International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 6
Number 2
June 2012
1.1 Seismic Vessel Capabilities
Modern seismic survey operations are a far cry from
the days of relatively small modified vessels towing
a lone streamer or two that could be set and
recovered in a few hours. Today, the seismic fleet is
dominated by larger purpose-built vessels, though
there are still many vessels in service, converted
from other roles and designations. Modern seismic
arrays typically comprise 12 streamers, possibly ex-
tending up to 8000 meters astern of the mother ves-
sel, and measuring a swept path of 1200 meters
across the ship’s track. The very latest vessels now
leaving the building yards have towing points for up
to twenty such streamers. Such extensive equipment
is capable of yielding a 3D seismic picture of great
1.2 The Seismic Survey Concept
Seismic surveys are carried out extensively in ocean
and offshore areas with a known potential for re-
serves of oil and gas in the sub-sea rock formations.
The seismic survey vessel tows the steamer array
suspended below the surface, carrying hydrophones.
Sound waves are transmitted from the vessel using
compressed air guns which travel down through the
seabed and reflect back from the different layers of
rock (Figure 1). These reflected sound waves are re-
ceived by the hydrophones located along the seismic
streamers which, when processed, gives a three di-
mensional picture of the substrata.
Simulation Training for Replenishment at Sea
(RAS) Operations: Addressing the Unique
Problems of ‘Close-Alongside’ and ‘In-line’
Support for Multi-Streamer Seismic Survey
Vessels Underway
E. Doyle
Cork, Ireland
ABSTRACT: Modern siesmic survey vessels in ‘production’, may tow twelve or more streamers, each of
which can be six to eight kilometres long. Together with associated paravanes, tail-buoys and acoustic ‘guns’,
the streamer spread width of such wide-tow configurations can extend to 1200 metres. The physical deploy-
ment and recovery of such an extensive array is time-consuming and expensive. The entire survey operation
requires the constant attendence of a suitable offshore support vessel (OSV) to act in the role of ‘chase ves-
sel’, but more critically, to provide close replenishment support underway and, when required, rapid emer-
gency towing assistance.
While naval crews rightly claim a near monopoly on the skills-set necessary for underway replenishment, the
naval RAS exercise almost never involves the supply and receiving vessels engaging ‘close-alongside’. The
seismic/OSV replenishment operation, on the other hand, frequently necessitates such a demanding and
stressful manoeuvre. This paper presents a training solution involving the use of a 360°full-mission bridge
Fig. 1. Marine Seismic Survey
Seismic survey vessels ‘in production’ show the
shapes and lights for a vessel restricted in its ability
to manoeuvre. The streamer cables are spread by di-
verters/paravanes, similar in function to that of mid-
water trawl doors, and can extend to 1200 metres in
width. The end of each streamer is marked by a tail-
buoy carrying radar reflector and flashing lights.
Fig. 2. A 12-streamer 3D Seismic Array
Seismic survey vessels tow at a speed of 4 to 5
knots and need to be on a straight line whilst survey-
ing and are almost invariably accompanied by a
‘Chase Boat’ to police the immediate task vicinity
and to assist in notifying other vessels of the seismic
operation. Survey areas vary greatly in size and may
cover extensive areas of the sea surface.
1.3 The need for a support vessel
It will be readily appreciated that the 3D multi-
streamer seismic array described above is not
something that could be deployed or recovered in a
few hours: it is typically a two-day task, and perhaps
longer. This means that once the survey operation
has started and reached full production, significant
interuption or suspension of the work is unlikely
except for very pressing circumstances. A further
consequence of that imperative is that the seismic
ship must be supported and replenished under way,
as the operational situation demands. An offshore
supply vessel (OSV), suitably modified for the
purpose, is the solution of choice for most seismic
operators. And when not directly engaged on
support and replenishment duties, the same OSV
serves in the ‘chase boat’ capacity.
