International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 6
Number 4
December 2012
The Under Water Speaker (UWS) has been installed
on the hydrofoils (HF) for avoiding the collisions
with large cetaceans. However, its utility is still
uncertain whether the sound produced by the UWS
corresponds to the audible range of major large
cetaceans. This is a major reason why we conduct
the present study which explores the way to improve
the UWS from biological aspects. Under the present
research project, we examined three sub-projects:
1.1 Characteristics of the HF underwater noise
One of the reasons of the collision is considered that
the HF underwater noise is possibly hard for
cetaceans to recognize approaching vessel. It is
probably because the noise level is too low and
hardly transmits to a long distance. Therefore we
analyze the characteristics of the HF underwater
1.2 Assessing audibility by measuring of
The UWS should be improved to prevent the
collision incorporating with the audible range of
causal cetaceans. Currently, there are no direct
measures of audible range for any large cetaceans
because they cannot be investigated with
conventional audiometric techniques of
psychoacoustical or electrophysiological analysis.
However, the audible range can be assessed by
vocalization, as to correspond the dominant
frequencies of the vocalization (e.g. calls) to the
most sensitive region of receptor system in
vertebrate taxa (Green and Marler 1979). Shakata et
al. (2008) identified sperm whale (Physeter
macrocephalus), Baird's beaked whale (Berardius
Estimation on Audibility of Large Cetaceans
for Improvement of the Under Water Speaker
H. Yamada, L. Kagami, Y. Yonehara, H. Matsunaga, & H. Kato
Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Tokyo, Japan
M. Terada
KHI JPS Co., Ltd., Kobe, Japan
R. Takahashi
Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd., Kobe, Japan
K. Okanoya
RIKEN Brain Science Institute, Wako, Japan
T. Kawamoto
Tsurumi University, Yokohama, Japan
ABSTRACT: In order to avoid collisions between the hydrofoil (HF) and cetaceans, the Under Water Speaker
(UWS) has been installed on the HF.
Because of its potential in utility, we tried to improve the UWS to
minimize the risk of the collisions. Under our project, we examined three subprojects; 1) Analyzing the
characteristics of the HF underwater noise; 2) Assessing audibility of major large cetaceans by measuring
their vocalizations and 3) An anatomical prediction of the audible range by examining the cochlear basal
membrane. Through the analyses, it was identified that the noise produced by the HF was a broad-band noise
with approximately 150dB re 1μPa-m.That noise level was lower than those of larger boats suggesting
difficulties for cetaceans in sensing approach of the vessels. In addition, analysis of their vocalizations and
anatomical obervation indicated that dominant frequency of their audible range was lower than signals
produced by the existing UWS.
bairdii), common minke whale (Balaenoptera
acutorostrata), Bryde's whale (Balaenoptera edeni)
as possible causal species of the collision on the sea
route of the HF in Japanese water. Among these
species, we chose to sample the vocalization of
sperm whale and Brydes whale since relatively
easier to record their vocalizations in Japanese
water. Based on the recorded vocalization, we
assessed the audible range of these species.
1.3 Anatomical Predictions of the Audible range
Alternatively, a comparative anatomy approach is
the useful way to estimate the audible range because
anatomical structure of inner ear correlates to
frequency range in multiple mammalian species
(Echteler et al., 1994). In particular, the cochlear
configuration and thickness to width (T/W) ratios of
the basilar membrane in inner ear are consistent with
the maximal and minimum frequencies for each
cetacean species (Ketten and Wartzok, 1990). This
study estimates the audible range of common minke
whales and Baird's beaked whale by describing the
anatomy of their inner ears and applying the model
described by Ketten (2000).
2.1 Characteristics of the HF underwater noise
Underwater noise of the HF, SUISEI: 169gt.
LOA31.2m (Owned by Sado Kisen Co.,Ltd.), was
recorded during its cruise at service speed (38-39kn)
from a small vessel at a distance of 100m.
