International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 6
Number 1
March 2012
Concerning the problem of collision accident be-
tween large cetaceans and vessels, it is expected to
identify the critical season and species of large ceta-
cean in some courses of hydrofoils off Japan water
and also to technically improve the Under Water
Speaker (UWS) for repellent of cetaceans. However,
it is necessary to take measures of not only repellent
of cetacean but also actively cetacean avoidance.
The UWS is one of the countermeasures for ceta-
ceans to give way. For the safety navigation of hy-
drofoils, as part of these studies, we are envisaging
an alert system triggered by the whale detection us-
ing infrared camera (thermography). Because any
cetaceans are of air-breathing animals, they come to
the surface inevitably in regular interval and their
blow or body parts appear at the sea surface. In this
system, we aim at these objects as detection cue by
using infrared camera.
In this study, we examine the feasibility of the in-
frared camera on detecting large cetaceans. On that
basis, we intended to form the foundation of early
cetacean detection and alert system using infrared
camera by formulating the necessary conditions or
the method of infrared camera operation for detect-
ing whales.
2.1 Equipments
In this experiments, we used a Infrared Thermal
camera; Thermo Tracer TH9260 made by NEC/Avio
Infrared Technologies (Fig. 1). Its detector is un-
cooled focal plane array (microbolometer), and
thermal image pixels is 640(H) × 480(V). The oper-
ating band is 8 to 13 μm, and it can measure objects
from -40°C to 500°C. Optical field of view of this
camera is fixed (21.7°(H)×16.4°(V)) . This camera
obtains the images 30frame per second.
Figure 1 Infrared camera used in this study (TH9260)
Feasibility on Infrared Detection of Cetaceans
for Avoiding Collision with Hydrofoil
Y. Yonehara, L. Kagami, H. Yamada & H. Kato
Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Tokyo, Japan
M. Terada & S. Okada
KHI JPS Co., Ltd., Kobe, Japan
ABSTRACT: To achieve safer navigation without sudden collisions with large cetaceans at high speed boats
such as the hydrofoil, we examined its feasibility of an installation of the infrared camera. Because any ceta-
ceans are of air-breathing animals, it is theoretically expected that they can be potentially detected through
imaging of the infrared cameras. Thus, we examined the feasibility of detection with aiming at sperm whales
in waters off Chichijima Islands (27°4'N, 142°13'E), Japan. Through the experiment, it was revealed that
sperm whales could be detected stably within 200m, and detectable cue were blow, back body and fluke tails.
However, boats and waves were also detected as noise images. Especially, waves greatly resemble the whale
back bodies. Although potential of the infrared camera was confirmed, there are still necessities of further ex-
periments including ones conducting at different temperate waters, to successfully install the infrared camera
for earlier finding of large cetaceans.
Additionally, we used HD video camera (Sony
Digital HD video camera recorder HDR-SR1) for
recording normal images and thermal images in the
same time as a control of the experiment. For meas-
uring accurate distance between cetaceans and us,
we used the Laser range finder (Bushnell Laser
Rangefinder Elite 1500).
2.2 Experiment of infrared detection on sperm
whales in Bonin Water
An infrared recording experiment of sperm whales
was conducted off the South-East water off Chichi-
jima island, Ogasawara Islands (also known as the
Bonin Islands, a subtropical archipelago located ca.
1000 km directly south of central Tokyo in the west-
ern Pacific Ocean) from September 12 to 14, 2009
(Fig. 2).
We conducted this survey by chartered small fish-
ing boat ”Shoeimaru” (Fig. 3). At eye level was ap-
proximately 2m since TH9260 was held at the bow.
Captain and three researchers got on the boat and
participate in this survey. We intended to investigate
sperm whales mainly and record boats or sea surface
at the same time. We left Futami port every morning
and returned before sunset. The investigation time
was less than 10 hours a day.
Figure 2 A survey area off Chichijima island (Bonin Islands).
Gray square indicates survey area (26°55 to 27°05 N, 142°11
to 142° 24 E). Cross marks indicates the position sperm whale
Figure 3 Syoeimaru; Length:12m,
After leaving port, we began a search of sperm
whales by eyes. When we found the sperm whale,
we tried to approach them and began the IR record-
ing experiment in diverse distance. A researcher
held the IR camera. Others served the distance
measurement and data notation, or filming the be-
havior of sperm whale and the research status by the
HD camera. When the blow or body of sperm
whales appeared above sea surface, we noted wheth-
er researcher could perceive it on the display of IR
camera (Success or Failure) with visual assistance of
sperm whale behavior made by other researchers and
an experienced operator of “Shoeimaru” in sperm
whale sightings around the waters. And we also not-
ed the time, type of the object and distance from the
object at the same time. We saved a thermal image
or thermal movie if at all possible. The distance
from the object was measured by use of Laser range
finder. If it couldn’t, researcher measured the dis-
tance with the eye.
