1.1 Aim and scope
The aim of this paper is to study the efficiency of oil
spill response simulator training. The study is based
on outcomes of two pilot courses conducted in late
2017 and early 2018. The pilot courses comprised of
three days training in maritime simulator centre using
three full-scale navigational bridge simulators and an
oil spill recovery simulator. The participants consisted
of regional oil spill response authorities, both
Efficiency of Maritime Simulator Training in Oil Spill
Response Competence Development
. Halonen & A. Lanki
South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences Xamk, Kotka, Finland
ABSTRACT: Marine oil spill response operation requires extensive vessel manoeuvring and navigation skills.
At-sea oil containment and recovery includes both single vessel and multi-vessel operations. Towing long oil
containment booms, several hundreds of metres in length, is a challenge in itself. Boom deployment and towing
in multi-vessel configurations is an added challenge that requires precise coordination and control of the
vessels. Efficient communication, as a prerequisite for shared situational awareness, is needed in order to
execute the response tasks effectively. In order to gain and maintain adequate maritime skills, practical training
is needed. Field exercises are the most effective way of learning, but especially the related vessel operations are
resource-intensive and costly. Field exercises may also be affected by environmental limitations such as high
sea-state or other adverse weather conditions. In Finland, the seasonal ice-coverage also limits the training
period to summer seasons as regards the vessel operations of the Fire and Rescue Services. In addition, the
sensitiveness of the marine environment restricts the use of real oil or other target substances. This paper
examines, whether maritime simulator training can offer a complementary method to overcome the training
challenges related to the field exercises. The objective is to assess the efficiency and the learning impact of
simulator training, and the specific skills that can be trained most effectively in simulators. This paper provides
an overview of learning results from two oil spill response pilot courses, in which maritime navigational bridge
simulators together with an oil recovery simulator were used. The courses were targeted at Fire and Rescue
Services responsible for near shore oil spill response in Finland. The competence levels of the participants were
surveyed before and after the course in order to measure potential shifts in competencies. In addition to the
quantitative analysis, the efficiency of the simulator training was evaluated qualitatively through feedback
from the participants. The results indicate that simulator training is a valid and effective method for developing
marine oil spill response competencies that complements traditional exercise formats. Simulator training
provides a safe environment for assessing various oil containment and recovery tactics. One of the main
benefits of the simulator training was found to be the immediate feedback the spill modelling software
provides on the oil spill behaviour as a reaction to the response measures.
the International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 13
Number 1
March 2019
DOI: 10.12716/1001.13.01.20
management and operational personnel. This study
compares the shifts in competencies estimated by the
means of participant self-evaluation prior and after
the courses. The aim is to examine whether the
simulator training contributes specific oil response
competencies and to find out which competencies
display the most improvement.
1.2 Structure of the paper
This paper is divided into four main chapters. First,
the concept of oil spill response simulator training
and its development process are introduced. Second,
a quantitative analysis of the learning results of two
pilot courses are presented. Third, the effectiveness of
the training is evaluated qualitatively based on the
exercise debriefings and participant feedback. In the
conclusions chapter, the outcomes are summarized
and the efficiency of the maritime simulator training
Oil spill response simulator training is a new training
method developed in the South-Eastern Finland
University of Applied Sciences (Xamk) in 2016–2018.
The training differs from the comparable courses due
to the comprehensive simulator training environment
and the joint approach involving both operational and
management level responders. For example, the
simulator training used for the oil spill response
exercising in the Netherlands provides simulation for
the decisions-makers while the simulated vessels are
manoeuvred by the training instructors themselves
(Cross & Werner 2015). The main objective of the
simulator training in Xamk is, by contrast, to use the
bridge simulators to improve the maritime skills of
the responders. The simulator training also utilizes an
entirely new simulator specifically developed for this
purpose; an oil recovery simulator modelling
mechanical brush skimmer operated by excavator
arm either onboard a response vessel or a barge or as
a land-based unit from quayside. Simulators used
were Transas NTPro 5000 version 5.35 navigational
bridge simulator with Oil Spill Functionality module
and Mevea Ltd custom built Oil Recovery Unit with
Lamor Ltd controller. Transas bridge simulators were
used as three (3) full-scale bridges and eight (8)
workstations configuration. Integration of the oil
recovery simulation into maritime simulators creates
a unique learning environment, in which the elements
of the oil spill response operation can be trained
comprehensively (Halonen, Lanki & Rantavuo 2017).
