International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 6
Number 1
March 2012
Description of climatic conditions which are found
in aids to navigation (Pilots, Routing Charts, and Pi-
lot’s Charts) make use of average values of meteoro-
logical elements. Such an approach follows the
methods applied in classical climatology where cli-
mate is treated as “a mean state of atmosphere in a
many- year period”.
Climatic characteristics based on averaged cours-
es of meteorological elements and on their extreme
values, in some situations, seem to have restricted
use as it does not give any information as to the cor-
relations between them. It says nothing about the re-
al state of the atmosphere, about the weather. Com-
plex climatology provides such a possibility as it
treats climate (manyyear weather regime) as “an
average structure and a sequence of weather”. This
approach makes it possible to describe, at the same
time, a series of meteorological elements observed,
i.e. real state of atmosphere (real weather).
The frequency of occurrence of types of adverse
or unfavorable weather conditions is extremely
important for sea ports, for their effective work. No
matter what cargo is handled in a given port, strong
and very strong winds are to be treated as weather
conditions which disturb or even do not allow work-
ing properly. In number of cases the routine work of
a port is made difficult when the air temperature
falls below zero and remains as such during the
whole or part of the day (when the air temperature is
around or below 0º C during the day). Loading and
discharging of some cargoes is impossible or ceased
during precipitation. Poor visibility or visibility re-
stricted by fog or any type of precipitation may
cause great problems in ports both during vessels
maneuvering and while loading certain kinds of
goods. Because precipitation is difficult to forecast
and because rain or snow or other types of precipita-
tion is connected with clouds, so the occurrence of
certain clouds can provide us with information
which is important for port operation.
Polish Seaports – Unfavorable Weather
Conditions for Port Operation
(Applying Methods of Complex Climatology
for Data Formation to be Used by Seafaring)
J. Ferdynus
Gdynia Maritime University, Poland
ABSTRACT: The use of methods of complex climatology, which treats climate as a many-year weather re-
gime, made it possible to define the annual structure of weather states observed in seven Polish sea ports, i.e.
Elbląg, Gdańsk, Hel, Łeba, Ustka, Kołobrzeg and Świnoujście. This work uses data originating from
OGIMET and covers the period 2000-2009.
Weather conditions that make port operation either difficult or even impossible are considered to be those
when, during a day, we observe negative air temperatures, cloudiness, precipitation and strong winds at the
same time. Once the frequency of occurrence of unfavorable weather conditions has been defined for the port
operation then for each port a climatogram was drawn illustrating their frequency in the following decades of
a given year.
Weather conditions which are unfavorable for the work in Polish sea ports are observed only in autumn and
winter, and during early spring; they are most frequent in the ports of Ustka and Gdańsk. Their annual fre-
quency in none of the described ports exceeds 1% so the conditions in Polish sea ports may be regarded as fa-
vorable for port operations. The worst weather conditions are observed in the last decade of December, third
decade in January and in the second and third decades in February as well as i the first decade of April.
Port efficiency decreases significantly if, even
one, of the mentioned meteorological element is ob-
served. Thus, negative air temperatures result in
freezing of moist bulk cargoes, precipitation restricts
visibility and makes loading or discharging of goods
which are susceptible to moisture impossible and
strong winds affect safe navigation and have influ-
ence on proper operation of cargo handling facilities.
Greater problems arise when the meteorological el-
ements are observed together. With the air tempera-
ture falling below 0ºC and strong wind which cools
the air at the same time cause that port operation is
difficult. When minus temperatures are accompanied
by strong wind and precipitation then icing of ves-
sels and cargo handling facilities can be observed.
A lot of hydrological and meteorological phe-
nomena both dangerous and favorable for ports and
navigation take place as a result of concurrence de-
fined by certain liminal values of meteorological el-
ements. The presentation of hydro-meteorological
data proposed by complex climatology can make the
assessment of climatologic conditions for this type
of work easier and can help to define the periods
which are marked by adverse or favorable climatic
conditions with reference to port operation.
