International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 4
Number 3
September 2010
1.1 Definitions
There is no consistent definition of both knowledge
in general and navigational knowledge. It is assumed
that knowledge is the total information about reality
and the capability to use it.
Intuitively, knowledge is understood as the ability
to behave in compliance with particular standards,
norms, regulations and good sea practice.
Navigational knowledge, in turn, is to be under-
stood as a set of data, facts, rules, procedures, strate-
gies and theories combined with the capability of
their interpretation and reasoning (Uriasz, 2008).
This knowledge allows the navigator to fulfill the
basic task of marine navigation, namely safe conduct
of a ship from one point to another in any situation.
This requirement also applies when the navigator’s
information is incomplete or unreliable.
1.2 Formal requirements
Navigational knowledge and associated competenc-
es are benchmarked and formally confirmed with
IMO-approved certificates. The International Mari-
time Organization, aiming at the global assurance of
the safety of navigation, sets forth minimum stand-
ards of professional competencies. These are con-
tained in the STCW Convention and the relevant
Code and constitute precise requirements for the
competencies including the real knowledge and
skills of seafarers and their task performance. The
Convention in detail defines certain areas of
knowledge, methods of its demonstration and as-
sessment. The provisions of the Convention are pe-
riodically revised and updated.
The defined areas of navigator’s competencies
make up a formal description that contains infor-
mation on the knowledge and its scope, its practical
use and methods of performing certain tasks and
methods of assessment.
1.3 Scope
Navigational knowledge can be considered from two
perspectives: competencies and tasks.
The former refers to the range of knowledge for
three levels as specified by the STCW Convention:
management, operational and support. The Conven-
tion itself, defining minimum competence standards
for performing various navigational tasks, specifies
knowledge standards for seven functions. These are
as follows:
cargo handling and stowage,
controlling the operation of the ship and care for
persons on board),
marine engineering,
electrical, electronic and control engineering,
maintenance and repair,
The minimum scopes of knowledge are thus de-
fined as necessary for the performance of these func-
Knowledge Representation in a Ship’s
Navigational Decision Support System
Z. Pietrzykowski & J. Uriasz
Maritime University of Szczecin, Szczecin, Poland
ABSTRACT: Supporting the navigator in decision making processes may substantially contribute to the en-
hancement of the safety in sea transport. The navigational decision support system supplements the existing
range of equipment and systems intended for sea-going ship conduct. One of the basic tasks of such systems
is an analysis of a navigational situation and solving collision situations. A well functioning navigational de-
cision support system should feature a decision-maker’s (navigator’s) knowledge representation. This refers
to both explicit knowledge - procedural, declarative, heuristic, and tacit knowledge - empirical associations.
The article presents assumptions of navigational knowledge base and its realization in the presently designed
navigational decision support system.
The latter perspective task-based simply re-
sults from the overall transport objective: carriage of
cargo and people (voyage planning, loading, passage
to the destination, unloading). To execute the above
tasks one needs formalized i.e. acquired knowledge
(defined, recognized facts, relationships, interrela-
tions etc.) and, the most important, empirical associ-
ation, that is knowledge acquired through practice
and professional experience.
2.1 Assumptions
The determination of navigators’ competencies is
strictly related with the assurance of minimum level
of safety in shipping. However, satisfaction of these
requirements does not eliminate the most common
cause of marine accidents human error. The con-
struction of decision support systems broadens op-
portunities for the reduction of such errors. Apart
from a proper situation display, the function of deci-
sion support systems is to automatically analyze and
assess a situation and to work out (generate) ma-
noeuvres recommended to the navigator for perfor-
mance. One such solution comes from the Maritime
University of Szczecin, where a navigational deci-
sion support system is being developed (Pietrzykow-
ski et al. 2007).
The basic tasks for the system being designed in-
automatic acquisition and distribution of naviga-
tional information,
analysis of a navigational situation and avoidance
of collision situations,
interaction with the navigator.
The system should allow for the following tasks:
signaling dangerous situations and the present
level of navigational safety based on the criteria
used by expert navigators,
automatic determination of one or more manoeu-
vres and trajectories of ship movement in colli-
sion situations,
possibility of explaining (justifying) of the pro-
posed manoeuvre,
display of a navigational situation clear for the
The navigational decision support system is in-
tended as supplementary to the conventional ship-
board equipment. Its correct operation depends on
the compatibility with ship’s devices and systems.
The standard ship equipment includes: log, gyro-
compass, radar, echosounder, ARPA (Automatic
Radar Plotting Aids), GNSS (Global Navigational
Satellite System), e.g. GPS (Global Positioning Sys-
tem), DGPS (Differential Global Positioning Sys-
tem), AIS (Automatic Identification System), EC-
DIS (Electronic Chart Display and Information Sys-
tem), GMDSS (Global Maritime Distress and
Safety System).
