flooding. This can be achieved using Hull Monitoring
System [14] and flooding detection sensors installed
in all compartments. Hull Monitoring System consists
of several sensors located around the hull measuring
tensions and stress of the hull caused by the sea state
[14, 47]. The collected data is used to analyze the
effects of the sea state and the ship’s movements. The
data can be used to predict possible breaches caused
by extreme wave effects, e.g. slamming and detect
existing breaches. Flooding detectors provide the data
whether a compartment is flooded and to what extent.
The onboard control system uses the data from the
Hull Monitoring System and flooding detectors to
ensure the hull’s integrity. In case of flooding the
control system uses stability curves to select the
appropriate actions (e.g. to flood the opposite
Since Machine Learning is known to be able to
handle data with missing values [10] (e.g. because of
temporary failure of a sensor) and adapt to changes in
data patterns happened since training [27], it is
expected that Machine Learning and Deep Learning
will form a general framework for the analysis of the
ship’s state needed to ensure it’s seaworthiness. To be
able to analyze its state the ship needs to measure its
static and dynamic motion parameters, like roll
angles, roll acceleration, and amplitude. Therefore, it
should be equipped with sensors, accelerometers and
detectors and Hull Monitoring System that measure
the ship’s state. These sensors form the digital model
of the ship. With this model available it is possible not
only to analyze the instant ship’s state but also to
predict the future development of the current
situation [32].
In order to ensure seaworthiness, the smart and
autonomous ships will be equipped with a great
number of sensors that measure their dynamics. This
data can be transmitted to the onshore control centre
thus making it possible to remotely analyze the ship’s
behaviour [12, 13, 37]. Because of the distributed
nature of the onboard ship machinery, a ship can be
thought of as an IoT-enabled multiagent system
where each machinery unit is an independent agent
[35]. The amount of data generated by these IoT
agents for a single ship is expected to make up a large
dataset [35]. If a shipowner has a fleet of smart ships,
the amounts of data increase by orders of magnitude.
However, in the latter case, the shipowner can benefit
from the large datasets collected from the entire fleet
by getting the overall statistics computed using the
data from all of the ships, which increases prediction
accuracy. This, in turn, requires the ship owners to
have a Data Science or Data Engineering departments
to successfully handle, analyze and gain insights from
this data using Big Data and Machine Learning
techniques. It is expected that the entire marine
industry would benefit from these datasets and
related software [3].
Collecting datasets with the data related to the
ship’s operations enables ship owners to employ
maintenance prediction techniques [6, 37]. These
techniques let the ship owners analyze the behaviour
of the onboard machinery and predict whether it is
going to go out of order. This lets the owners
optimally plan the maintenance operations [35, 37].
Actually, such a monitoring system can be installed
on an ordinary ship and the monitoring data can
available both to the shipowner and the crew.
The main source of trouble onboard is the crew [12].
Since there is no crew on board, its effect on the ship’s
safety is reduced, making technical issues the main
concern. In the case of an autonomous ship, the
onboard control system becomes a single point of
failure [13]. If the onboard control system goes out of
order, the ship is not able to operate. Since the ship
has no crew on board, there is no way to repair the
failed systems. Therefore, the onboard control system
should be able to detect its own failures and either
entirely recover from them or rebalance the workload
in such a way that the components that are still alive
can keep the system operating.
To ensure robustness, the development team needs
to use distributed approaches, where a computer
system consists of several network nodes connected to
accomplish a single task. If a single node goes out of
order, another one takes its workload. One possible
solution for that is to adopt the multi-agent approach,
also known as actor approach. There are different
actor implementations available for different
programming languages and environments [5, 9, 29].
In the case of the actor approach, the software
system is represented as a set of independent
components (called actors). The actors communicate
by sending messages, not through direct interaction
by function calls like in traditional software systems.
Since the actors communicate through message
passing, different actors can be located on different
network nodes [5] enabling effective development of
distributed applications. Here, the sender actor does
not need to know where (on which network node) the
receiver is located and the underlying actor
framework hides all the complexity of the network
communication [5,9] making it easier for the
developer to concentrate on the domain, not
The distributed nature of applications built using
the actor approach makes them more error-resistant
than traditional centralized applications. Once a
network node goes down, the actor framework
detects this failure and deploys the actors that have
been on the failed node on the nodes that are still
alive and routes the messages to the new instances [5].
Each actor is responsible for persisting its internal
state and loading it once it is deployed, thus making
the application survive through node failures without
data loses.
Since the ability to operate regardless of the
failures is essential for the onboard control systems of
autonomous ships, we argue that they can benefit
from adopting the actor approach making them more
error-resistant and letting to gracefully recover from
failures. It is important to distribute the network
nodes across the entire ship in order to ensure that
physical damage or flooding of a single compartment
does not lead to the destruction of the entire network.
Nevertheless, the actor model is not able to
overcome hardware failures if the particular
hardware exists as a single instance. Therefore,
sensors that are used to measure the ship’s state need
to be duplicated in order to increase their robustness.
However, it is still possible that the onboard
control system or the onboard machinery goes out of
order. It is expected that in this case, a ship should
activate a kind of fail-to-safe mode, that lets it safely
operate using the machinery it still has and wait for
the assistance from the onshore services [37].
There is still much to do before an ocean-going
autonomous ship goes to its first voyage. This means
the need for research on topics related to ship
architecture, legal regulations, port operations,
information technology, and others. In this paper, we
have discussed the information technology aspects of
the autonomous and smart ships. It is expected that
such ships will have an onboard control system
responsible for planning route, handling the ship
during the voyage and monitoring its state.
We argue that the route planning component
should not be implemented using techniques that
require training because this needs a great number of
real-life experiments including those that can lead to
an accident; otherwise, it requires a complicated
simulation environment that precisely models the
ocean or the agent knowledge would be wrong.
Ship handling during the voyage is expected to be
based on intelligent techniques that analyze the ship’s
state and the environment around it making decisions
on what actions to perform in order to keep the ship
on the route and maintain its seaworthiness.
The need for the onboard control system to
monitor the ship’s state and the environment means
that the autonomous and smart ships will be
equipped with a great number of sensors that capture
the properties of the ship’s movements and the
surrounding environment. This enables for remote
monitoring of the ship’s state and actions thus making
it possible to make decisions based on collected
datasets. This also enables predictive maintenance
thus reducing the downtime due to spare part
delivery and reducing costs. The maritime industry
will also benefit from the large datasets collected
during autonomous ship operations.
In order to ensure the robustness of the onboard
control system, it can be developed using the actor
approach thus making it inherently parallel and
Most of the technology needed to support the
onboard control system already exists but needs to be
adapted to the requirements of the maritime industry
to make the future of ocean transportation closer.
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