Ship operational technology systems for a last two
decades have been intensively developed by means of
digitalization, integration and networking. The
development resulted in complex and computer-
based technology systems, and therefore there is
urgent need for safeguarding shipping from cyber
threats and vulnerabilities (Svilicic et al. 2019, Tam et
al. 2019, Filic 2018, Kessler et al. 2018, Polatid et al.
2018, Hareide et al. 2018, Shapiro et al., 2018, Svilicic
et al. 2018, Lee et al. 2017, Hassani et al. 2017, Burton
2016, Balduzzi et al. 2014, Svilicic et al. 2005). The
International Maritime Organization (IMO) has
recently published the Guidelines on high-level
recommendations for maritime cyber risk
management (IMO MSC-FAL.1/Circ.3 2017), and
imposed to include cyber risk assessment in the
implementation of the International Safety
Management (ISM) Code safety management system
on ships by 1st of January 2021 (IMO MSC.428(98)
The Electronic Chart Display and Information
System (ECDIS) is considered as a critical operational
technology for voyage planning and accepted as
complying with the updated paper charts (complies
with IMO regulations and the mandatory carriage),
and plays central roles in the safe ship navigation and
transport (IMO MSC.1/Circ.1503/Rev.1 2017).
However, ECDIS is basically a software package
installed on a conventional personal computer with a
conventional operating system pre-installed. The
ECDIS software is designed to be flexible regarding to
the underlying operating system. The flexibility
allows solving of interlinking and controlling issues
that rise from the usage of various specific operational
technology assets and conventional information
technology assets. While maritime regulations and
policies govern ECDIS software maintaining (IMO
MSC.1/Circ.1503/Rev.1 2017, IMO 2010), adequate
Raising Awareness on Cyber Security of ECDIS
B. Svilicic, D. Brčić, S. Žuškin & D. Kalebić
University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia
ABSTRACT: In the maritime transport, the Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS) has been
developed into a complex computer-based ship critical operational technology system, playing central roles in
the safe ship navigation and transport. While ECDIS software maintenance is regulated by the International
Maritime Organization (IMO) ECDIS performance standards and related circulars, underlying software and
hardware arrangements are implemented by ship-owners and supported by ECDIS equipment manufacturers.
In this paper, we estimate ECDIS cyber security in order to study the origin of ECDIS cyber security risks. A set
of ECDIS systems is examined using an industry-leading vulnerability scanning software tool, and cyber
threats regarding the ECDIS backup arrangement, underlying operating system and third party applications
are studied.
the International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 13
Number 1
March 2019
DOI: 10.12716/1001.13.01.24
arrangements of the underlying software and
hardware is implemented by shipowners and
supported by ECDIS equipment manufacturers.
Recently, we presented a cyber security risk
assessment of a ship and utilization of a cyber
vulnerability scanner software tool (Svilicic et al.
2019). In this paper, we estimate ECDIS cyber security
in order to study the origin of ECDIS cyber security
risks. Cyber vulnerabilities of a set of ECDIS systems
has been examined by performing computational
vulnerability scanning using an industry-leading
software tool. Cyber threats regarding the ECDIS
backup arrangement, the underlying operating
system and third party applications are studied. The
cyber risk level of the ECDIS systems has been
estimated by a qualitative analysis of the cyber threats
2.1 ECDIS background
The ECDIS is officially accepted by IMO as meeting
carriage requirements onboard SOLAS vessels,
representing an equivalent to paper navigational
charts and performing as a mandatory and primary
navigation mean (IMO MSC.282(86) 2009).
According to the on-board fulfillment requirements,
the ECDIS system is to be type approved, with
implemented up-to-date Electronic Navigational
Charts (ENCs), ECDIS software maintained, and
installed with adequate back-up arrangement (IMO
MSC.1/Circ.1503/Rev.1 2017, IMO MSC.282(86) 2009,
IHO 2017, IHO 2018). According to the IMO
performance standards, the system consists of three
mandatory sensors (position, heading and speed
source) that are connected directly to the ECDIS
system (Brčić et al. 2015). In addition, the ECDIS
enables fusion of additional sensors regarding
navigation environment and ship’s safety. Timely
updating of ENC also ensures reliable ECDIS
performance and represents a basic prerequisite for
safe navigation. The ENCs are commonly updated
with portable storage devices and much rarely via an
Internet connection. Figure 1 shows a typical
configuration of ship ECDIS system.
Figure 1. A typical configuration of ship ECDIS system.
