There are a number of different terminals located
offshore, outside port limits or in sheltered anchorage
areas where larger ships which cannaot approach
ports or terminals ashore are berthed and the cargo
transfer is carried out offshore [1], [3], [7], [9], [10].
In this paper we are going to describe the main
characteristics of and comparisons between the
typical Conventional Multi-Buoy Mooring
(CBM/MBM), Single Point Mooring (SPM) and
conventional Single Anchor Loading (SAL) systems
(all designated for connection to amidships cargo
manifold of a standard trading tanker) taking into
account the hydro-meteorological boundary
conditions (weather limitations) enabling ships to
carry out safe cargo and manoeuvring operation
offshore. The permanently moored vessels FSO/FPSO
and DP shuttle tankers with Bow Loading Systems
(BLS) are to be excluded from this scope.
All items described in this paper are based on the
common requirements covered by the specified oil
field offshore operation manuals (e.g. [2], [6]), ship’s
operator manuals, which include Teekay Shipping
company experience factor [10] collected from the
tanker fleet since 1979 and the author’s own
experience (e.g. [3], [11]) in ship’s cargo and
manoeuvring operations offshore collected at sea
since 1997.
A Conventional Buoy Mooring (CBM) known also as
Multiple Buoy Mooring (MBM) typically consists of
the following main components (see Figure 1):
mooring system with buoys, mooring legs and anchor
points, pipeline end manifold (PLEM), pipeline to
shore, subsea control system and hose string with
pick-up arrangement [3], [7], [9]. The multiple buoys
are fixed to the seabed by means of mooring lines and
marine anchors in a rectangular pattern that allows
safe mooring of a vessel which is positioned between
the buoys with tug assistance.
A Comparison Between Conventional Buoy Mooring
CBM, Single Point Mooring SPM and Single Anchor
Loading SAL Systems Considering the Hydro-
meteorological Condition Limits for Safe Ship’s
Operation Offshore
G. Rutkowski
aster Mariner Association, Gdynia, Poland
Teekay Learning and Development Centre, Teekay Shipping Norway
ABSTRACT: The purpose and scope of this paper is to describe the characteristics and make comparisons
between: Conventional Buoy Mooring (CBM), also referred to as Multi-Buoy Moorings (MBM), Single Point
Mooring (SPM) and conventional Single Anchor Loading (SAL) systems considering the hydro meteorological
condition limits enabling safe ship’s cargo and manoeuvring operation offshore. These systems (CBM, SPM and
SAL) are typically used for short term mooring applications offshore associated with the offloading and loading
of bulk liquid fuel tankers transporting refined and unrefined products of crude oil. The permanently moored
vessels FSO/FPSO are excluded from this scope.
the International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 13
Number 1
March 2019
DOI: 10.12716/1001.13.01.19
Figure 1. Conventional Buoy Mooring CBM known also as Multiple Buoy Mooring MBM system. Source: Author’s own
researches based on [7] and [11].
In this method the bow of the ship is secured by
using both her anchors or forward mooring buoys
and the stern is secured to buoy around it by using
stern and quarter mooring system. It holds the vessel
in a fixed position and does not allow it to
weathervane. The buoys provide the strong points to
which the vessel’s on-board mooring lines can be
attached. As soon as the tanker has approached into
position with the aid of tugs, a launch crew takes the
tanker lines, one at a time, and tows them to the
various mooring buoys.
The mooring system comprises of mooring buoys
and mooring legs, where the buoys are generally
moored to the seabed with chain legs and high
capacity anchors, piles or clump weights depending
on soil characteristics. The number of mooring lines
and/or mooring chains is a function of the vessel size,
hydro-meteorological conditions and navigational
When berthed, the tanker remains in a fixed
position without tugs, and depending on the site-
specific conditions & sometimes without vessel
anchors. The ships’ mooring ropes are connected from
either side of the vessel from the bow and the stern to
quick release hooks on the conventional buoys. The
buoys are manufactured either from steel or polymer
materials. The buoys act as a mooring only structure.
They contain no product transfer paths. The size of
the buoys is a function of the counter buoyancy
needed to hold the anchor chain for each buoy in
position. Some mooring buoys are off-the-shelf
products, while others have been specially designed
to include features like quick disconnection couplings.
The mooring system and layout of the buoys are
always specifically designed to match the vessel’s
requirements and local environmental conditions.
A typical CBM system of buoys have mooring
assemblies through the centre of the units,
terminating in a mooring eye on the bottom and pad
eyes on top for the fitting of quick release hooks. The
mooring legs for each buoy only consist of one
anchor, unlike in the case of a CALM system where
the buoy has between six and eight anchors. This is
because the anchor chains of a CBM system only
needs to work in one direction.
