International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 4
Number 2
June 2010
1.1 SOLAS obligations for VHF radio equipment
The SOLAS 74/02 Convention states that each ves-
sel of Gross Tonnage 300-500 should carry at least 2
VHF radios while every passenger ship and every
cargo vessel of Gross Tonnage more then 500
should carry at least 3 VHF radios on board (SO-
LAS, 2006). VHF radios should not only be present
at the bridge, but also be properly situated. Headset
should be in the vicinity of officer's hand and the
speaker near his ears. Ship's wings should also be
fitted with VHF radio equipment to be use in emer-
gency situations or simply during manoeuvres.
The SOLAS states that there should be at least 2
separate ways to communicate in distress situation.
One of them is always VHF radio, since it is obliga-
tory to carry it when ship is operating in the A1 Sea
Area and so in all other areas (ALRS 5, 2007/08).
VHF equipment consists not solely of a speaker
and a headset. It is permanently connected to the
Digital Selective Calling device operating also in the
VHF band. The DSC device is capable of sending
and receiving DSC messages. The messages are sent
with a usage of 156.525 MHz frequency (channel
70). Monitoring on the VHF frequencies should be
continuous on the DSC channel 70 and broadcast
channel 16. SOLAS requires VHF radios to send and
receive communication on frequencies 156.300
MHz (channel 6), 156.650 MHz (channel 13),
156.800 MHz (channel 16) as in Table 1 (ALRS 5,
Table 1. VHF radio channels required by the SOLAS
Channel Frequencies (MHz) Special purpose
ship | shore
6 156.300 SAR communication
13 156.650 156.650 Safety of navigation
16 156.800 156.800 International distress,
safety and calling
70 156.525 156.525 DSC
1.2 STCW obligations for VHF radio users
VHF radio operators should have proper GMDSS
qualifications (Walczak, 1996). At least the General
Operators Certificate (GOC) should be held by the
officer who is keeping a navigational watch on a
bridge and uses the GMDSS equipment. The STCW
Code (STCW Code, 2001) states, that the radio
watch shall not be disturbed by any communication
not connected with safety of ship and navigation so
any routine or private communication during watch
is forbidden.
2.1 VHF range
English “VHF” abbreviation stands for Very High
Frequency and it describes those waves of the elec-
tromagnetic spectrum which length is a multiplicity
of meters. We can easily describe electromagnetic
waves as a self-propagating radiation. The term
"propagation" explains how the radio waves behave
in a vacuum or in a matter when they are transmit-
Advantages of Preservation of Obligatory
Voice Communication on the VHF Radio
Channel 16
S. Brzoska
Gdynia Maritime University, Gdynia, Poland
Channel 16 of the VHF radio band is the most commonly used way of communication between vessels. Alt-
hough there are strict rules not to use it for routine communication, many officers neglect them. When Digital
Selective Calling had been presented to the GMDSS system, it was no longer obligatory to keep a watch on
channel 16, however, on the waters of the United States such an obligation is still in force. Officers find DSC
system quite difficult to use so the European countries should revise their politics and consider restoration of
obligatory watchkeeping on channel 16.
ted. The propagation may be affected by many phe-
nomena like refraction or absorption.
Of all the ways that the electromagnetic waves
can propagate, those which are attached to the VHF
band (30 MHz to 300 MHz) propagate in an accu-
rate, but somewhat short way with a use of a direct
mode or a "line-of-sight" mode. The term comes
from the fact that a VHF frequency wave propagates
between antennas that are visible to each other. It is
not exactly true, because of the air humidity and an
effect of refraction, the VHF propagation is some-
what farther then the line-of-sight and is assumed to
be more or less 30 Nm (Czajkowski, 2002).
It is rather an advantage then a disadvantage that
VHF waves propagate in a circle of only 30 Nm
from the sending station. Thanks to that fact a sender
might be sure that his message will be sent only to
stations in his line-of-sight and only those, who are
really concerned about his message, will get it.
