A dynamic growth of demand for transport and
limited possibilities in the scope of continuous
increase of the capacity of the inland transport
infrastructure determine the need of providing an
alternative, which may be inland water transport.
Location the multimodal port in the region of
Bydgoszcz and Solec Kujawski ensure for using
various modes of transport, which will improve the
effectiveness of transshipment process from the area
of the Tricity ports. On the basis of the multimodal
port, it is planned to export cargo especially container
and non-standard load transport from the ports in
Gdansk and Gdynia [5]. For safe navigation on
restricted area which are rivers is to keep safety
distance to the river bottom and on the other hand, to
bridge structures. Therefor vertical and horizontal
parameters of water area determine safety navigation
in stretch Vistula's waterway [2]. In relation to
transport for multimodal platform location most
important parameters are vertical. Important from
one side is minimal safety depth and on the other
hand proper vertical clearance under navigational
obstructions - power transmissions lines and bridges.
Previous research of the Vistula River showed
irregularity of hydrological conditions, so ship
navigation in particularly large-scale loads transport
on long distance is a crucial problem. Bridges, natural
rapids and riffles between sandbars are the one of the
most important obstacles [3,8]. Navigation on the
Vistula River is possible only during strictly defined
hydrological conditions (above of average water level
in the riverbed). In the paper limitation for inland
ships in the area of planned multimodal port in Solec
Kujawski was presented. The analysis of navigation
conditions was carried out for typical characteristic
inland vessels, which could be operated in reviewed
stretch of Vistula River. Research results will be used
Limitation for Inland Ships in the Area of Planned
ultimodal Port on Vistula River
Schoeneich, M. Habel & D. Szatten
Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz,
Bydgoszcz, Poland
ABSTRACT: Location study for the investment project entitled Multimodal Platform considering the area of the
city of Bydgoszcz and commune of Solec Kujawski last year was published. The examples of existent
multimodal ports in Europe show a growing demand for goods transport by the inland waterways. On the
basis of the Multimodal Port, it is planned to export cargo from the ports in Gdansk and Gdynia. So, on the
Vistula's waterway between Gdansk and Bydgoszcz is the basic rule for navigators is to keep safety distance to
the river bottom and on the other hand, to bridge structures. The paper presents limitation for inland ships in
the area of planned multimodal port near Bydgoszcz. The analysis of navigation conditions was carried out
using probabilistic model of underkeel clearance to verify typical inland vessel traffic on planned port
approach. Results of this analysis can be used for further research connected with minimal safety depth
determination and risk analysis in study area.
International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 14
Number 3
September 2020
for further analysis underkeel and vertical clearance
in study area.
The importance of the Vistula River as a inland
waterway in goods transport is marginal. In the
distance Solec Kujawski - Gdańsk (approx. 180 km)
there are insufficient navigational conditions for IV
class international waterway (Figure 1 A). On the
research section Vistula River corresponds to two
classes of navigability: II (from km 718+000 to km
910+000) and III (from km 910+000 to estuary to the
Gdansk Gulf) [6]. Lower Vistula include approx. 350
km part of river from Narew river. The hydrological
regime of the lower Vistula is mostly defined by
water flows prevailing in the mid-section of the river
as well as the inflow of water from the Narew river.
High water levels tend to occur in March and April,
less frequently in summer. The former are related to
early-spring melt-water runoff, the latter – usually
short-term – result from summer rainfalls. In both
cases flood waves are formed with a relative height of
3–5 m, maximum of up to 7 m [3]. In this time inland
navigation is impossible. The lowest water levels on
the Lower Vistula are from August to November, the
second part of the navigation season. The annual
average water level (AWL) of the Vistula in the
Fordon (Bydgoszcz) gauging station for the years
1984–2015 amounts to 319 cm [7]. In this period water
levels below AWL was observed for less than 50
days in fourteen navigational seasons. Also in the
same period water levels below AWL was observed
for more than 120 days only in two years. So generally
the average amount of days favorable for navigation
in the navigational season is only 59 days. Currently
an additional problem is hydrological draught.
Drought is defined as a stage below-normal water
availability [9]. While this time there are channel
forms fragment featuring mid-channel, near-island
and lateral sandbars, which modify the depth
conditions in waterway, so navigation in this area is
very complicated [5, 8].
The location of the Multimodal Platform has
possibilities to be connected to the national road
(highway A1 Gdansk-Lodz; express way S5 Poznan-
Nowe Marzy and main road no. 10 Szczecin-
Warszawa) and rail main line network (no. 201 Nowa
Wies Wielka – Gdynia; no. 18 Kutno - Pila) so is
possibility to increase the importance of the Vistula
River Waterway in good transport [5].
Figure 1. The main study area. (green line) against the
background of a map of inland waterways in Poland (A), a
diagram of the dynamics of changes in the depth of the
riverbed and the location of the Vistula navigation route (B)
and depths on the Vistula navigation route from Solec
Kujawski to Gdańsk (C) (area for analysis of underkeel
clearance highlighted in red).
The aim of this work is assessment of limitation for
inland ships in the area of planned multimodal port
near Bydgoszcz. The analysis of navigation conditions
was carried out to verify typical inland vessel traffic
on the Vistula stretch from Gdansk to Bydgoszcz-
Solec Kujawski (Figure 1 A). On this stretch of
shipping lane is 9 bridge structures and 6 power
transmission lines located [10]. Height of power
transmission lines is more than 14 m, so they are
omitted in this research. Bridges are characterized by
highly diversified technical parameters, in particular
vertical clearance - from 5.28 to 12.5 m. On the other
hand hydrological condition in this place are very
specific. For example, average water levels drop
below mean low water stages 90 days a year - in dry
years, this occurs on 200 days per annum. The lowest
water levels are recorded in August, September and
November. In addition hydrological regime of the
lower Vistula is mostly defined by water flows
prevailing in the mid-section of the river as well as
the inflow of water from the Narew river. High water
levels tend to occur in March and April, less
frequently in the summer [3]. The Lower Vistula in
study area is characterized by high dynamics of
riverbed movement and channel depth changes,
which results from the transport of sandy material on
the bottom (Figure 1 B).
3.1 Underkeel clearance analysis assumptions
In research the own data from depth measurements
Vistula River in 36 cross-sections and in the
longitudinal profile of the shipping lane were used for
determination of mean actual depth in given sections
between km 766.0 and km 775.0 (fragment of a
waterway - representing small depths at average
Vistula’s water flow - Figure 1 C). Channel depth and
geodetic measurements were performed in June 2016
using a motorboat equipped with the following
devices: single-beam echo sounder (SBES) Teledyne
ODOM ECHOTRAC E2 and geodetic rover GPS
GNSS Trimble 5800. The morphological mapping
were conducted on a digital terrain model (DTM) of
the bathymetry based on the collected depth data and
geodetic surveys in the field. We used an open-source
Geographic Information System software QGIS 2.16.3.