International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 5
Number 4
December 2011
A highly significant issue during the planning and
construction of the shore observatory stations net-
work is undoubtedly their proper location, as the
success of the entire investment depends on the right
positioning. The criterion for project evaluation may
be adopted on the basis of the extent of coverage of
the monitored area, the number of observatory sta-
tions used for this purpose and, hence, the degree of
maritime transport safety. Restrictions imposed on
such dilemma require a thorough analysis of the is-
sue long before the realisation of the project. Prob-
lem analysis ought to focus on the placement of
shore stations primarily. During the problem analy-
sis various possible locations and observatory station
types should be regarded. The results of completed
analysis should answer the question which of the
possible locations are the best for creating the suffi-
cient network of the shore observatory stations.
Above all, the choice of location ought to fulfil
marine shipping safety requirements, which are to a
great extent related to the warranty for the monitored
area coverage, as well as various technical and eco-
nomic aspects. Provided the system constructed is a
mere expansion of an already existing maritime traf-
fic monitoring system, it ought to take into account
existing observatory infrastructure.
Facility location problems investigate where to
physically locate a set of facilities (resources, sta-
tions, etc.) so as to minimize the cost of satisfying
some set of demands (customers) subject to some set
of constraints. Location decisions are integral to a
particular system’s ability to satisfy its demands in
an efficient manner. In addition, because these deci-
sions can have lasting impacts, facility location deci-
sions will also affect the system’s flexibility to meet
these demands as they evolve over time.
Facility location models are used in a wide varie-
ty of applications. These include, but are not limited
to, locating warehouses within a supply chain to
minimize the average time to market, locating haz-
ardous material sites to minimize exposure to the
public, locating railroad stations to minimize the
variability of delivery schedules, locating automatic
teller machines to best serve the bank’s customers,
locating a coastal search and rescue station to mini-
mize the maximum response time to maritime acci-
dents, and locating a observatory stations to cover
monitored area. These six problems fall under the
realm of facility location research, yet they all have
different objective functions. Indeed, facility loca-
tion models can differ in their objective function, the
distance metric applied, the number and size of the
facilities to locate, and several other decision indi-
A Simulation Environment for Modelling and
Analysis of the Distribution of Shore
Observatory Stations - Preliminary Results
T. Neumann
Gdynia Maritime University, Gdynia, Poland
ABSTRACT: The paper has presented the usage of mathematical theory of evidence in evaluating of the pos-
sibility of o
bject detection by monitoring radar stations. The level of object detection allows for effortless
conversion to optimisation problem of monitored area coverage. Development of such task enables such dis-
tribution of observatory stations that maintains the detection rate higher than the assumed value. An appropri-
ate rate level is achieved by covering the analysed set of points with sufficient number of radar stations.
Combining evidence allows for calculating corresponding parameters for each set of observing equipment.
ces. Depending on the specific application, inclusion
and consideration of these various indices in the
problem formulation will lead to very different loca-
tion models (Hale & Moberg, 2003).
There exists two predominant objective functions
in location science: minisum and minimax. These
are also known as the median and centre problems,
respectively. The diametrics of these objective func-
tions also exist (maxisum and maximin), although
they are somewhat less studied. Other objective
functions are also studied within the location science
community, especially recently. The most notable of
these are the set covering and maximal covering ob-
jective functions. The former of these two objectives
attempts to locate the minimum number of new fa-
cilities such that a prescribed distance constraint to
existing facilities is not violated. In contrast, the lat-
ter strives to locate a given number of facilities to
best meet the (weighted) demands of the existing fa-
cilities subject to a maximum distance between new
and existing facility. It should be noted that for the
set covering formulation, because all of the demands
must be met (covered) regardless, the relative weight
of the demands generated by the existing facilities
are inconsequential, whereas in the maximal cover-
ing objective some existing facility demands may be
left unmet (uncovered).
