International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 6
Number 4
December 2012
Already in 2005 the Parliamentary Committee on
Economic Affairs has raised the issue of increasing
Europe's energy dependence. The consequences of
this dependence on imported energy resources have
proven most obvious in January 2006 and 2009
when natural gas supplies from Russia via Ukraine
were dramatically limited and have become an
instrument of political respectively economics
pressure. Even these cases confirm the fact, that
energy security is one of the key conditions of
smooth States functioning and globalization is
essential to ensure the competitiveness of European
economies. At present, only few European countries
are energy self-sufficient: only Denmark, Norway,
Russian Federation and United Kingdom produce
more energy than they consume.
Efforts of European countries is to use as much as
possible a wide range of domestic energy sources,
but most of countries are reliant on imported oil and
natural gas. In this context, it is a considerable
problem for several countries of Central and Eastern
Europe, which are absolute dependent on imported
oil and gas from one supplier.
Natural gas is the world's second largest energy
source. Its share in total energy consumption is now
23% per year, with its growth average of 1.6% per
year. Experts estimate the state of natural gas
reserves about 511 000 billion cubic meters with a
lifetime of up to 200 years. However, there are three
types of natural gas sources: proven natural gas
reserves, probable natural gas reserves and potential
natural gas reserves. There is a proven natural gas
resource about 164 000 cubic meters, which its
mining is currently available by nowadays economic
and technical means with deliverability till 2060.
71.7% of these sources are in land and the rest
28.3% in marine shelves.
Probable reserves are reserves discovered on
bearing, exhibiting a very high probability that they
will be exploitable by economic and technical
conditions similar to those in proven natural gas
reserves. Bearings are not technically equipped yet.
In addition to the category of proven natural gas
reserves, with high probability, we may count with
River Sea Technology in Transport of Energy
T. Kalina & P. Piala
University of Zilina, Slovakia
ABSTRACT: One of the key conditions to the smooth functioning of the state is its energy security. Most
countries in Central and Eastern Europe are dependent on imported energy raw materials from one supplier.
In connection with the growing importance of diversification of energy products, technologies and supply
routes. Security of supply of strategic energy resources can be better ensured by using far less preferred
alternatives. An example would be the use of inland waterways for delivery of energy products to the end
consumers and enabling deliv
eries to places where the geographical, demographic or environmental
specificities do not use traditional means.
probable reserves. Just because of second resources
category sectional transfer into the proven natural
gas reserves, there is a still growing amount of
proven natural gas reserve and its “lifetime”. The
probable natural gas reserves represent more than
374 000 billion cubic meters. World gas reserve (the
information of the International Gas Union), taking
into account consumption and deliverability of
proven and probable natural gas reserves, is 12 to
152 years.
Even EU countries adapt to the general trend of
replacing fossil fuels such as coal, lignite and oil
well by environmentally more friendly natural gas.
The Majority share of the consumed gas in Europe
comes from British, Dutch, Italian, Romanian,
German and Danish resources. The significant part
of the total gas imports come from Russia, Norway
and Algeria.
One of the aims of European policy is to diversify
sources of energy and transport routes. The most
discussed is just the gas. The European Union
supports the construction of the Nabucco pipeline,
which is considered as a strategically important
energy project. Nevertheless, its development is
hampered by lack of funds and weak political
pressure. Nabucco should have a length of 3400
kilometers and through Turkey, Romania, Bulgaria,
Hungary and Austria it should deliver annually 31
bilion cubic meters of natural gas from Central Asia
to the EU. Similarly, the BTC pipeline (Baku-
Tbilisi-Ceyhan), bypassing Russian territory. It
should be completed in 2013, but it faces fierce
competition from the planned South Stream pipeline,
which develops the Russian Gazprom. The
contracted amount of gas, investments, and also
agreements with South stream transport countries is
the project South stream considerably further than
the Nabucco. Even, there were speculations that both
projects could be linked together.