2.2 VHF channels
In maritime radio communication the wave-bands
are marked by the letters. The maritime VHF band
range is between 156 MHz and 174 MHz and is
marked by letter “V”. In that range of frequencies
separate channels have been divided. The separation
between channels is usually 25 kHz with an excep-
tion for 12.5 kHz division if local authority finds
such a division necessary (ALRS 5, 2007/08). To
make the usage of VHF channels easier, they have
been marked with 2 digits. Instead of entering a long
numbered and hard-to-remember frequencies (like in
the MF/HF devices) user can simply enter 2 digits
and the VHF radio will be tuned to the proper fre-
2.3 The VHF communication rules
Finding usage of the VHF radio so easy makes it the
most practicable tool for marine communication in
the world. VHF radios are user-friendly devices,
similar to cell phones, which are nowadays used by
almost everyone. A well qualified user (e.g. a holder
of the GOC certificate) should have no problem with
VHF voice communication. He simply needs to
know some basic rules, implemented in the "Sea-
speak", Standard Marine Communication Phrases
(SMCP), International Code of Signals and Admiral-
ty List of Radio Signals. Basic rules e.g. implement-
ed in the "Seaspeak" are:
don't make unnecessary calls,
use proper procedures,
use proper channel,
speak slowly and fluently,
avoid disturbance of other calls (Weeks, 1984).
If the officers would fallow these rules there
shouldn't be any problems or mistakes in the VHF
communication. Unfortunately, maritime courts of-
ten find misusage of the VHF radio as a cause of a
collision or a marine accident. VHF radio equip-
ment cannot be blamed for that. It's usage is so easy
that the only ones to blame are the officers them-
selves. Among the typical mistakes they make are:
not applying to communication rules of the
SMCP and "Seaspeak",
language mistakes, especially those caused by lit-
tle English knowledge,
wrong identification of vessels, e.g. not using
names, call signs, MMSI numbers,
keeping conversation on channel 16 or channel
restricted for VTS communication.
Little English knowledge is becoming a problem.
Since many maritime schools and training centres
lowered their requirements for the candidates for fu-
ture officers the level of education has also been
lowered. They rarely follow SMCP and "Seaspeak"
rules and when the rules are disobeyed it may lead to
a disaster. The "weakest chain" in the maritime
communication system is again the "human factor".
As it was already said the VHF radio equipment
is easy to handle. However, when it comes to the
DSC VHF system, which is connected to the voice-
broadcast VHF device, it becomes much more com-
2.4 Digital Selective Calling on the VHF band and
it's disadvantages
Digital Selective Calling was introduced to the
GMDSS system on MF, HF and VHF bands. It was
intended to make easy, automatic communication
with shore stations and other vessels. DSC device
can either send automatic messages, like distress
message (by simply pushing a "distress" button for 5
sec.) or recently prepared messages by the officer in
charge of a navigational watch. The preparation is
done only by choosing (Czajkowski, 2002):
format specifier (distress, individual, geograph-
ical area, all ships, groups),
MMSI number of the receiving station (not nec-
essary if the message is addressed to "all sta-
proper category (from listed: distress, urgency,
safety and routine),
special information (e.g. about nature of distress,
from listed: piracy, sinking, listing, fire on board,
So it is not possible to send a typed message, like
a cell phone's SMS.
The DSC system works perfectly well when it
comes to a distress message. The only thing the op-
erator needs to do is push the right button for a fixed
amount of time and the message will be sent auto-
matically. The user problem appears when it comes
to preparation of a more complicated message. The
DSC equipment panel is not as user-friendly as was
the VHF voice communication device. In fact is ra-
ther user-unfriendly system. The ITU Regulations
are very complicated and it is difficult for an officer
to remember when he can and when he cannot send
confirmation of a distress. Preparing a message is al-
so quite difficult, especially with a device's display
consisting of two lines of black and white text. Peo-
ple who nowadays work on the Personal Computers
(PC) which has big, colourful screens, with wide
windows and easy-to-choose options, find DSC
equipment somehow old-fashioned. Officers are of-
ten afraid to use the DSC equipment because they
don't comprehend all the rules and the device itself.
In the times when there are 3.3 billion operating
cell phones in the world and thus every second man
on the planet has a cell phone (Kobel, 2007), would-
n't it be easy to change DSC messages into user-
friendly SMS system like the one in the GSM net?
