The determination of the height in the vertical
reference frame in force in Poland is based both on
national regulations (Council of Ministers Regulation,
2012) and on the resolution adopted by the EUREF
subcommittee (EUREF Symposium, 2000). Currently,
the PL-KRON86-NH vertical reference frame is in use
in Poland a normal height system referred to a
quasi-geoid of the average level of the Baltic Sea
determined by the zero level of the mareograph in
Kronstadt. According to the Regulation, by the end of
2019, Poland will adopt the PL-EVRF2007-NH vertical
reference frame, i.e. a normal height system referred
to the zero level of the mareograph in Amsterdam.
Necessary calculations can be made with the use of
the official Polish quasi-geoid model, available in
numerical form at the website of Head Office of
Geodesy and Cartography (GUGiK) as well as
numerical data of differences between heights in
vertical reference systems PL-KRON86-NH and PL-
EVRF2007-NH (GUGiK 2015). The above-mentioned
models have a significant drawback they fail to
cover the entire area of the Polish economic zone as
well as Polish territorial waters. This is why the
authors propose the use of GNSS measurements, the
EGM 2008 geoid model and GUGiK’s quasi-geoid
model, which shows differences between the
reference systems mentioned above. When calculating
the seabed level, we suggest the use of depth
measurement methods used in hydrography and
underwater mining. The EGM 2008 model provides
the heights of the geoid above the ellipsoid. In order
to determine the quasi-geoid height it is necessary to
know the Bouguer anomaly and the vertical gradient
of gravitational acceleration.
Determination of Seabed Heights in the Area of Polish
erritorial Waters in the Official Reference System
.B. Rogowski
Gdynia Maritime University, Gdynia, Poland
R. Galas
Technical University of Berlin,
Berlin, Germany
Maria Sklodowska
-Curie Warsaw Academy, Warsaw, Poland
ABSTRACT: The determination of the height in the vertical reference frame in force in Poland is based both on
national regulations (Council of Ministers Regulation, 2012) and on the resolution adopted by the EUREF
subcommittee in Tromsø (Resolution No. 5, EUREF Symposium, 2000). Currently, the PL-KRON86-NH vertical
reference frame is in use in Poland a normal height system referred to a quasi-geoid of the average level of the
Baltic Sea determined by the zero level of the mareograph in Kronstadt. According to the Regulation, by the
end of 2019, Poland will adopt the PL-EVRF2007-NH vertical reference frame, i.e. a normal height system
referred to the zero level of the mareograph in Amsterdam. The authors present a method of determining
normal heights of seabed referred to the zero level of the mareograph in Amsterdam for coastal areas of the
Baltic Sea. This method uses GNSS measurements, the EGM 2008 model and depth measuring methods typical
for underwater mining.
International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 14
Number 2
June 2020
In the description of the method applied the authors
presented models and formulas necessary to
implement the method, as well as definitions of
height systems used.
2.1 Geodetic height systems
The fundamental concept in the height systems
applied is the so-called geopotential number C. It is
equal to the difference between the potential of the
geoid W
0 and of the point on the surface of the Earth
P. The following relationship can be shown between
the geopotential number C, gravitational acceleration
g and the height h.
C W W gdh=−=
Depending on the gravitational acceleration used
to determine the height system, we may receive:
orthometric height system
average value of gravitational acceleration
between the geoid and the physical surface of the
normal height system
the average value of normal gravitational
acceleration along the vertical line of the normal
gravity field.
dynamic height system
the normal gravitational acceleration for
latitude 45°.
The normal acceleration of gravity is related to the
concept of equipotential ellipsoid that meets the
following conditions:
The size and shape of the ellipsoid correspond to
the assumed ellipsoid that best approximates the
The mass of the ellipsoid is equal to the mass of
the Earth.
The angular velocity of the ellipsoid spin ω
corresponds to the velocity in the rotation of the
The surface of an ellipsoid is by definition an
equipotential surface with potential U
0. This
potential is equal to the potential on the geoid W
This condition is as follows:
= =U W const
Normal acceleration is equal to:
The applicable global GRS 80 reference system can
be represented by the following relationship:
( )
9.780327 1 0.0053024 0.0000058 2sin sin ms
γ ϕϕ
= ⋅+
φ latitude.