The development of the training courses
commenced with a national study on the current oil
spill response training possibilities and competence
needs (See Halonen, Lanki & Rantavuo 2017). The
objectives of the new training courses were based on
the results of these education and competence surveys
(n=144). Most of the respondents represented the
regional rescue services (n=127) and the study
encompassed 80% of the rescue services in Finland.
Based on the survey results, the courses were built to
focus on the maritime related skills, namely vessel
manoeuvring and navigational skills as well as the
skills related to the marine oil spill response operation
(Halonen, Lanki & Rantavuo 2017). Main training
topics were chosen to include the on-water oil spill
response and recovery tactics and techniques, as well
as conducting the response measures in challenging
operating environments. The training topics were
subjected to expert judgement within advisory
committee meetings where they were accepted. Each
exercise was designed to progressively improve the
skills of the trainees by means of established sub-
objectives. Sub-tasks within the exercises progressed,
for example, from handling a single vessel into
operating response vessels in formations, and from
optical navigation into navigating in restricted
visibility. The training topics are listed in Figure 1 as
well as in Table 1.
In addition to the prior surveys, designing the
training courses aimed to take into account the best
practices that the previous training organizers have
recognized when using traditional exercise formats.
In general, the key elements of a successful oil spill
response training are considered to include a well-
planned establishment of exercise objectives, target-
oriented facilitation as well as formal exercise
debriefing and evaluation. The challenges recognized
are related to costs, weather limitations, health and
safety issues and narrow scope of the training content.
(Leonard & Roberson 1999; Patrick & Barber 2001;
IPIECA & IOGP 2014.) In order to maintain sufficient
training frequency, the restricted resources of time
and personnel are recognized to be the main limiting
factor requiring effective, intensive and low-cost
training solutions (Lonka 1998; Leonard & Roberson
1999; Halonen, Lanki & Rantavuo 2017; Halonen,
Rantavuo & Altarriba 2017). The urge to reduce the
training costs has boosted the use of discussion-based
exercises. However, tabletops, when not facilitated
properly, are found to provide unmeasurable results
(Leonard & Roberson 1999) and blamed of going too
far into exercise artificiality (Gleason 2014) and thus
reducing the training efficiency. The mentioned
challenges include the unrealism of the training
scenarios and the inaccurate assumptions the
discussions-based exercising may cause (Leonard &
Roberson 1999; Patrick & Barber 2001; IPIECA &
IOGP 2014). These challenges that the traditional
exercise formats have demonstrated were taken into
consideration when designing the new simulator
training. In order to evaluate whether the simulator
training can overcome the training challenges, two
pilot courses were executed. The results of the pilot
courses in improving the oil spill response
competency are presented in the following chapter.
Pilot courses were conducted in November 2017 and
January 2018 in Kotka Maritime Simulator Centre
(KMC) in Finland. The first pilot course had a total of
nine (9) participants, three (3) of which were
management and six (6) operative personnel. The
second pilot course had a total of ten (10) participants,
four (4) of which were management and six (6)
operative personnel. The participants represented six
(6) separate rescue service regions around Finnish
coastal and inland water areas, the geographical
coverage encompassing the Finnish south-coast to
The efficiency of the pilot courses was evaluated
by means of quantitative and qualitative analysis. In
the quantitative approach, the improvement of the
competence levels of the participants were surveyed
after the course in order to measure the potential
impact of the training. In addition, the efficiency of
the simulator training was evaluated qualitatively
through the course debriefing discussions and written
feedback from the participants. Both courses had
same contents and the simulator trainings were
executed in a similar way.
3.1 Quantitative analysis of the learning results
The participants of the pilot courses were asked to
evaluate “How much did your competence increase
in a given subject?” The questionnaire consisted of 25
subjects related to the oil spill response (Table 1,
Figure 1). The subjects listed represented the course
topics trained either by the means of the simulators,
theory lessons, integrated tabletop exercises or e-
learning materials for independent study.