The product transfer system for CBMs consists of
offloading hoses (connects the tanker to the subsea
PLEM), marine breakaway coupling (which acts as a
weak link and prevents rupture of hoses/hawser and
subsequent oil spills). The CBM system is especially
valuable when no quay sites are available. It can also
be combined with a fluid transfer system that enables
connection of (subsea) pipelines to the amidships
manifold of a conventional tanker. The end of the
hose is provided with a pick-up line and a marker
buoy. The hose string is picked up by a small support
vessel that also assists the tanker with mooring to the
buoys. After mooring the tanker to the buoys, pickup
of the submerged hose strings and connecting the
hoses to the amidships manifold, the loading or
offloading operation may start. CBMs can be operated
with up to four separate product lines. When no
tanker is moored, the submersible hose or hoses are
stored on the seabed away from the influence of the
waves. For cryogenic fluids, the aerial hose is
suspended from a tower to the amidships manifold of
the liquefied gas carrier.
Typically, these systems are designed for
nearshore applications with water depths starting
from six metres up to approximately 30 m water
depth, in beginning environmental conditions or
conditions with a dominant directional character. The
minimum depth is a constraint of the design vessel
under keel clearance (UKC). As no weathervane mode
is possible, it is often applied on projects where
smaller tankers are employed. However, the system
can be designed to berth all sizes of tankers, with the
largest CBM system in the world designed to
accommodate vessels up to 225 000 DWT (e.g. Puma
multi-directional loading facility, Angola, 2015).
The tanker usually needs assistance in mooring
and disconnecting from the mooring and navigating
away from the CBM system. Ship usually can moor
with winds up to 30 knots and head waves of 1.0 m.
Vessel has to leave berth with winds of 60 knots and
waves higher than 2.0 m to 3.0 m. Mooring typically
takes 2 hrs (once vessel has arrived at CBM).
Disconnecting from mooring typically takes 1.0 hrs.
Hose connection and disconnection typically takes 1.0
hrs. Product unloading with winds up to 40 knots and
waves higher than 2.0 m to 2.5 m. The
offloading/loading operations can be undertaken via a
number of hoses (one to four hoses) and can handle
multiple products if required [5], [7].
A Single Point Mooring (SPM), also known as Single
Buoy Mooring or SBM is a loading buoy anchored
offshore, that serves as a mooring point as well as an
interconnection for tankers loading or offloading gas
or liquid products. The basic principle of the buoy is
to keep the position of the vessel with respect to the
buoy steady and at the same time allowing vessels to
swing to wind and sea [3], [9]. Often a tug is provided
at the aft to keep the ship at a fixed angle and distance
from the buoy. The buoy is fixed by positioning it in
the centre of four to eight anchors connected to it. The
ship is made fast to the buoy with the help of a single
chain with hawser (or two) which is secured on board
to the bow stopper. The vessel always takes the most
favourable position in relation to the combination of
wind, current and wave and is free to align itself with
the prevailing environmental forces at the time. As
the vessel in its stationary state is always positioned
head-on into the winds/current’s direction, the total
force is less than would be experienced by a vessel on
a fixed mooring which is not always head-on into the
prevailing conditions.
The vessel will approach the buoy with its bow
into the dominant environment, thus maximising
control while minimising the need for tug assistance.
This solution is also good for DP dynamic positioning
vessel. For conventional tankers a tug is usually
required at all times during mooring and offloading
to maintain the nominal amount of tension on the
mooring hawsers to prevent collision of the tanker
with the buoy and assist with the weathervane
movements of the vessel.
The SPM system consists of four main
components: the body of the buoy, mooring and
anchoring elements, product transfer system and
ancillary components [9]. The buoy body may be
supported on static legs attached to the seabed, with a
rotating part above water level connected to the
offloading or loading tanker. These two sections are
linked by a roller bearing, referred to as the ‘main
bearing’. Alternatively, the buoy body may be held in
place by multiple radiating anchor chains. The
moored tanker can freely weathervane around the
buoy and find a stable position due to this
arrangement. The type of bearing used and the split
between the rotating and geostatic parts determines
the concept of the buoy. The size of the buoy is a
function of the counter buoyancy needed to hold the
anchor chains in position, and the chains are a
function of the environmental conditions and the
vessel size. Moorings fix the buoy to the sea bed.
Buoy design must account for the behaviour of the
buoy given applicable wind, wave and current
conditions and tanker sizes. This determines the
optimum mooring arrangement and size of the
various mooring leg components. Anchoring points
are greatly dependent on local soil condition and may
consist of ships, rig, piles or gravity anchors, sinker or
anchor chain joint to connect the buoy (SPM), anchor
chain and chain stoppers to connect the chains to the
A tanker is moored to a buoy by means of a
hawser arrangement setup according to Oil
Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF)
standards. The hawser arrangement usually consists
of nylon rope, which is shackled to an integrated
mooring joint on the buoy deck. At the tanker end of
the hawser, a chafe chain is connected to prevent
damage from the tanker fairlead. A load pin can be
applied to the mooring joint on the buoy deck to
measure hawser loads. Hawser systems use either one
or two ropes depending on the largest size of vessel
which would be moored to the buoy. The ropes
would either be single-leg or grommet leg type ropes.