There should be a possibility of adding naviga-
tional information from other sources, such as the
Vessel Traffic Service (VTS).
The idea of constructing a navigational decision
support system goes in line with current directions
of developments in marine navigation, including e-
navigation. As put in (IMO, NAV 53/13, 2007) E-
navigation is the harmonized collection, integration,
exchange, presentation and analysis of maritime in-
formation onboard and ashore by electronic means
to enhance berth to berth navigation and related ser-
vices, for safety and security at sea and protection of
the marine environment”. Therefore, navigational
system of decision support will be a component of
an e-navigation system.
2.2 System architecture
The system under design is one operating in real
time. Its tasks include observation of the ship and
the environment, registration of navigational infor-
mation, its selection, retrieval, verification and pro-
cessing. The navigator will be presented with the
outcome of system processing information such
the identification and assessment of a navigational
situation and suggested solutions (decisions) provid-
ing for safe navigation.
The system’s general architecture is shown in
Figure 1 (Pietrzykowski et al. 2008).
Fig. 1. Architecture of the navigational support system on a sea
going vessel
For the implementation of the tasks mentioned in
section 2.1. we need to use the knowledge of expert
Vessels in area Voyage data
Module of interaction with navigator
Module assessment
Situation assessment Knowledge base: COLREGs
Decision on manoeuvre
area traffic
voyage plan, navigator's
preferences, limitations
decisions situation info
situation data
voyage plan
data, rules
2.3 Object of implementation
The system prototype is being tested onboard the re-
search/training vessel Nawigator XXI, operated by
the Maritime University of Szczecin. Its basic pa-
rameters are as follows:
length overall – 60.21 m,
beam – 10.50 m,
draft – 3.15 m,
service speed – 13 knots.
The vessel has the following navigational equip-
ment and systems :
CSI MiniMax (DGPS),
Koden KGP-913D,
Trimble NT200D (DGPS),
gyro: Anschutz STD22,
AIS: Nauticast X-Pack DS,
JMA 5300,
Kelvin Hughes NINAS 9000,
ECDIS: -AG Neovo,
echosounder: -Skipper GDS 101,
log: Sperry SRD-421 S.
The ship’s equipment provides navigational data
needed by the navigator to make the right decisions.
The data, after integration, make up a basis for the
decision support system operation, i.e. analysis and
assessment of a navigational situation and the sug-
gestion which collision avoiding manoeuvre should
be performed.
3.1 Types and scope of knowledge
The requirements for the scope of navigators’
knowledge comprise procedural knowledge proce-
dures formulated by experts and declarative
knowledge of descriptive nature, covering sets of
facts, statements and rules.
Procedural knowledge, referring to the principles
of behaviour, is mainly contained in all kinds of
rules and regulations.
Declarative knowledge, acquired by navigators in
the course of studies, training courses and on board
ship service, is related with both analysis and as-
sessment of situations and the principles of naviga-
tor’s behavior.
Both procedural and declarative knowledge is
based on theories of various fields and scientific dis-
ciplines, navigation in particular.
Taking the system assumptions into account (sec-
tion 2.1) as well as knowledge standards which are
to be fulfilled for various functions to be performed,
as defined under the STCW Convention (section
1.3), we decided to limit the knowledge implement-
ed in the system to the function of navigation (prob-
lem 1). This knowledge includes two basic layers:
1) planning of a voyage route based on shipowner‘s
shipping-related decisionsweather routing,
2) ship movement control accounting for the moni-
toring of the safety of navigation:
determination of safe course and speed for a
present navigational situation bearing in mind
the goals defined in layer 1,
performance of manoeuvres rudder and en-
gine settings according to the determined val-
ues of the course and speed.
The planning of voyage route is aimed at meeting
shipowner’s goals. Such planning has to take into
consideration the present and forecast hydrological
and meteorological conditions (access to weather in-
formation) and the knowledge in this respect. Also,
the planning process is time-consuming as it requires
a lot of calculations. Although it can be done
onboard, the task is often ordered to specialized
land-based centres. Therefore, we assumed that the
planning task will be taken into consideration in fur-
ther stages of development of the navigational deci-
sion support system.
Safe conduct of a vessel following the determined
values of course and speed in a given navigational
situation is the process that may be divided into sev-
eral phases:
1 vessel detection and identification,
2 analysis and assessment of the situation,
3 defining the method of solving a collision situa-
tion choice of a preventive manoeuvre (ma-
noeuvres of course and/or speed alteration),
4 determination of manoeuvre parameters, includ-
ing the moment to start,
5 performance of a preventive (collision avoiding)
6 monitoring of the ship conduct process.