Location problems are generally solved on one of
three basic spaces: continuous spaces (spatial), dis-
crete spaces, and network spaces. The first of these
three deals with location problems on a continuous
space (in one, two, or three dimensions) where any
location within the realm is a feasible location for a
new facility. The second looks at problems where
locations must be chosen from a pre-defined set
while the third looks at location problems that are
confined to the arcs and nodes of an underlying net-
work (Hale, Moberg, 2003).
3.1 The classical approach
The mathematical theory of evidence, one of various
tools employed in the application, will be used for
evaluating the possibility of objects detection by,
e.g., radio stations monitoring specified area. Ap-
proximate reasoning, the other significant element
used in the application, provides extrapolation and
interpolation of the incomplete knowledge of moni-
toring stations characteristics. The solution to the
problem of detection, namely assessing the possibil-
ity of detection by each station, allows for moving
on to the optimisation problem of supervised area
coverage. Such task can be solved by locating ob-
servatory stations in a manner enabling detection
level indicators to be higher than the assumed value.
An adequate level of indicator values is achieved by
covering a set of analyzed points with the relevant
number of suitably located stations. Detection levels
are estimated for a specific discrete search area with
regard to records consisting of observing equipment
data. Submission of records allows for calculating
appropriate parameters for each point of the ana-
lyzed area. Solving this problem is possible through
the mathematical theory of evidence.
The characteristics of each observatory station are
the starting point in the computational process. Suf-
ficient technical parameters provided by the equip-
ment manufacturers are incomplete values, calculat-
ed for a certain meteorological conditions at sea
(e.g., calm sea) and for typical naval units. Approx-
imate inference mechanisms as well as additional
knowledge of experts are needed, the latter being a
major source of output data due to the subjective ex-
pert assessment, affected by a degree of uncertainty.
This subjectivism requires the use of appropriate
mathematical apparatus. The mathema-tical theory
of evidence in its flexibility allows the use of fuzzy
and approximate figures. Calculation of masses of
the particular framework of discourse hypotheses
with use of membership function creates a structure
of beliefs enabling extensive use of the mathematical
theory of evidence.
Water areas monitoring is conducted with the use
of radar (among others), characterized, as any other
technical equipment, by certain limited level of
functioning and of reliability in the sense of realisa-
tion of basic tasks. The possibility of detecting ob-
ject is vital parameter of any device of this kind.
Modern monitoring stations are able to detect float-
ing objects in considerable distances. One may ven-
ture to say that their range is horizontal in fine hy-
drometeorological conditions. Obviously, the ability
to detect depends on the so-called Radar Cross Sec-
tion (RCS), a feature which is associated primarily
with the size of a given unit. Another significant pa-
rameter is a draft of a vessel, which in turn reduces
the above-water body, affecting directly the size of
the reflecting surface. Detection of smaller units at
rough sea may pose problems. Whether a specific
type unit will be detected in particular conditions
depends on the distance to the observatory station,
the sea state and the observing equipment character-
istics. In some areas the heavy maritime traffic calls
for an appropriate location of observatory stations
ensuring sufficiently high level of unit detection.
The DempsterShafer theory (DST) is a mathe-
matical theory of evidence. In Dempster-Shafer (DS)
theory, there is a fixed set of n mutually exclusive
and exhaustive elements, called the frame of dis-
cernment, which is symbolized by:
{ }
AAA ,...,,
The representation scheme describes the work-
ing space for the desired application since it consists
of all propositions for which the information sources
can provide evidence. Information sources can dis-
tribute mass values on subsets of the frame of dis-
. An information source assign
mass values only to those hypotheses, for which it
has direct evidence.
( )
Basic Probability Assignment (BPA) has to fulfil
the conditions as follows:
( )
( )
If an information source cannot distinguish be-
tween two propositions,
, it assigns a mass
value to their union
( )
. Mass distribution
from different information sources, are combined
with Dempster’s rule of combination (5). The result
is a new distribution, which incorporates the joint in-
formation provided by the sources.