These are usually connected to an OCIMF chafe chain
on the export tanker side (either type A or B
depending on the maximum size of the tanker and the
mooring loads) [9]. This chafe chain would then be
held in the chain stopper on board the export tanker.
A basic hawser system would consist of the following
(working from the buoy outwards): buoy-side shackle
and bridle assembly for connection to the pad eye on
the buoy, mooring hawser shackle, mooring hawser,
chafe chain assembly, support buoy, pick-up
messenger lines, marker buoy for retrieval from the
The heart of each buoy is the product transfer
system. This system transfers products between the
tanker and a pipeline end manifold (PLEM) located
on the seabed. The basic product transfer system
components are: flexible subsea hoses, generally
referred to as ‘risers’, floating hose strings, marine
breakaway coupling, product swivel, valves and
piping. The risers are flexible hoses that connect the
subsea piping to the buoy. The configuration varies
on depth, sea state, buoy motions, tidal depth
variation, lateral displacement due to mooring loads
etc. In all cases the hose curvature changes to
accommodate lateral and vertical movement of the
buoy, and the hoses are supported at near neutral
buoyancy by floats along the length. These are:
Chinese lantern, in which two to four mirror
symmetrical hoses connect the PLEM with the buoy,
with the convexity of the curve facing radially
outwards. Lazy-S, in which the riser hose leaves the
PLEM at a steep angle, then flattens out before
gradually curving upwards to meet the buoy almost
vertically, in a flattened S-curve. Steep-S, in which the
hose first rises roughly vertically to a submerged
float, before making a sharp bend downwards
followed by a slow curve through horizontal to a
vertical attachment to the buoy.
Floating hose string, connects the buoy to the
offloading tanker. The hose string can be equipped
with a breakaway coupling to prevent rupture of
hoses/hawser and subsequent oil spills. The product
swivel is the connection between the geostatic and the
rotating parts of the buoy. The swivel enables an
offloading tanker to rotate with respect to the
mooring buoy. Product swivels range in size
depending on the size of attached piping and risers.
Product swivels can provide one or several
independent paths for fluids, gases, electrical signals
or power. Swivels are equipped with a multiple seal
arrangement to minimize the possibility of leakage of
product into the environment [3], [8].
Figure 2. Catenary Anchor Leg Mooring (CALM) as example of Single Point Mooring (SPM)/Single Buoy Mooring (SBM)
system with amidships cargo manifold side connection for operation offshore. Source: Author’s own researches based on [9]
and [11].
Other possible components of SPMs are: a boat
landing, providing access to the buoy deck, fenders to
protect the buoy, lifting and handling equipment to
aid materials handling, navigational aids for maritime
visibility, and fog horn to keep moving vessel alert,
electrical subsystem power navigation aids or other
equipment (provided either by batteries which are
recharged on a regular basis or solar power systems
to maintain the charge in the battery packs) and
optionally the hydraulic system to allow the remote
operation of the PLEM valves if required [9].
SPMs are the link between geostatic subsea
manifold connections and weather-vanning tankers.
They are capable of handling any size ship, even very
large crude carriers (VLCC) where no alternative
facility is available. In shallow water SPMs are used to
load and unload crude oil and refined products from
inshore and offshore oilfields or refineries, usually
through some form of storage system. These buoys
are usually suitable for use by all types of oil tanker.
In deep water oil fields, SPMs are usually used to load
crude oil direct from the production platforms, where
there are economic reasons not to run a pipeline to the
shore. These moorings usually supply to dedicated
tankers (DP class shuttle tankers) which can moor
without assistance.
Nowadays there are several types of Single Point
Mooring (SPM) systems in use. Most of the SPM
buoys are typically used for short term mooring
applications offshore. This system is preferential
when deep waters are not available close to shore.
The minimum depth is a constraint for the design
vessel Under Keel Clearance (UKC). A commonly
used configuration for SPM is the Catenary Anchor
Leg Mooring (CALM) and Single Anchor Leg
Mooring (SALM).
CALMs are usually located in water depths
between 20 to 100 meters and connected to a shore
storage facility (tank farm) or to offshore production
platforms by means of a submarine pipeline. Since
early 2000, the CALM design has been also used and
adapted to deep-water conditions, greater than 1,000
meters [3], [9], [11]. For this application, the CALM is
used as an offloading system for a deep-water
Floating Production Storage and Offloading unit
(FPSO) which are not covered by the scope of this
CALM holds the buoy in place by an anchor chain
that extend in catenaries to anchor points some
distance from the buoy. The SALM system is similar,
except that the SALM is anchored by a single anchor
leg [5], [7], [9]. The SALM system prevents collision
damage to the swivels by placing them underwater
and below the keel level of the tanker. Any damage
should then only affect the simple surface buoy and
be relatively cheap to repair. The underwater swivels
do however have maintenance disadvantages. To
prevent the flexible loading pipe clashing with the
mooring chains the catenary is replaced by a single,
nominally vertical, tensioned chain mooring leg. In
shallow water the fluid swivels are on the base. In
deep water the fluid swivels could be attached part
way up the mooring leg. This would ease
maintenance of the swivels and the flexible pipes
from the swivels to the tanker. In such case the
primary benefit of a CALM Buoy over a SALM Buoy
is ease of maintenance. The mechanical U-Joints of a
SALM are removed, and the fluid swivel is located
above the water surface.
