The European Geostationary Navigation Overlay
Service (EGNOS) is Europe's regional satellite-based
augmentation system (SBAS). Today it improves the
performance of GPS and from 2025 will augment
Galileo as well. Since 2009 it is providing benefits in
different maritime applications such as general
navigation, especially in terms of increased accuracy.
EGNOS can provide multiple benefits to the
maritime and IWW service providers. The most
relevant ones are associated to three key features:
free of charge access, redundancy of signal sources
(Signal-in-Space (SiS) and EGNOS Data Access
Service (EDAS)), and the possibility of making use of
the Virtual Reference Station (VRS) concept. The
main advantage of a DGPS solution based on VRS
(using EGNOS messages as input, that is, EGNOS-
based VRS) with respect to traditional DGPS is that
corrections can be remotely generated for a specific
Support to Maritime and Inland Waterways Service
Providers for the Transmission of EGNOS Corrections
via IALA Beacons and AIS/VDES Stations
M. López
GSA, Prague, Czech Republic
M. Cano & R. Martínez
LG, Barcelona, Spain
C. Álvarez & L. Tavira
Indra, Barcelona, Spain
. Morán, V. Antón & J. Vázquez
ESSP SAS, Madrid, Spain
ABSTRACT: The use of SBAS corrections for navigation, in both coastal waters and inland waterways, has
already brought the attention of many European authorities, which are interested in its potential to
complement/replace their DGPS radio beacon networks.
The European GNSS Agency (GSA) has an active long-term trajectory working to foster the EGNOS adoption in
maritime through the launch of several actions whose results will pave the way for the provision of maritime
EGNOS services. In this line, GSA awarded the consortium ALG-Indra, ESSP and Alberding with the Specific
Contract GSA/OP/07/13/SC24 ‘Support to Maritime Service Providers for the transmission of EGNOS
corrections via IALA beacons and AIS/VDES stations’.
The main objective of this Specific Contract is to demonstrate the operational performance of the transmission
of EGNOS corrections converted to Differential GPS corrections over the existing transmission infrastructure
(AIS base stations/IALA beacons) in the Maritime and Inland Waterways (IWW) domains, while providing a
detailed cost benefit analysis of the solutions proposed. This service may complement the current GNSS
augmentation services exploiting synergies and benefiting from the current infrastructure and standards,
facilitating the adoption of EGNOS by maritime and inland waterways authorities. Furthermore, the service has
no impact at user level since the DGNSS corrections are transmitted over the existing infrastructure, in the same
format and implementing the same integrity mechanisms required for traditional IALA beacons ([1]).
This project will allow the maritime and IWW service providers to have a clear understanding about the
technical, operational and economic feasibility of the transmission of EGNOS corrections via IALA beacons and
AIS/VDES stations.
the International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 13
Number 1
March 2019
DOI: 10.12716/1001.13.01.03
location without the need of having a physical
reference station at that location and ensure that the
quality of the corrections is not affected by local
errors (e.g. multipath/interference at transmitting
site). Also, there are a number of EGNOS-based
architectures that can be set-up to complement and/or
replace traditional DGNSS networks, adapting to the
specific operational scenario with a high degree of
The European GNSS Agency (GSA) is fostering
the adoption of EGNOS V2 in maritime, with
different active lines of action for general navigation.
The current paper reports on the activities in the
frame of Specific Contract GSA/OP/07/13/SC24,
which aims at promoting the adoption of EGNOS in
maritime by supporting service providers to
implement and test the transmission of EGNOS
corrections through existing national
Administrations’ infrastructure (IALA beacons and
AIS/VDES stations). This will be achieved by
demonstrating the operational performance of the
transmission of EGNOS corrections converted to
Differential GPS corrections over the existing
transmission infrastructure in the Maritime and
Inland Waterways (IWW) domains, while providing
a detailed cost benefit analysis of the solutions
This service may complement the current GNSS
augmentation services exploiting synergies and
benefiting from the current infrastructure and
standards. Furthermore, the service has no impact at
user level since the DGNSS corrections are
transmitted over the existing infrastructure, in the
same format and implementing the same integrity
mechanisms required for traditional IALA beacons
(i.e. [2]).
The organizations involved in the project team are:
GSA (customer), ALG (prime contractor), Indra,
ESSP, and Alberding GmbH (subcontractors).