2.5 DSC watch keeping obligation
The SOLAS convention states that monitoring on
the VHF frequencies should be continuous on the
DSC channel 70 and broadcast channel 16, however,
in special areas, like VTS, local authorities can rec-
ommend their own broadcast channels for watch
DSC was intended to eliminate the need of keep-
ing continuous watch on radio receivers on voice ra-
dio channels, including VHF channel 16. After 1
February 1999, according to SOLAS, every ship had
to keep continuous watch on channel 70 simply with
having such a device on board. The DSC receiver
works automatically - when a message comes a
buzz-signal is sound. The officer simply needs to
push appropriate button, read the message and tune
the radio to the right VHF voice channel (recom-
mended in the message itself) and wait for the com-
munication to come.
Thanks to the DSC system it is certain that the re-
cipient will receive the message because the mes-
sage is stored in the device and can be read in any
time. That’s the main advantage of the DSC system.
With voice communication, when officer is busy and
cannot lift the headset, the message broadcasted by
voice might not be received. DSC message comes
whether he likes it or not it is stored in the device,
just like SMS message is stored in a cell phone. To
make the sending station sure that the message
came, receiving station can send a confirmation
(however it is forbidden to send such a DSC confir-
mation to a distress message from a ship, because
then the message might not get to the appropriate
SAR station).
3.1 Legal issues concerning channel 16
Despite the above mentioned advantages of DSC
system it is still practised to keep a listening watch
on the VHF channel 16. It is a good seamanship to
do so and here it is where the rules are not comply-
ing with the practise. SOLAS convention states in
chapter IV/12 that “Ships 300 tons and over and
passenger ships on international voyages must
maintain, where practicable, a continuous listening
watch on VHF channel 16 until 1 February 2005”
(SOLAS, 2006). In May 2002, IMO decided to post-
pone cessation of a VHF listening watch aboard
ships until 1 February 2005. In ITU Regulations
there is a statement: “All ships should, where practi-
cable, maintain watch on channel 16 when within
the service area of a VHF maritime coast station
(ITU, RR 38-16). So there is no longer strict obliga-
tion to do so. The statement “where practicable” in
both SOLAS and ITU Regulations might be read as
an admittance for not listening to the channel 16. For
example, in places where both VTS and harbour
master are using channels different than 16 (e.g. in
Gdynia harbour ships are listening to channel 71 for
VTS Zatoka and 12 for Gdynia harbour master), a
ship with two VHF radios may not listen to the 16
channel at all.
The problem comes with a small pleasure crafts,
fishing vessels and sailing vessels, with low-
qualified crew, who are often not listening to the
VTS channels or 16 channel or are absolutely diso-
beying the Rule 5 of the COLREGS “Look-out”
(like the skipper of “Our Sarah Jayne” the case of
which is described in the next chapter of the paper).
When a disaster comes, because of not listening
to 16 channel and not responding to a call, the cap-
tains of such vessels might afterwards explain them-
selves that they were not obliged to do so. The
communication between vessels would be much eas-
ier if there was still an obligation to listen to the 16
channel. Not “where it is practicable” but every-
where, e.g. with a usage of the “dual watch” availa-
bility of the VHF radio.
Such a problem does not exist in the United
States because the US Authority - Federal Commu-
nications Commission - stated that "any vessel
equipped with VHF marine radiotelephone must
maintain a watch on channel 16, whenever the radi-
otelephone is not being used to communicate" (FCC:
Title 47). The usage of word "must" grants that of-
ficers will keep a watch on channel 16.
3.2 Using "dual channel" option
Thanks to the common sense of the officers and
“dual channel” options of the VHF radios the watch
on the channel 16 is still kept. “Dual channel” is an
option included in the VHF radio device which ena-
bles to listen to two channels in the same time e.g.
channel one for 1 sec. and the other, main, for 9 sec.
When a message comes or any voice signal on one
of those channels is received the receiver tunes itself
automatically to that channel.
It's a very useful tool to use especially on those
ships which are equipped only with 2 VHF radios
(vessels of GT less than 300) or vessels which are
carrying radios voluntary because they are too small
to take part in the SOLAS convention. Those small
vessels, most of which are pleasure crafts, are usual-
ly carrying VHF radios and for them it is the only
way of communication.
4.1 Disobeying the Rule 5 "Look-out" of the
The Rule 5 states that "every vessel shall at all times
maintain a proper look-out by sight and hearing as
well as by all available means appropriate in the
prevailing circumstances and conditions so as to
make a full appraisal of the situation and of the risk
of collision", VHF radios are one of those mentioned
as "all available means" (Rymarz, 2004).
