At the beginning of the 20th century, the use of radio
waves caused the genesis of the wireless
communications era. Soon after, the same radio waves
contributed to revolutionizing navigation. In this way,
the era of radio-navigation began. Its origins are
mainly hyperbolic terrestrial navigation systems
(TNSs). For this type of systems, we can include the
Decca Navigator System, Consol, Omega, Syledis,
Loran-A, Loran-C, Chayka, and Jemioluszka [16].
The TNSs were mainly used in sea and air transport.
In addition, ground-based augmentation systems
(GBASs) were developed mainly for aviation, e.g., the
ILS, MLS, DME, VOR, and TACAN [7].
In the late 1970s, the United States developed the
first navigation satellite system (NSS), i.e., the Transit,
also known as the Navy NSS or NAVSAT [5]. The
positioning in the Transit was based on the Doppler
effect. His successor is the GPSNAVSTAR (Global
Positioning System Navigation Signal Timing and
Ranging), i.e., the first global NSS (GNSS), which is
widely used in civil applications [1,8,9]. At present,
the GNSSs have dominated determining the position
and direction of objects' movement in both air, sea,
and land transport. The Russian GLONASS and
European Galileo are also counted among the GNSSs
[1,8,9]. In addition, regional NSSs (RNSSs) are
available in certain regions of the world, including the
Chinese BeiDou (BDS), Japanese QZSS, Indian
NAVIC [1,8,9]. From 2020, the BDS will gain the
status of the global system. Positioning in the GNSSs
and RNSSs is based on time of arrival (TOA)
measurements and a multilateration method,
popularly known as a time difference of arrival
(TDOA) [10]. In this case, a point localization in space
using the TDOA requires receiving a signal from at
Mobile Radio Beacons in Coastal Reserved Navigation
System for Ships
J.M. Kelner & C. Ziółkowski
Military University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland
ABSTRACT: At the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSSs) dominated
navigation in air, sea, and land. Then, medium-range and long-range terrestrial navigation systems (TNSs)
ceased to be developed. However, with the development of GNSS jamming and spoofing techniques, the TNSs
are being re-developed, such as the Enhanced Loran. The Polish Ministry of Defense plans to develop and
implement a medium-range backup navigation system for the Polish Navy which will operate in the Baltic
coastal zone. This plan is a part of the global trend. This paper presents the concept of a reserve TNS (RNS) that
is based on the signal Doppler frequency (SDF) location method. In 2016, the concept of the RNS, which is
based on stationary radio beacons located on coastal lighthouses, has been presented. From the military
viewpoint, the use of the mobile radio beacons, which may change their location, is more justified. Therefore,
the paper presents an idea of using the mobile beacons for this purpose. In this paper, effectiveness of the
mobile RNS is shown based on simulation studies.
International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safet
y of Sea Transportation
Volume 14
Number 3
September 2020
least four satellites of the NSS. This method is the
basis of most hyperbolic systems, including the TNSs.
Additionally, the GNSSs and RNSSs use code-
division multiple access (CDMA) technique, with the
exception of the GLONASS, which is based on
frequency-division multiple access (FDMA) [9].
Satellite-based augmentation systems (SBASs) [1,8,9]
are widely used in aviation and also in maritime [11].
To the SBASs, we may include, i.a., the American
WAAS, European EGNOS, Japanese MSAS, Indian
GAGAN, Russian SDCM, and Chinese SNAS. For
supporting systems, the French DORIS (Doppler
Orbitography and Radio-positioning Integrated by
Satellite) is also included [12]. This system based on
the Doppler effect ensures high positioning accuracy.
A space segment is an essential part of all satellite
systems. In that, the availability of the system over a
whole or major area of the Earth is assured. However,
this issue causes the costs of implementing and
maintaining such systems are very high. Most of the
GNSSs and RNSSs are military systems with the
possibility of commercial civil applications. The
Galileo and QZSS are only civilian systems. The
availability of receiving devices, coverage for the
NSSs, and high positioning precision in relation to the
TNSs caused that at the end of the 20th century, most
of the TNSs ceased to be supported and operated.
While the GBASs are still used. Currently, the eLoran
is the only operating TNS [13,14]. It consists of about
forty stations located mainly along the coasts of the
United States, the European Union, and Southeast
Asia. This provides coverage for the northern parts of
the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic Oceans.