A SALM can be employed as an unmanned tanker
loading or discharge terminal with multiple fluid
transfer circuits. The configuration of a SALM is
highly elastic over a very wide range of water depths.
This inherent elasticity enables cargo transfer
operations to continue under adverse weather and
sea-state conditions.
The vast majority of Marine Terminals installed
since the mid-1990s have been CALM Buoys because
of these design improvements. This configuration
uses six or eight heavy anchor chains placed radially
around the buoy, of a size to suit the designed load
and attached to an anchor or pile to provide the
required holding power. The anchor chains are pre-
tensioned to ensure that the buoy is held in position
above the PLEM. As the load from the tanker is
applied, the heavy chains on the far side straighten
and lift off the seabed to apply the balancing load.
Under full design load there is still some shackles of
chain lying on the bottom. Figure 2 illustrates a
Turntable type SPM CALM system during
Less commonly used SPM configurations include
Vertical Anchor Leg Mooring (VALM), which is
seldom used (e.g. offshore Brazil), two types of single
point mooring tower (Jacket type, which has a jacket
piled to the seabed with a turntable on top which
carries the mooring gear and pipework or Spring pile
type, which has steel pipe risers in the structure),
Exposed Location Single Buoy Mooring (ELSBM)
which stores the mooring line and cargo hose on
drums when not in use (configuration suitable for use
in rough sea conditions), Articulated Loading
Platform (ALP) which is also suited for rough sea
There are no vessel constraints for an SPM system.
The SPM CALM buoy configuration can
accommodate the largest vessels, including VLCCs. In
general, while approaching single point or single
buoy moorings weather is a major criterion in
determining whether to berth the vessel or not. Calm
seas with low swell and wind force below 15 knots
are considered favourable to make an approach.
Presence of strong tidal current limits the interval for
berthing and un-berthing. The headway approach has
to be slow often less than while at the same time
approaching at a smaller angle to the buoy and then
gradually hauling in the buoy messenger rope and
pulling the vessel slowly towards the buoy using
engine kicks at short intervals to control and maintain
headway along with mooring winches to haul in the
vessel when she nears about 150-200 meters from the
buoy. For un-berthing the chain is released from the
bow stopper and a short kick on the engines going
astern swings the bow to starboard for right handed
propellers thus clearing the vessel of the buoy. Tug’s
assistance can also be used to pull the vessel astern
and clear it of the buoy.
Ships usually can moor with winds up to 30 knots
and head waves of 2.0 m to 2.5 m. Vessel has to leave
berth when winds exceed 60 knots and waves are
higher than 3.5 m to 5.0 m. Approach to the SPM can
be from any direction (from a mooring perspective).
Mooring typically takes 15 min (once vessel has
arrived at SPM buoy). Disconnecting from mooring
does not necessarily need tug assistance, although
tugs may be required depending on the local site
condition and availability of space for vessel
manoeuvring. Disconnecting from mooring typically
takes 15 min.
Hose connection and/or disconnection on
amidships manifold typically takes 1 hour. Product
unloading possible with winds up to 40 knots and
head waves of 3.0 m to 4.5 m. SPM system can be also
designated for DP dynamic positioning vessels with
BLS (Bow Loading System), where offloading hose
can be connected directly to BLS system within about
10 to 15 minutes.
For conventional tankers the fulltime tug
assistance can be required to assist with weather-
vanning and prevent collision between the vessel and
the SPM. Typically, vessels are only able to offload a
single product at a time, however SPMs with
amidships manifold connection can be designed to
handle multiple products if required.
Single Anchor Loading (SAL) is offshore loading
system introduced in the late 1990’s, that serves as a
single mooring point via hawser to the underwater
strong base anchor as well as an interconnection for
tankers loading or offloading gas or liquid products
[1], [2]. SAL was developed as low-cost alternative to
the Submerged Turret Loading (STL) system for use
in the situation where traditional CALM buoys cannot
be used. As the SAL is subsea the risk of collision
between the tanker and traditional CALM or SPM
buoy is eliminated. On SAL system the vessel always
takes the most favourable position in relation to the
combination of wind, current and wave and is free to
align itself with the prevailing environmental forces at
the time.