The execution of the phases by a navigator re-
quires that s/he has procedural and declarative
knowledge as well as the knowledge resulting from
the theories of scientific disciplines and fields mak-
ing up the principles of navigation. The knowledge
represented in the decision support system should
assure that each stage of safe ship conduct is ade-
quately performed. The implementation of this
knowledge requires that its sources, methods of ac-
quisition, representation and use are defined.
3.2 Sources of knowledge and methods of its
Sources of knowledge for a decision support system
are scientific theories and declarative knowledge ac-
quired by navigators during their studies, additional
courses and sea service. These make up a basis for
systematic principles of behaviour developed in the
form of regulations, recommendations and proce-
dures (procedural knowledge).
Procedural knowledge is particularly useful for
such aim as knowledge implementation in the deci-
sion support system (Pietrzykowski, 2004). Supple-
mented with methods, tools and techniques offered
by scientific theories covering such areas as naviga-
tion, mechanics, hydrodynamics and control, it ena-
bles making right decisions to assure the safety of
navigation. However, the complex character of sys-
tems and real processes and inaccuracies or impreci-
sions in their description make it necessary to take
into consideration the knowledge resulting from
navigators’experience (declarative knowledge). It
mostly has a descriptive nature and is often ex-
pressed through sets of facts (premises and implica-
tions). In this approach the knowledge comes from
expert navigators.
Procedural knowledge, among others, is con-
tained in official regulations, such as the Collision
Regulations or local regulations in many cases the-
se are very general and their scope of interpretation
can be wide indeed. A valuable source of this
knowledge are handbooks on seamanship or the the-
ory of ship handling, including information, recom-
mendations and procedures as well as interpretation
of regulations prepared on the basis of long time sea
service of mariners.
Navigators’ declarative knowledge is more diffi-
cult to be put into a formal framework. Its main
source are facts relating to a specific issue. Such
facts are obtained by a variety of research methods:
field studies:
observations (passive)
experiments (active)
model-based research:
physical (based on material models),
Model-based research is particularly useful when
combined with computer-aided simulation methods.
The advantage of such research is due to difficulties
of real field studies: high costs, limited possibility of
registration of varied situations, while in the case of
new projects there is no such possibility at all.
In knowledge acquisition, expert studies are an
important option. Expert studies can be performed in
the form of questionnaires or simulations with ex-
perts as participants.
The above mentioned methods have to be sup-
plemented with analytical, statistical and artificial
intelligence methods that are needed to identify rela-
tionships and dependencies in sets of facts collected
by the methods in question. For this reason, artificial
intelligence methods, tools and techniques are of
particular interest: machine learning, artificial neural
networks, fuzzy systems or evolutionary algorithms.
These techniques allows to work out a representation
of knowledge in the decision support system: direct-
ly (e.g. machine learning, artificial neural networks)
or indirectly (fuzzy systems, evolutionary algo-
Various types of knowledge and the complexity of
problems connected with its acquisition make it nec-
essary to use a group or groups of methods.
The following sources and/or methods have been
defined for each phase of safe vessel conduct (see
section 3.2):
1) detection and identification of a vessel (including
parameters of its movement):
analytical methods (verification, selection and
integration of navigational data),
artificial intelligence methods (estimation of
the state vector of another vessel)
2) situation analysis and assessment:
analytical methods (algorithmization of
analytical methods closest point of approach
(CPA) and time to CPA
expert methods – questionnaires, and statistical
methods (situation assessment criteria)
simulation methods with experts’ participation
and statistical methods (situation assessment
3) pointing out the method for collision situation
avoidance choice of a preventive manoeuvre;
analytical methods (algorithmization of
COLREGs, classical optimization algorithms)
artificial intelligence methods (fuzzy systems,
genetic algorithms);
4) determination of manoeuvre parameters
analytical methods (classical computational
algorithms, including optimization algorithms)
artificial intelligence methods (fuzzy systems,
genetic algorithms)
5) performance of a preventive (anti-collision) ma-
analytical methods (classical control algo-
artificial intelligence methods (fuzzy systems)
6) monitoring of ship conduct process:
analytical methods (prediction of vessel
The use of the above methods allows to acquire
and implement (representation and use) of naviga-
tors’ knowledge in the decision support system for
safe vessel conduct.
4.1 Knowledge representation
The acquired knowledge should be recorded in
forms suitable to its purpose or method of utiliza-
tion. The following methods of representation can be
Database structures. Databases allow to gather
sets of data and to record them in a specified manner
for the adopted model. They enable efficient edition
of data, their updating, archiving and further pro-
cessing. Database applications in navigation get in-
creasingly wider as information technologies are
constantly being advanced. One such example is
VDR, voyage data recording. Various facts of a giv-
en voyage may be used in the process of knowledge
supplementing (situations and manoeuvres per-
formed by navigators). Another example is the con-
ception of WEND - Worldwide Electronic Naviga-
tional Chart Database (Hecht, 2007).
