International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 4
Number 1
March 2010
The concept of e-Navigation was first introduced to
the IMO in 2006 at the 81
session of the Maritime
Safety Committee (MSC 81 May 06) at which
time the committee was requested to adopt this vast
new project as a work programme based on a com-
pelling need which remains as:
There is a clear and compelling need to equip
shipboard users and those ashore responsible for the
safety of shipping with modern, proven tools that are
optimized for good decision making in order to make
maritime navigation and communications more reli-
able and user friendly. The overall goal is to im-
prove safety of navigation and to reduce errors.
However, if current technological advances continue
without proper coordination there is a risk that the
future development of marine navigation systems
will be hampered through a lack of standardization
on board and ashore, incompatibility between ves-
sels and an increased and unnecessary level of com-
At that time, the Secretary General of the IMO,
Efthimios Mitropoulos who has become a champion
of the e-Navigation concept warned that the role of
the mariner must not be relegated to that of a ‘moni-
tor’ and urged the Committee to take into account
the Human Element and all it’s frailty when devel-
oping the various aspects of e-Navigation.
To support this expectation, it was made clear
from the beginning that e-Navigation should be ‘user
needs led’ rather than led by technologists or regula-
During the period of 2006-2008, the IMO e-
Navigation Correspondence Group (CG) supported
by organisations such as the IALA and The Nautical
Institute carried out an international exercise to iden-
tify these needs. Potential users of e-Navigation both
afloat and ashore were contacted and asked to identi-
fy what their needs were in terms of harmonised col-
lection, harmonised integration, harmonised ex-
change, harmonised presentation and harmonised
analysis of maritime information onboard and ashore
by electronic means.
It is worth noting that this may have been the
largest user needs analysis ever conducted in the
maritime industry, and many lessons should be
learned from this experience. In particular, most end
users are not practiced in articulating their needs
well, and tended to identify what they had and what
they liked. This then required a good deal of analysis
to distil the ‘need’ from the ‘like’.
The ‘User Needs Analysis’ as conducted through the
IMO e-Navigation CG examined hundreds of feed-
back forms from around the world and categorised
these into needs of the generic SOLAS class ship us-
ers and the needs of generic shore authorities.
Much effort was put into analysing the needs
from descriptions of what was already in use, and
quite importantly, to take out any reference to exist-
ing technologies. For example there is a need to
identify and track a target in order to prevent a colli-
e-Navigation and the Human Element
D. Patraiko, FNI & P. Wake, FNI
The Nautical Institute, London, UK
A. Weintrit, FNI, FRIN
Gdynia Maritime University, Gdynia, Poland & Polish Branch of the Nautical Institute
ABSTRACT: e-Navigation is an IMO initiative defined as “the harmonised collection, integration, exchange,
presentation and analysis of maritime information onboard and ashore by electronic means to enhance berth
to berth navigation and related services, for safety and security at sea and protection of the marine environ-
ment”. IMO has dictated that e-Navigation should be ‘User Need’ led and take into account the Human Ele-
ment. This paper will explore some of the Human Element issues within e-Navigation and stress that for en-
hancement of safety, security and environmental protection, the decision maker must be supported not only
by the technology, but importantly with effective procedures and training.
sion, rather than there being a ‘need’ for a Radar
with ARPA (although it is recognised from a practi-
cal point of view that in the short term Radar will
certainly be a key tool within the e-Navigation con-
From these two analyses of shipboard and shore-
side needs, it was established that there were com-
mon ‘high level’ needs and these were consolidated,
presented, and ultimately accepted by the IMO
(MSC 85 Dec 08) as the basis of an e-Navigation
These consolidated user needs are reproduced
here with italic text used to emphasise some of the
major Human Element issues defined within e-
2.1 Common Maritime Information/Data Structure
Mariners require information pertaining to the plan-
ning and execution of voyages, the assessment of
navigation risk and compliance with regulation. This
information should be accessible from a single inte-
grated system. Shore users require information per-
taining to their maritime domain, including static
and dynamic information on vessels and their voy-
ages. This information should be provided in an in-
ternationally agreed common data structure. Such a
data structure is essential for the sharing of infor-
mation amongst shore authorities on a regional and
international basis.
2.2 Automated and Standardized Reporting
E-navigation should provide automated and stand-
ardized reporting functions for optimal communica-
tion of ship and voyage information. This includes
safety-related information that is transmitted ashore,
sent from shore to shipborne users and information
pertaining to security and environmental protection
to be communicated amongst all users. Reporting
requirements should be automated or pre-prepared to
the extent possible both in terms of content and
communications technology. Information exchange
should be harmonized and simplified to reduce re-
porting requirements. It is recognized that security,
legal and commercial issues will have to be consid-
ered in addressing communications needs.
2.3 Effective and Robust Communications
A clear need was expressed for there to be an effec-
tive and robust means of communications for ship
and shore users. Shore-based users require an effec-
tive means of communicating with vessels to facili-
tate safety, security and environmental protection
and to provide operational information. To be effec-
tive, communication with and between vessels
should make best use of audio/visual aids and
standard phrases to minimize linguistic challenges
and distractions to operators.