The Imports of Russian gas represents about 26%
of the total consumption of EU countries. For
Central and Eastern Europe, Russian gas is 87% of
total imports. For example Slovakia, Estonia, Latvia,
Finland and Lithuania depend on 100% import from
Russia, Bulgaria and Czech Republic Russian gas
covers 94% or 82% of their consumption. In terms
of energy for the EU is the primary effort to
maintain access to Algerian natural gas reserves,
which could reduce dependence on Russia. Algeria's
economy is heavily dependent on exports of
hydrocarbons (oil and natural gas) what make up
97% of exports, contributing 30% of GDP and
finance 65% of the budget. EU imports 62.7% of
Algerian exports, what is 58% of total EU natural
gas imports. The weakest link in the chain of gas
path from source to final consumer is a long haul.
Current technology for transporting natural gas
allows long distances through pipelines or tankers in
liquefied form. Wide branched European network of
pipelines is preferred within the continental gas
transport. In the recent past, it was annexed to the
undersea pipeline connecting with the sites of
customers in North Africa. (Melčák, 2010)
Most gas from Algeria and Nigeria to Europe is
transported in compressed form (CNG, PNG) by sea
tankers into offshore terminals, followed by
distribution pipelines, marine, rail and road tankers.
Transhipment and storage capacity of most of these
terminals is already at its limits. The solution is
either construction of the new ones or substantial
increase in inland traffic flows. An appropriate
alternative also could be to carry liquefied natural
gas (LPG).
Already today, liquefied natural gas contributed
26% of the total trade in gas. Terminals for liquefied
natural gas are located in countries with large natural
gas reserves. For example: Algeria, Australia,
Brunei, Indonesia, Libya, Nigeria, Oman and Qatar.
The whole process of natural gas liquefaction is
energy-intensive. Energy needed for liquefaction of
natural gas equals 1/3 energy of gas liquefaction.
However, the liquefaction of gas will achieve a
substantial simplification of his carriage. The big
advantage is the reduction of its volume in the
liquefaction process: one liter of LNG is
approximately 600 liters of gas in its natural form,
and low storage pressure (up to 5 bar) compared to
200 bar pressure in transport compressed gas in
normal tubular pressure tanks.
In 2005, there about 50 for LPG import terminals,
worldwide. The biggest receiving terminals in the
world are located in Japan, which covers more than
half of the global trade in LNG. In Europe, eight
countries - Belgium, France, Italy, Norway,
Portugal, Spain, Turkey and Great Britain has at
least one terminal for processing and storage of
imported LPG. France occupies the first place,
which imports from Algeria 10 billion cubic meters
of gas annually. Further extension of the network of
European import terminals are planned or just under
LNG transportation safety could be assessed from
two views. The first is the danger of explosion and
subsequent fire. The second is the environmental
aspect. LNG is transported at low pressure. Because
of its low temperature, the gas is transported in
double-wall tanks with vacuum Perlite insulation.
Perfect insulation protects contents from heat and
pressure, even if the container gets into fire and lose
vacuum. There are known cases where cars
transporting the LNG were burnt due to a
malfunction of electrical installations, but the tank
remained intact. Tanks are designed according to the
regulations so they withstand even external fire.
There had been no accident relative to explosion or
fire in the content of LNG tankers.
There are not known any maritime disasters LNG
tankers, which currently operates about 200, or
several dozen river LNG tankers, which operates
within Europe, in contrast with oil tankers.
Compared with diesel and petrol, LNG is
significantly safer, but it does not mean that LNG
transport is completely safe. It may occur that large
LNG amounts can escape from the ship into water.
In that case RPT (rapitphasetransition) effect occur.
If the liquefied gas, which has a temperature of
about -163 ° C will suddenly appears in a warmer
ambient temperature, the liquefied natural gas will
quickly change over to gas. During this transition
occurs massive release of energy, which may cause
an explosion.