Over the past thirty years, we have been observing
the rapid development of the GNSSs. At the same
time, the development of mobile cellular networks
has provided access to cheap and universal GPS
receivers in smartphones. These two aspects have
resulted in the dissemination of the satellite
navigation and location-based services (LBSs) [15],
especially in civilian land traffic. On the other hand,
the widespread use of the NSSs is a secondary reason
for reducing the security of countries that do not have
their own NSS, as well as those that provide such the
system. Lowering safety results from several
premises. First, the military GNSS administrator may
cause the signal to be turned off or decreasing the
positioning accuracy for civilians in a specific area,
e.g., military operations. In this case, military users
can use code signals unavailable to civilians.
Secondly, elements of the ground control or space
segments may be destroyed by the enemy. Thirdly, at
the last time, dynamic development of jamming and
spoofing techniques dedicated to the GNSS is
observed [1619]. In this case, the use of the satellite
navigation may be impossible or cause false results.
The second and third reasons are a serious threat to
military systems, including those countries that have
own GNSS or RNSS. On the other hand, the
aforementioned development of GNSSs resulted in
the break of the support and development of
alternative positioning methods, such as the TNSs.
In recent years, the development of the new TNSs
is again considered seriously by many countries,
especially for army needs in a period and area of
military operations. For example, in 2012, the
Armament Inspectorate of the Polish Ministry of
Defense resumed an analytical-conceptual phase in
development terms of “The medium-range radio-
navigation system for the Polish Navy” [20]. The
result of these activities is the The medium-range
mobile radio-navigation systemdeveloped currently
by the Research and Development Center for
Maritime Technology [21]. This system will be based
on the effects of a research team from the Gdańsk
University of Technology. This team has developed
the TDOA-based asynchronous and self-organizing
navigation system called the AEGIR [2224]. The
work undertaken by the NATO Science & Technology
Organization (STO) and the European Defense
Agency in the area of Navigation in GNSS denied
environmentis another premise in this direction [25
27]. However, a monitoring system of own combat
units' location named the blue force tracking (BFT)
[2831] belongs to the priorities of modernization of
the Polish Army. In this case, the positioning the
soldiers, equipment, and units of own forces in the
absence of the GNSS access is also considered.
In 2016, a proposal to use a coastal radio-beacon
(RB) system and the signal Doppler frequency (SDF)
location method for positioning ships in a coastal
zone was presented [20]. The SDF method [3234],
like the previously mentioned Transit and DORIS, as
well as the COSPAS-SARSAT [35,36], a satellite
system used in search and rescue (SAR) operations,
are based on the Doppler effect. In [20], the results of
simulation studies for scenarios in the Baltic Sea are
presented. The use of the stationary RBs is a good
solution in peacetime. However, in the case of the
military operations, the reserved radio-navigation
system should base on mobile RBs. The purpose of
this paper is to present the concept of a mobile reserve
navigation system (MRNS) for ships in the coastal
zone. The effectiveness of vessel positioning using the
developed system is presented based on simulation
The remainder of the paper is organized as
follows. In Section 2, the characteristics of the
transmitting and receiving parts of the MRNS and the
SDF method are presented. Section 3 contains a
description of a scenario and assumptions for
simulation studies. The simulation results illustrating
the accuracy of the ship positioning are shown in
Section 4. The paper is finished with final remarks
and a summary.
2.1 System Concept
In general, the concept of the MRNS is based on the
assumptions of the stationary reserved TNS for ships,
which are presented in [20], i.e.,
the system consists of several or dozen RBs
operating in an asynchronous broadcasting mode,
multi-antenna and multi-frequency-channel
receiving system located on the ship enables
simultaneous analysis of signals from the several
the SDF is used to determine the position of the
ship, i.e., the position of a reference receiving
antenna on this ship.
The significant differences between the stationary
and mobile versions mainly concern the transmitting
part of the system. Stationary beacons are the core of
the system presented in [20]. Their deployment was
planned in existing coastal infrastructure.
Considering propagation properties of radio waves,
we proposed using lighthouses as points located high
above sea level. In the MRNS, the RBs are placed on
vehicles that can change position. Each new position
brings changes in the transmitting signal.
A detailed description of the mobile RB is
presented in Section 2.2. The receiving part of the
system located on the ship is described in Section 2.3.
In Section 2.4, the SDF implementation method in the
receiving part of the MRNS is contained.
2.2 Transmitting part of system
The transmitting part of the MRNS consists of K
mobile RBs. The concept of the RB is depicted in
Figure 1.
Figure 1. Structure of mobile RB
The main components of the transmitting part are
identical to those in the stationary version of the RB
[20], i.e., the transmitting antenna, power amplifier,
and signal generator.