Basic theory regarding methods of complex clima-
tology as well as its detailed description can be
found in work by Olszewski (1967) and Woś (1970,
1977a and b). This analysis makes use of partially
modified weather classification proposed by Marsz
(1992). This classification, as well as a detailed de-
scription of procedure used in dealing with input da-
ta can be found in author’s earlier works (among
others 1994, 1996, 1997), and the way of interpreta-
tion is presented by Ferdynus, Marsz and Styszyńska
(1995) and Ferdynus (1996, 2000).
The classified period comprises a given day and
the elements by which it is characterized - covered
mean minimal and maximal air temperature (T),
mean overall cloudiness (N), sum of atmospheric
precipitation (R) and mean and maximum wind
speed (V). In this way each day is described by
means of four figures TNRV and the number of
possible weather conditions in such classification
amounts to 486 (9×3×2×9) – see Table 1.
Fig. 1. Location of the meteorological stations used in his
The data used above were taken from 7 ports
(Fig.1) from the ten-year period 2000 2010. Daily
values of meteorological elements originate from
OGIMET data sets. They are averaged values of dai-
ly synoptic observations. These data were thorough-
ly checked and in doubtful cases were compared to
the data originating from ECA&D and where it
turned to be necessary, they were corrected accord-
Table 1. Classification of weather’s
Symbols Partitions Name of weather
T 0 20,0° < t
< 29,9°C, exceptionally warm
9 10,0° < t
< 19,9°C, very warm
8 5,0° < t
< 9,9°C, warm
7 0,0° < t
< 4,9°C moderately warm
6 t
< 0° and t
> 0° transitional
5 0,0° < t
< 4,9°C, moderately frosty
< 0°C
4 5,0° < t
< 9,9°C, frosty
< 0°C
3 10,0° < t
< 19,9°C, very frosty
< 0°C
2 20,0° < t
< 29,9°C, exceptionally frosty
< 0°C
N 1 0,0 < N < 2,0 blue sky
2 2,1 < N < 5,9 party clouded
3 6,0 < N < 8,0 cloud
R 0 RR = 00 mm no precipitation or
precipitation < 0,1 mm
1 RR > 00 mm precipitation
V 0 0,0 < v
< 1,5 m/s calm or light air
1 1,6 < v
< 7,9 m/s, light breeze
< 11 m/s
2 1,6 < v
< 7,9 m/s, light breeze with
11 m/s periods of strong
3 8,0 < v
< 16,9 m/s, strong breeze
< 17 m/s
4 8,0 < v
< 16,9 m/s, strong breeze with
17 m/s periods of gale
5 8,0 < v
< 16,9 m/s, strong breeze
30 m/s with periods of storm
6 17,0 < v
< 29,9 m/s, storm
< 30 m/s
7 17,0 < v
< 29,9 m/s, storm with periods
30 m/s of hurricane
8 v
30 m/s hurricane
With reference to their location the examined
ports can be divided into those located in the region
of the Vistula Lagoon (Zalew Wiślany), the Gulf of
Gdańsk, those located on open sea and in the region
of Szczecin Lagoon (Zalew Szczeciński) (Fig.1).
When taking into account morphological features,
we can distinguish the following types of ports:
those situated in bays, gulfs, e.g. (Gdańsk the
North Port), those located close to river mouths e-
ba, Ustka, Kołobrzeg), and river and canal ports
(Świnoujście, Elbląg, Gdańsk Inland port), and
those located on open sea (Hel). If we take into con-
sideration their size (e.g. cargo handling capacity or
the port area) then we can talk about big and small
As it was mentioned in the introduction, weather el-
ements which have influence on the efficiency of
port operation are the following: low air tempera-
ture, strong wind and clouds. It was also denoted
that concurrence of these elements is extremely un-
favorable. This work, making use of classification
mentioned above (Table 1), treats weather condi-
tions, which are regarded as those having negative
influence on port operation, as:
T N R V – group A;
(T R V) (T N R) – group B;
(T R) (T V) (R V) (N R) – group C;
T = 2, 3, 4, 5, 6;
N = 3;
R = 1;
V = 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.