Acquired infrared data were conducted an analy-
sis of temperature measurement using dedicated
software (NS9205Viewewr program made by
NEC/Avio infrared technology). We measured tem-
peratures of objects as T
and temperatures of sea
surface around the objects as T
(Fig. 4) and calcu-
lated the difference in temperature (
T = T
- T
Figure 4 The example of measuring method that of T
and T
by using software (This is the magnified figure). In this figure,
point ‘a’ indicates the temperature of T
and ’b’ indicates that
of T
We could conduct the experiment in three days. Ta-
ble1 shows the summary of the experiments. In this
experiment, we could observe and obtain data from
Sperm whale, small boat and sea surface. Show the
result of observation below.
Number of IR detection indicates the number of
data that we noted whether or not to perceive sperm
whales on IR camera in diverse distances. We ex-
cluded the data that noted same result (S or F), same
distance and within three minutes to avoid data bias.
However, it has potentially observed same individu-
al, other cases of data were dealt with the different
results since it is very hard to identify that the whale
examined previously or not. Number of thermal im-
ages indicates the whole number of saved thermal
images through the experiment.
Table 1 Summary of the experiment in waters off Ogasawara,
Date 12 Sept. 13 Sept. 14 Sept.
Observed whale groups 2 2 2
Number of IR detection 21 8 33
Number of thermal images 184 794 1371
3.1 Sperm whale
In this experiment, sperm whale’s blow, back body
and tail flukes were detected by using TH9260 (Fig.
5). As for object range, we could always detect these
sperm whale objects on the display of TH9260 with-
in a range of 150m. However, we never detect them
out of a range of 350m. Within a range of 160m to
300m, we could detect or not (Table 2 and Fig. 5).
The maximum distance of laser range finder was
Table 2 The result of IR sperm whale detection in each dis-
Distance (m) Success Failure Sum
50 6 0 6
51100 12 0 12
101150 12 0 12
151200 11 6 17
201250 2 7 9
251300 3 1 4
301 0 2 2
46 16 62
Figure 6 Numbers of success or failure in IR detection experi-
ment each distances.
Figure 5 Thermal images of sperm whale’s objects detected by
TH9260. Objects were indicated by arrows.
Top: blow (100m away), Middle: dorsal part of body (117m
away) and Bottom: tail fluke (200m away).
Concerning measured temperature, Median T
T of sperm whale obtained by TH9260 was
29.2°C and 1.30°C (Table 3 and Fig. 7). Median
T of each sperm whale’s detected objects were
1.10°C (blow), 1.40°C (back body), and 1.30°C (tail
fluke) (Table 4, Fig.8). As a result,
T of sperm
whale’s body parts indicates high value compared
with that of their blow, however statistical signifi-
cant difference didn’t shown in Tukey-Kramer’s
multiple comparisons (P=0.185) between
T of
sperm whale objects.
Distance (m)
Table 3 T
T estimated in each objects.
of each objects (°C)
Whale (n=41) Boat (n=8) Wave (n=13)
Median 29.2 33.9 29.4
Max 32.2 38.8 30.3
Min 25.8 32.7 27.1
T of each objects (°C)
Whale (n=41) Boat (n=8) Wave (n=13)
Median 1.3 6.3 1.2
Max 2 11.3 1.5
Min -0.3 5.1 0.4
Figure 7 Box-plot of T
T of each objects
Vertical bar indicates the maximum and minimum value. Box
indicates lower and upper quartile point. Short crossbar indi-
cates median value.
Table 4 T
T estimated in each objects
of sperm whale's objects (°C)
Blow (n=19) Back (n=16) Fluke (n=6)
Median 28.8 29.15 29.65
Max 30.7 32.2 30.2
Min 25.9 27.1 25.8
T of sperm whale's objects (°C)
Blow (n=19) Back (n=16) Fluke (n=6)
Median 1.1 1.4 1.3
Max 1.9 2 2
Min -0.3 0.5 1.1
Figure 8 Box-plot of T
T of sperm whale’s objects
Vertical bar indicates the maximum and minimum value. Box
indicates lower and upper quartile point. Short crossbar indi-
cates median value.
3.2 Small boat
We could observe a small boat employed for whale
watching. The boat appeared very strong on the dis-
play of TH9260 since it has high rate of infrared ra-
diation (Fig. 9). Median T
T of small boat
was 33.4°C and 6.30°C (Table 3 and Fig. 7). It was
highest temperature in this study, and statistical sig-
nificant difference was showed in Tukey-Kramer’s
multiple comparisons (P<0.01) between
T of boat
and sperm whale or wave.