Recordings were made using a OKI SEATEC
model OST2130 (frequency response 10Hz to
100kHz) omnidirectional hydrophone has sensitivity
of approximately -174±3dB re 1V/μPa with 10m
cable. It was connected via pre-amplifiers
(frequency response from 20Hz to 20kHz), on a
Sony PCM-D50 digital recorder (16bit 44.1 kHz)
and OKI SEATEC OST4100 Hydroacoustic
analyzer which was used to analyze the sound
source level. This recording chain had a flat
frequency response from 20Hz to 20 kHz. The HF
underwater noise was assessed by 1/3-octave bands
analysis using Avisoft SASLab Pro (Avisoft
Bioacoustics, Germany.Ver.4.1.) because noise
levels in 1/3-octave bands are useful in interpreting
noise effects on animals. The estimated source levels
of underwater noise (at 1m) of the HF were
calibrated by Transmission Loss and Absorption
Loss (Francois & Garrison1982).
2.2 Assessing audibility by measuring of
Bryde’s whale sounds were recorded in the waters of
Kochi on the south western coast of Japan (32º40' to
33º2'N, 133º00' to 133º13'E) for five days in mid-
October, 2008. The study area ranged from the south
coasts out to approximately 30km (16 nmi) of the
shore. We chartered a fishing-boat for recording.
When cetaceans were sighted, the boat approached
to confirm species and school size and to collect
other relevant information. When sighting Brydes
whale, the hydrophone was thrown in water and
started recording. Signals were recorded with a OKI
SEATEC model OST2130 omnidirectional
hydrophone with 15m cable, connected via pre-
amplifiers (frequency response 20Hz to 20kHz), on
a Sony PCM-D50 digital recorder(16bit 44.1 kHz).
This recording chain had a flat frequency response
from 20Hz to 20 kHz. The acoustic characteristics of
phrases were examined by using the analysis
software Avisoft SASLab Pro, with spectrogram
parameters of 512-point FFT size, 75.0% overlap,
and Hamming window. The vocalization was
analyzed based on the following parameters;
duration, peak frequency, and fundamental
frequency of element.
Sperm whale sounds were recorded off the
southeastern coast of Chichijima, the Bonin
(Ogasawara) Islands (26º55' to 27 º05 'N, 142º11' to
142º24'E) for eight days in September, 2009. We
chartered a fishing-boat for recording. When sperm
whales were sighted the boat approached to confirm
school size and to collect other relevant information.
When sighting sperm whale, the hydrophone was
thrown in water and their vocalization was recorded.
Signals were recorded with recording system
described above in Bryde’s whale sounds recording.
2.3 Anatomical Predictions of the audible range
Ear bones of 9 specimens of common minke whales
(9 individuals) and 6 of Baird's beaked whales (3
individuals) were collected (under cooperation with
The Institute of Cetacean Research, Tokyo Japan
and National Research Institute of FarSeas Fisheries,
Yokohama Japan) and analyzed. Ears were frozen
shortly after the collection and placed in a buffered
10% formalin solution. All ears were scanned by the
nuclear magnetic resonator (NMR) (Bruker Bio Spin
AVANCE 400WB) to measure the cochlear
configuration. The ears were decalcified in 5%
formic acid for three weeks and processed into slides
10-μm cryosections by the Kawamoto film-
sectioning method (Cryofilm transfer kit; Leica
Microsystems) (Kawamoto 2003). Every 10
was stained with hematoxylin and eosin and
mounted. Basilar membranes were shown by a laser
scanning microscope Olympus Model FV1000 at a
×10 (width) × 20 (thickness) objective
magnifications with a scale and ocular calibrated
scale for measurements. The basilar membranes
were measured for width and thickness using ImageJ
(National Institutes of Health, USA. Ver.1.43.).
3.1 Characteristics of the HF underwater noise
Underwater noise of the HF was a “broadband
sound with energy spread continuously over a range
of frequencies.
10 100
1000 10000
5m Zodiac
34m Diesel
7.3m Outdr
Frequency (Hz)
1/3-OB Level (dB re 1
Figure 1. Estimated 1/3-octave source levels of underwater
noise (at 1m) of the HF and other vessels summaries of
Richardson et al.(1995).