Additionally, several European maritime and inland
waterways authorities are actively contributing to the
The project has been distributed in two phases:
First phase – preliminary tests - (which lasted for 7
months and ended in April 2018) was aimed at
verifying the feasibility of using EGNOS as a
source for the Differential GNSS (DGNSS)
corrections to be transmitted via IALA beacons
and AIS/VDES stations. This was achieved by a set
of preliminary tests performed without signal
broadcast, but focused on the locations where
pilot projects were implemented in the second
phase of the project and with a configuration as
close as possible to the operational one. Also, the
same SW solution (provided by Alberding GmbH)
to be used for the real tests –pilot projects- was
used for the generation of the EGNOS-based
DGPS corrections (conversion from RTCA to
RTCM format) and the required integrity
verifications, ensuring the representativeness of
the preliminary tests. Due to the promising results
of this phase, GSA authorized the Consortium to
proceed to project phase 2 at the beginning of
April 2018.
Second phase – pilot projects - (lasting 10 months
and ending in January 2019) was aimed at
deploying and testing via four (4) pilot projects
the EGNOS-based solutions in various European
locations re-using as much as possible the
currently available infrastructure. Cost Benefit
Analysis were also developed and customized
(with the support of the corresponding
authorities) for the countries hosting a pilot
project. Additionally, a liability analysis was
performed in order to understand the regulatory
constraints that may apply to the proposed
solutions with the objective to achieve a
harmonized approach to be followed by Maritime
and Inland Waterways authorities.
A total of seven (7) European Maritime and
Inland Waterways (IWW) authorities have
contributed to the project, namely: CEREMA
(France), GLA (United Kingdom and Ireland),
Kystverket (Norway), MRCC (Latvia), Puertos del
Estado (Spain), RSOE (Hungary), and WSV
(Germany). Some of these authorities (MRCC,
Puertos del Estado, RSOE and WSV) have also
provided their infrastructure to host a pilot project to
demonstrate the operational performance of the
transmission of the EGNOS corrections. They have
also supported the project by providing information
to generate realistic cost benefit analysis and
reviewing their outcomes afterwards.
The paper focuses on the results achieved during
the second phase of the project, when real signal
broadcast was used.
Four (4) European scenarios have been analysed and
the most suitable architectures to transmit the
EGNOS-based VRS differential corrections have been
selected, which can be either centralised or de-
centralised. A fair combination of both IALA
beacons and AIS/VDES stations as well as maritime
and IWW domains have been chosen. The duration of
the pilot projects has been six (6) months. Data has
been collected from both static and dynamic
Figure 1. Pilot project locations and architectures/domains
From the recommended EGNOS-based architectures
detailed in [1], the following have been implemented
in the pilot projects:
Table 1. Pilot projects domains and architectures
Scenario Domain Architecture implemented
Rota IALA maritime Hybrid centralised
Koblenz AIS inland AIS centralised
Budapest AIS inland AIS centralised
Riga AIS maritime AIS decentralised – external
4.1 Hybrid centralized architecture (IALA beacon in
This solution combines a classical DGNSS station
deployed at each beacon site with a centralized
EGNOS based VRS solution. For the EGNOS-based
VRS solution (right chain in Figure 2), both the RS
and the IM stations are centralized in the “Central
Facility”, and therefore, the only infrastructure
needed at each beacon site is the communication lines
and the transmission equipment. Additionally, a
network of GNSS receivers is needed for the integrity
check. At least one receiver located within the
coverage range of each beacon transmitter and able to
transmit the GNSS raw data collected to the central
server shall be available.
On the other hand, it is noted that the network
approach results in high requirements concerning the
availability and quality of the communication links.
Figure 2. Hybrid Centralized Architecture: classical DGNSS
+ SBAS Based VRS (functional view)
As agreed with the Spanish Ports authority (PdE),
one of the GNSS receivers in the classical DGNSS
architecture (left chain in Figure 2) was also used to
monitor the signal and corrections transmitted by the
EGNOS based solution (right chain in Figure 2). Data
collected by this receiver was sent to the central
server for the integrity check.
4.2 AIS decentralized architecture – external source (AIS
station in Latvia)
In those AIS Base Stations where there is no access
(either via radio or serial connection) to the DGPS
messages provided by a IALA beacon, the
pseudorange corrections can be generated locally
using the EGNOS message (either obtained from the
EGNOS SIS or from the EDAS service).