Respondents were asked to assess the increase of their
competence in the scale ranging from one (1) to four
(4), where value one (1) equals no shift, value two (2)
equals slight shift, value three (3) equals considerable
shift and value four (4) equals great shift in
competence to an increasing direction. Zero value was
reserved for subjects the respondents consider not
dealt with within the training sessions.
Regarding both pilot courses, when distribution of
all answers were combined, the competencies
displaying the most improvement were found to be i)
vessel manoeuvring, ii) navigation, iii) oil
containment techniques such as booming, iv) use of
radar and v) on-water oil recovery techniques (See
Figure 1). Learning results, indicated by the shifts in
competencies, related to these five topics are studied
next in more detail. The results covering all 25
measured parameters are represented in Table 1.
After the first pilot course the highest positive
values were detected in navigational competence with
upper quintile value of four (4) and lower quintile
value two (2) as seen in Figure 2. All of the top
variables (i–v) had a median values between two
(2/Slight improvement) and three (3/Considerable
After the second pilot course the highest positive
values were detected in vessel manoeuvring
competence, with upper quintile value of four (4) and
lower quintile value one (1) as seen in Figure 3. All of
the top variables (i–v) had a median values between
two (2/Slight improvement) and three (3/Considerable
Table 1. Summary table of the results in quantitative analysis on the competency shifts in both pilot courses.
Topics/skills Pilot Course 1 (n=9) Pilot Course 2 (n=10)
Upper Median Lower Mode Upper Median Lower Mode
quantile quantile quantile quantile
Oil containment techniques 4 3 1 4 3 3 2,25 3
On-water oil recovery techniques 3 2 2 2 3 3 2,25 3
Response tactics in fast currents 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2
Response tactics in winter conditions 1 1 1 1 2 1,5 1 0
Shoreline protection techniques 2 2 1,75 2 2,25 2 1 1,2
Onshore recovery and clean-up 2 1,5 1 0, 1 1,25 1 1 1
Sensitive environments 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 0
Sensitive species 1 1 1 1 2,25 2 1,75 0
Use of oil drift models and forecasts 1 1 1 1 2 2 1,75 2
Use of situational awareness systems 1,75 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Response logistics 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1
Oil waste logistics 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
Temporal storing of oily wastes 1,5 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
Managing long-lasting operations 2 1,5 1 0, 1, 2 2 1 1 0
Vessel manoeuvring 4 3 2 3, 4 3,75 3 2,25 3
Use of marine radar 4 3 2 3, 4 3 2 1 1
Navigational skills 4 3 2 2, 3, 4 3 2 2 2
Navigation in restricted visibility 3 2 1 1 2 1,5 1 1
Actions onboard vessel in distress 3 1 1 1 2 1,5 1 1, 2
Exercise design 2,25 1,5 1 1 2 2 1,75 0
Contingency planning 2 2 1,25 0, 2 1,5 1 1 0
Response organisations 2 1,5 1 0, 1 2 1 1 1
Internal communication 2 2 1 1 3 2 1 1
Marine radio communication 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1
Radio English 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
* Shift in competence; neutral (1), slight (2), considerable (3) or great (4) improvement, N/A (0).
Figure 1. Competency improvements in both pilot courses.
Marked topics (*) were the simulator specific objectives, the
rest were trained by other educational means. Shift in
competence; neutral (1), slight (2), considerable (3) or great
(4) improvement. (n=19).
Figure 2. Quantile competency improvements in five
simulator specific objectives due to the first pilot course.
Shift in competence; neutral (1), slight (2), considerable (3)
or great (4) improvement. (n=9).
Figure 3. Quantile competency improvements in five
simulator specific objectives due to the second pilot course.
Shift in competence; neutral (1), slight (2), considerable (3)
or great (4) improvement. (n=10).
Only subtle differences in competency shifts were
detected when comparing the results of two pilot
courses. The first pilot course showed slightly greater
impact on most of the simulator specific topics than
the second pilot course. The first pilot course led to
better learning results especially in skills related to
the use of marine radar and navigation. Respectively,
the second pilot course led to better learning results in
oil recovery techniques.
Based on the competence shifts, the objectives
subjected to the simulator training unparalleled the
other means of education as seen in Figure 1. The top
five learning results were all achieved by the means of
the simulator training, while the sixth (6.) and 10.-12.
highest learning results were detected in the topics of
the theory lesson. The independent study materials
led to the weakest improvements in competencies.