The central elements of the SAL system are a
mooring and a fluid swivel with a single mooring line
(hawser) and a flexible riser for fluid transfer
attached, anchored at the sea bed by the use of a
single anchor. The anchor also functions as the
pipeline end manifold (PLEM) for the seabed export
flow line. A tanker is hooked up to the system by
pulling the mooring line and the riser together from
the seabed and up to the bow of the vessel. Here the
mooring line is secured and the riser is connected to
the vessel. Moored to the SAL system, a tanker can
freely weathervane. Disconnection is performed by
lowering the mooring line and the riser down to the
Nowadays there are a several types of SAL
systems in use. The SAL flexible riser (offloading
hose) can either be designated for connection to a
standard shuttle tanker bow loading system BLS or to
the typical amidships manifold of a standard trading
The SAL can be equipped with clump weight
system (e.g. Hanze SAL installed in 2001, Solan SAL
installed in 2015) or underwater buoyancy systems
(e.g. Banff SAL or South Arne SAL installed in 1998).
Typical SAL system is usually equipped with strong
mooring hawser with chafing chain designated for
tanker with chain stopper located forward for single
point mooring SPM system on board the tanker vessel
(e.g. installation of South Arne SAL with mooring
hawser capability limited to 450 tons on weak link).
However, there are also SAL installation without
upper mooring system, which are in configuration
typical for traditional offshore loading system OLS,
which are designated only for full DP shuttle tankers
equipped with bow loading system.
Nowadays most of the SAL systems are typically
used offshore for short term mooring applications
recommended for DP shuttle tankers equipped with
BLS. However, there is also the possibility to use the
SAL systems for conventional tankers with amidships
cargo manifold side offloading as presented on Figure
3. In general approach the typical SAL terminal is
quite easy to install. It has been noted that new SAL
terminal can be installed on oil field offshore just
within few weeks’ period. It has been also noted that
the old SAL systems can be easy reused and/or
upgraded (e.g. Ardmore twin SAL systems have been
re-used for Kittywake SAL installation in 2005 and
Don SAL installation in 2008, Siri SAL buoyancy
system has been upgraded from buoyancy SAL
system to clump weight SAL system in 2009).
Figure 3. Configuration of Single Anchor Loading (SAL) system for standard trading tankers with hose connected to
amidships cargo manifold. Source: Author’s own researches based on [2] and [11].
Figure 4. South Arne SAL buoyancy system with operation parameters for shuttle tankers based on HESS Oil Export and
SAL System Operating Procedure DOM-SA-P-001B. Source: [6].
SAL system with clump weight comprises the
following main sub-systems: anchor assembly,
mooring system and riser (offloading) system. Anchor
assembly consists of the following components:
anchor pile, anchor base with piping and valves,
turret assembly including turret table, bearing and
swivel with piping. Mooring system contains lower
polyester mooring segment, mid line clump weight
with integrated steel spool piece and upper mooring
(hawser) with chafing chain and pick-up assembly.
The SAL riser (offloading system) consists of the
following components: lower riser segment
(offloading hose) connected at in-line swivel at SAL
pipeline end manifold (PLEM), mid line clump
weight (MLCW), polyester hawser, upper riser
segment (offloading hose), hose end valve (HEV) and
pick-up assembly. A polyester hawser, as an
integrated part of the lower riser system, is installed
between the clump weight and the SAL anchor. This
polyester segment is introduced to protect the lower
riser segment in case of a drift-off of the tanker, and
also to improve lay-down tolerances for the MLCW
and HEV and simplify disconnection operations. The
riser’s lower segment is connected to the anchor and
the MLCW with a bending stiffener in each end and is
equipped with buoyancy elements to make it
buoyant. The upper riser segment is connected to
MLCW and the in-line swivel in the hose end valve
assembly, also with a bending stiffener in each end.
The offshore loading house in upper riser segment
can be floating (option only for conventional tankers
with side connection) or laid down at sea bed in an
optimal heading prior to pick-up and connection by
the shuttle tankers with BLS.
The basic principle of SAL system is to keep the
position of the vessel with respect to the SAL base
steady and at the same time allowing vessels to swing
to wind and sea. This operation is typical for shuttle
tanker on DP weather vane mode. For conventional
tanker often, a tug is provided at the aft to keep the
vessel at a fixed angle and distance from the SAL
In buoyancy SAL systems (e.g. South Arne SAL -
see Figure 4) the mooring system is made up of the
following components: lower wire segment, mooring
line buoyancy element, lower rope segment,
additional buoyancy element, upper rope segment,
chafing chain and pick-up assembly. The lower wire
segment connects the mooring line buoyancy element
to the SAL anchor top structure. The purpose of the
mooring line buoyancy element is to serve as a spring
function in the SAL mooring system, serve as support
for the loading hose and assemble mooring lines and
loading hose at a common point. The mooring line
buoyancy element is situated between the lower wire
rope segment and the lower rope segment, and
consists of a cylindrical steel structure, which is
connected to a connecting rod. The rod is an
integrated part of the mooring line carrying the
mooring line tension that is no mooring forces are
transferred through the hull of the buoyancy element.