The generator should be made in the software-
defined radio (SDR) technology [3739] in order to be
able to transmit different signal structures
(waveforms). In this case, emitting the current
position of the RB is important. In the stationary
system, the RB transmits one type of the signal
because its position is fixed. The microcomputer
connected to the SDR transmitter provides the ability
to generate the broadcasting signals with information
about the current position of the RB.
The RB devices are placed on board a wheeled
vehicle. The proposed MRNS is based on the Doppler
effect. Therefore, the frequency stability of each signal
source is very important [40]. Hence, we suggest
equipping each RB with a rubidium or cesium
frequency standard.
In order to ensure a larger operation range of the
RB, each vehicle should be equipped with a hydraulic
or pneumatic telescopic (locking) mast. These masts
allow increasing the antenna height up to 50 m.
Therefore, the vehicle should be also equipped with
hydraulic stabilizers using in technical vehicles. The
stabilizers are necessary to ensure stable operation of
the mobile RB in different weather conditions, e.g.,
strong wind, stormy weather, etc. A time of assembly
and disassembly of the antenna mast should be as
short as possible, which will allow for a quick change
of the vehicle location.
Knowing the exact position of the RB is essential
for its proper operation. Hence, the identification of
potential points on the coast, from which the RB may
transmit the signal, is required. At such points,
averaged position measurements using the GNSS
should be performed in the peacetime. In the field,
appropriate marking of these points should be
introduced, e.g., similar to geodetic reference points
(benchmarks). This point may explicitly give
geographic coordinates, e.g., on a nameplate or only a
benchmark number associated with the coordinates in
the system. This approach allows the use of the
mobile RBs in GNSS-denied conditions.
In addition, the RB should be equipped with a
GNSS receiver to operate in availability conditions of
the GNSS signal. We may imagine a scenario of using
the MRNS when the GNSS is available on land and
jamming or spoofing at a sea. In this case, the RB may
emit the signals from any unmarked point on the
coast. Then, the GNSS receiver should be connected to
the SDR generator via the microcomputer. The GNSS
receiver antenna should be placed outside the vehicle
and an application that controls the waveform
generation should provide an appropriate coordinate
conversion between the GNSS and RB antennas.
In addition to an onboard power supply of the RB
components, the vehicle should be equipped with a
backup power source, e.g., an engine generator and
uninterruptible power supply (UPS).
In [20], we assumed that individual RBs transmit
phase-shift keying (PSK) signals. The location
methodology of a PSK signal source using the SDF is
presented in [41].
2.3 Receiving part of system
The receiving part of the MRSN is not changed
compared to the stationary system presented in [20].
In Figure 2, an exemplary arrangement of the
receiving antennas (RAs) on the shipboard is
1 is the reference antenna to which the ship
position is determined in the MRNS. From the
viewpoint of the ship antenna system, the proposed
solution works in the multi-input-multi-output
(MIMO) or single-input-multi-output (SIMO) mode
for the vessel positioning based on multiple RBs or
only one, respectively.
The receiver in the MRSN is a multi-channel
device. On the one hand, this means that the signals
from J RAs are fed to the receiver. On the other hand,
each signal supplied from the jth RA ( j = 1, 2, ..., J )
contains the signals from K RBs that operate on K
frequency sub-bands (channels). For this reason, the
receiver is made in the SDR technology [3739].
Figure 2. Exemplary arrangement of RAs on shipboard [20]
Signal processing carries out in parallel using a
multi-threaded application. The signal from each
antenna is divided into frequency sub-bands. For this
purpose, digital filtration is carried out. In each sub-
band, the information about the RB position is
decoded and a Doppler frequency shift (DFS) of the
received signal is determined. For each RB, estimated
DFS changes versus time, so-called the Doppler curve,
are the basis for determining the ship position in the
SDF method.
2.4 SDF implementation
An analytical solution of a wave equation for a
moving transmitter (Tx) in the form of relationship
between the DFS and the Tx coordinates, (x
y0, z0),
and time, t, [42]
is the basis of the SDF method, where f
D max = f0·v / c =
the maximum DFS; f
0 = the carrier frequency of the
transmitted signal; v = the speed of the moving object
(Tx or Rx); and c = the speed of light.
The coordinates of the emission source location
may be determined based on the transformation (1)
and assuming the DFS measurements in a few time-
moments. In a simplified two-dimensional (2D)
version of the SDF, the estimated coordinates of the
localized object,
( )
, are calculated on following
formulas [3234]
( ) ( )
( ) ( )
( ) ( ) (
( ) ( )
11 2 2
12 1 2
tAt tAt
At At
t t At At
yv z
At At
( )
( )
( )
1 Ft
( )
( )
and F(t) = the estimated and
normalized DFSs, respectively.