3.2 Qualitative analysis of the learning results
The simulator training structure included formal
exercise debriefing and evaluation phases, during
which the participants were asked to evaluate the
performance and achieved objectives after each
executed session. In addition to that, written feedback
was gathered after the training days. The following
analysis of the training efficiency is based on these
participant inputs.
In the written feedback, the highest valued
exercises were the bridge simulator exercises focusing
on practical response measures; boom deployment,
towing configurations as well as reconnaissance
techniques. Second highest valued was the theory
lesson concerning the use of different response tactics.
(Halonen, Lanki & Punnonen 2018; Rantavuo et al.
2018a.) Comments received in the open question
section were mostly related to the simulation and the
overall objectives of the training. Most commonly
mentioned issue was the training structure utilizing
the opportunity to repeat training scenarios and to
visualize actions taken by means of playbacks. Some
of the exercise missions were repeated several times
in order to allow the participants to test and assess
different response options. This repetition was
considered very useful and instructive, as the field
exercises are usually limited to one experiment at a
time. In addition, most of the field exercises take place
in a fairly good weather, and therefore the possibility
to demonstrate the feasibility of the response options
in different weather conditions was found useful.
Simulation was assumed to contribute identification
of possible operational gaps, as testing the
performance limits of the equipment in real-life is
usually impractical for safety reasons.
Likewise, the respondents emphasized the
significance of the immediate feedback the used
simulation software and models provided. Realism of
the simulator environment, authentic performance of
the vessels and the modelled behaviour of the spilled
oil enabled the understanding of possible impacts the
selected response actions had, and are going to have
in actual emergencies. The participants saw the
exercises demonstrating the detectability of oil on
water, the drifting of oil as well as oil behaviour at
oil/boom -interface very valuable. They stated that, as
the use of real oil is prohibited in field exercises, and
the simulants (such as peat) do not react like oil, it is
usually not possible to get a realistic response to one's
actions. Besides the advantages of the oil modelling,
the expertise of the instructors was also named to be a
key factor in learning to understand causes and
effects. According to the feedback, the significance of
the instructors’ input came most valuable in the
debriefing situations, in which the completed exercise
missions were analysed. Debriefings were also
supported by the means of simulation replays and
recorded aerial view of the scenario. That was
assessed to facilitate also peer to peer communication
and evaluation.
Several participants also mentioned that the
selected target group of multi-level responders was
beneficial. They considered that the simultaneous
involvement of both management level and operative
level fostered collaboration and contributed to the
forming of a more comprehensive outlook. Especially
the possibility for participants to change positions
was considered valuable. (Halonen 2018; Halonen,
Lanki & Punnonen 2018; Rantavuo et al. 2018a.) The
exercise format allowed the executive level
participants to see the immediate implementation of
their response plans, whereas the operative level
participants were able to see the reasoning behind the
assignments. Both participant groups benefitted from
the joint procedures and from achieving a mutual
understanding on the used concepts as well as the
position-related factors contributing to a shared
situational awareness. (Halonen 2018.)
The criticism received was targeted at the technical
features of the simulators. One of the negative aspects
mentioned by the participants was the limitation of
the visual view outwards the simulator bridge
(Halonen, Lanki & Punnonen 2018; Rantavuo et al.
2018a). Bridges in real-life response vessels offer
unhindered visibility in every direction, whereas in
the simulator bridges the visual view covers only 120-
degree sector at a time and needs to be changed
manually. Especially the view astern of the vessel is
important in order to properly see and control towing
apparatus, and the lack of it was considered an
inconvenience. The participants also noted that the
visual determination of dimensions and distances was
more challenging in the simulator environment
(Halonen, Lanki & Punnonen 2018; Rantavuo et al.
2018a). As the bridge simulators utilized in the
trainings are mainly used for STCW-training of
seafarers (Halonen, Lanki & Rantavuo 2017), some
differences compared to the rescue service vessels
were to be expected. Since scale-difference was
assumed to be a potential disadvantage, the
participants were asked to assess the applicability of
the full-scale bridges. The scale-difference, however,
had no effect on the learning results. Although some
specific dimensions, performance and manoeuvring
responses of the vessels slightly differed, it did not
hinder the learning or transfer of the skills, as the
main functionalities, such as the navigation systems,
were corresponding. (Rantavuo et al. 2018b; Halonen,
Lanki & Punnonen 2018; Halonen 2018.)