1.4 The support vessel ‘close alongside’
The support vessel must replenish the seismic
‘mother’ ship with fuel and machinery consumables,
primarily, but also with victuals and catering stores,
and all other general and technical stores necessary
for uninterupted seismic production. And from time
to time the support vessel will be required to ferry
and transfer personnel to and from the mother ves-
sel, as when crew rotation is scheduled. These trans-
fer operations (fuel, stores, personnel) are most often
effected with the support vessel ‘close alongside’ the
mother ship.
1.5 The support vessel ‘in-line’
In other circumstances, and for various reasons, the
support vessel may not be able to transfer fuel from
a ‘close alongside’ position, in which case she will
have to take station ‘in-line’ ahead of the mother
ship. This demanding manoeuvre requires the sup-
port vessel to make a close approach ‘in-line’ ahead
and bringing her transom to about 40 metres from
the mother ship’s bow, passing a shot line and mes-
senger, then opening the distance between the two
ships to 90 metres a separation maintained by a
heavy distance line before passing the fuel line.
The support vessel will now have the challenging
task of maintaining her station for perhaps the com-
ing six hours, until refueling is completed.
1.6 Readiness to offer an emergency tow
The support vessel will have one other major as-
signment in executing her close support role: to pro-
vide an emergency towing capability to the seismic
vessel in the event of her suffering a serious propul-
sion failure. The consequences of such a power fail-
ure on the mother ship mean a very rapid loss of
speed, caused by the drag of the paravane/streamer
array. However, the inertia of this same array will
ensure that its loss of speed is not as rapid as that of
the mother ship.
1.7 Short time window
If forward motion is not restored to the mother ship
she is in danger of becoming entangled and ensnared
in her own gear an expensive ‘seismic spaghetti’
of streamers, buoys, paravanes and towing lines. In
such an emergency, the support vessel has a time
window of perhaps 15 minutes (maximum) in which
to make a close approach and connect up the emer-
gency towline.
1.8 Immediate priority
The immediate priority for the support vessel is to
get the stricken mother ship moving again, along the
original path and away from the entanglement dan-
ger of her gear. Even one knot, or less, will achieve
this and buy the time necessary to restore power on
the seismic vessel.
2.1 The needs of the industry
The initial request to develop a suitable simulation
training programme for such unusual and unique re-
plenishment-at-sea (RAS) manoeuvres came from a
local offshore operator, Mainport Group, Cork. In
late 2005, they won a contract from the French
seismic operator, CGG (now CGGVeritas), to pro-
vide a seismic support vessel for operations in the
Indian Ocean and they needed simulator-based
training for their crews. For the project, the 360˚
main bridge (full-mission) simulator at the National
Maritime College of Ireland (NMCI) was utilized.
Subsequently, Mainport added four similar vessels
(OSVs) to their seismic support division, working
for CGGVeritas and other seismic operators. Then in
late 2009, CGGVeritas agreed with NMCI, a similar
bespoke training programme for their seismic ship
masters and mates, paired with their matching sup-
port vessel counterparts.
2.2 Kongsberg full-mission simulators at NMCI
The Kongsberg full-mission bridge simulators at
NMCI are specifically designed for complex ship-
handling manoeuvres and advanced navigation exer-
cises. All important navigation and manoeuvring da-
ta are presented to the conning officer on the bridge
via a comprehensive array of statutory (SOLAS) in-
struments and displays.
By configuring the 360˚simulator with an accu-
rately compiled ship model having realistic hydro-
dynamic characteristics, the high-end simulator gen-
erates a ship-manoeuvring environment of impres-
sive fidelity. In this respect, the NMCI full-mission
simulators are rated world-class, and the entire simu-
lation centre is ranked amongst the best such facili-
ties anywhere.
2.3 Realistic ‘ownship’ behaviour
In the simulated environment, the behaviour and re-
sponse of the visual ‘ownship’ model to the engine,
rudder and interaction forces and to the environmen-
tal conditions, is governed by a matching mathemat-
ical ship manoeuvring model. The model must be-
have in such a way that the position, heading,
velocity and swept path of the ‘ownship’ are always
representative of real ship behaviour.