Equations (1)-(3) constitute the essence of the SDF.
In the 2D method, it was assumed that one of the
coordinates, z
0, is known. In the marine scenario, z0 is
definitely smaller (in the order of single meters) than
the other two coordinates (from several hundred
meters to several dozen kilometers). Thus, a
difference between the transmitting and receiving
antenna heights, i.e., for the analyzed RB and RA,
measured against sea level is a good approximation of
0. A three-dimensional (3D) version of the SDF is
presented in [33]. In this case, a change of the object
movement direction is required.
In a navigation application based on the SDF, in
the first step, the coordinates of the RBs are
determined in the local coordinate system associated
with Rx. In the second step, the estimated coordinates
of the RBs are referenced to the actual positions
contained in the received signal. On this basis, the Rx
(ship) position is determined.
From the technical viewpoint, two parameters, ΔT
and T
A, are significant. ΔT is the analysis time of the
received signal which is used to determine the
instantaneous DFS. Whereas, T
A is the averaging time
of the Doppler curve, which is used to estimate the
localized-object coordinates, i.e., the RB. Therefore,
estimation of the RB position is based on N discrete
instantaneous values of the DFSs,
The ship coordinates are calculated in the same
way as in [20]. For each k and j ( k = 1, 2, ..., K,
j = 1, 2, ..., J ), the set of the DFSs, f
D k,l (tn)
( n = 1, 2, ..., N ), creates the Doppler curve. For the
positioning of each RB, the SDF uses (2) and
fragments of these Doppler curves. For T
A and each
jth antenna-channel (RA) of the Rx, the position of the
kth RB is determined as follow [20]
( ) ( )
( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( )
1, 1 1, 2
RB ,
,1 ,2
12 ,1 ,2
RB , RB ,
,1 ,2
RB , 0RB 0 RA
kj kj
kj kj
kj kj
kj kj
kj kj
kj k j
tA t tA t
At At
At At
z z zz
= −−
( )
( )
( )
( )
Dk j
and f
Dk max = f0k·v / c; f0k = the carrier frequency of the kth
Based on the kth RB signal, the vessel position is
obtained by averaging and transforming (5) [20]
( )
( )
( )
0RB RB , RA 0
k kj j
kj j k
k kj j
kj j k
k k kj j
x xx
yy x
y xx
yy y
zz z z z
= +
+ ++
+ ++
= +=
where α = 90°β; and β = the direction of the ship
movement relative to the North.
If the Rx uses only the signal from a single RB,
then the current position of the ship is
y, z) = (xk, yk, zk). If the Rx receives the signals from
more than one RB, the averaging process of the ship
position is additionally executed. In this case, for K
analyzed RBs, the weighted-mean algorithm is used
( )
, , , ,
kk kk kk
xyz wx wy wz
= = =
( )
k kj
w Ft
The proposed averaging algorithm considers the
Doppler curve shapes and is more accurate than an
arithmetic-mean [43].
Simulation studies are carried out for the spatial
scenario shown in Figure 3. In this case, we assumed
that three RBs, marked as RB1, RB2, and RB3, are
located on a shore of the Baltic Sea in localities of
Łazy, Darłowo, and Jarosławiec, respectively. The
position coordinates in WGS 84 and UMT for these
RBs and three points, i.e., P1, P2, and P3, which
determine two measurement routes, P1P2 and
P1P3, are included in Table 1.
Table 1. Coordinates of RBs and points of beginning and
ending measurement routes in WGS 84 and UMT systems
(based on Google Earth Pro)
Point WGS 84 UMT
Latitude Longitude Northing Easting
(° N) (° E) (m N) (m E)
RB1 54.308662 16.201313 6018530 578160
RB2 54.432433 16.377603 6032510 589360
RB3 54.535533 16.540890 6044200 599700
P1 54.594149 16.553212 6050739 600353
P2 54.331924 16.028052 6020940 566850
P3 54.531990 15.867716 6043060 556150
Figure 3. Spatial scenario for simulation studies (based on
Google Earth Pro)
As described in Section 2.1, each RB is equipped
with the telescopic mast. In simulations, the mast
height is equal 50
m. For simplicity, we assumed that
each vehicle with the RB is located 10
m above sea
level. Hence, for all RBs, the identical antenna height
is defined, i.e., h
Tx = 60 m. Location of RAs on the
ship was assumed as in Figure 2, according to the
assumptions shown in [20]. Assuming that the height
of the lowest located RAs, i.e., for RA
5 and RA6, is
Rx =
m above sea level, then a radio horizon for
each RB is about 45
km. Therefore, line-of-sight (LOS)
conditions are provided in every point on two
analyzed measurement routes.