The ECDIS backup arrangement is regulated by
the IMO performance standards to ensure safe
navigation in case of an ECDIS failure (IMO SOLAS
2014, IMO MSC.232(82) 2006, IMO MSC.282(86) 2009).
The function of a backup ECDIS system is to enable
safe takeover of the ECDIS functions, as well as to
ensure safe navigation for the remaining part of the
Computational vulnerability scanning
The computational vulnerability scanning is a
process of reviewing a targeted host (in our case
ECDIS) to locate and identify known weaknesses. The
vulnerability scanning process is shown on Figure 2.
The process starts with gathering all relevant
technical information about the targeted host and
network configuration. In the second phase, a
vulnerability scanning software tool setup is
performed by defining IP addresses of the targeted
hosts, activating adequate scanning plugin database
with known vulnerabilities, and defining appropriate
credential to gain adequate access to the targeted
hosts. As a result of the vulnerability scanning, a
report is generated including vulnerabilities detected
descriptions coupled with recommended solving
Figure 2. Computational vulnerability scanning process.
The computational vulnerability scanning is
commonly conducted using commercial tools. Table 1
shows a list of today's mostly used software tools
together with the operating system and license type.
Table 1. Vulnerability scanning software tools.
Name Operating System License
Nessus Cross-platform Proprietary
Kali Linux Free
ImmuniWeb MS Windows Proprietary
Netsparker MS Windows Proprietary
Acunetix Cross-platform Proprietary
Nexpose Cross-platform Free
Core Impact MS Windows Proprietary
OpenVAS Linux Free
Retina MS Windows Free
Usage of these tools allows scanning a large
number of hosts for known vulnerabilities but is
limited to detect only vulnerabilities for which the
vendor has released the plugin.
The vulnerability scanning of the Transas Navi-Sailor
4000 ECDIS was performed (Transas, 2018). The
ECDIS is installed and used as a simulator for
studying purposes at the Faculty of Maritime Studies
University of Rijeka. While the Transas ECDIS
functional differences between the ECDIS software
used on ships and for simulators are related only to
interlinking with the active sensors, the underlying
hardware and software, particularly the operating
system, are the same.
The cyber vulnerability estimation of the ECDIS
was performed using the Nessus Professional
vulnerability scanner version 8.0.1 (Nessus, 2018). A
laptop with the pre-installed Nessus Professional
vulnerability scanner has been connected to a local
network with the six ECDIS stations connected. The
testing setup is shown on Figure 3.
Figure 3. Testing setup for ECDIS vulnerability scanning.
The Nessus Professional vulnerability scanner was
configured to automatically scan all of the ECDISs,
and setup to run plugins for Microsoft Windows
operating systems, web server applications, and
miscellaneous services. While the ECDIS software
was running under administrative credentials, the
remote vulnerability scanning was performed without
administrative privileges. The ECDISs under the test
are connected in a separated segment of the
University's local computer network, with no Internet
connection established.
4.1 ECDIS backup configuration issues
The vulnerability scanning of in total six ECDISs was
performed, and the summary report on the cyber
vulnerabilities detected is shown in Figure 3. The IP
address of each of the tested ECDIS (or host by
Nessus's terminology) is in the range of 192.168.1.X,
with the last octet value of 62, 64, 66, 68, 69 and 70. By
comparing mutually scanning summary reports of
ECDISs, the number and severity of the detected risky
vulnerabilities of each ECDIS are the same. In total, 24
risky vulnerabilities were detected and 34-36
information identified. For each of the tested ECDISs,
the report has shown that according to the severity
level 1, 7, 15 and 1 vulnerabilities where assigned
under the critical, high, medium, and low risk factor,
respectively. This, together with the fact that all of the
cyber vulnerabilities detected are equal for each of the
tested ECDIS (which is analyzed in further detail in
Chapters 4.2 and 4.3), indicate the same level of the
cyber security of each of the ECDIS.
Figure 4. ECDIS vulnerability scanning summary report.
The obtained results can be correlated to the
ECDIS backup arrangement, where ECDIS stations
with identical ECDIS software performance are
required. This implies that most probably the same
underlying software and hardware is used for each of
the ECDIS stations installations. The identical
software and hardware configuration of multiply
ECDIS stations leads to the same vulnerability level of
each ECDIS to a single cyber threat, resulting in an
ideal environment for malicious executive codes
distribution via the network for integration or a
portable storage device.
4.2 Underlying operating system vulnerabilities
The underlying operating system (in our case
Microsoft Windows 7) vulnerabilities detected
together with descriptions and severity levels are
given in Table 2. In total, 8 risky vulnerabilities were
detected, from which 1, 1, 5 and 1 with the critical,
high, medium, and low severity level, respectively.