Source levels at 1m were estimated by cylindrical
spreading transmission loss TLc = 10log r (dB) and
absorption loss (Francois & Garrison1982) with
distance from source (100m), water depth (88.8m),
water temperature (19°C), salinity (35‰), pH (8).
As a result, the estimated source level was 146.3±2.6
dB re 1μPa-m(Mean±SD) with peak sound level of
151.4 dB re 1μPa-m at 6,300Hz. The sound level of
the HF was almost equal to that of small ships
3.2 Assessing audibility by measuring of
48 biological sounds estimated to be emitted by
Brydes whale were recorded during a total of
8h24m15s recording time. We judged whether
sounds were emitted by Brydes whale based on the
following two points, 1) any marine animals other
than Bryde's whale were not visually-observed
during recordings, 2) these sounds showed
similarities to Bryde’s whale vocalizations described
by Oleson et al. (2003). These sounds were assigned
to two categories: a) swept tonal call, b) harmonics
call (Fig.2).
1 Swept tonal call [Fig.2(a)] was detected 46/48
calls. Table 1 indicates a summary of the quanti-
tative parameters of this call type. These calls
were tonal and frequency modulated sounds char-
acterized by an arch-like structure and no repeti-
tion. The mean peak frequency of these calls was
269.9Hz±71.3 (mean±SD) ranging from 131.6Hz
to 373.4Hz. The mean duration for this call type
was 0.71 s±0.30 (mean±SD). This type calls were
first recorded off the coast of Japan.
Figure 2. Envelope curves and spectrograms of two phrase
types attributed to Bryde’s whales in Japan. (a) Swept tonal
call (b) Harmonics call. Both spectrograms were made with a
512-point FFT, 75.0% overlap, and Hamming window.
2 Harmonics call [Fig.2 (b)] was detected only 2/48
calls in this study. The calls included higher-
frequency harmonics [fundamental frequency
78.5(74.0-83.0) Hz] than these reported by Ole-
son et al. (2003) (approximately 45Hz). The
mean of duration for this call type was 0.28 (0.17-
0.39) s.
A total of 12547 clicks of sperm whales were
recorded during a total of 7h20m23s recording time
(Fig.3). Table 1 indicates a summary of the
quantitative parameters of clicks. The peak
frequency of the clicks was 3174Hz (geometric
mean, 95% Cl 3140-3208). The duration of the
individual pulses within a click is
9.27±0.05ms(Mean±SD). The recorded levels of the
clicks were approximately 150 dB re 1μPa.
Figure 3. Envelope curves and spectrograms of the clicks of
sperm whales. Spectrograms were made with a 512-point FFT,
75.0% overlap, and Hamming window.
Table1. Frequency quantitative parameters for vocalization.
Species Sound Frequency Peak
(Whale) type Range(Hz) Frequency(Hz)
Brydes Swept tonal call 131.6-373.4 269.9±71.3
whales (n=46) (Mean±SD)
Harmonics call 250.0-293.0 271.5
(n=2) (Mean)
Sperm Clicks 1870-4780 3174
Whales (n=12581) (3140-3208)
(GM, 95% Cl)
3.3 Anatomical Predictions of the audible range
Initial surveys of cochlear dimensions from NMR
images showed that common mike whales cochlear
were type M while Baird's beaked whales cochlear
were type II (Ketten 2000) (Fig.4a). Furthermore we
measured the cochlea length and other cochlea
configurations shown in Table 2. It took
approximately 3 weeks to complete decalcification
of the cochlear. The Kawamoto film-sectioning
method allowed the best preparation of thin sections
from specimens of the cochlear (Fig 4b). All
specimens had measurable intact basilar membranes
in apex and base region of the cochlea(Fig 4c).
Table 2 shows the thickness/width ratios and
estimated frequency of the audible range for each
species from the data using the model described in
Ketten (2000).