2.4 The necessity for a 360˚simulator
The panoramic visuals of a 360˚ simulator are an es-
sential feature of any training exercise attempting to
simulate the fidelity of a replenishment-at-sea opera-
tion. This constraint is self-evident for towing and
‘in-line’ RAS evolutions, where the support vessel
master needs to have an unrestricted view astern.
But it is equally valid in the ‘close aboard’ approach
(support vessel approaching the mother ship beam-
on) where the full broadside view is just as neces-
2.5 ‘Ownship’ and ‘target’ models
The ‘ownship’ model used as the simulated support
vessel was the Kongsberg supply vessel SUPLY02L,
fully dynamic in six degrees of freedom (heave,
sway, surge, roll, pitch and yaw), representing all
horizontal and vertical motions of the ship. For all
RAS exercises the seismic mother ship may be
simulated by a generic ‘target’ model, though a ded-
icated seismic ship ‘target’ model (CGG ALIZE,
Figure 3) has recently been developed.
Fig. 3. Seismic Survey Ship CGG ALIZE
3.1 Matrix of permitted operations
A RAS evolution ‘close alongside’ the seismic ship
requires planning, preparation, careful attention to
procedure and skilful ship-handling. It is a daylight
manoeuvre only, constrained by agreed limits on
visibility, wind speed and direction, and sea/swell
state a maximum wind speed of 20 knots and sig-
nificant wave height of 1.5 metres are the usual up-
per limits of acceptable conditions. Weather limita-
tions and other restrictions for RAS and the wide
variety of seismic operations should be promulgated
in company manuals CGGVeritas meets the re-
quirement by publishing a tabulated Matrix of Per-
mitted Operations, abbreviated to MOPO in their
fleet guidelines and procedures. Tool-box meetings
on both vessels are essential. Day, time and scope
for the RAS transfer having been mutually agreed,
either master must have complete discretion to abort
the operation at any time during the approach phase
or throughout the transfer.
3.2 RAS speed of 4.5 knots
Before any closing approach manoeuvre is initiated
the mother ship must confirm her track, heading and
speed, and throughout the RAS approach she must
advise the support vessel of any small changes in
those parameters it is a given that any substantial
changes should not be contemplated. The necessity
of maintaining the operational speed for the streamer
array dictates a typical RAS speed of about 4.5
3.3 Why the beam-to-beam approach?
In the most common type of RAS operation, involv-
ing naval formations, the re-supplying fleet tanker
becomes the designated formation ‘guide’ and seeks
to maintain her heading within 1˚of the signalled re-
plenishment course. And whereas naval vessels posi-
tioning for their RAS station will approach the
‘guide’ from astern or fine on her quarter, such as-
pect is never an option for a seismic/support RAS;
the wide towline controlling the diverter/paravane is
angled 45˚ outwards from the quarters of the seismic
ship, which constrains the support vessel’s approach
to a narrow sector on the mother ship’s beam.
3.4 Choice of steering control
The support vessel is likely to assume a standby sta-
tion about 1000 metres abeam of the seismic ship,
on the agreed side. A closer standby station is ac-
ceptable, but not if that station is inside the paravane
path. There is much debate in the industry on the
choice of auto-pilot or manual steering for the sup-
port vessel’s RAS approach, especially in the latter
phase of the manoeuvre when bringing the vessel
from the ‘close aboard’ station (about 3050 metres
abeam) to the ‘close alongside’ position.
3.5 The case for auto-pilot control
The reality of small crews means that a skilled
helmsman is unlikely to be available, particularly at
a time of peak demand when all available crew are
needed on deck. Also, given the widespread lack of
opportunity for manual steering in commercial ship-
ping there is deep concern within the industry that
the manual steering skills of seamen, generally, are
inadequate. Neither is it acceptable that the master
should manually steer his ship in the final approach;
he already has sufficient demands on his judgement,
watching his speed, avoiding the wide tow wires and
other overhangs and obstructions on the mother ship,
controlling inter-ship and intra-ship communica-
tions, and, most critically, the ever-constant eye for
interaction effects. In the circumstances, the case for
using the auto-pilot is compelling, and no less com-
pelling is the need to ensure that such equipment is
fully serviced and totally reliable.