2.4 Human Centred Presentation Needs
Navigation displays should be designed to clearly
indicate risk and to optimize support for decision
making. There is a need for an integrated “alert
management system” as contained in the revised
recommendation on performance standards for Inte-
grated Navigation Systems (INS) (resolution MSC
252(83)). Consideration should be given to the use
of decision support systems that offer suggested re-
sponses to certain alerts, and the integration of nav-
igation alerts on board ships within a whole ship
alert management system. Users require uniform and
consistent presentations and operation functionality
to enhance the effectiveness of internationally
standardized training, certification and familiariza-
tion. The concept of S-Mode
has been widely sup-
ported as an application on board ship during the
work of the Correspondence Group. Shore users re-
quire displays that are fully flexible supporting both
a Common Operating Picture (COP) and a User De-
fined Operating Picture (UDOP) with layered and/or
tabulated displays. All displays should be designed
to limit the possibility of confusion and misinterpre-
tation when sharing safety-related information. E-
navigation systems should be designed to engage
and motivate the user while managing workload.
2.5 Human Machine Interface
As electronic systems take on a greater role, facili-
ties need to be developed for the capture and presen-
tation of information from visual observations, as
well as user knowledge and experience. The presen-
tation of information for all users should be designed
to reduce “single person errors” and enhance team
operations. There is a clear need for the application
of ergonomic principles both in the physical layout
of equipment and in the use of light, colours, sym-
bology and language.
2.6 Data and System Integrity
E-navigation systems should be resilient and take in-
to account issues of data validity, plausibility and in-
tegrity for the systems to be robust, reliable and de-
pendable. Requirements for redundancy, particularly
in relation to position fixing systems, should be con-
S-Mode is the proposed functionality for shipborne navigation displays
using a standard, default presentation, menu system and interface
Figure 1. Potential components of an e-Navigation implementation plan [IMO NAV 54/WP.6 2008]
2.7 Analysis
E-navigation systems should support good decision
making, improve performance and prevent single
person error. To do so, shipboard systems should
include analysis functions that support the user in
complying with regulations, voyage planning, risk
assessment, and avoiding collisions and groundings
including the calculation of Under Keel Clearance
(UKC) and air draughts. Shore-based systems should
support environmental impact analysis, forward
planning of vessel movements, hazard/risk assess-
ment, reporting indicators and incident prevention.
Consideration should also be given to the use of
analysis for incident response and recovery, risk as-
sessment and response planning, environment pro-
tection measures, incident detection and prevention,
risk mitigation, preparedness, resource (e.g., asset)
management and communication.
2.8 Implementation Issues
Best practices, training and familiarization relating
to aspects of e-navigation for all users should be ef-
fective and established in advance of technical im-
plementation. The use of simulation to establish
training needs and assess its effectiveness is en-
dorsed. E-navigation should as far as practical be
compatible forwards and backwards and support in-
tegration with equipment and systems made manda-
tory under international and national carriage re-
quirements and performance standards. The highest
level of interoperability between e-navigation and
external systems should be sought where practicable.
It is clear from these ‘user needs’ that there is a
major emphasis on supporting the decision making
process, not only by better technology, but through
the establishment of best practices for the use of
such technology and the training needs that apply to
both the technology and the procedures.
It should also be noted that needs such as “E-
navigation systems should be designed to engage
and motivate the user while managing workload”
are easier said than done and will require a tremen-
dous amount of research and testing to achieve.
In the description of ‘Human Centred Presentation
Needs’ it is stated that “Users require uniform and
consistent presentations and operation functionality
to enhance the effectiveness of internationally stand-
ardized training, certification and familiarization.”
The Nautical Institute through consultation with
its members has proposed a concept called S-Mode
to address this need for the shipboard users.
The concept calls for all navigation systems in the
future to have a standard ‘S-Mode’ switch, that
when activated defaults to a standard display (e.g.
head-up display, relative vectors, etc.) that can then
be fully manipulated through a standard menu sys-
tem where functions (such as for changing range,
aspect, or using EBL/VRM, parallel indexing, …)
would all be standardised, and the input interface
with the systems (perhaps track ball, joystick or
keyboard) would be standard. The concept for S-
Mode is to create standard features. S-Mode is not
envisaged as a simplified or restricted display mode,
but instead would offer a high degree of functionali-
ty. However, the use of these functions would all be
standard and anyone trained in the use of S-Mode
would therefore be competent and confident to make
the best use of navigation systems on any ship so
S-Mode may also incorporate provisions for the
use of personal settings that may be stored within the
system or on a personal memory device that would
allow a pilot or mariner to rapidly configure the sys-
tem to their preferred settings, overlay custom dis-
play features or give access to specialist information.