Weather types from Group A should be treated as
especially unfavorable for port operation as they
combine concurrence of all four adverse weather el-
ements. Group B is made up of three of these ele-
ments and in Group C there are two meteorological
elements which make port operation difficult and in
this way lower the port efficiency. Weather condi-
tions which do not fall into any of the above groups
are regarded to be neutral and are classed as
Group D.
The examined ports are situated in the same cli-
matic zone (maximum difference in latitude is only
about φ), so the observed differences in the fre-
quency of occurrence of certain weather groups can
only be attributed to local conditions.
3.1 Elblag
The port of Elbląg = 54°10'N; λ = 019°23'E) is
the biggest port located on the Vistula Lagoon, situ-
ated on the river Elbląg in a distance of 6 km from
its mouth to the Vistula Lagoon. It is a regional port
rendering services for coastal navigation both for
merchant (coal, building materials, sand, broken
stone) and passengers vessels and for tourists. In
2008 only 14 vessels of total tonnage 4.6 thousand
GRT called at the port of Elbląg (ten times fewer
than in 2005). In 2008 cargo handling reached 5700
tons, in this amount 1700 tons of steel constructions
and 4000 tons of sand.
The transport of passengers amounted to 39909
people. In 2008 cargo handling and passenger
transport in the port of Elbląg reached totally 4000
tons and 32899 people respectively (Rocznik Stat-
ystyczny Gospodarki Morskiej 2009).
Fig. 2 Climatogram for Elbląg (2000-2009).
The analysis of climatogram drawn for Elbląg
(Fig. 2) indicates that in the years 2000 2009 the
type of weather from Group A is observed very sel-
dom, accounting to only 1.0% in the first decade of
December and 3.0% in the first decade of April
and they are the only two decades during the whole
year. During the first decade of April there were two
weather types 5314 and 6314 and in the first decade
of December weather 6314 type.
If we take into consideration the occurrence of
weather types from Groups B and C it is obvious
that they are much more frequent. Weather types
from Group B can be observed for the first time in
the third decade of October and the last time in the
first decade of April. They are noted in the third
decade of December most frequently (around 50%).
In the second decade of February a secondary max-
imum of frequency 42% is observed and from this
decade on we can observe the decrease in their fre-
quency. Weather types from Group C are noted in
Elbląg during the entire year and they occur most
frequently during winter and on the turn of seasons
(second decade of November 50%; first decade of
December 46%; first decade of March).
When we analyze the climatogram it is easy to
notice that the weather type from group D comprise
the rest of the dominant weather and it means that
climatic conditions in the port of Elbląg seem to be
favorable. From the third decade of March on, the
frequency of that group exceeds 50% and such situa-
tion is observed till the third decade of October. The
most favorable conditions for the port operation in
the port of Elbląg are noted from the second decade
of April to the third decade of September during
that period the frequency exceeds 70% and in the
third decade of May reaches 87% and in the first
decade of May 80%.
3.2 Gdańsk
In the port of Gdańsk (φ = 54°24‘N; λ = 018°42‘E)
located in the central part of the southern coast of
the Baltic Sea we can distinguish two regions of dif-
ferent operational parameters: Inner Port located
along the Martwa Wisła and the North Port directly
accessible from the Gulf of Gdańsk.
In the Inner Port there are container terminal, fer-
ry terminal and terminal for ro-ro vessels, car termi-
nal, and terminal for handling citrus, liquid and
granulated sulphur and for phosphates. The remain-
ing quays have universal character and make it pos-
sible to handle general cargo and bulk cargo. Termi-
nals for handling fuel oil, liquid fuel and coal are
located in the North Port.