4.1 Safe convergence
In commencing her approach from the stand-by sta-
tion, the support vessel must steer an inward conver-
gent course (towards the mother ship) by about 20˚,
and increase speed so as to avoid increasing the as-
pect angle with the attendant risk of fouling the par-
avane tow wire. For instance, if the base course and
speed (survey track) is 120˚ x 4.5 kn, a starboard-
side approach will require the support vessel to steer
100˚ and set her speed at 4.8 kn. If the convergent
angle were 30˚, an approach speed of 5.2 kn would
be necessary to maintain the same 90˚ aspect. A use-
ful visual guide for the support vessel master is to
keep the seismic ship’s bridge-front in view: if, dur-
ing the approach, an increased aspect angle leads to
the loss of that view the support vessel has fallen
abaft the optimum approach line, and runs the risk of
fouling the wide tow wire.
Fig. 4. Support vessel converging on mother ship
4.2 Reducing the convergent angle
As the support vessel closes the mother ship the
convergent angle must be reduced (Figure 4). When
the lateral distance between the ships is down to 100
metres the convergent angle should not exceed 10˚,
and at the same time the support vessel will need to
trim back her speed; as the courses approach coinci-
dence so too should the speeds of both ships.
4.3 Suspend and reappraise
The 100 metre mark is a good position at which the
support vessel should temporarily suspend the con-
vergent manoeuvre. This will allow the masters of
both vessel the opportunity to reappraise the situa-
tion and to reassure each other that all checklist pa-
rameters for a safe RAS operation remain valid.
Fig. 5. Both vessels confirm willingness to proceed
4.4 Coming into position ‘close alongside’
If there is no reason to abort the evolution the sup-
port vessel should resume the convergent course
(Figure 5). Ten degrees convergence is still accepta-
ble, but this should be gradually reduced so that as
the support vessel arrives in the ‘close aboard’ sta-
tion, 50 metres from the mother vessel, the conver-
gence should not exceed 5˚. In the final phase of the
manoeuvre, from ‘close aboard’ to ‘close alongside’
the convergent angle must be reduced further so that
when contact is made on the yokohama-fenders the
convergence is or less. In reality, when the ships
are 1015 metres apart there is usually little need for
any convergent angle because the dominant interac-
tive force between the ships at this stage is most
likely to be that of attraction.
Fig. 6. ‘Close alongside’ replenishment station
4.5 Avoiding simulation ‘freeze’
In the normal course of simulation exercises the in-
tuitive simulator response to the ‘ownship’ model
making contact with a ‘target’ vessel at close quar-
ters is to signal a collision condition, at which point
the exercise functions freeze and the simulator must
be reset. In the RAS simulation the same outcome is
evident when the support vessel (as the ownship)
makes heavy contact with the mother ship, such as
when the convergent angle is too large or when her
position alongside is so far aft that she strikes the
protruding sponson structure. On the other hand, if
the contact force between the ships is gentle and cor-
rectly positioned, as when there is little or no con-
vergent angle, the simulation exercise will continue
without interruption (Figure 6).
4.6 Critical securing lines only
Once the support vessel, properly fendered, is safely
alongside the mother ship the agreed secur-
ing/mooring lines must be rigged. These usually
consist of a for’d breast-line and two fore-springs
lines connected from the forepart of the support ves-
sel only. Bearing in mind the formation speed of 4-5
knots, it is never acceptable to have any securing
lines connected to the after-part of the vessel.
4.7 Favourable disengagement
When fuel and stores transfer is completed the sup-
port vessel must prepare to disengage and clear
away from the seismic vessel all before the onset
of darkness. On some seismic/support vessel combi-
nations the vessels will separate and diverge under
the favourable effect of hydro-dynamic interaction,
as soon as the securing lines are released. But in
many cases, this will not happen.