S-Mode would not preclude the use of other nav-
igation features that could be provided by a manu-
facturer. These may be designed to take advantage
of cutting edge technology, advanced programming
or innovative presentation options that would be op-
erated outside of S-Mode.
It is the intention of The Nautical Institute to se-
cure funding to implement a phased project ap-
proach to the development of S-Mode. The Nautical
Institute considers it will be necessary for: the user
needs of mariners to be defined; to work with indus-
try to create mock-up variations; and then to test the-
se variations using simulation and other techniques
with representative bridge teams. After thorough
testing and evaluation, the system and training re-
quirements would be put forward to the International
Maritime Organization for consideration. Further in-
formation about S-Mode is contained in (IMO NAV
54/13/1, 2008) which is a copy of the submission of
the S-Mode proposal to the IMO Sub-Committee on
Safety of Navigation July 08 (NAV 54).
One of the fundamental premises of e-Navigation is
to create a ‘wider area’ navigation team that will fa-
cilitate better decision making by the sharing of in-
formation between ship’s navigation team and all the
shoreside support organisations. This is of course a
valid objective, and if managed properly will create
a more effective navigation team that minimises the
risk of single person errors.
The maritime industry has of course spent a lot of
effort during the past few decades learning how to
implement effective teams and this has resulted in
much discussion of effective Master/Pilot relation-
ships; Bridge Team Management (BRM) training;
and shipboard resource training. From this experi-
ence comes recognition that for teams to work effec-
tively, it is absolutely essential that there be a com-
mon platform for communication (including
language and terminology) and that there needs to be
mutual professional respect between team members.
As e-Navigation develops and greater communi-
cation is established between mariners and shore au-
thorities, will we have addressed these issues? At
present, within a port that utilises VTS, it is usually
the Pilot who acts as a communicator between the
VTS staff and the shipboard staff. The Pilot has an
established working relationship with the VTS staff,
and while onboard, can make best use of interper-
sonal skills to establish a working relationship with
the ship’s crew (in an ideal situation). However how
can we ensure that without this interpersonal interac-
tion, the wide area navigation team will work well
Ongoing research by The Nautical Institute indi-
cates that in order to communicate effectively and
foster professional respect, clear procedures may
have to be established possibly based on a far greater
use of the IMO’s Standard Maritime Communica-
tion Phrases (SMCP) and for training exercises to be
conducted focusing on the various stakeholders
within this evolving relationship. Even without the
concept of e-Navigation, such issues will need to be
addressed as the establishment of ‘coastal surveil-
lance’ becomes more common and IALA develops
the concept of Vessel Traffic Management (VTM)
based on the management of traffic outside tradi-
tional VTS areas.
The success of e-Navigation will rely heavily upon
the proper application of the Human Element
throughout its development and implementation.
The Nautical Institute believes that there are some
major Human Element aspects that deserve further
development and research to be done on an interna-
tional basis to support the IMO’s e-Navigation con-
cept. These can be summarised as:
Proper balance of information levels and work-
load on mariners and shore based operators.
Effective display options to support good deci-
sion making (including the development of S-
Tools and procedures for reducing ‘rouge behav-
iour’ or complacency and keeping the operator
actively engaged in the process of safe naviga-
Methods and procedures for reducing ‘single per-
son errors’.
Optimum use of ‘decision support systems’ in-
cluding the best use of alarms and alerts.
Effective procedures for ship/shore communica-
tion and teamwork.
Supporting decision making capabilities of indi-
viduals through self-esteem and confidence build-
Ensuring that all technical developments within
the concept of e-Navigation are supported by ef-
fective procedures and training.
Developing effective tools for capturing and ana-
lysing user needs within the maritime industry.
It is recognised that much of this research and
testing will best be done through using scenarios
representing all appropriate stakeholders, and that
the use of simulation may be a highly effective tool
for testing, documenting and ultimately training for
such aspects of e-Navigation.
e-Navigation is a broad concept that is aimed at en-
hancing navigation safety, security and the protec-
tion of the marine environment through the harmo-
nised collection, integration, exchange, presentation
and analysis of maritime information onboard and
ashore by electronic means.
It is envisioned that e-Navigation will be a ‘liv-
ing’ concept that will evolve and adapt over a long
time scale to support this objective. During this time
information will change, technologies will change,
political and commercial objectives will change, and
tasks will change. However it is unlikely that the
need for safe and efficient seaborne transport will
change significantly.
It is also certain that the safe and efficient
transport will continue to rely on good decisions be-
ing made on an increasingly constant and reliable
basis. Some decisions may be made with increased
dependence on technology, but at some level we will
always rely on good human decisions being made
and therefore every effort needs to be made to apply
an understanding of the Human Element at all stag-
es, of design, development, implementation and op-
eration of e-Navigation.
The Nautical Institute as the leading international
body for maritime professionals will continue to use
the resources of its members, branches, officers and
staff to promote the effective application of the Hu-
man Element for e-Navigation and other industry
developments, and invites all maritime professionals
to join in this critical effort.
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