( )
( )
( )
A factor K is often interpreted as a measure of
conflict between the different sources (6) and is in-
troduced as a normalization factor (5). The larger K
is when the more the sources are conflicting and the
less sense has their combination.
If factor K = 0, this shows a consensus of opin-
ions, and if 0 < K < 1, it shows partial compatibility.
Finally, the Dempster’s rule of combination does
not exist when K = 1. In this case, the sources are to-
tally contradictory, and it is no longer possible to
combine them. In the cases of sources highly con-
flicting, the normalisation used in the Dempster’s
combination rule can be mistaking.
From a mass distribution, numerical values can
be calculated that characterize the uncertainty and
the support of certain hypotheses. Belief (7)
measures the minimum or necessary support where-
as plausibility (8) reflects the maximum or potential
support for that hypothesis.
( )
( )
( )
( )
3.2 Mathematical theory of evidence and fuzzy
When the assessment of the situation undergoes
solely a subjective expert rating, the results are only
to be obtained in form of linguistic variables. Theo-
ries presented show (Zadeh, 1975) possibility of
transforming such values into figures with use of the
fuzzy sets theory, a concept created by L.A. Zadeh
in the sixties of the 20th century and developed ever
since (mainly by its author), which increasingly in-
tercedes in various economic issues. According to
Zadeh, the aforementioned theory has not been suf-
ficiently employed for the purpose of detection anal-
ysis of marine units. A more extensive use of possi-
bilities offered by the fuzzy sets theory appears as a
necessity for rational construction of new maritime
traffic monitoring systems.
The mathematical theory of evidence deals with
function combining information contained in two
sets of assignments, subjective expert ratings. This
process may be interpreted as a knowledge update.
Combining sets results in forming of new subsets of
possible hypotheses with new values characterising
probability of specific options occurrence. The
aforementioned process may continue as long as
provided with new propositions. This function is
known as Dempster’s rule of combination.
A fuzzy nature can be attributed to events which
may be interpreted in fuzzy manner, for instance, in-
accurate evaluations of precisely specified distances
to any point. Subjective evaluations in categories:
near, far, very far may be expressed with fuzzy sets
defined by expert opinions. Such understanding of
fuzzy events is natural and common. Introduction of
events described by fuzzy sets moderates the manner
in which the results of processing are used, expands
the versatility of such approach, as well as changes
the mode of perceiving the overall combining proce-
dure. Deduction of specific events involved in the
process of combining pales into insignificance, as
obtaining information on related hypotheses is of
greater interest. Combining evidence of fuzzy values
brings new quality into knowledge acquisition due to
the usage of combination results as a data base capa-
ble of answering various questions. After combing
many fuzzy distances, the results allow to set the
support level for the veracity of statement claiming a
distance between a vessel and a barrier is very close,
safe or yet another. Other possibilities of the mathe-
matical theory of evidence in problems of navigation
can be found in Filipowicz, 2010.
As to the problem of monitored area coverage,
phrases used for assessing the distance of units will
be linguistically interpreted. The determination of
distance at which an object is located is possible
with use of linguistic values: very close, close, far,
very far. Particular linguistic expressions and corre-
sponding exemplary range of values are presented in
the Figure 1. More on this subject can be found in
Neumann, 2009.
very close
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
close medium far very far
Figure 1. Diagram of linguistic relations
3.3 The optimisation problem of observatory
stations distribution
Optimisation is determining the finest solution,
therefore finding the extremum of given function in
terms of specified criterion (e.g., cost, time, distance,
The optimisation of observatory stations distribu-
tion is achieved by such location of stations that
makes the tracking surface of the monitored area
nearest to the overall surface of study area. Obtain-
ing equality in two aforementioned surfaces marks
an ideal state of no occurrence of shaded area. The
usage of a given sort of observatory stations affects
the type and size of shaded areas resulting from en-
vironmental impact. In case of conventional radar
stations tracking surface depends on:
blind spots caused by port infrastructure, topog-
raphy of the area,
range and bearing discrimination.