4.8 Adverse interaction effects
Where the adverse interaction effects are dominant,
the force of attraction between the ships will restrain
the support vessel in the ‘close alongside’ position.
Any attempt by the support vessel to clear the side
of the mother ship by increasing speed and using
outward helm will fail because it is not possible to
steer away in these circumstances. If the attempted
manoeuvre is allowed to continue, the outcome illus-
trated in Figures 7 and 8 is inevitable; the support
vessel will move forward, all the while restrained
against the side of the seismic ship, until the critical-
ly adverse interaction effect becomes manifest. This
is the ‘bow-in’ turning moment that will cause the
support vessel, despite carrying outward helm, to
turn across the bow of the mother ship. Averting
disaster at this point is in the hands of the seismic
master, who must take all way off the vessel instant-
Fig. 7. Critical interaction effect
Fig. 8. Imminent risk of capsize
4.9 Using thruster and inboard helm to overcome
adverse interaction effects
Where, as described above, interaction effects pre-
vent the support vessel from steering directly on a
divergent course from the ‘close alongside’ position
she must first use her bow thruster to open out a di-
vergent angle. As this angle increases the master will
need to increase speed and apply 5˚ inboard helm (to
keep the transom clear of the side of the seismic ves-
sel). How long to keep the inboard helm applied is a
judgment call, but it should not be maintained if its
turning force threatens to overcome the outward
rate-of-turn from the bow thruster. Once the support
vessel is 1015 metres clear of the mother ship and
has a divergent heading of about 10˚ she has the
manoeuvring freedom to steam clear away with little
risk of exposure to any further adverse interaction
5.1 ‘In-line’ RAS station
In the circumstances where the support vessel is un-
able to transfer fuel from the ‘close alongside’ posi-
tion, she will have to take station ‘in-line’ ahead of
the seismic ship. This manoeuvre requires the sup-
port vessel to make a similar approach to the ‘close
aboard’ station, as described above, and then in-
crease speed while holding a convergent course. The
objective is to pass within 50 metres of the mother
ship so as to take temporary station ‘in-line’ ahead
of her, with about 40 metres separation between her
transom and the mother ship’s bow. This close prox-
imity facilitates the exchange of a shot line, messen-
ger and ‘distance line’. The distance line is of haws-
er-like quality and is used to maintain a near-
constant distance of about 90 metres between the
two ships. Once the heavy distance line is estab-
lished and lightly tensioned, the fuel transfer line is
then rigged between the ships. The support vessel
must now settle into the stressful role of constant
vigilance in seeking to maintain her station for per-
haps the coming six hours, until refueling is com-
5.2 Towing exercise requires second simulator
The simulation of an emergency tow scenario re-
quires a different arrangement of simulators and
models. While a tow-line may be assigned and con-
trolled from the support vessel ‘ownship’ it is only
possible to connect it to another ‘ownship’, which,
in turn, must be assigned to another simulator. A fur-
ther problem arises in the simulation exercise when
attempting to achieve towing fidelity. An actual
support vessel confronted with an emergency tow
scenario will need to use substantial power to get the
seismic vessel moving at just 3 knots, because of the
enormous drag created by the streamer array and as-
sociated gear (approximately 80t). A simulator
‘ownship’ assigned as the seismic ship will generate
only the drag appropriate to the particular model dy-
namics. However, if the simulator ownship control
includes the optional External Forces menu it is pos-
sible to apply a range of such forces to the seismic
ship model so as to achieve realistic fidelity in simu-
lating seismic streamer drag.
The modern multi-streamer 3D seismic survey oper-
ation is enormously challenging, in the financial and
technical resources required to mount and maintain
the venture at sea. Downtime in seismic production
carries significant penalties, hence the need for the
unique OSV support described in this paper sup-
port activity for which few mariners are likely to
have prior knowledge or experience. A properly re-
sourced full-mission 360˚ simulator centre is able to
meet that specific training need.
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