DGNSS corrections are provided as input (via a
dedicated portFigure 4) to the AIS Base Station,
therefore, whether these corrections are received
from a traditional DGNSS stations or generated based
on EGNOS is completely transparent for the AIS Base
Taking this into account, it is not necessary to do
any change on the AIS Base Station, but just
implementing an external component that converts
the EGNOS wide area corrections in RTCA format
into local area corrections in RTCM. It is to be noted
that the SBAS message and the GPS ephemeris can be
obtained from an SBAS enabled receiver or from the
EDAS SISNeT service over the internet.
Figure 3. EGNOS-based AIS station: RS & IM block
In the Riga pilot, an SBAS enabled receiver was
used to obtain the EGNOS message. Hence, GNSS
observations collected by this receiver were used to
check the integrity of the data (note that the
observations were not used to generate the
differential corrections, and therefore, the same
receiver can be used for the corrections generation
and the integrity check).
The corrections generated by the RTCA to RTCM
converter were provided to the AIS Controller Unit in
Message Type 17 format (via the dedicated input
4.3 AIS centralized architecture (AIS station in Germany
and Hungary)
This solution consists on generating the EGNOS-
based VRS streams in a central facility. Through the
AIS Service Manager (ASM), these corrections are
then routed and sent to each AIS base station. At very
high level, the architecture of this solution is depicted
in the following diagram:
Figure 4. EGNOS-based AIS centralized architecture
Central Facility: The primary function of the
Central Facility is to compute the Pseudorange
Corrections for all the satellites above the
elevation mask. PRCs and ancillary information
(e.g. antenna location) are encoded into RTCM
10402.3 and transmitted to each beacon
transmitter site. The source for the generation of
the DGPS corrections to be broadcast by the
transmitter could be the SBAS Signal in Space or
the SBAS messages received from EDAS.
AIS Service Manager (ASM): The RTCM
corrections generated by the central facility are
transmitted to the AIS Service Manager which
converts them in an IEC 61162 VDM sentence
(discarding the preamble and parity fields) to be
then distributed to the final users by the AIS base
stations using the VDL channel. Considering that
the corrections are generated and integrity
checked in the central server, the communication
links and the protocol for the data transmission
between the central server and the ASM shall be
designed to ensure the integrity of the corrections
provided. In case of using the NTRIP protocol for
the data transmission, the TLS option could be
selected to ensure communication privacy and
data integrity.
Internally to the AIS service each correction set
will be routed to the target AIS Base Station (AIS-
PCU) by the AIS-LSS.
Monitoring Network: For the integrity
monitoring check, the Central Facility needs to
have access to GPS measurements collected from a
receiver located within the validity area of each
set of DGNSS corrections. How this data is fed in
the central facility would depend on each
particular implementation. For instance, the
NTRIP protocol designed to disseminate GNSS
raw data and differential corrections over internet
could be used to transmit the raw data from the
receiver location to the central facility. In the case
of the Koblenz and Budapest pilot projects, since a
single monitoring receiver is used, standard
TCP/IP connections are used.
4.4 Performance assessment: definitions and assumptions
Availability: percentage of time EGNOS-based
corrections are available to the user. This means
that the following failures have not been included
in this computation:
HW and SW failures related to pilot project
setup and not representative of an
operational set-up.
Malfunctions detected in the rover receiver.
Continuity: Probability that a signal failure
incident will start during the Continuity Time
Interval (CTI).
𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑢𝑖𝑡𝑦 = 1 𝐶𝑇𝐼/𝑀𝑇𝐵𝐹
where CTI is 15 minutes as stated in [4] and
MTBF is the Mean Time Between Failures
measured over two years.
For the present analysis, a failure is considered an
event when the EGNOS-based DGPS corrections
are not available for the user (after being integrity-
checked) and therefore, it is not possible to
compute a differential solution.
Accuracy: it is based only on the DGPS epochs
using EGNOS-VRS corrections marked healthy
(standalone epochs, “not-monitored” and “not-
working” epochs are excluded from the accuracy
Integrity analysis: integrity approach is based on
the Pre-Broadcast Monitoring concept. Corrections
are checked both in the pseudorange and position
domains as already explained for the preliminary
This means that:
EGNOS SiS/EDAS data gaps are taken into
account for the availability and continuity results.