Whale Boat Wave
Temperature of T
Whale Boat Wave
Temperature of
T (
Blow Back Fluke
Temperature of Ta (
Blow Back Fluke
Temperature of
T (
Figure 9 A small boat detected by TH9260.
3.3 Sea surface
In the display of TH9260, concentric temperature
gradient always appeared on the sea surface (e.g.
Fig. 7 and 11). Waves such as white caps were also
detected on the display of TH9260 (e.g. Fig. 7). As
for temperature, median T
T of waves was
29.10°C and 1.10°C (Table3 and Fig. 7).
4.1 Detectable range
In this experiment, it is suggested that maximum
surely detectable range of TH9260 was 150m and
stable detectable range of it seems to be approxi-
mately 200m (Table 2 and Fig. 6). However, it is
considered that the measured instances aren’t
enough to conclude it. In early studies, McCafferty
et al. (2007) introduced that Infrared camera has the
potential for measuring mammals as far as 1000m or
more. Barber et al. (1991) could detect walruses on
the sea surface away from more than 2000m above
in the sky. Thus, infrared camera might be able to
detect large cetaceans at more long distance. The
possible way to improve the detectable range of in-
frared cameras is using telephotographic lens and
higher resolution infrared camera.
4.2 Ta and
T estimated in each objects
Cuyler et al. (1992) made a survey of large ceta-
ceans and taking their temperature using infrared
camera in the northern Norway water (68~80°N).
They resulted that
T of sperm whale’s blow and
tail fluke was +3.00°C and +6.00°C. The tendency
that body parts exceed blow in
T corresponds to
Cuyler et al. (1992). However, the
T of our sur-
vey showed lower temperature than that of Cuyler et
al. (1992). It is suggested that this caused by the dif-
ference of the regions that Cuyler et al. (1992) in-
vestigated in high latitude water (air temperature
was 2.5 ~13.0°C and water temperature was
2.7~10.1°C during investigation period), in contrast,
we investigated in subtropical water (air temperature
was 28.1~33.5°C and water temperature was
27.0~30.5°C during investigation period). Thus, it is
considered that surrounding temperature make a
large effect on cetacean detection using infrared
camera. If this idea is correct, it is suggested the ce-
tacean detection using infrared camera will be more
effective in cool winter season at the sea off Japan.
Especially, early detection of large cetaceans and
alert system using infrared camera is expected to be
more effective in the winter Sea of Japan which is
hard to find cetaceans by the naked eye.
In our experiment, we also could detect a small
boat, sea surface and waves through the thermal im-
ages as a noise of cetacean detection. The boat is
thought to be able to distinguish from cetacean ob-
jects easily on the thermal images since it was indi-
cated that the boat has large difference of tempera-
ture between sea surface and it emitted definitely
high thermal energy than other objects (Table 3, and
Fig. 5 and 9). Concerning concentric temperature
gradient on sea surface and the temperature indicat-
ed by waves, it is inconsiderable that they reflect the
real variation in water temperature. Though Infrared
has directionality, it is suggested that apparent varia-
tion in temperature was occurred by changing the
shooting angle between infrared camera and objects
of shooting. Additionally, the configuration and the
composition of waves were similar to these of the
sperm whale’s back body in thermal images (Figs. 5,
7 and 8, and Table 3, 4). Therefore, it seems to be
difficult to distinguish sperm whale’s back body
from waves in thermal images. It is suggested that
cetacean detection using infrared camera will be
hard to operate in heavy weather which waves ap-
pear a lot on the sea surface.
From this study, it was revealed that the infrared
camera has the feasibility to detect large cetaceans
on the sea around Japan. However, it is difficult to
say that we obtained a sure result for the detectable
range since the shortage of data. Therefore, it is nec-
essary to accumulate more data of detectable range.
It is suggested that oceanic condition and air or
water temperature affect the result of cetacean detec-
tion using infrared camera. Thus, we should conduct
more elaborate survey of environmental factor that
infrared cetacean detection works effectively. It is
also concluded that sperm whales are difficult to dis-
tinguish from waves in thermal images. Therefore,
we should devise the technique to distinguish them
not only by temperature.
In addition, early study, Cuyler et al. (1992) con-
ducted cool water and obtained more pronounced
difference in temperature between cetaceans and sea
surface than our study that conducted subtropical
water. Thus, summer Bonin island water might be
too warm to investigate the feasibility of infrared
camera to detect large cetaceans, and it is necessary
to make more practical verification surveys in an
environment similar to the course of hydrofoils off
This study was supported by KHI JPS Co., Ltd. and
Kawasaki Shipbuilding Corporation. We wish to
thank M. Yamaguchi and A. Nakajima for getting on
the boat and carrying out the experiment with us.
We are grateful to Ogasawara Marine Center and
Ogasawara Whale Watching Association for support
conducting the survey off Chichijima, Ogasawara
(Bonin Islands).
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