International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 5
Number 1
March 2011
Global Navigation Satellite System is designed for
positioning, navigation, amongst other possible ap-
plications it can also be used to derive information
about the state of the atmosphere, what is now rec-
ognized as GNSS meteorology. Particularly GNSS
meteorology is the remote sensing of the atmosphere
from satellite platform (GNSS radio occultation me-
teorology) (Pavelyev et al. 2010) and ground perma-
nent stations (ground based GNSS meteorology)
(Bender et al. 2010). Continuous observations from
GNSS receivers provide an excellent tool for study-
ing the earth atmosphere. There are many GNSS me-
teorology applications: climatology, nowcasting and
4D monitoring.
The ground based GNSS meteorology is based on
the tropospheric delay, one of the results of GNSS
data processing . The tropospheric delay is repre-
sented by the Zenith Total Delay ZTD. The ZTD can
be split into hydrostatic ZHD and wet ZWD compo-
nent of the delay:
The wet component of Zenith Tropospheric De-
lay ZWD is the foundation for computing of water
vapor content in the atmosphere. The relation be-
tween ZWD and the water vapor content in atmos-
phere is expressed by IWV (Integrated Water Vapor)
and given by the equation (Kleijer 2004):
where R
is the specific gas constant for water
vapor, k’
, k
are refraction constants (Boudouris
1963) and T
is weighted mean water vapor temper-
ature of the atmosphere (Kleijer 2004).
The IPWV (Integrated Precipitable Water Vapor)
is computed IPWV according to relation:
where ρ
is the water density (Mendes 1999).
The IPWV is delivered according to equations (2
and 3) from ZWD and gives the information about
contents of water vapor (2D model) above GNSS
stations. The EUREF Permanent Network (EPN: is the base of determination of
IPWV in Europe (Vedel and Huang 2004). Since
2005 EPN analysis centres ASI, BKG, GOP and
LPT delivers Near Real Time ZTD for meteorologi-
cal applications in the frame of international project
E-GVAP (EUMETNET GPS Water Vapour Pro-
gramme) (Dousa 2010).
The spatial structure and temporal behavior of the
water vapor in the troposphere (4D model) can be
modeled by using the GNSS tomography method.
The input data of GNSS tomography are: the signal
GNSS Meteorology
J. Bosy, W. Rohm, J. Sierny & J. Kaplon
Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences
ABSTRACT: GNSS meteorology is the remote sensing of the atmosphere (troposphere) using Global Navi-
tion Satellite Systems (GNSS) to derive information about its state. The most interesting information is a
delay of the signal propagation due to the water vapor content - the Slant Wet Delay (SWD). The inverse
modeling technique being concern here is the tomography. It is the transformation of the slant integrated ob-
servation of state of the atmosphere (SWD), to the three dimensional distribution of the water vapor. Over
past six years the studies on GNSS tomography were performed in the Wroclaw University of Environmental
and Life Sciences on the GNSS tomography. Since 2008 the new national permanent GNSS network ASG-
EUPOS (about 130 GNSS reference stations) has been established in Poland ( This paper
presents the issues of the Near Real Time troposphere model construction, characteristic of GNSS and mete-
orological data and the building of the required IT infrastructure.
Slant Wet Delays SWD, which are the results of the
GNSS data processing, the meteorological observa-
tions from synoptic stations and the Numerical
Weather Prediction (NWP) models data. The NWP
models data are also used for GNSS data verification
and calibration of the tomography model (Rohm and
Bosy 2010). The STD can be separated like (1) into
hydrostatic SHD and wet SWD components and rep-
resented by the well known relation:
( ) ( )
is the satellite elevation angle and m
) and
) are the mapping functions (Niell 1996; Boehm
et al. 2006).
In the GNSS tomography SWD extracted from (4)
is linked with the wet refractivity N
by the given
where A is the design matrix.
Currently several methods exist to solve the
GNSS tomography model. The first is to add hori-
zontal and vertical constraints into the system of
equations (5) and then solve it (Hirahara 2000), the
second is to use a Kalman filter with the same equa-
tion system (Flores et al. 2000), the third is to find
the solution directly from the GNSS phase meas-
urement equation (Nilsson and Gradinarsky 2006)
and another is Algebraic Reconstruction Technique
(ART) developed by Kaczmarz (Bender et al. 2009).
The method presented in this paper uses the mini-
mum constraint conditions imposed on the system of
observation equations (5) (Rohm and Bosy 2009;
Rohm and Bosy 2010).