In 2008 the port of Gdańsk served 3999 vessels
of total capacity 32793,3 thousand GRT. About 19
mln ton were handled including ore 16 thousand
tons, grain 960 thousand tons, general cargo 3,5 mln
tons, coal 2,7 mln ton and fuel 9 mln ton and almost
165 thousand passengers were served (Rocznik Stat-
ystyczny Gospodarki Morskiej 2009).
It can be easily noticed when comparing climato-
gram from Gdansk with the one for Elbląg that
weather types from Group A are more frequently
noted in the port of Gdańsk. The first record is ob-
served in the second decade of December and it is
observed till the first decade of April and their max-
imum frequency is noted in the second decade of
February (at an average six days in a decade). They
are weather types 4313, 5313, 5314, 6313, 6314 and
6315. When compared with Elbląg they are charac-
terized by lower air temperature and greater wind
Weather from Group B in Gdańsk is observed
from the second decade of October to the first dec-
ade of April. Maximum, exceeding 20% frequency
is noted in the third decade of December (24%), in
the first decade of January (21%) and second decade
of February (24%). Weather types from group C are
noted during the whole year-in two decades they
reach 50% frequency the third decade of January
and November.
When we analyze the frequency of weather which
is favorable for the port operation i.e. group D, it
should be noted that only in 10 decades their fre-
quency does not exceed 50% (the lowest frequency
25% - in the second decade of February). In 14 dec-
ades their frequency exceeds 75% such situation
can be observed from the second decade of April till
the third decade of September. The best weather
conditions for port operation in Gdańsk occur in the
third decade of May (91%). Generally speaking sim-
ilar to Elbląg weather conditions in Gdańsk are fa-
vorable for port operation but they are a bit more
difficult than in Elbląg.
3.3 Hel
The port of Hel (φ = 54°36'N, λ = 18°48'E) is locat-
ed in the southern part of the Hel Sandbank, at the
western part of the extreme part of the sandbank, on
the eastern coast of the Puck Bay. The civil port is
situated in the south west part of the town, south of
Hel military port. The port of Hel is mainly fishing
harbor and is also a port for pleasure crafts (White
Fleet) coming from “3city”. Hel has never been a
cargo handling port (Krośnicka 2007). In 2008 Hel
was visited by 1066 vessels of total capacity 479,8
thousand GRT (Rocznik Statystyczny Gospodarki
Morskiej 2009).
Fig. 3. Climatogram for Gdańsk (20002009).
Fig. 4. Climatogram for Hel (20002009).
Weather types from Group A were observed in
Hel only in 6 decades (in Gdańsk in 12 decades).
Reaching maximum 2% frequency in the third dec-
ade of December, January and February - these
weather types are marked with symbols 4314, 5314,
and 6314 (Fig. 4). Contrary to Gdańsk the weather
types from Group A occur in Hel in single, separated
In the analyzed period 2000 2009 weather types
form Group B appeared for the first time in the se-
cond decade of October, then in the first decade of
November and only from the third decade of No-
vember they are constantly observed. Such situation
is present until the second decade of April. Starting
from the last decade of December till the first decade
of March weather types form this group reach 20%
frequency (maximum 32% in the second decade of
February). Weather types form Group C are ob-
served during the entire year and their maximum
frequency in noted in the third decade of January
(63%) and November (59%) and the first decade of
March (50%).
Weather types from Group D are noted during the
whole year and from the second decade of April till
the first decade of October they reach 75% frequen-
cy- at the turn of May and June such weather condi-
tions are noted 9 days in a decade on average.
3.4 Łeba
The port of Łeba (φ = 54°46'N, λ = 17°33'E) is situ-
ated on the mouth of the Łeba river (the place where
the river flows into the sea) and similar to Hel is on-
ly fishing and tourist port. It is not fitted with cargo
handling facilities (Krośnicka 2007).