The vertical gradient of gravitational acceleration
can be calculated using the formula:
f q fsin B
dh a
= + +−
a semi-major axis of ellipsoid,
f flattening of the ellipsoid,
B – ellipsoidal width,
b semi-minor axis of ellipsoid,
rotational velocity of the Earth,
GM geocentric gravitational constant.
According to the national regulation (Council of
Ministers Regulation, 2012) and to the resolution
adopted by the EUREF subcommittee Resolution
No. 5 of the EUREF Symposium in Tromsø (EUREF
Symposium, 2000). By the end of
2019 current
vertical reference frame will be replaced with
PL-EVRF2007-NH reference system. It is a
normal height system in which the quasi-
geoid refers to the average level of the North
Sea defined by the zero level of the
mareograph in Amsterdam.
For hydrotechnical works the system of dynamic
heights is of key importance.
2.2 Determining the normal height of a point at sea level
The principle of determining the normal height of a
point at sea level, e.g. a drilling platform, research
vessel, etc. is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1 The principle of determining the normal height
h ellipsoidal height determined through GNSS
N distance between the geoid and the ellipsoid
calculated from the model,
height anomaly.
The ellipsoidal height of a point on the sea surface,
for example on a drilling platform, can be determined
by GNSS observations with the use of RTK network
technology implemented on the ASG-EUPOS
network. The evaluation of the potential use of this
technique in the offshore area was the subject of prior
research (Rogowski et al., 2015). The cited work
involved a number of measurement experiments
conducted to evaluate the usability of the ASG-
EUPOS system with the use of RTK/VRS technology.
Data for correction was obtained via the Internet from
Orange mobile network. In the offshore area,
discrepancies in the horizontal component reach up to
3 cm because the RTK/VRS correction is extrapolated.
Since the height component is determined with an
error twice as large, one can estimate that it will be
determined with an error of up to 5 centimetres.
Another problem is the range of mobile network
which covers almost the whole Gulf of Gdańsk but in
the coastal zone does not exceed 10 Mm. These are
only estimates because, unfortunately, network
administrators do not want to share any data. On the
area beyond 10 Mm it will be necessary to apply the
method which in turn will result in the deterioration
of accuracy to approx. 25 cm (Przestrzelski, 2017),
(Rogowski et al., 2015).
As follows from the principle presented in Fig. 1,
the knowledge of the geoid model as well as the
difference between the ellipsoidal height of the quasi-
geoid ζ and the height of the geoid N are necessary in
order to establish the normal height. Values of this
correction in numerical form are available at the
GUGiK’s website. We propose that the EGM 2008
model is used to calculate the value N. It is an official
Earth Gravitational Model 2008 that has been publicly
released by the U.S. National Geospatial-Intelligence
Agency (NGA) EGM Development Team. This
gravitational model consists of spherical harmonic
coefficients complete to degree and order 2159, and
contains additional coefficients extending it to degree
2190 and order 2159. For this model, there are online
calculators available on the following websites:
These calculators allow you to determine the
height of the geoid with a relatively high accuracy (3
5 cm) and grid resolution (1' x 1'). For the area we are
interested in, we can create a map that can further be
used to determine the value N corresponding to the
object position. An example of such a map for Gulf of
Gdańsk is shown in Fig. 2 (Pałczyńska, 2017). The fact
that all of the above calculators use the WGS 84
ellipsoid proves to be problematic. A slight difference
in the parameters of the WGS 84 and GRS 80
ellipsoids (see Table 1) can be found in the data
obtained from the abovementioned calculators. For
accuracies we are interested in, this difference can be
Table 1
Parameters WGS 84 GRS 80
a 6 378 137 6 378 137
1/f 298.257 223 563 298.257 222 101
Figure 2. Map of EGM 2008 quasi-geoid for Gulf of Gdańsk
(Pałczyńska, 2017)
The distances between the geoid and the quasi-
geoid can be calculated with the following
relationship (Barlik, 2000):
where the second element represents the influence of
Bouguer gravimetric anomaly. This anomaly is
defined in the following formula:
where k is the Newton's constant, and s is the density
of subsurface material. The formula includes also the
vertical gradient of gravitational acceleration
Normal heights for the PL-EVRF2007-NH system
can be determined using Δζ height anomaly
correction for data for the closest points from the
official GUGiK model. The transition from the normal
heights referred to the EGM 2008 quasi-geoid to the
quasi-geoid passing through the zero level of the
mareograph in Amsterdam is shown in Figure 3.