In light of SAL mooring system handling
requirements during operation, fibre ropes were
chosen instead of wire ropes. Two fibre rope
segments, a lower fibre rope segment and an upper
fibre rope segment connect the mooring line
buoyancy element and the chafing chain, via the
additional buoyancy element. Both sections of rope
are manufactured from Polyester. The additional
buoyancy element is designed to avoid contact
between the fibre rope segments and the seabed, and
to reduce the stiffness of the mooring system in
disconnected condition. However, this SAL system is
designated only for DP shuttle tanker with BLS
The SAL installation is fixed by SAL anchor. The
ship is made fast to the SAL with the help of a single
chain with hawser which is secured on board to the
bow stopper. The vessel always takes the most
favourable position in relation to the combination of
wind, current and wave and is free to align itself with
the prevailing environmental forces at the time. As
the vessel in its stationary state is always positioned
head-on into the winds/currents direction, the total
force is less than would be experienced by a vessel on
a fixed mooring which is not always head-on into the
prevailing conditions. The vessel will approach the
SAL with its bow into the dominant environment,
thus maximising control while minimising the need
for tug assistance. This solution is good for DP
dynamic positioning vessel. For conventional tankers
a tug is usually required at all times during mooring
and offloading operation to maintain the nominal
amount of tension on the mooring hawsers and assist
with the weathervane movements of the vessel.
The SAL Anchor Assembly consists of the
following main components: anchor pile, anchor base
structure, turret assembly, including turret adapter,
turret table, bearings and bearing locking
arrangement, crude swivel, piping from crude swivel
to flexible riser, riser connector and support, piping
from sub-sea pipeline to crude swivel, acoustic
control system (optional), crude oil valve for branch
piping (to crude swivel) and crude oil valve for main
piping. The anchor base is fabricated on top of a
conical structure that fits to the pre-installed anchor
pile. During the final installation campaign, the
conical structure is grouted to the anchor pile to
achieve the required permanent structural capacity.
The Anchor Base structure transfers the forces from
the riser system, via the bearing arrangement in the
turret into the anchor pile. The center of the anchor
base consists of the removable turret assembly. The
connection to the removable module consists of a
robust vertical pipe with a flange connection and
guiding for the turret adapter module. The interface
between the anchor base structure and the anchor pile
is a grouted connection. The soil inside the top of the
anchor pile is dredged out after installation and a
mating insert below the SAL base structure penetrates
into the anchor pile. The void space between the
anchor pile and the mating insert on the anchor base
is filled with grouting to form a rigid structural
The turret assembly is the main component that
consists of the turret adapter, turret table bearings
and bearing locking arrangement, crude swivel, riser
connector and support and lower polyester segment
connection point. The turret assembly is connected to
the anchor base structure by a bolted flange. The
turret assembly is designed to perform without any
maintenance throughout the design life of the system
(30 years). However, if found required, the turret
assembly can be unbolted and retrieved to surface for
maintenance or repair, or it can be replaced with an
interchangeable new turret assembly. The
arrangement that transfers the global loads from the
riser system consists of a turret shaft, turret table and
a bearing arrangement. It is designed with basis in the
same turret components as the field proven STL/STP
systems. The system is normally designed to transfer
mooring loads from a passive vessel. The upper
bearing ring supporting the upper axial bearing is
locked to the central turret shaft by means of a
segment locking system fitted into a circular groove of
the centre shaft. The bearings are fixed to the turret
table. The turret table is equipped with a support
structure for the riser. The support structure ensures
that all global loads from the riser (tension, shear and
moment) are transferred into the turret table, which
provides the moment arm for turning the turret table
and the crude oil swivel.
The crude swivel is located on top of the anchor.
The top of the swivel is rigidly connected to a frame
on the top of the turret table to prevent loads from the
riser to be transferred into the crude swivel. The
rotation of the swivel will be driven by the rotating
motion of the turret table via the piping clamped to
the anchor base. The rotating motion originates
mainly from the tension loads in the riser. The inline
fluid swivel is a robust and compact unit with few
sensitive parts. It is capable of handling all relevant
external forces from the attaching piping with a good
margin. It is not sensitive to moisture and water
ingress, as it holds no roller bearing elements. The
fluid swivel comprises a set of double axials thrust
bearings and double radial bearings to take up
external loads while allowing rotation. All bearings
are self- lubricating, i.e. bronze with solid lubricant
depots. The process seals are arranged as rod seal
type (axial seals). There are double process seals, with
leak collection in-between. Additionally, to prevent
water and dust ingress into the bearing cavity there is
a scraper and a seal on the outside of the bearing
SAL systems are usually located in water depths
between 30 to 100 meters and are connected to a shore
storage facility (tank farm) or to offshore production
platforms by means of a submarine pipeline.
Nowadays most of the SAL systems are designated
for DP shuttle tankers with BLS system. SAL
configuration can accommodate the largest vessels,
including VLCCs.