Monitoring station data gaps are taken into
account for the availability and continuity results.
Transmission failures are taken into account for
the availability and continuity results.
User receiver data gaps are NOT taken into
account for the availability and continuity results.
4.5 Minimum user requirements
In order to assess the compliance with the minimum
maritime user requirements for coastal and inland
waterways navigation defined by IMO [4], a detailed
analysis of the accuracy, availability, continuity and
integrity performance has been performed for each
pilot project. According to [3], the following table
summarises the requirements specified in [4],
augmented by those described in [5]:
Figure 5. Maritime requirements based on IMO
Based on the above maritime requirements
specified by IMO and IALA, European inland
waterway navigation experts defined the following
set of requirements in the framework of the IRIS
Europe II project [6]:
Horizontal Accuracy (95%): 3 m
Availability (per 30 days): 99.8 %
Continuity (over 15 minutes): 99.97 %
Integrity Time to Alarm: 10 s
Although more stringent in terms of accuracy,
these requirements are deemed to be suitable for
inland waterways by the experts and therefore have
been taken into account in the current report.
Furthermore, according to [7]1, the continuity of
each individual reference station shall be >99.95% in
case the DGNSS service consist of areas of
overlapping coverage. Due to the relatively flat
terrain of Hungary and the dense network of AIS
Base Stations deployed along the Hungarian stretch
of the river Danube, the VHF signal of multiple AIS
Base Stations can be received at any location on the
river, including the capital Budapest. Therefore the
continuity minimum requirement of >99.95% has
been applied in this pilot project.
4.6 Performance results
The following table summarizes the results obtained
during the test campaign:
Table 2. Pilot projects performance results
Pilot Project Availability Continuity Accuracy Integrity
(95%, m)
HU (RSOE, 99.98 % 99.95 % 2.05 m Pseudorange domain: several high PRC residual error events
Budapest) affecting individual low-elevation satellites only
Position domain: 2 major events (both not-monitored) taking
several minutes each and 7 short events (most of them not-
monitored and a few no data) ranging from a few seconds to a few
DE (WSV, 99.99 % 98.95 % 1.11 m Pseudorange domain: several high PRC residual error events
Koblenz) affecting individual low-elevation satellites only.
Position domain: Lots of short events (unmonitored).
LV (MRCC, 99.83 % 98.98 % 3.60 m Pseudorange domain: No events.
Riga) Position domain: Some short events (unmonitored).
ES (PdE, 99.97% 99.38% 0.65 m No integrity events detected.
4.7 Budapest pilot project results
This pilot project has run smoothly and results have
met all the requirements set for inland navigation.
The availability and continuity performance were
impacted by two regional EGNOS performance
degradation events occurred on the 20
of October
(which lasted for about 27 minutes) and the 11
November (which lasted for approximately 11
minutes). These performance degradation events
only affected the south-east part of Europe. Accuracy
results could have been improved if a higher quality
FFM receiver with a geodetic antenna had been used
in the test.
On the other hand, during the pilot project RSOE
started transmitting differential corrections from
other AIS Base Stations that follow the classical
approach. This caused the transponder to swap from
non-EGNOS based corrections to EGNOS-based
corrections back and forth. Unfortunately, the
transponder had problems when receiving the two
sets of corrections and kept going to standalone mode
even though corrections are being transmitted from
at least one of the two locations. A firmware upgrade
recommended by the manufacturer could not be
4.8 Koblenz pilot project results
Various installation/setup issues not related with
EGNOS were solved at the beginning of the pilot
project and from there onwards the pilot has run
smoothly. The service continuity does not meet the
requirement due to frequent continuity events caused
by monitoring station data gaps and therefore not
related with the EGNOS-based corrections
themselves, but to the fact that the connection
between the monitoring station and the central server
is a simple DSL line.
It is noted that both the service level availability
and the system level accuracy results obtained during
the reporting period met the corresponding
requirements for inland navigation.
4.9 Riga pilot project results
Due to some disturbances in the area, there were
occasions when the rover transponder did not receive
corrections in time. The reason for these
transmission failures is not fully clear, but it affects
the VHF signal availability.