height anomaly correction referred to the
Amsterdam system
Figure 3 Normal height correction referred to the
EGM 2008 quasi-geoid to the Amsterdam system.
Table 2 presents differences between the GUGiK
geoid and the EGM 2008 geoid for selected points on
the Baltic shore.
Table 2.
B L EGM2008 PL-geoid-2011 Differences
54,72 18,46 29,574 29,136 0,438
54,7 18,46 29,595 29,161 0,434
54,69 18,47 29,586 29,153 0,433
54,66 18,46 29,636 29,207 0,429
54,63 18,48 29,632 29,206 0,426
54,64 18,52 29,546 29,119 0,428
54,55 18,56 29,615 29,192 0,423
54,5 18,56 29,710 29,288 0,422
54,44 18,58 29,788 29,371 0,417
54,41 18,66 29,698 29,285 0,413
54,37 18,75 29,626 29,211 0,415
54,35 18,92 29,484 29,057 0,427
54,35 19,18 29,319 28,884 0,435
54,4 19,5 29,045 28,619 0,426
54,34 19,55 29,154 28,731 0,423
54,79 18,42 29,583 29,134 0,449
54,78 18,45 29,533 29,085 0,447
54,75 18,4 29,661 29,216 0,445
54,72 18,41 29,673 29,235 0,439
Calculating the height of the sea floor requires the
knowledge of the height difference between the
position of the GNSS antenna and the seabed. It can
be determined with an echo sounder or with other
methods used in underwater mining.
The data necessary for the transition between
reference systems is available on the website of the
Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography at the
following address: http://www.gugik.gov.pl/bip/
prawo/modele-danych. The data to determine the
correction to the EGM 2008 geoid in order to calculate
heights in the PL-EVRF2007-NH system can be
extrapolated from the GUGiK model available at
1843/gugik-evrf2007.txt. The authors estimate that
lthe seabed height in the area of Polish territorial
waters in the PL-EVRF2007-NH frame can be
determined with the accuracy of approximately 10
Barlik M., (2000), On the contribution of vertical gravity
gradient anomalies to the separation between the geoid
and Molodensky’s quasigeoid, Reports on Geodesy, no. 2
Czarnecki K., (2010), Geodezja współczesna w zarysie.
Katowice: Wydawnictwo Gall.
Rogowski J., Specht C., Weintrit A., Leszczyński W., (2015),
Evaluation of Positioning Functionality in ASG EUPOS
for Hydrography and Off-Shore Navigation, TransNav,
the International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of
Sea Transportation, Vol. 9 No. 2, pp. 221-227.
Pałczyńska I., (2017), Opracowanie mapy geoidy EGM2008 dla
Zatoki Gdańskiej. (Master’s thesis), Faculty of Navigation,
Gdynia Maritime Academy, Unpublished manuscript.
Przestrzelski P., (2017), Sieciowe pozycjonowanie różnicowe z
wykorzystaniem obserwacji GPS i GLONASS, (Doctoral
dissertation), University of Warmia and Mazury.
Regulation of the Council of Ministers of 15 October 2012 on
the state spatial reference system, Journal of Laws of the
Republic of Poland, Warsaw, 14 November 2012, Item
1247 (in Polish).
Resolution No. 5 of the EUREF Symposium in Tromsø, 22
24 June 2000. Available from:
Internet sources