International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 6
Number 3
September 2012
In the Japanese coastal waters, many disasters in-
volving small domestic merchant ships dragging an-
chor are reported every year. Domestic merchant
ships often anchor temporarily when waiting for
their berths or avoiding storms. Accidents by drag-
ging anchor often occur during the above temporary
anchoring and it is reported that no anchor watch is
provided in most of the accidents because domestic
merchant ships are operated by a limited number of
crew members.
One way to prevent accidents caused by dragging
anchor is to develop an anchor watch supporting
system that will monitor the anchoring condition and
detect a risk of dragging anchor in advance.
From the above points of view, the authors con-
ducted the full-scale experiments in order to investi-
gate the following characteristics of a ship at anchor;
the eight-figure horsing movement of the hull (hors-
ing) when lying at single anchor, the cable tension
caused by the horsing, the hull movement at drag-
ging anchor, the effect of a secondary short-scope
anchor to reduce the horsing.
The test ship was a 5,800 G.T. training ship and
her principal particulars are shown in Figure 1.
Based on the results of the above experiments, the
authors proposed a method to establish the standards
of safe anchoring and anchor watch to prevent a
dragging anchor accident. A new anchor watch sup-
porting system with a function to detect a risk of
dragging anchor is developed for small domestic
merchant ships.
2.1 Horsing movement lying at single anchor
The eight-figure horsing movement of the hull (hors-
ing) when lying at single anchor and the cable ten-
sion caused by the horsing were measured using the
test ship (Saitoh 1986).
Figure 2 shows an example of the time history of
the cable tension during horsing when lying at single
anchor with 7 shackles of her cable. The depth of sea
water was 27m and the wind velocity was 20 m/s in
average. The strong cable tension (shock load that
acted on her cable) was measured 4 times during one
cycle of horsing.
On the Development of an Anchor Watch
Supporting System for Small Merchant Ships
H. Yabuki & T. Takemoto
Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Tokyo, Japan
K. Yamashita & S. Saitoh
National Institute for Sea Training, Yokohama, Japan
ABSTRACT: This paper describes the results of a study that aimed at developing an effective anchor watch
supporting system to prevent dragging anchor accidents of small domestic merchant ships. The authors per-
formed an experimental study using a training ship in order to investigate the characteristics of the hull
movement of a ship lying at single anchor, the cable tension caused by the above movement and etc. Based on
the results of the study, the authors propose a standard procedure for safe anchor watch and a new anchor
watch supporting system using a PC, a DGPS and an anemometer.
Figure 1. Principal particulars of the test ship
The relationship between the measured shock
load and the wind velocity is shown in Figure 3. The
values of the cable tension in this figure are the av-
erage of the above shock loads that appeared 4 times
during one cycle of horsing.
Figure 2. Time history of the cable tension during horsing
Figure 3. Relationship between the cable tension and the wind
The horsing movement was observed when the
wind velocity exceeds 10 m/s and the shock load
seems to increase significantly in the range of wind
velocities of 16 m/s or more. It is well known that
this shock load is one of the main causes of dragging
anchor. When the shock load is greater than the
holding power of an anchor, it pulls the anchor and
the flukes start overturning. The holding power of an
anchor is reduced significantly due to the overturn-
ing of flukes. An overturned anchor can not bite into
the seabed firmly and starts sliding over the bottom.
2.2 Effect of the secondary short-scope anchor
There is a possibility to reduce the shock load by
controlling the degree of horsing, and some horsing
control methods have been proposed. The use of a
secondary short-scope anchor is one of the effective
and easy countermeasures to reduce horsing. This
method utilizes a dragging resistance of the second-
ary short-scope anchor and the cable length of it is
recommended to be1.25 to 1.5 times the depth.
Figure 4. Effect of a secondary short-scope anchor to reduce
Table 1. Example of the Standards of anchor watch (Depth;
wind (m/s) Counter measure
15 or less 5 ss
15 17 6 ss
17 20 7 ss, short-scope anchor
20 - 22 8 ss, short-scope anchor
Office’s anchor watch
22 or more S/B Eng. & Rudder
Figure 4-A shows the trajectory of the test ship
while horsing on a single anchor with 5 shackles of
her starboard cable. The water depth was 13 m and
the wind velocity was 18 m/s in average. The test
ship sheers violently back and forth across the wind.
Figure 4-B shows the hull movement of horsing with
5 shackles of riding cable and one shackle of the
secondary short-scope anchor under the same condi-
tions. In this case, the lateral movement range of the
center of gravity with a secondary short-scope an-
chor is 50 % smaller than that without a short-scope
anchor. As these experiment results agree with those
of model tests qualitatively, it seems that the use of a
secondary short-scope anchor is very effective and
useful to reduce horsing.
2.3 Standards of the anchoring and anchor watch
Table 1 shows the standard procedure of the anchor-
ing and anchor watch for the test ship when an-
chored at 15 m depth of water. Usually, the cable
length that should be veered out at the first stage of
anchoring is calculated by the following formula;
(3D + 90) m, D means the depth. This empirical
formula is widely used among the Japanese seafar-
ers. After anchoring, the test ship veers out her cable
and drops a secondary short-scope anchor according
to the increase of wind velocity. When wind exceeds
the designated velocity, an officers anchor watch is
started for earlier detection of the risk of dragging
anchor, and her main engine, rudder and other nec-
essary machinery are prepared.