The critical vulnerability detected is related to the
vulnerable version of Server Message Block (SMB)
version 1, alerting that immediate installation of a set
of security patches released by the vendor is required
(Microsoft, 2018). The SMB service vulnerability is
particularly interesting for the maritime industry
because of one of the most recognized maritime cyber
security incident, NotPetya attack on Maersk
container shipping company (CERT.be, 2018).
NotPetya is a malicious ransomware program that
was worldwide rapidly spreading by utilizing
vulnerabilities in the SMB v1 protocol (US-CERT,
2018). In the context of the ECDIS backup
arrangement, infection of one of the ECDIS stations
would most probably result in immediate infection
and dysfunctionality of all ECDIS stations in the
Table 2. The ECDIS's underlying operating system
vulnerabilities detected.
Service Vulnerability description Severity
1 SMB Remote code execution and Critical
information disclosure
vulnerabilities exist in Server
Message Block version
1 (SMB v1) service.
2 RDP Remote code vulnerability exists High
in the Remote Desktop Protocol
(RDP) on the ECDIS.
3-5 Terminal Terminal Service running on Medium
Service the ECDIS is vulnerable to a
man-in-the-middle attack.
Terminal Service running on the
ECDIS is vulnerable allowing an
attacker to obtain sensitive data.
The ECDIS's Terminal Services is
not configured to use strong
6 SAM and The ECDIS is affected by an Medium
LSAD elevation of privilege vulnerability
in Security Account Manager
(SAM) and Local Security
Authority (LSAD).
7 SMB Signing is not required on the Medium
ECDIS's SMB server.
8 Terminal The ECDIS is affected by the Low
Service Terminal Service, which is
configured to use low encryption
The possible preventive solution, in addition to the
operating system update and anti-malware software
usage, is an adequate setup of the operating system
by disabling or blocking the SMB v1 service. It is
important to point out that SMB v1 service disabling
or blocking may result in obstructing of remote access
to shared resources. In the ship environment, this
network dysfunctionality is acceptable as ECDIS can
and should be operating in the stand-alone
configuration. Generally, the underlying operating
system updating, as well as adequate setup, could
significantly impact the ECDIS software performance,
and therefore is to be conducted by the ECDIS
equipment manufacturers.
The detected high and medium vulnerabilities are
related to omissions of services running on the
ECDIS, allowing for possible unauthorized remote
code execution and unauthorized remote access
gaining. The possible solutions include operating
system update by installing a set of security patches
and adequate setup by disabling or blocking the
vulnerable services (Table 2, services 2-7). The low
risk vulnerabilities detected is related to Terminal
Service, indicating that low encryption level used, and
therefore the recommended action should be taken
regarding setup of the operating system service.
4.3 Third party services vulnerabilities
The detected vulnerabilities related to the running
third party applications on the ECDIS together with
descriptions and severity levels are given in Table 3.
In total, 16 risky vulnerabilities were detected, from
which 6 and 10 with the high and medium severity
level, respectively. The detected vulnerabilities rise
from active third party services, a web server
application (Table 3, vulnerabilities 1-4 and 7-16) and
a remote desktop control application (Table 3,
vulnerabilities 5-6) that are not required for the
expected ship ECDIS performance. The detected
vulnerabilities allow for possible ECDIS crashing
(denial of service), unauthorized remote code
execution, and unauthorized access gaining.
Table 3. Detected vulnerabilities of third party services
running on underlying operating system of the ECDIS.
Service Vulnerability description Severity
1-4 Apache Apache web server on the ECDIS is High
web obsolete and no longer maintained
server by its vendor.
Multiple vulnerabilities exist which
allow an unauthenticated, remote
attacker to cause a denial of service
condition, execute code, or obtain
sensitive information.
5-6 VNC Virtual Network Computing (VNC) High
server server installed on the ECDIS allows
an attacker to connect as no
authentication is required.
VNC server installed on ECDIS allows
an remote attacker to log into the
ECDIS and take a screenshot.
7-16 Apache Apache server version is not Medium
web updated so the ECDIS is vulnerable to:
server cross-site scripting attacks, arbitrary
code executions, the ECDIS crashing,
the service stopping, cross-site scripting
vulnerabilities, a denial of service, and
remote information disclosure.
The possible solutions are upgraded to a version of
the application that is supported by the vendor (Table
3, vulnerability 1), applications update by installing a
set of the vendors' security patches, the application's
setup by disabling or blocking unnecessary services,
and adequate application setup by activating
available options. As in the case of the underlying
operating system vulnerabilities, the solving activities
could also impact the ECDIS performance
significantly, and are to be conducted by the ECDIS
equipment manufacturers.