Other assumptions for simulation studies are
similar to shown in [20]. The RBs transmit PSK signals
with bandwidth B
= 200 kHz at frequencies
01 = 1860 MHz, f02 = 1860.3 MHz, and f03 = 1860.6 MHz,
respectively for RB1, RB2, and RB3. On the
frequencies f
0k + 0.75B, k = 1, 2, 3, the pilot signal used
in the SDF is additionally transmitted. The minimum
carrier-to-noise ratio is CNR
min = 5 dB. The basic
frequency of the spectral analysis is 1
Additionally, we adopted ΔT
= 1 s and TA
s. The
speed of the ship relative to land is v
= 20 w. 10.3 m/s.
The purpose of the carried out simulation tests is to
assess the positioning accuracy and to present several
aspects of the SDF use in the MRNS. In Section 4.1,
the comparison of the arithmetic and weighted
averaging the ship coordinates is shown. This analysis
is based on the results obtained for the measurement
route P1P2. Section 4.2 contains a comparison of the
positioning results at two considered measurement
The basic measure of positioning accuracy is the
position error defined as follows [33]
( ) ( ) ( )
2 22
0 00
ΔR xx yy zz= + +−
where (x,
z) and (x,
z) = the estimated and real
coordinates of the vessel, respectively.
4.1 Comparison of arithmetic and weighted averaging
The simulation studies are carried out for the
measuring route P1P2 and the assumptions
described in Section 3. Figures 4 and 5 show the ship
position at the route based on the arithmetic and
weighted averaging, respectively. Additionally,
average position errors for the entire route are
marked with dashed lines.
Figure 4. Ship position error at route P1P2 using
arithmetic averaging
Figure 5. Ship position error at route P1P2 using weighted
The obtained results of the measure ΔR show that
the application of the weighted average described by
(8) is more effective than the arithmetic average. In
the case of the weighted averaging, the ship position
error on the route P1P2 does not exceed 70 m. The
average error on the entire route can be used to
compare both methods. These errors are equal to
18.9 m and 183.6 m for the weighted and arithmetic
averages, respectively.
In order to assess the qualitative positioning of the
ship using the two analyzed averaging methods, a
cumulative distribution function (CDF) is determined
for the position error, FR). These CDFs are
illustrated in Figure 6. The results obtained confirm
the greater accuracy of estimating the ship position
using the weighted average.
Figure 6. CDFs of ship position error at route P1P2 for
two averaging methods
4.2 Comparison of ship positioning at different
measurement routes
The two measurement routes shown in Figure 3 differ
in their location relative to three analyzed RBs. This
transfers into other Doppler curves for three RBs
obtained in the ship receiver at the individual
measurement routes. Changes of the theoretical DFSs
calculated based on (1) are depicted in Figures 7 and 8
for the routes P1P2 and P1P3, respectively.
Figure 7. Doppler curves for route P1P2
Figure 8. Doppler curves for route P1P3
Based on the shown Doppler curves, we can see
that the DFSs changes are more diverse for the route
P1P2. Using the weighted average in the SDF
reduces the impact of the DFS variability on the
positioning accuracy.
In Figure 9, the vessel position error along its
movement trajectory at the route P1P3 for the
weighted average is illustrated. Analogous results for
the route P1P2 are depicted in Figure 5.
Figure 9. Ship position error at route P1P3 using weighted
Due to the weighted average, the results obtained
for both routes are similar. In this case, the average
error for the entire route is equal to 19.5 m. This is
also clearly visible in the CDF graphs shown in Figure
Figure 10. CDFs for two analyzed routes
The obtained results confirm the effectiveness of
using the SDF method for the vessel positioning in the
coastal zone.
In this paper, the concept of using the mobile RBs in
the backup navigation system for the vessels in the
coastal zone was presented. Such the system may be
especially used in the denied-GNSS conditions. In the
paper, we have outlined the major differences
between the SDF-based stationery and mobile
navigation systems. The effectiveness of the MRNS
was confirmed based on the simulation studies for
two selected measurement routes and three mobile
RBs. The use of the weighted average in the SDF
method allows for decreasing the ship positioning
errors. In this case, the average position error was less
than 20 m for the analyzed measurement scenario.
The obtained results coincide with those presented for
the stationary backup system [20].
This work was developed within a framework of the
Research Grant “Basic research in sensor technology field
using innovative data processing methods” no. GBMON/13-
996/2018/WAT sponsored by the Polish Ministry of Defense.
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