It is noted that both the service level availability
and the system level accuracy results obtained during
the reporting period met the corresponding
requirements for maritime navigation. Accuracy
values are slightly worse than in other pilot projects,
probably due to local interferences. It is suspected
that rover in Dzirnezers (used as Far Field Monitor) is
affected by multipath since it is installed in a metal
tower. In any case, these values could have been
improved if a higher quality FFM receiver with a
geodetic antenna had been used in the test.
The continuity requirement could not be met.
Continuity events were caused by monitoring station
data gaps (LAN communication issues) or
configuration changes (SW restarts), and therefore,
not related with the EGNOS-based corrections
4.10 Rota pilot project results
Several issues with the installation, failures on the
transmitter (allegedly due to drops in the line
voltage) and problems with the rover receiver led to
the situation where no clean statistics could be
derived for the first period of analysis (from June to
beginning of October). In October 2018, the former
receiver and the antenna were replaced by a Trimble
SPS351 DGPS/Beacon receiver and the GA530
antenna. Also, the communication line in Rota was
updated to optical fibre technology.
The new performance analysis is remarkable for
the excellent accuracy results obtained with the
newly installed Trimble receiver (horizontal error at
the 95 percentile clear below 1 meter) and also for the
high availability of the EGNOS-based corrections
computed at the central server. The continuity
computed at the Rota DGPS (service continuity) was
The two main issues affecting system availability
and system continuity (at the FFM receiver) are the
Monitoring data delay: On certain epochs, the
GNSS measurements collected by the Rota
receiver and used for the integrity check are
received in the central server with a delay greater
than 5 seconds. This makes the Alberding SW
discard these measurements and therefore,
consider the PRC corrections as not-monitored,
with the corresponding impact on the availability
and continuity performance.
Obsolete corrections broadcasting: In case of
communications data gap, the corrections
generated at the central server are received all at
once at the beacon site. This information goes
from the Euronet SW in the embedded PC to the
MSK modulator for its final transmission to the
users via radio. During this whole chain, the
timestamp of the corrections is not checked, and
therefore, the obsolete corrections that were
buffered during the network failure are
transmitted to the users. Considering the low
throughput of the radio transmission, it takes
several hours till the whole buffered data is
transmitted and the current corrections are
actually broadcasted.
4.11 Pilot projects results summary
Green cells indicate that the performance is compliant
with IMO requirements, whereas red cells indicate
the opposite. Based on these results shown above, it
is concluded that the availability of the EGNOS-
based corrections is enough to meet the 99.8%
availability requirement defined by IMO in the A.915
[5] and A.1046 [4] resolutions.
As it can be derived from the table, the most
demanding performance parameter is the service
continuity. The reason why there are red cells in the
table above is due to missing monitoring raw data to
perform the Pre-Broadcast Monitoring (PBM) check.
The missing raw data causes short continuity events
that have an impact on the parameter calculation.
These raw data gaps/delays are due to the fact that
pilot projects use conventional communication lines
(i.e. not dedicated) to transmit data from the
monitoring receiver to the central facility.
Regarding the accuracy results, it is to be noted
that the position accuracy highly depends on the
quality of the antenna and the GNSS receiver. In this
sense, the results obtained for the Rota pilot project,
where a high quality antenna and GPS receiver was
used, illustrates the performance levels that could be
obtained with an EGNOS-based solution (horizontal
position error below 1 meters at the 95 percentile).
Finally, the results yield by the integrity
monitoring module show that no single satellite
correction has been discarded due to high PRC, RRC
and only a few due to high corresponding residual
values (affecting satellites at low elevations). This
provides a quantitative measurement of the
corrections quality. If the corrections are accurate, the
differences between the geometric and the corrected
pseudorange will be low and therefore good position
accuracies will be obtained. At the position domain,
only a few events with errors exceeding the
horizontal position threshold have been detected in
the Riga pilot project.
In summary, for all cases where adequate data
was available and statistics could be computed,
EGNOS-based corrections have proved to achieve
performance levels above or closely below the
requirements set by the IMO. This is mainly due to:
the high availability of the EGNOS SiS (100% in
the period of analysis when using combined SiS),
and EDAS (only minor outages detected), and
the high quality of the corrections generated.