This paper aimed to examine whether maritime
simulator training can offer a complementary method
to overcome the challenges related to the conventional
oil spill response exercises. The objective was to
assess the efficiency and the learning impact of the
simulator training, and the specific skills that can be
trained most effectively in maritime simulators.
Based on the two experiments, simulator training
is an effective and valid method for developing
marine oil spill response competencies. The results
indicated that the simulator training was efficient
especially in improving the vessel manoeuvring and
navigation skills as well as skills related to oil
containment and oil recovery techniques. Both
separately executed pilot courses yielded similar
results; no meaningful differences in the competency
shifts were detected when comparing the course
specific results. The combined mean values of
improved competences also demonstrated the
efficiency of the simulation as a training method.
Simulator training provided better learning results
than theory lessons and other conventional training
methods (see Figure 1). The applicability of
simulation is based on the ease of repeatability of the
training scenarios in order to test different response
options as well as assess procedures and operational
limitations, and the flexibility in designing both scope
and scale of the exercises. The re-playability of the
exercise actions by visual means increases peer-
evaluation and analytical discussions during the
debriefing sessions. Exercise debriefings supported by
the simulator software reports and the live-recordings
of the actions also allow the evaluation of the exercise
outcome to be based on tangible factors. This helps to
overcome the challenges of the exercise artificiality
and the unmeasurable results often associated with
the traditional exercise methods. Thus, simulations
can be said to complement traditional exercise
formats in oil spill response training. This conclusion
is also supported by the results of the qualitative
evaluation. According to the course participants, the
main benefit of the simulator training was the
feedback the simulation provides on the oil spill
behaviour as a reaction to the selected response
measures. The level of realism of the simulation
model was assessed to contribute to the true
identification of areas of improvement and possible
response gaps. The simulators offered added value in
training of both technical and non-technical skills, and
to concretizing the response related phenomena. It
was also proved that simulator training provides a
reliable and safe environment for assessing various oil
containment and recovery tactics. As field exercises
may be affected by environmental limitations, such as
ice-coverage, high sea-state, poor visibility or other
adverse weather conditions, simulator training is
constantly available. With target-oriented simulator
training, many of the benefits of field exercises are
gained, while the safety of the responders and the
time and costs-efficiency are improved.
The ease and flexibility of the simulator training is
likely to increase the popularity of the method. It
should be noted, however, that this type of training
requires the instructor(s) to have adequate spill
response expertise – otherwise there is a risk to train
participants only to be excellent users of simulators.
Setting the objectives and scenarios in a manner that
enables the gaining of transferrable skills requires
relevancy in the context of actual emergencies and
response operations. Close collaboration with the
target groups is also recommended as it enables
increased efficiency in achieving specific learning
results and supports customization of the training.
The simulator pilot courses were conducted under
SCAROIL project (Simulator Training for Cargo Handling
and Oil Recovery, S20604) funded by the European Social
Fund, South-Eastern University of Applied Sciences
(Xamk), the Finnish Maritime Foundation, Palosuojelun
Edistämissäätiö and William & Ester Otsakorpi Foundation.
The software updates and development of new oil recovery
simulator were funded by the European Regional
Development Fund and Xamk in an investment project
SCAROIL Simulators (A71714).
The project advisory committee comprised of the
designated oil spill response specialists representing the
Rescue Services of City of Helsinki, Eastern-Uusimaa,
Kymenlaakso, Lapland, North Karelia, Northern Savonia,
Oulu-Koillismaa, South Karelia, Southern Savonia,
Southwest Finland and Western-Uusimaa, the Emergency
Service College and the Centres for Economic Development,
Transport and the Environment of Uusimaa and Southeast
Finland. Special acknowledgment is made to the
contribution of the participants from above mentioned
response authorities and the Emergency Service College,
and to our co-workers at Xamk attending the development
of simulator courses: Mrs. Emmi Rantavuo and Mr. Perttu
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