Ignition of liquefied natural gas needs
evaporation in a significant heat input and
consequently it is possible to ignite its mixture with
air, but only in a narrow range of concentrations
from 5 to 15% at 280°C ignition, which is
considerably higher value as in the case of gasoline
or diesel. Prevention of such cases is associated not
only with designing ships for transporting LPG, but
also employing skilled crews, trained specifically for
such shipments.
Neither from the environmental considerations,
LNG transport does not represent increased risk.
When the tanker accidents, there is not direct water
damage by gas, because it does not accumulate in
the water. Damage results from the possible leakage
of chemicals or oils, which are necessary for the
operation of the vessel, not directly from the cargo
content of the LNG tanker. From this perspective,
the LNG tanker accident is comparable to any ship
transporting cargo safe. Contrary, the part load is
vaporized, it is estimated from 0.1% to 0.25% of
total amount daily, it can be effectively used as fuel
for the vessel. Thanks to that may be used up to
100% of this gas. (Chrz, 2009)
The most of the transport capacity of the current
fleet of transoceanic ships carrying liquefied natural
gas is made up of tankers with a capacity of 120,000
to 140,000 m
. Construction of these ships is
very complex and technologically demanding. Just
only ten producers from all over the world have
substantial experience with structures of this type.
These include Finland (Kvaerner Masa), Germany
(HDW), Italy (ItalcantieriGenoa, ItalcantieriSistri),
France (Atlantique, La Ciotat, La Seine, La Trait),
Japan (IHI Chita, ImabariHigaki, Imamura, Sakaide
Kawasaki, Mitsubishi Nagasaki, NKK Tsu) North
Korea (DaewooHanjin, Hyundai, Samsung),
Netherlands (Bijlsma), Norway (MossMoss,
MossStavanger), Spain (Astana, IZAR PuertoReal,
IZAR Sestao), USA (GD Quincy).
Use of inland waterways for transportation of
LNG is particularly relevant for landlocked
countries of Central and Eastern Europe. Network of
inland waterways of the European Union consists of
approximately 37 000 km navigable rivers and
canals. Interlinking Danube, Main and the Rhine by
trans-European waterway was obtained connection
of the Black and North Sea with a direct connection
to a branched network of waterways of western
France, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Germany and the
Netherlands. This waterway has become one of the
infra-structural priorities of European transport
projects, taken within the European transport policy.
The decisive goal of this priority is full of this
important navigable waterway so that vessels can be
transferred once as a group of goods from the North
Sea to the Black Sea on the minimum weight of
3000 tons. Overall, the EU has earmarked for this
task, the amount of 1 889 million and from it 180
million € for the route Vienna Bratislava. A
significant amount is expected to use on the Lower
Danube for removing ford sections with regard to
the transport of heavy bulk items and also items
containing dangerous cargo. An equally important
activity for the Central European region in this
direction is the effort to link the Danube with the
North and Baltic Sea by canals and rivers Elbe and
Oder. Czech, Slovak and Austrian investors,
promote the implementation of project canal Danube
- Oder - Elbe in the trans-EU and the European
Agreement on main inland waterways of
international importance. The aim of this project is
connect the missing link in the waterway network
and its implementation would allow countries of the
region to maximize the gains from trade, including
the extension of facilities for transportation of such
commodities, such as LNG.
Vessels for LNG transportation by inland
waterways have a capacity of 2000 - 4000 m
equivalent to 1.2 to 2.4 million m
of natural gas.
Restrictions on the transport of liquefied natural gas
associated with a sufficient bridges clearance on the
waterway. Given the low density of LNG (0.45 t /
) issue draft of the vessel is negligible.