The goal of the CBA is to translate the proposed
technical architecture (DGNSS and EGNOS-based) of
all the considered scenarios into an effective
evaluation of costs and benefits. With this aim in
mind, a five-step methodology has been developed:
Initial scenarios
Full Scenarios
Cos t-Benefit model
Conclusions and
to Authorities
And Alberding
3 4
Figure 6. CBA methodology
The CBA builds upon a comparison (or Delta) of
costs and benefits between a reference scenario, using
traditional DGNSS infrastructure, and an EGNOS-
based scenario. These costs and benefits are mainly
originated by the difference in CAPEX and OPEX
between reference and EGNOS scenario, deriving
from different infrastructure deployment and
maintenance requirements.
In close cooperation with the participating
authorities, the consortium has developed a complete
cost-benefit model that allows to quantify potential
savings brought by EGNOS introduction in all the
scenarios and to assess the optimal deployment
strategy for maximising benefits of this transition.
More specifically, for all the scenarios analysed the
results have been the following:
Table 3. Phase 2 CBA results
Port Authority/ Domain Reference Scenario EGNOS Option Total Savings percentage
State Architecture Architecture Savings (EGNOS Option vs
Reference Scenario)
MRCC/Latvia Maritime AIS decentralised AIS centralised 0,19 Mln Eur 52%
Puertos del Estado/ Maritime IALA decentralised IALA centralised 1,8 Mln Eur 28%
Spain (Hybrid Centralised)
RSOE/Hungary IWW AIS centralised AIS centralised 0,80 Mln Eur 19%
WSV/Germany IWW AIS centralised AIS centralised 0,36 Mln Eur 5%
In Latvia, EGNOS could bring considerable added
value in the transmission of corrections over the AIS
Network; through centralisation, the EGNOS-based
centralised option allows a notable amount of savings
in comparison to the Reference Scenario. This
happens since the CAPEX and OPEX for the central
server and IM Stations in the EGNOS option are
lower than the purchase costs of the required beacon
stations to generate corrections in the reference
scenario (no IALA beacons are available in Latvia).
EGNOS could also provide benefits to the
rationalisation and modernisation of the IALA
Network in Spain. The adoption of EGNOS allows
benefits both in CAPEX and in OPEX. This happens
since the setup costs for the central server and the
purchase costs of IM stations in the EGNOS option
are lower than the purchase costs of redundant
traditional IALA beacons in the reference scenario,
even taking into account that the proposed EGNOS
based options are not fully centralised and maintain
some decentralised components (especially for
remote broadcast sites where reliable
communications may not be available).
In Hungary, EGNOS could provide considerable
benefits in the transmission of corrections over the
AIS Network. Specifically, the CAPEX and OPEX for
the central server and the additional IM Stations
needed in the EGNOS option are lower than the
purchase costs of DRS and IMS in the reference
scenario. Besides cost advantages, the EGNOS
solution foresees the generation of more localized sets
of corrections for the AIS Base Stations (one set for a
group of 3 stations with EGNOS versus one set for a
group of 5 stations with DGNSS), providing
additional operational benefits (performance
Finally, in Germany, the introduction of EGNOS
could provide some benefits as well, since the
purchase costs of IM Stations in the EGNOS option
are lower than the purchase costs of RS in the
reference scenario. It should be noted that in this case
economic benefits are more limited. This is mainly
due to the fact that the primary German system is
already based on centralised approach (not EGNOS
based), being already quite optimized from a
cost/infrastructure point of view. In this case, the
inclusion of EGNOS is expected to bring significant
benefits in terms of robustness/redundancy.
The project has also identified some operational
benefits obtained when a centralized EGNOS-based
solution is implemented, namely:
Reduction of spares and maintenance effort: The
rationalization of the infrastructure permits to rely
on a more agile and lighter architecture, consisting
on a smaller number of devices and tools, also for
maintenance purposes. In return, this derives on a
reduced number of man-days effort required to
perform the maintenance activities.
Increased infrastructure robustness against RF
interferences (jamming/spoofing): In an EGNOS-
based centralized architecture Reference Stations
(RS) do not exist and hence, they cannot be
jammed or spoofed. Only Integrity Monitoring
Stations (IMS) can suffer this attack, which can be
minimized by adding redundant IMS. In
traditional DGNSS systems, however, since
normally both RS and IMS are co-located, they can
be equally jammed/spoofed.
Increased infrastructure robustness against
failures: When EGNOS is used in combination
with traditional DGNSS (hybrid solution), EGNOS
introduces redundancy on the source of the
corrections. Furthermore, EGNOS corrections can
be obtained via a double source: SiS or EDAS. This
implies that, when a source of corrections fails, the
system can automatically switch to a different
source to avoid service interruption. Thus, the
system is more robust to potential malfunctions
coming either from: HW failures, SW failures and
communication lines failures.