Figure 5. Estimated length of holding part during anchor watch
by the standard procedure
Figure 5 shows the estimated length of cable that
remains on the sea bed (L
; holding part length of
the cable) when the test ship performs her anchor
watch in accordance with the above standard proce-
dure. The holding part length (L
) is estimated using
the following equations and the horizontal force of
shock load (T) shown in Figure 3.
where L = total scope; and
= weight of chain per
unit in the sea water.
A certain length of the holding part should be
kept for the safe anchoring because it acts as a
spring in preventing the anchor from being jerked
when the ship is yawing from side to side. In the
case of the test ship, her cable is veered out in ac-
cordance with the increase of wind velocity in order
to keep the holding part length at least two shackles.
To include the above method in the standard proce-
dure of anchor watch is considered to be useful and
helpful for small domestic merchant ships.
Figure 6. Trajectory of a ship during dragging anchor
3.1 Detection of a risk of dragging anchor
Figure 6 shows the trajectory when the test ship
drags her anchor under 15 m/s of wind. The hull is
drifted at a very slow speed of 0.54 m/s to the lee-
ward by the beam wind. Her heading is about 7
points to the left of the wind axis during dragging
anchor. As the above experiment results agree with
the simulation results (Inoue 1988), we can con-
clude, when the regular horsing movement is
stopped and ships weather side becomes fixed, that
the ship is likely to be dragging anchor.
Once an anchor starts to drag, it is difficult to
stop. Therefore, it is important to detect the possible
danger of dragging anchor at an earlier stage in order
to take counter measures to prevent it in advance.
Figure 7. Trajectory of horsing lying at single anchor (96
Figure 7 shows the 96 hours trajectory of the test
ship lying at single anchor with 5 shackles of her ca-
ble. The location of horsing is moved in accordance
with the change of wind direction and its force. The
center of the horsing is not located at the anchor po-
sition but around the point at the end of the Catenary
part of the cable that is touching the sea bed. As de-
scribed in 2.3, this is due to a certain length of the
cable is always kept on the sea bed during anchor-
ing. Consequently, there is a possibility to judge the
existence of the risk of dragging anchor when the
length of Catenary part is equal to that of riding ca-
ble and the holding part is missing.
The authors propose the method to detect the risk
of dragging anchor that compares a horizontal dis-
tance between anchor and the bell-mouth (d) and
horizontal length of the Catenary part (X
) when
its length is equal to the riding cable length as shown
in Figure 8. The distance d is monitored using the
DGPS. The diagram in the Figure 8 shows the time
history of the distance d when the test ship was
anchored in 18 m depth of the water under 20 m/s
wind with 8 shackles of riding cable and a secondary
short-scope anchor. The time history reflects the
back and forth movement of the test ship that is in-
duced by the horsing.
Figure 8. Method to detect the risk of dragging anchor and
monitoring result of the distance “d
The possible danger of dragging anchor can be
judged using the following observation results.
1 Existence of a strong wind
2 The direction of anchor almost agrees with the
wind axis.
3 The trend of dapproaches toward the threshold
3.2 Anchor watch supporting system
As domestic merchant ships are operated by a lim-
ited number of crew, the following functions are de-
sired for their anchor watch supporting system.
1 Detecting function of dragging anchor and possi-
ble danger of dragging anchor.
2 Monitoring function of wind, horsing movement,
hull posture against the wind axis, location of an
anchor and etc.
3 Anchor watch supporting function
4 Alarm function
The authors propose a simple and user friendly
anchor watch supporting system with the above
functions. This system consists of a PC, DGPS, Gy-
ro Compass and Anemometer, which are common
navigational equipment onboard domestic merchant
Figure 9. Display of the anchor watch supporting system
Figure 9 shows the display of the system that was
developed for the test ship and the following data
can be monitored; horsing trajectory, heading, mov-
ing direction and speed of hull, horsing angle, loca-
tion of anchor, hull posture against the wind axis,
wind direction and its velocity. The possible danger
of dragging anchor can be detected by comparing
the displayed time history of dand X
. When
the wind velocity exceeds the threshold that is des-
ignated in the standard procedure of anchor watch
shown in the Table 1, the necessary countermeasure
in accordance with the procedure is displayed with
The authors performed an experimental study in or-
der to develop a method to establish the standard
procedure of safe anchoring and an anchor watch
supporting system for small domestic merchant
ships. Results obtained in this study are summarized
as follows.
1 A ship at single anchor starts horsing at the wind
velocity of 10 m/s and the shock load caused by
horsing acts on her cable. Ship sheers violently
back and forth across the wind when it is at 16
m/s or more and the shock load increases remark-
2 The secondary short-scope anchor is very effec-
tive to reduce horsing in stormy weather.
3 For the prevention of disaster caused by dragging
anchor, it is important to establish the standard
procedure of anchoring and anchor watch. The
proposed method for establishing the above pro-
cedure is considered to be effective to prevent
dragging anchor.
4 The developed anchor watch supporting system
with a function to detect a risk of dragging anchor
in advance is useful and effective to prevent the
dragging anchor accident.
Saitoh, S. et al. 1986. A study on anchoring in stormy weather
On the measurement of ships cable tension at anchor-,
Journal of Japan institute of navigation, Vol. 74; 9-18 (in
Inoue, K. 1988. Countermeasures to assure the safety of the
outside-harbour-refuge, Journal of Japan institute of navi-
gation, Vol. 78; 129-138 (in Japanese)