So not only SOLAS and ITU-R but also the Col-
lision Regulations demands keeping a watch with
using VHF radio (even if it is stated as "all means").
Disobeying the rules may lead to a collision. The
officer had to be focused on all aspects of the navi-
gation. He needs to have a whole view of the situa-
tion. To keep his full attention he needs to maintain
proper look-out and "proper" means "full". If in any
case he is not sure of what is going on he must have
an always ready-to-use tool to solve the situation.
VHF radio is such a tool and it's proper usage can be
as simple as keeping watch on channel 16.
If the officer neglects usage of that tool he may
cause a marine accident, just like the "Our Sarah
Jayne's" skipper did.
4.2 Collision between "Thelisis" and "Our Sarah
Jayne" as a result of disobeying Rule 5.
On 20 June 2001 in the Thames Estuary two vessels
collided. One of them was the 8904gt Greek-
registered ro-ro cargo vessel "Thelisis" and the other
was small registered fishing vessel "Our Sarah
Jayne" which was only 14m long. At the time of the
collision "Thelisis" was under pilotage and "Our Sa-
rah Jayne" was engaged in fishing (MAIB, 2002).
"Thelisis" was plying through Princess Channel
and spotted a white light in front of her bow. Both
pilot and the master were not sure of the source of
the light. The pilot called VTS to receive infor-
mation on the object, but the VTS operator also did-
n't know what it was. When the range between ships
was around 1Nm "Thelisis" recognised the object as
a fishing vessel and tried to call him on VHF chan-
nel 12, the channel which was used by the Thames
VTS in the area. Because of wrong identification
first he came into communication with other vessel
and started to agree manoeuvre. The pilot was sure
that the fishing vessel would give way and she did
"Our Sarah Jayne's" skipper was not aware of the
imminent danger until the collision took place. That
was because he was completely disobeying the Rule
5 and was not keeping any look-out at all. He had
his VHF radio on and tuned to VTS' channel 12, but
the volume was set midway. He left the wheelhouse
unattended many times and probably didn't hear any
calling and even if he did heard them he was not
aware that he was the one referred to.
"Our Sarah Jayne" flooded then foundered almost
immediately after the collision. The skipper was res-
cued by a Thames pilot cutter.
Since VHF radio is such a useful tool and neglecting
it might be so dangerous the Authorities should en-
courage deck officers to use it. The channel 16
should be on at all times and a continuous watch
should be kept. DSC communication is helpful but it
shouldn't be the only recommended way of commu-
nication because of it's disadvantages mentioned in
the paper. Mostly because DSC devices are complex
and not at all user-friendly. If the local authorities
require keeping a watch on different channels then
the "dual watch" option should be used or even an-
other VHF radio installed onboard. The international
regulations should again expect the officers to keep
a channel 16 watch, like it is practicable on the Unit-
ed States waters.
Admiralty List of Radio Signals vol. 5 "GMDSS" NP285
Czajkowski J. 2002. System GMDSS regulaminy, procedury i
obsługa, Gdańskf, Skryba.
Federal Communications Commission. Title 47: Code of Fed-
eral Regulations, 47 CFR §§ 80.148, 80.310.
International Telecommunications Union, Radio Regulations
38-16, N38.
Kobel Przemysław, 2007. Co druga osoba ma telefon komór-
Marine Accidents Investigation Branch, 2002, Report on the
investigation of the collision between Thelisis and Our Sa-
rah Jayne in the Thames Estuary 20 June 2001, Southamp-
ton, UK.
Polski Rejestr Statków 2006, Safety of life at sea, 1974 SOLAS.
2006 edition, Gdańsk
Rymarz W., 2004. Międzynarodowe Prawo Drogi Morskiej w
zarysie, Gdynia, Trademar.
STCW Code, 2001. IMO, London.
Walczak A. 1996. Konwencja STCW 1978 znowelizowana w
1995 r. jej główne postanowienia i propozycje wdrożeń w
Polsce, WSM w Szczecinie, Szczecin.
Weeks F. 1984. SEASPEAK Reference Manual, Oxford, Per-
gamon Press.