Synergies between IALA and AIS systems: A
centralised EGNOS solution could increase
synergies between IALA and AIS systems, since
the central server could generate corrections for
both systems in an efficient way thanks to the VRS
concept. These synergies could in return decrease
the costs of generating corrections to be
broadcasted by both systems.
Enhanced integrity at system level: EGNOS
corrections contain integrity alerts either in the
Integrity Information Message (MT6) or the Fast
Corrections Messages (MT2 to MT5 and MT24).
The application SW will map these integrity alerts
into DGNSS RTCM format for transmission by
either setting the DGNSS MT1/9 PRC field to
binary 1000 0000 0000 0000 (which means this
satellite cannot be used for the navigation
solution) or even, when the alert condition affects
all satellites, by setting the Station Health field to
“not working”. On top of the EGNOS integrity
check, the DGNSS system will continue providing
alerts also at integrity monitoring level, as they
currently do.
A set of recommendations have been derived from
the project, both for the National Competent
Authorities (NCA) interested in implementing a
similar solution as well as for the GSA. Some of these
recommendations are as follows:
1 On the grounds of the outcomes of this project,
NCAs are invited to carry out custom-built
technical and Cost Benefit Analysis to evaluate the
feasibility and benefits of using an EGNOS-based
solution. The analysis should be particularized to
their existing infrastructure, the typography of
their country as well as the EGNOS coverage area.
2 GSA should try to push investigation of some
outstanding issues at IALA level related to AIS,
such as cross-borders coordination between
countries and the fact that there is no body at
European/International level to control the time
slots used by AIS.
3 GSA should contribute to the generation of a full-
European model to provide AtoN services based
on EGNOS, perhaps through the development of
more pilot projects to gain further understanding
of the benefits of EGNOS at country level.
4 GSA should also continue supporting the
investigation on the transmission of EGNOS-
based corrections through VDES.
The project has demonstrated that EGNOS
corrections, when retransmitted by existing IALA
beacons and/or AIS Base Stations, perform in a very
similar way as traditional DGNSS solutions and can
yield important savings to authorities due to a
rationalization of the infrastructure required at the
transmitter sites.
This kind of solution also presents benefits, such
as increased infrastructure robustness (against
jamming and spoofing events and infrastructure
failures), reduction of maintenance costs and an
enhanced user integrity at system level.
In order to avoid gaps in the monitoring raw data
due to communication problems, it is recommended
to increase redundancy in the communication means
by either (a) relying on a network of monitoring
stations in the service area, and/or (b) diversifying the
data links. This is the reason why it is highly
advisable to make use of already available public
GNSS data networks to minimise costs when adding
this redundancy.
The results of the project have increased the
EGNOS awareness among the maritime and the IWW
communities, and are expected to act as a catalyst for
the adoption of EGNOS in other sites and countries.
The authors would like to acknowledge the European
GNSS Agency (GSA) for their initiatives and efforts to
analyze the potential of EDAS/EGNOS SiS to support the
maritime community as a promising alternative for
maritime navigation infrastructure modernization and
The authors would also like to thank the seven European
authorities involved in the project for their contributions
and for giving us the possibility of using part of their
infrastructure to deploy a pilot project.
[1] IALA Guideline G1129 “The retransmission of SBAS
corrections using MF RB and AIS” – Edition 1 -
December 2017
[2] RTCM 10401.2 Recommended Standards for Differential
Navstar GPS Reference Stations and Integrity Monitors
(RSIM), December 18, 2006
[3] Performance and Monitoring of DGNSS Services in the
Frequency Band 283.5 – 325 kHz, IALA Guideline 1112
[4] IMO Resolution A.1046, Worldwide Radionavigation
[5] IMO Resolution A.915 (22) “Revised maritime policy
and requirements for a future global navigation satellite
system (GNSS)”.
[6] Determination and verification of accuracy
requirements, IRIS EUROPE II (Implementation of
River Information Services in Europe) sub-activity 2.2
report, v1p0 final, 18 October 2010
[7] Performance and Monitoring of DGNSS Services in the
Frequency Band 283.5 – 325 kHz, IALA Guideline 1112