4.4 ECDIS cyber threats analysis
On the basis of the computational vulnerability
scanning conducted, a qualitative cyber threats
analysis was performed to identify and estimate cyber
threats risk level of ECDIS systems. The identified
cyber threats together with estimated impact
magnitude and likelihood are given in Table 4. The
threats impact has been defined as a magnitude of
harm resulting from the successful exploitation of a
vulnerability. The impact levels are given as low,
medium and high with given values of 10, 50 and 100,
respectively. The threats likelihood refers to a
probability that a vulnerability is exploited. The
likelihood rates are given as high, medium, and low
with given values of 1, 0.5, and 0.1, respectively.
Table 4. ECDIS cyber threats identified.
Threat Description Impact Like-
1 ECDIS Each ECDIS affected by 100 0.9
backup identical risk, possible
arrangement immediate total harm
2 Internet Provides remote access 100 0.1
connection for a attacker to the ECDIS.
3 Operating Allows exploitation of well 100 0.8
system known vulnerabilities
not updated
4 Operating ECDIS performance is 100 0.8
system reduced and backdoor for
unsecure intrusions opened
5 Third party Allows exploitation of well 90 0.8
applications known vulnerabilities
not updated
6 Third party ECDIS performance is 80 0.8
applications reduced and backdoor for
unsecure intrusions opened
Four of the six cyber threats identified assigned
with the highest impact magnitude (Table 4, threats 1-
4) are related to the ECDIS backup arrangement,
Internet connection establishment, and underlying
operating system updating and adequate setup. The
slightly smaller impact is assigned to threats related
to the third party applications updating and adequate
setup (Table 4, threats 5-6). While the likelihood for
most of the threats is assigned to be almost equal,
significantly smallest is assigned to the Internet
connection establishment.
The cyber risk level is calculated by multiplying
the threats' impact magnitude and likelihood rating.
The resulting multiplication product indicates the risk
level: (i) critical-risk level requiring immediate action
(the product is higher then 75), (ii) high-risk level
requiring remediation implementation plan (the
product is higher then 50), (iii) medium-risk level
which may be acceptable over the short period of time
(the product is higher then 25), and (iv) acceptable
low-risk level. Figure 5 shows radar graph of the
results obtained with the qualitative risk analysis.
Figure 5. Risk-level radar graph of ECDIS cyber threats
The risk-level radar graph (Figure 5) shows that
three cyber threats identified represent the critical-risk
level for the ship cyber security. The cyber risk with
the highest risk level assigned (the multiplication
product of 90) is related to the ECDIS backup
arrangement. The identical software and hardware
configuration of ECDIS stations represents an ideal
environment for malicious executive codes
distribution, via the network or portable storage
devices (analyzed in detail in Chapter 4.1). The risk
levels of threats related to the updating and secure
setup of the underlying operating system (analyzed in
detail in Chapter 4.2) and active third party
applications (analyzed in detail in Chapter 4.3) are
assigned as critical and high, respectively. The lowest
risk level assigned is related to the Internet connection
establishment, with the multiplication product of 10.
In the tested environment, Internet connection does
not exist, and access of authorized students only is
strongly controlled, so the installation of a network
device is very unlikely to happen. However, with the
Internet connection establishment, all of the cyber
threats identified would raise to the highest critical-
risk level, requiring immediate action. The results of
the risk analysis of the threats identified indicate that
while the ECDIS software weaknesses could lead to
more serious harm of the ship safe navigation
operations (regulated by the IMO performance
standards and related circulars), the essential cyber
threats actually rise from weaknesses related to the
underlying operating system.
The estimation of ECDIS cyber security vulnerabilities
that raise from weakness related to the underlying
operating system is presented. The cyber
vulnerabilities are identified by conducting
computational vulnerability scanning using the
Nessus Professional software tool. The conducted risk
analysis of the cyber threats identified has shown that
ECDIS is critically vulnerable to weaknesses raising
from the ECDIS backup arrangement and underlying
operating system updating and secure setup. In
addition, the high risk level is determined for cyber
threats from not-updated and insecurely setup third
party applications running on the underlying
operating system. The results obtained contribute to
an understanding of the origin of ECDIS systems
cyber security threats. In addition, the presented
suggestions for the cyber risks mitigation are
applicable to all types of ships critical operational
technology computer-based systems.
The research was financially supported by the University of
Rijeka under the research project Cyber Security of
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