The wet refractivity N
is estimated from equa-
tion (5) and finally the water vapour distribution in
the troposphere (4D) represented by the water va-
pour partial pressure e and the temperature T is ex-
tracted from the formula:
where Z
is an inverse empirical compressibility
factor (Owens 1967).
The new Polish national permanent GNSS net-
work (Ground Base Augmentation System) ASG-
EUPOS has been established since 2008. 17 Polish
stations equipped with GNSS receivers and uniform
meteorological sensors work currently in the frame
of the European Permanent Network (Bosy et al.
2007; Bosy et al. 2008). The ASG-EUPOS network
consists (including foreign stations) of about 130
GNSS reference stations located evenly on the coun-
try area and build network of greater density than
EPN network. This guarantees that the 4D tropo-
sphere delay and water vapor models will be more
representative for the territory of Poland.
Since 2010 the idea of integrated researches
based on the GNSS and meteorological observations
from ASG-EUPOS stations is realized in the frame
of research project entitled Near Real Time atmos-
phere model based on the GNSS and the meteoro-
logical data from the ASG-EUPOS reference sta-
tions on the territory of Poland. The paper presents
in the second section the methodology of NRT at-
mosphere models construction procedures. The se-
cond section encloses proposal of the method of wa-
ter vapor distribution in space and time (4DWVD)
using GNSS tomography technique. The third sec-
tion includes the ASGEUPOS system description
and sources of GNSS and meteorological data, local-
ization and accuracies. The fourth section contains
the specification of IT infrastructure for NRT data
streaming and processing. The paper is closed in
fifth section with conclusions.
The GNSS and meteorological observations form
ASG-EUPOS stations are the base of near real time
models of tropospheric delay and water vapor (NRT
ZTD and NRT ZWD) in atmosphere. Figure 1 shows
the diagram of NRT ZTD and NRT ZWD models
construction (Bosy et al. 2010).
Figure 1: The diagram of NRT ZTD, ZWD and IPWV models
construction on the base of GNSS and meteorological data
from ASG-EUPOS reference stations
The NRT ZTD will be obtained from the NRT so-
lution of ASG-EUPOS stations network. The strate-
gy of NRT solution will be realized according to
standards used for global IGS and regional EPN
permanent GNSS networks and NRT solution strat-
egy created in the frame of COST Action 716 (Eu-
ropean Cooperation in the field of Scientific Tech-
nical Research-exploitation of ground-based GPS for
climate and numerical weather prediction applica-
tions, 1998-2004), TOUGH (Targeting Optimal Use
of GPS Humidity Data in Meteorology,, 2003-2006) and E-GVAP (The
EUMETNET GPS Water Vapour Programme,
81, 2004-2008) projects (Dousa
2004; Dousa 2010). The ZHD for all ASG-EUPOS
stations will be estimated in NRT mode on the base
of meteorological observation of Polish EPN sta-
tions equipped with meteorological sensors. Next
according to relation (1) the values of ZWD will be
computed. The IWV and IPWV values above all
ASG-EUPOS stations will be calculated from equa-
tions (2) and (3) and finally NRT ZWD and NRT
IPWV models for Poland territory will be construct-
ed (Bosy et al. 2010).
The spatial structure and temporal behavior of the
water vapour in the troposphere (4D) can be mod-
eled using the GNSS tomography method. The
GNSS signal delays due to the water vapour are
evaluated for a large number of different views
through the atmosphere (Bender and Raabe 2007).
The idea of GNSS tomography for Poland is pre-
sented in the figure 2 (Bosy et al. 2010).
Figure 2: The ray path in consecutive voxels. Two cases are
considered, the first when the ray is coming out of the model’s
side face (sf), and the second, when ray is comming out of the
model top bounduary (tb)
The input data of GNSS tomography are: the sig-
nal Slant Wet Delays SWD, which are the results of
the GNSS data processing, the meteorological ob-
servations from ASG-EUPOS meteo stations. The
quality and quantity of the GNSS observations is
strongly correlated with the GNSS satellites constel-
lation, the number of the ground stations and inter-
station distances. As a result of the GNSS data pro-
cessing the cut off angle of SWD observations are set
to 3 5 degrees of elevation. Moreover, the empiri-
cal results show that the angles are ranging from 5 to
85 degrees, but most of the observations are clus-
tered between 10 and 15 degrees. In case of GNSS
troposphere tomography it is typical condition
(Bender and Raabe 2007). In the GNSS tomography
SWD is linked with wet refractivity N
by the equa-
tion (5). One of the method to resolution of equation
(5) is the authors method (Rohm and Bosy 2009;
Rohm and Bosy 2010) presented briefly below.