Arrangement of shore stations seeks to maximise
the tracking surface while minimising the number of
newly built radar stations. Object-caused bind spots
may be eliminated by installing higher number of
observatory stations in various locations in a manner
enabling their range to cover the entire tracking sur-
face. This goal may be achieved by using a number
of additional observatory stations. However, one of
the regarded optimisation criteria are economic con-
ditions, additionally: the characteristics of the terrain
where stations are to be built, technical possibilities
of connecting stations to the network. The presented
approach has been implemented in the computer ap-
plication allowing for analysing maritime areas, pro-
posing a distribution of observatory stations, as well
as for comparative assessment of existing area moni-
toring schemes.
The application was created for MS Windows oper-
ating system (Neumann, 2010). This software pro-
vides an uncomplicated system for management of
stored shoreline patterns along with the suggested
locations of shore stations. This very construction
scheme for the aforementioned application was cho-
sen due to its ability to design, analyze and assess
practically all substantial parameters to be evaluated.
Its functions include: creating new projects, brows-
ing the list of existing projects, browsing the infor-
mation on given project and editing information on
given project. Transparent, clear and flexible appli-
cation architecture makes expanding the system and
implementing changes easier. This allows to avoid
many mistakes that could have a significant impact
on the quality of performed calculation.
The application was designed according to the
design pattern Model-View-Controller, with the
main purpose of separating the part of application
responsible for realisation of data processing from
the representative part displaying data. Such parti-
tion has numerous advantages, e.g., greater flexibil-
ity of the application, more readable code and in-
creased degree of code reuse.
In such constructed architecture three main layers
may be distinguished:
the presentation layer responsible for output da-
ta formatting and displaying the final result,
the business logic layer - mechanisms employing
the basic logic of the application with implement-
ed methods of mathematical theory of evidence.
Contain the entire application engine.
the data layer the database and the data stored
in the system.
The main purpose of this application is such dis-
tribution of shore observatory stations that provides
coverage of the entire desired area. Therefore, prin-
cipal objectives of the observatory stations location
test may be specified as follows:
to ensure the greatest possible coverage of the
monitored area, using the smallest possible num-
ber of observatory stations.
to ensure the highest possible probability of float-
ing unit detection in the medium weather condi-
The greatest possible coverage is one of the input
parameters of the application. While using the visual
interface of the application, the user determines the
maritime area of his or her interest, whose monitor-
ing is to be ensured by the shore stations. The user
determines also the set of localisation where shore
stations may be constructed. A unit detection charac-
teristics in inclement, medium and fair weather con-
ditions may be entered for each station. The entered
characteristic is converted to the corresponding val-
ues of detection possibility for the specified point.
Calculated values can be changed at any moment of
application’s work, hence the determination of, e.g.,
permanent dead zones for observatory stations be-
comes possible.
One of the application elements is the module,
which allows for defining detailed characteristics of
an observatory station. By defining a station, the us-
er determines its maximum range of floating unit de-
tection. Characteristics for each station ought to be
created with regard to all features affecting the
quality of observation. The method for defining pa-
rameters is presented in the Figure 2. From the
viewpoint of the brick defining individual intervals
and the level of medium size floating unit detection
in medium weather conditions are highly significant
elements. The employment of linguistic operator
will improve work with the application and emulate
behaviour similar to human reasoning. Entering any
directional characteristics for each station gives the
opportunity to accurately reproduce the actual situa-
tion, increase range of the station in the direction of
fine terrain parameters, while limiting the range
where natural barriers preventing good observation
The main algorithm for this application analyses
each of the interesting points with use of the mathe-
matical theory of evidence, searching for such dis-
tribution of observatory stations, that would ensure
the specified coverage of the given area. Of all loca-
tions available the smallest number is chosen for ob-
servatory stations.