The electronic navigational chart represents a
basic source of knowledge on a given water area and
essentially complements the navigator’s knowledge.
Its database form enables a choice of the appropriate
layers of vector data for the execution of navigation-
al tasks (see 3.1)
Rules and decision trees. Rules represent the
knowledge defining the conditions for assigning reg-
istered facts to distinguished classes: they define
premises, implications and conclusions. Decision
trees execute a similar task. They enable solving a
classification problem for two or more classes.
Both rules and decision trees constitute such a
form of knowledge that is well implemented in ex-
pert systems. Decision trees allow to describe the
decision process – reasoning.
Decision tables. Another useful form of record-
ing knowledge is its representation as logical deci-
sion tables. The table contains a description of a de-
cision situation (DS), which is defined as a set of
ordered threes:
( )
fHU ,,
– set of possible actions,
H – set of possible results of actions,
utility function defined on the Cartesian
In marine navigation it is justified to use this
method of knowledge representation, as it enables
not only foreseeing the results of a particular deci-
sion but also, more importantly, adjusting the right
actions to the planned result.
Neural networks. These are mathematical struc-
tures able to process signals. Their operation is
based on the reproduction of processes taking place
in brains of living organisms. In the construction of
a neural network, one has to define the network
structure, then to carry out the learning process re-
sulting in the correct operation of the network, with
a maximum adopted error. Neural networks find ap-
plications in approximation problems, image recog-
nition, forecasts, selection, optimization etc.
Algorithms. An algorithm is a convenient and
clear-cut method of knowledge recording. In fact, it
is a detailed procedure for solving a problem. Recur-
rent algorithms in particular are very close to natural
behaviour of the human being by allowing to present
part of a problem instead of the whole. When in op-
eration, the algorithm refers to itself until a solution
to the problem is reached. Most problems in naviga-
tion are solved in a recurrent method, e.g. voyage
planning and passage, planning and performance of
a SAR operation, vessel detection and identification.
Typical computational algorithms, including optimi-
zation algorithms, are an important group. They rep-
resent theoretical knowledge that allows to solve
specific computation problems, e.g. determination of
ships encounter parameters or parameters for per-
forming a manoeuvre.
4.2 Utilization of knowledge in the decision support
The system supporting navigator’s decisions has to
have the right scope of knowledge indispensable for
its functioning. The knowledge recorded in the sys-
tem will be represented in forms mentioned in sec-
tion 4.1; these are in particular:
database structures in this form the system in-
cludes navigational cartographic information. The
information, satisfying IHO standards, will make
up a basis for presenting current navigational in-
formation. All manoeuvre recommendations will
account for the vicinity of dangers to navigation.
rules and decision trees the navigator keeping a
navigational watch does a number of actions: car-
ries out observations, assesses present naviga-
tional situations, plans and performs manoeuvres.
During these actions the navigator has to classify
surrounding conditions and encounter situations
by assigning them to various groups, which imply
the application of different rules provided by in-
ternationally recognized collision regulations
(COLREGs). The classification rules - principles
used for this purpose in decision support systems
may provide a relevant classification as well as
contribute to the development of comparable cri-
teria for classification used by navigators. This
refers to special cases when the classification is
based on incomplete or inaccurate information.
decision tables such record of knowledge will
contain information on manoeuvres their pa-
rameters, starting moment and effects. The navi-
gator will be left to decide on which manoeuvre
to choose (its type and parameters).
neural network this will be used for the assess-
ment of navigational safety in an encounter with
other vessels; such assessment will take into ac-
count the parameters of vessels encountered. It al-
lows to determine an area around the ship that
should be maintained clear of other objects - ship
domain (Pietrzykowski & Uriasz, 2009). The
network will also be used for the determination of
collision avoiding manoeuvres. As a universal
approximating device, it will also be utilized in
the process of state vector estimation of other
algorithms in the decision support system,
among others, the interpretation of COLREGs is
presented in the form of an algorithm. Based on
recurrent algorithms, such operations as vessel
acquisition or information decoding is executed.
Complex computational algorithms have been
used in the integration of navigational data from
various shipboard devices and systems. Standard
computational algorithms as well as complex op-
timization algorithms are used for selecting ma-
noeuvres and their parameters.
As the types and scopes of navigators’ knowledge
and the methods of its acquisition and representation
are varied, different forms were used for knowledge
implementation and utilization in the decision sup-
port system.
The created knowledge base has a distributed na-
ture. It includes the knowledge used in each stage of
the process of navigation, or ship conduct.
The decentralized structure of the knowledge
base make possible both supplements in terms of
scope and representation forms. It can be comple-
mented with navigators’ knowledge in the area of
voyage planning, and subsequently, it may cover the
other six functions (apart from navigation) specified
in STCW competence standards for enhanced per-
formance of specific tasks.
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