To find the voxels’ (Fig. 2) refractivities one
needs to invert the equation (5), which in theory
might be solved by the means of the least squares
( )
where the A is design matrix (5) and P is a weighting
matrix. The weighting matrix P is constructed as an
inversion of covarince matrix of observations SWD
given by the formula:
To get 3D picture of the wet refractivity N
Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) technique is
used. The SVD technique is the pseudo inverting of
system (5) on the base of factorization of the vari-
ancecovariance matrix in the equation (7).
( )
where U is a n orthogonal matrix of left-singular
vectors, V is a m×m orthogonal matrix of right sin-
gular vectors, S is a n×m diagonal matrix of singular
values sorted in descending order (Anderson et al.
1999) and S
is a pseudoinverse of the matrix S.
The GNSS data are currently available from the
GNSS permanent stations operated in the frame of
national networks. In Poland the national permanent
GNSS network ASG-EUPOS has been established
since 2008. The receiving segment (ground control
segment) consists of a network of GNSS reference
stations located evenly on the whole territory of Po-
land. Comply with EUPOS and project of the ASG-
EUPOS system standards distances between neigh-
boring reference stations should be 70 km what
gives number of stations 98 (3). According to rules
of EUPOS organization (in the frame of cross-border
data exchange) 3 reference stations from Lithuania
(LITPOS), 6 stations from Germany (SAPOS), 7 sta-
tions from Czech Republic (CZEPOS) and 6 stations
from Slovakia (SKPOS) were added (Fig. 3) (Bosy
et al. 2008).
Figure 3: Reference stations included of ASG-EUPOS system
The reference stations of ASG-EUPOS system
(Fig. 3) are equipped with themodern GNSS receiv-
ers and the antennas with absolute calibrations. In
the 14 localizations of the EPN stations the new uni-
form meteorological infrastructure Paroscientic, Inc.
MET4A sensors were installed. In the EPN/IGS sta-
tion Borowiec (BOR1) the equivalent meteorologi-
cal sensors: NAVI Ltd. HPTL.3A and Skye Instru-
ments Ltd. are installed.
Meteorological observations from ASG-EUPOS
stations (Bosy et al. 2010) will be used for ZHD ex-
traction from equation (1), to compute ZWD and fi-
nally SWD (4). The external meteorological observa-
tions from Institute of Meteorology and Water
Management (IMGW) synoptic stations, radiosound-
ings observations and NWP COAMPS model out-
puts will be used also for verification of GNSS to-
mography model (Rohm and Bosy 2010).
Meteorological data from stations dispersed on the
area of study are collected with GNSS data and put
into ASG-EUPOS caster. Then using the NTRIP
(Networked Transport of RTCM via Internet Proto-
col), data are transferred to the center that deals with
NRT (Near Real Time) processing. The Internet is
particularly well suited to transmit data between dif-
ferent providers over long distances. However, the
servers required must be tied to the Internet via in-
terconnected broadcasters with sufficient bandwidth.
In order to secure resources the infrastructure must
be equipped with firewall and IDS (Intrusion Detec-
tion System) / IPS (Intrusion Prevention System) el-
ements (Fig. 4).
Figure 4: IT infrastructure for data streaming and processing
The GNSS and meteorological data from Man-
agement Centre (MC) of ASG-EUPOS are decoded
and sent both to compute clusters and database
(Fig. 4). Despite the effectiveness of the algorithms
computations require compute clusters. That is why
one needs such computer cluster, which enables par-
allel computations. NRT processing should be
equipped with back-up system, which connects with
other devices through dedicated high-speed fiber
channel network. The above presented conception is
still very general and will be detailed during tests
and the project realization.
Ground based GNSS meteorology currently utilizes
the height resolution GBAS networks like AS-
GEUPOS, where reference stations are equipped
with GNSS and meteorological sensors. The NRT
troposphere model based on the GNSS and meteoro-
logical data of GBAS system could be used as well
as in meteorological applications, in the real-time
and post-processing positioning services of AS-
GEUPOS system. The model created from meteoro-
logical and GNSS data, could be competitive to
Numerical Weather Prediction models, especially
for nowcasting. The improvement in positioning is
that tropospheric delays will be calculated directly
from observations, not like now from deterministic
This work has been supported by the Polish Ministry
of Science and Higher Education: research project
No N N526 197238.
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