Weather types form Group A (5313, 5314, 6313
and 6314) are observed for the first time in the se-
cond decade of November and for the last time in
the first decade of April (Fig. 5). Similar to the port
of Hel weather types from this group do not form
one group; the decades during which they can be ob-
served are separated and their frequency drops to
0%. All in all they are noted in 9 decades. When
compared with the port of Hel and Gdańsk the fre-
quency of weather types from Group A in Łeba is
higher they can be observed not only more fre-
quently but also sooner, as early as in the second
decade of November.
Weather types from Group B are noted from the
third decade of October till second decade of April
and the frequency exceeds 10% from the third dec-
ade of November till the second decade of March.
They reach their maximum value during the third
decade of December (37%) and January (35%) and
in the second decade of February (31%). Weather
types from Groups C are observed during the whole
year and they reach maximum frequency (above
50%) from the second decade of October till the first
decade of March; except the third decade in Decem-
ber, the second in January and the third decade in
The most favorable weather conditions for the
port operation in the port of Łeba occur from the se-
cond decade of April till the second decade of June
and from the third decade of July to the first decade
of September, when the weather types from Group D
reach maximum 75% frequency. When compared
with the port of Hel weather types from this group
appear more rarely.
3.5 Ustka
The port of Ustka (φ = 54°35‘N; λ = 016°52’E) is
located on the mouth of the Słupia river and is one
of the largest fishing harbors in Poland-about 60
fishing boats permanently berth here. From a few to
a dozen of thousands of tons of cargo is handled in
the port of Ustka every year (in 2008 3.2 thousand
tons). Most frequently it is bulk and general cargo.
In 2008 twenty one vessels entered the port of Ustka
(2 general cargo vessels, 11 barges carrying dry bulk
cargo and 7 passenger vessels) of overall capacity
13, 6 thousand GRT (Rocznik Statystyczny Gospo-
darki Morskiej 2009).
The analysis of climatogram (Fig. 6) indicates
that weather types from Group A (5313, 5314, 5316,
6313, 6314) occur in Ustka more frequently than in
the previously described ports, reaching maximum
6% frequency in the second decade of February. For
the first time they are observed in the third decade of
November and for the last time in the first decade of
Weather types from Group B are observed from
the first decade of October to the first decade of
April and the frequency is more than 10% from the
first decade of December to the second decade of
March. The frequency exceeding 20% is noted in the
third decade of December, in the first and third dec-
ade of January and first and second decade of Febru-
ary. Weather types from Group C are noted during
the whole year - they exceed 50% frequency from
the second decade of October to the first decade of
January, in the third decade of January from the
third of January to the second decade of February
and first decade of March.
Weather types from Group D have 70% frequen-
cy from the third decade of April to the third decade
of July, in third decade of August and September.
The period of continuous occurrence of weather
types from Group D is reduced when compared to
the above described ports. The optimum conditions
for port operations in Ustka are observed in the third
decade of July (84%).
Fig. 5. Climatogram for Łeba (20002009).
Fig. 6. Climatogram for Ustka (20002009).
Fig. 7. Climatogram for Kołobrzeg (20002009).
3.6 Kołobrzeg
The port of Kołobrzeg = 54°11‘N; λ = 015°35’E)
is situated on the mouth of the river Parsęta and is
the sixth biggest merchant sea port in Poland. It
handles about 150 thousand tons of cargo every year
(84 vessels of total capacity 108,5 thousand tons in
2008). Bulk and general cargo prevail in the cargo
handled there. About 60 fishing boats berth in
Kołobrzeg and rendering services for them is one of
the basic tasks of this port. Kołobrzeg is also tourist
port which was visited by 93 passenger vessels in
2008 (Rocznik Statystyczny Gospodarki Morskiej
Weather types from Group A (6313,6314) appear
in single decades, i.e. in the first and second decade
of November, the third decade of January, and se-
cond decade of February; reaching maximum fre-
quency of 2% (Fig. 7). The noted weather types are:
6313 and 6314. When compared with the previously
described ports they are only weather types of peri-
odical weather.
Weather types from Group B appear as early as in
the third decade of October and remain until the se-
cond decade of April. The highest frequency is ob-
served in the third decade of December (32%). In
January and February, at the beginning of March
their frequency is similar reaching 23% and 24%.