Shuttle tankers can moor to SAL system with
significant sea waves up to 4.5 m (maximum wave
heights 8.5 m) and stay connected to SAL when
loading with significant sea waves up to 5.5 m
(maximum wave heights 9.5 m) and disconnection in
seas as high as 7.0 m [1], [2]. Conventional tankers
usually can moor with winds up to 30 knots and head
waves of 2,0 m to 2.5 m. Vessel has to leave berth
when winds exceed 60 knots and waves are higher
than 3.5 m to 5.0 m. The above values are normative
and must be considered in connection with current
weather conditions and whether conditions are
improving, stabilizing or worsening. Approach,
loading and discontinuation of these activities are
always subject to the Master’s final approval.
The operational limits for single anchor loading
(SAL) loading are the same as for SPM loading. In
addition, there is a limited sector (±5°) for positioning
when picking up the line from the bottom. On DP
shuttle tankers two different loading modes, rotation
and non-rotation modes may be used for loading on
SAL systems (see figure 4). Non-rotation mode (Auto
Position) is normally used when weather conditions
allow it, to reduce strain on the loading system.
Rotation mode (Weather Vane) is normally used
when weather conditions are above winds of Beaufort
force 4 and/or sea state 2 or above. Hawser tension
limits for SAL are normally higher than other systems
for offshore loading with shut down (green line
failure) on 200 t. Restricted zones are defined where
other installations are placed nearby and when there
is a risk that the vessel, in an emergency, may drift
towards other offshore installations.
Approach to the SAL can be from any direction
(from a mooring perspective). If needed the SAL
system can be rotated and laid down in an optimal
heading by supporting tug prior to pick-up and
connection by approaching tanker. Mooring typically
takes 30 min to 1 hour (once vessel has arrived at SAL
installation and connect mooring pick up assembly).
Disconnecting from mooring does not necessarily
need tug assistance, although tugs may be required
depending on the local site condition and availability
of space for vessel manoeuvring. For conventional
tankers the fulltime tug assistance can be required to
assist with mooring, unmooring and weather-
vanning. Disconnecting from mooring typically takes
about 30 min. Hose connection and/or disconnection
on amidships manifold typically takes 1 hour.
Product unloading possible with winds up to 40 knots
and head waves of 3.0 m to 4.5 m. Connection to BLS
usually takes about 15 minutes. Typically, vessels are
only able to offload a single product at a time,
however SPMs with amidships manifold connection
can be designed to handle multiple products if
Summing up the above, it can be assumed that in the
offshore sector, the expensive offshore loading
systems will be replaced by the cheaper and equally
effective solutions. The author also believes that the
traditional single anchor loading (SAL) systems with
the Hawser mooring system will be replaced by the
modified SAL systems in the OLS configuration
(without the Hawser system attached), which is
designated only for DP shuttle tankers.
Conventional buoy mooring system CBM and
single point mooring system SPM will continue to be
found in common use by conventional tankers and/or
storage units FSO on shallow waters (CBM up to 30 m
depth and SPM up to 100 m depth).
A summary comparison between conventional
buoy mooring system CBM, single point mooring
system SPM and single anchor loading system SAL
considering operational limits and the hydro-
meteorological condition limits for safe ship’s
operation offshore has been presented in the
following table:
Table 1. Comparisons between conventional buoy mooring system CBM, single point mooring system SPM and single
anchor loading system SAL considering operational limits and the hydro-meteorological condition limits for safe ship’s
operation offshore. Source: Author’s own researches.
No Criteria CBM SPM SAL
1. Vessel size Vessel sizes typically up to Vessel sizes unlimited Vessel sizes unlimited
80 000 dwt, but up to
225 000 dwt has been
2. Operating water Usually up to 30 m water Up to 100 m water depth Up to 100 m water depth
depth depth
3. Mooring method Multi-buoy mooring system Single buoy mooring system Single point mooring system with
optional with ships anchor with one or two hawsers one hawser
4. Approach Can only approach from Can approach from any position – and therefore can choose to
limited positions approach into prevailing weather conditions
5. Mooring time Typically, about 2.0 h Typically, about 15 min Typically, about 30 min
(after arriving at
mooring position)