An entirely separate module is the comparative
analysis of various observatory stations arrange-
ments, allowing for choosing the location for an ob-
servatory station, providing its characteristics and,
subsequently, calculating the detection level in spe-
cific points in the chosen area. The calculation re-
sults for each observatory stations distribution sys-
tem are collected in detailed report specifying
additionally the best of given shore stations distribu-
tion systems, as well.
Figure 2. Module for defining detailed characteristics of an ob-
servatory station.
In every simulation project adapting the general
model to the specific problem situation plays essen-
tial role. Adapting particular model of simulation
project realization does not equal the lack of possi-
bility to introduce changes, contrary it ought to be
continuously modified to consider conditionings of
specific projects.
Figure 3. Results of analysis for the experimental area of the Gulf of Gdansk for the two observation stations
At the current stage of work on creating simula-
tion environment, the completion of calculations de-
pends on fulfilling weather condition for each of an-
alysed points. The method suggested enabling
assessment of observatory station emplacement
searches in the solution set for the solution assuring
unit detection at the level higher than the entered
value. The number of solutions to the problem can
be bigger, yet it is always a finite number. All of so-
lutions obtained in this way may be compared. The
solution in which the sum of all calculated values of
specific points detection coefficients has the highest
value may be indicated as the best one. As employ-
ing this method as the best point at the solution of
extreme values, an alternative way for choosing the
solution (based on assigning weights to possible re-
sults intervals and calculating the sum of coefficients
with regard to aforementioned weights) was imple-
The results analysis may suggest changes in shore
observatory stations distribution. Other location of
observatory stations can cause enlargement of the
observation area in monitored maritime areas and a
rise in the number of current situation data. More ef-
fective distribution of stations contributes to the nav-
igation safety improvement and brings measureable
benefits to the environment, as every failure to de-
tect a floating unit may result in shipwreck and con-
tamination of the environment.
The visualisation of the results is presented in the
Figure 3. Degrees of colour saturation stand for val-
ues obtained in specific points of analysed problem.
The method for calculating coefficients character-
izing the obtained solution depends in particular on
the representation of the assessments of events oc-
curring in the defined structures. The assessments
may have form of exact or approximate values; it
may be based on the interval values or fuzzy values.
The type of used assessment requires employment of
adequate mathematical apparatus when combining
The paper has presented the usage of mathematical
theory of evidence in evaluating of the possibility of
object detection by monitoring radar stations. The
level of object detection allows for effortless conver-
sion to optimisation problem of monitored area cov-
erage. Development of such task enables such distri-
bution of observatory stations that maintains the
detection rate higher than the assumed value. An ap-
propriate rate level is achieved by covering the ana-
lysed set of points with sufficient number of radar
stations. Combining evidence allows for calculating
corresponding parameters for each set of observing
The usage of software engineering methods in
simulation study on distribution of shore observatory
stations is not limited solely to the possibility of re-
alising a project of such type on the basis of model
derived from this field. The growing importance of
IT factor entails verification of models in a docu-
mented and structured manner therefore tech-
niques developed for software testing are also appli-
cable. The main purpose of the application is to
determine locations of shore observation points in
order to ensure the control, management and mari-
time traffic control in areas of limited surface.
Filipowicz, W. 2010. Fuzzy Reasoning Algorithms for Position
Fixing, Pomiary Automatyka Kontrola 2010(12), s. 1491-
Hale, T.S. & Moberg, C.R. 2003. Location Science Research:
A Review. Annals of Operations Research 123, 2135,
Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands.
Neumann, T. 2009. Problemy Wyznaczania Lokalizacji Brze-
gowych Stacji Obserwacyjnych, TransComp, Zakopane (in
Neumann, T. 2010. Komputerowe narzędzie wspomagające
analizę lokalizacji stacji obserwacyjnych rejonów mor-
skich. Logistyka, Nr 6, CD-ROM (in Polish)
Zadeh, L.A. 1975. The concept of a linguistic variable and its
application to approximate reasoning, Inf. Sci.