Figure 4. Images of cochlea from Baird's beaked whales. a) A
three-dimensional reconstruction by NMR. b) Images from
histology slide preparations. c) The basilar membrane(arrow)
of the cochlea basal turn (20×)
Table 2. The cochlear spiral and the basilar membrane
measurements, and predicted frequency of the audible range
from the measurements [the model described in Ketten (2000)].
Species Common minke Baird's beaked
whales (n=9, whales (n=6,
9individuals) 3individuals)
Number of turns 2.32(±0.09) 2.08(±0.09)
Membrane Length(mm) 54.82(±2.20) 54.44(±2.35)
Basal diameter (mm) 12.36(±0.83) 16.14(±2.35)
Axial height (mm) 7.36(±0.55) 7.66(±1.09)
Membrane Thickness
Base/Apex (μm) 9.0/5.4 15.9/13.5
Membrane Width
Base/Apex (μm) 171.4/1128.0 142.4/304.5
T/W ratio
Base/Apex 0.0525/0.0098 0.1568/0.020
Predicted Frequency (kHz) 15.93/0.12 33.09/0.27
Large cetaceans response to sound level higher than
from 110 to 170dB re 1μPa (Richardson et al 1995),
and it requires 170dB re 1μPa to trigger a strong
reaction when they are away from the source
(Akamatsu 1993). Since the HF cruising sound level
at 100m from source had 126.3dB re 1μPa (source
level 146.3 (±2.6) dB re 1μPa-m) was probably too
low to make whales react to the sound. In addition,
peak frequency of the HF may be higher (6.3 kHz)
than sensitive hearing of large cetaceans. Therefore,
it is necessary to install the UWS that effectively
produces sounds that make whales recognize the
approaching the HF.
Because it is to correspond the dominant
frequencies of the vocalization to the most sensitive
region of receptor system in vertebrate taxa (Green
and Marler 1979), the present study assessed the
dominant audible ranges for each whale as follows;
Bryde’s whales 0.1-0.4kHz, sperm whales1.9-
Alternatively, an anatomical structure of inner ear
correlates to the maximal and minimum frequency
of the audible range in each cetacean species (Ketten
and Wartzok, 1990). Therefore the audible ranges for
each whale were predicted as follows; common
minke wahles: 0.1-15.9kHz and Baird's beaked
Thus, it is considered that the existing the UWS
(6-20kHz) is necessary to be modified to produce
the lower frequency down to less than 15.9kHz for
common minke whales, to less than 0.4kHz Brydes
whales, and between 1.9 to 4.8kHz for sperm whale.
As for Baird's beaked whales, predicted audible
rangea are well inside of those by the existing UWS.
However the vocal frequency for Brydes whales is
fur below of to lower band by the UWS. The gaps
are thought to be technically difficult to fill up.
Because the frequency of vocalization is certainly
within the audible range and the practical audible
range is much wider, this must be investigated by
further examination through anatomical approach
mention above.
For further study, it is necessary to improve the
acoustic property of the UWS based on the sound
known to have a repellent effect against large
cetaceans within the frequency range shown in this
The HF noise level was probably too low to make
whales react. Therefore, it is necessary to install the
UWS effectively. Based on vocalizations and
anatomical observation, it is considered that the
existing the UWS (6-20kHz) is necessary to be
modified to produce the lower frequency down to
less than 15.9kHz for common minke whales, to less
than 0.4kHz Brydes whales, and between 1.9 to
4.8kHz for sperm whale.
We would like to special thank for supporting for
investigation Sado Kisen Co., Ltd. Ougata-cyou
Yugyo-sensyukai (Whale watching association),
Ogasawara whale watching association and
Ogasawara Marine Center. Special thanks to Ms. M.
Yamaguchi and Mr. A. Nakajima, who helped us
recording of sperm whales. Key specimens provided
by the Institute of Cetacean Research and National
Research Institute of FarSeas Fisheries. Thanks to
Laboratory of Maine Biology, Tokyo University of
Marine Science and Technology and
Biolinguistics,RIKEN Brain Science Institute. This
work supported by Kawasaki Heavy Industries
Co.,Ltd and KHI JPS Co., Ltd.,.
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