6. Hose connection Typically, about 1.0 h Typically, about 1.0 h Typically, about 1.0 h
time amidships
7. BLS connection N/A Typically, about 15 min Typically, about 15 min
8. Time for hose Typically, about 1.0 h Typically, about 1.0 h Typically, about 1.0 h
9. Offloading time Function of vessel pumps capacity, line size and distance
10. Time for mooring Typically: 1.0 h Typically: 15 min. Typically: 20 min to 30 min.
11. Net total time Typically: 2.5 h longer Typically: 2.5 h quicker Typically: 2 h quicker compared to
difference compared to SPM compared to CBM CBM
12. Mooring conditions Able to moor with winds up Able to moor with winds up to 30 knots and head waves of 2.0 m
for conventional to 30 knots and head waves to 2.5 m
tanker of 1.0 m
13. Operating limit for Product unloading with wind Product offloading possible with wind up to 40 knots and head
conventional up to 40 knots and waves waves of 3.0 m to 4.5 m
tanker higher than 2.0 m to 2.5 m
14. Mooring Vessel has to leave berth with Typically, vessel has to leave berth with winds of 60 knots and
disconnection winds of 60 knots and waves waves higher than 3.5 m to 5.0 m
higher than 2.0 m to 3.0 m
14. Mooring N/A, restriction similar as for Connection: significant sea waves (Hs) up to 4.5 m, max. sea waves
conditions and conventional tankers (No (HSmax) up to 8.5 m, Period (Tmax)= 15 sec. Loading: significant
operational limits DP operation) sea waves (Hs) up to 5.5 m (max. sea waves heights (HSmax) up to
for DP BLS shuttle 9.5 m). Period (Tmax)= 15 sec.
15. Offloading steps Steam from anchorage, moor, connect hoses, pump product through, disconnect hoses,
disconnects mooring, steams away
16. Tug assistance Required during mooring and For conventional tankers tug required full time during mooring
disconnection from mooring and disconnection and to assist with weathervane movements. DP
buoys shuttle tanker normally can operate without tug assistance.
17. Under Keel Function of the vessel, offshore terminal installation and hydro-meteorological conditions
18. Risk of collision Possible with floating buoy Possible with SPM buoy As the SAL is subsea the risk of
during mooring and during mooring, unmooring collision between the tanker and
unmooring operation (tug and weathervane (for traditional CALM / SPM buoy is
assistance is required). When conventional tanker full tug eliminated.
tanker is moored to CBM in assistance is required).
fixed position the collision
risk is minimal.
19. Weather impact More prone to adverse Less prone to adverse Less prone to adverse conditions
conditions and swell delays conditions and swell delays and swell delays than a CBM
than a SPM than a CBM
20. Weathervane N/A. Tanker is moored to The vessel always takes the most favourable position in relation to
around the buoy CBM on fixed heading the combination of wind, current and wave and is free to align
itself with the prevailing environmental forces at the time.
21. Night operations Possible limitation on night Possible limitation on night time mooring depending on local
time mooring and operational, safety and environmental procedures
disconnecting from mooring
depending on local Can disconnect from moorings 24 h a day
operational, safety and
environmental procedures
22. Track record Successfully installed around Since 1959 successfully Since introduced in the late 1990’s
the world for close to a installed around the world successfully installed around the
century world
23. Cost Approximately in the USD Approximately in USD SAL was developed as low cost
from 12 000 to 250 000 per 15 000 000 for SPM CALM alternative to the STL.
buoy alone [5] buoy alone [5] Typical cost for the SAL system will
be in the USD from 12 000 000 to
15 000 000 range [1]
24. Suppliers Non-proprietary technology Proprietary technology and limited suppliers
25. Maintenance Less complex maintenance Additional complex maintenance activities compared to a CBM –
compared to SPM swivel, bearings, mooring line tensions, etc.
Hoses damage more due to
abrasion from storage on seabed
[1] APL Advanced Production and Loading, National
Oilwell Varco, website: www.nov.com/fps, accessible:
March-April 2018.
[2] APL Document No.: 1586-APL-O-KA-0001, National
Oilwell Varco, SAL Operation Procedure, Rev. B, 27-06-
2011, accessible: March-April 2018.
[3] Bluewater, website: http://www.bluewater.com,
accessible: March-April 2018.
[4] Operation of the dynamically positioned ships
(Eksploatacja statków dynamicznie pozycjonowanych),
Volume 8 of the series ‘Contemporary Technologies of
the Sea Transport’ (Współczesne Technologie
Transportu morskiego). Trademar Publishing House,
ISBN 978-83-62227-44-0, Gdynia 2013.
[5] EPCM consultants, website: https://epcmconsultants.co,
accessible: March-April 2018.
[6] HEES internal document No.: DOM-SA-P-001B, Oil
Pipeline and Loading Operating Procedure, Rev. 7
1.12.2015. Document accessible: March – April 2018.
[7] Marine Insight website: https://www.marineinsight.com,
accessible: 30 March 2017.
[8] Rutkowski G.: Numerical Analysis for the Dynamic
Forces and Operational Risk Accomplished Forces and
Operational Risk for Hiload DP1 Unit Docked to MT
Navion Anglia at Sea Waves. TransNav, the
International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety
of Sea Transportation, Vol. 8, No.4, DOI
10.12716/1001.08.04.04, pp. 505-5012, 2014.
[9] SBM, website: www.sbmoffshore.com, accessible: 10
[10] Ships and off-shore technologies in outline (Statki i
technologie off-shore w zarysie), Cydejko J., Puchalski J.,
Rutkowski G., ISBN 978-83-62227-24-2, Trademar
Publishing House, Gdynia 2010/2011.
[11] Teekay internal document No.: SP0978 ver. 10, Teekay
Requirements for Offshore Loading Operations (Shuttle
Tankers), accessible: 07 April 2018..