Weather types from Group C reach their highest fre-
quency at the turn of October and November (more
than 50%).
In the last decade of April and May weather types
form Group B occur with the frequency of 80%. In a
few decades they reach 70% frequency: it is in the
first and the second decade of May, second decade
of June and the first decade in July and third in Sep-
tember. The frequency of these weather types is not
lower than 34% in any of the decades.
3.7 Świnoujście
The port of Świnoujście (φ = 53°54‘N; λ =
014°15’E) is located on Wolin and Uznam islands,
on the mouth of the Świna river. In 2008 the port of
Świnoujście was visited by 5238 vessels of gross
tonnage 63104,4 thousand tons. More than half of
the cargo handled in the port of Świnoujście is made
up of dry bulk cargo, with the majority of coal and
coke. About 30% of all cargo handled are ro-ro car-
go and lorries (Rocznik Statystyczny Gospodarki
Morskiej 2009).
Weather types from Group A (6313) may be ob-
served in the port of Świnoujście only in few sepa-
rate decades and for the first time they are observed
in the second decade of December (Fig.8). Apart
from this case they are also noted in the second and
third decade of February and March. They do not
reach frequency higher than 2% in any of the above
mentioned decades.
Fig.8. Climatogram for Świnoujście (20002009).
Weather types from Group B can be observed
as early as in the second decade of October and in
the first of November but continuously only from
the third decade of November till the second dec-
ade of April, reaching 20% frequency only in two
decades, i.e. in the third decade of December and
second decade of February. The weather types
from Group C never reach frequency of 50%.
Weather types from the last group reach maxi-
mum exceeding 90% frequency in a few decades-
the third decade of April, May, July and August
and the first decade of May and second decade in
June. None of these decades are marked by fre-
quency lower than 40%.
The analysis of climatograms drawn for Polish sea
ports indicates that each of them has its own clear-
ly defined structure of weather. In all of them both
frequency as well as distribution in time of weather
which is unfavorable for their operation is unique.
The weather types from Group A are most fre-
quently noted in the port of Ustka and Gdańsk and
least frequently in Elblag and Hel. In a case of
Gdansk the weather of this group was observed in
12 and in Ustka in 11 decades, in Elbląg in two
decades in Kołobrzeg in four decades, and in
Świnoujście in five. Weather types from this group
in none of these ports and in none of the decades
reached frequency exceeding 10% which means
that they are not observed every year so they are
weather types occurring from time to time only.
The weather types from Group A for the first time
in an annual cycle appear as early as second dec-
ade of November (Łeba, Kołobrzeg) and the latest
in the third decade of December (Hel). For the last
time these types of weather are noted in the first
decade of April (such a situation takes place in five
out of seven analyzed ports). Thus, it may be stated
that the most unfavorable weather types are ob-
served, not surprisingly, only during autumn, win-
ter and spring seasons. In the analyzed ports it is
only Gdansk were the weather is noted in a contin-
uous way from the second decade of December un-
til the first decade of April. In the other ports dec-
ades with weather types from Group A are
separated by decades during which such weather
type is not observed.
Weather types which do not have direct influ-
ence on the efficiency of port operation, i.e. weath-
er types characterized by positive air temperatures
during the whole day, without clouds, without pre-
cipitation and calm are most frequently observed
from April till September. The 80% frequency is
observed in the decades starting from the first dec-
ade of April in Świnoujście, second decade in
April in Hel, the third decade in April in Gdansk,
Ustka and in Kołobrzeg, and in Łeba in the third
decade in May. For the last time such high fre-
quency is noted in the third decade of September
(Elblag, Gdańsk, Hel, Świnoujście), in the third
decade of August (Ustka) and in the third decade
of July (Kołobrzeg). Thus, the periods covering
summer, late spring and early autumn turn to be
most favorable for carrying out port operations in
Polish ports.
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