Maybe there is room for recovery in the recently
neglected mixed river - sea technology, whose
philosophy is based on the elimination of boundaries
between sea and river, which means elimination of
transhipment from marine vessels onto river vessels
and back. The removing just one transhipment
brings considerable economic and time savings. In
this case there is no need to build (on the route) any
pumping equipment and the ship can navigate from
dispatch (liquefying terminal) to a port of
destination. By conducted research can be concluded
that the use of technology "river - sea" in
comparison with separate technologies, "inland
navigation" and "maritime navigation" is possible to
reduce transport costs about 10% to 15%. Positive
effects of this technology appear in connection with
the organization of transport, particularly when they
are introduced by providing logistical technological
scheme "house to house".(Klepoch & Žarnay, 1998)
At the various international meetings relating to the
further development of cooperation among the
member countries of the Economic Commission for
Europe (ECE) in the context of the AGN
Agreement, attention is always given to the
important role of river-sea navigation in developing
the Pan-European inland navigation market. A
number of studies suggest that the establishment of
efficient coastal routes would have the following
benefits: Transfer of foreign-trade freight traffic to
river shipping; Completing the circle, currently
broken in places, of category E waterways, linking
the deep waterways of the European part of Russia
to the network of European waterways of
international significance and establishing a pan-
European ring of trunk waterways around the whole
of Europe; More effective use of the Rhine-Main-
Danube trans-European trunk waterway and the pan-
European transport corridors; Rendering transport
operations more environmentally friendly and
economically advantageous, since freight will be
conveyed by inland waterways directly into the
hinterland; Use of new transport and fleet
management technologies and closer cooperation
among the member countries of ECE in these
matters; Promoting river-sea navigation on the
waterways of France, Portugal, Spain and Italy.
The sea section of Don-Dnieper-Danube route is
already widely used by Ukrainian and Russian
combined river-sea navigation vessels, thanks to the
favourable navigation and hydro meteorological
conditions along the route during most of the year.
Both in Ukraine and in Russia, river-sea vessels
have basically been constructed in accordance with
the class rules set down in the register of inland
navigation vessels in the Russian Federation (the
Russian River Register), although there are also a
number of models of river-sea vessels which have
been built to classes of the Russian maritime register
and those of other classification societies.
Thought the closed circuit pan-European
waterway system lays also at western part of Europe,
the river-sea navigation does not have any tradition
there, except in Netherlands. The most of
classification organisations of Europe, Germanisher
Lloyd, Norske Veritas or Buro Veritas does not have
any vessel class designed for mixed river-sea
navigation. They have very sophisticated system of
classification, but only for river, or maritime vessels.
In the report of the standardization of ships and
inland waterways for river-sea navigation, the
Permanent International Association of Navigational
Congresses (PIANC) recommended the following
classes of vessels:
Table 1 Recommendation of basic dimensions of new
conception river-sea vessels
sea class
Maximum permissible dimensions
of vessels
3.5 or 4.5
7 or 9.1
3.5 or 4.5
> 9.1
> 9.1
In fact, the Russian and Ukrainian vessel types
listed above correspond fairly closely to those
suggested by PIANC, although a draught of 4.5
metres is unacceptable for the inland waterways
along the route in question. Most of the river-sea
vessels operated in the Russian Federation and
Ukraine do not fully comply with all the height and
draught limitations on certain waterways along the
route of the future waterway ring around Europe.
Accordingly, there is a need to develop new types of
river-sea vessels with dimensions that meet the
requirements for navigation both along the
combined deep-water network of the European part
of Russia and the Dnieper, and along the Rhine-
Main-Danube route. (Klepoch & Žarnay, 2001)
Energy security is a key condition for the smooth
functioning of states and is essential for the
competitiveness of the economies of European
countries. One of the primary energy sources is
becoming a gas. Ensure its stable supply is one of
the most contentious issues currently.
Europe has an extensive network of inland
waterways that offer relatively inexpensive,
efficient, clean and reliable mode of transport.
Making more extensive use of LNG systems would
enable European countries to take full advantage of
the rapidly growing global market of natural gas, to
make substantial long-term saving on their energy
bill and to optimize storage and back-up capacities
to compensate for shortages at peak times or to
minimize energy supply shortfalls. Countries with
well developed river and canal network, could
envisage the development of LNG transportation to
end users via inland waterways and thus creating a
virtual network of pipelines, which avoids
congestion and allows the LNG supply to urban
areas, where geographical, demographic or
environmental specificities are not suitable for the
traditional laying of pipelines.
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