International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 3
Number 4
December 2009
In weather routing one is about to find the most suit-
able ocean’s route for a vessel, taking into account
changeable weather conditions and navigational
constraints. One of the first approaches to the prob-
lem was a minimum time route planning based on a
weather forecast called an isochrone method. The
method was based on geometrically determined and
recursively defined time fronts, so called isochrones.
Originally proposed by R.W. James (James 1957),
isochrone method was in wide use through decades.
In late seventies based on the original isochrone
method the first computer-aided weather routing
tools were developed. However, along with comput-
er implementation some problems arose, i.e. with so
called “isochrone loops”. Numerous improvements
to the method were proposed since early eighties,
with (Hagiwara 1989, Spaans 1986, Wiśniewski
1991) among others. Since then several different ap-
proaches to the optimisation problem was in use,
with dynamic programming (Bijlsma 2004) or ge-
netic and evolutionary algorithms (Wiśniewski et al.
2005) among others.
It is a prime goal of weather routing tools to find
a route between given origin and destination ports
that is the safest, the shortest and the least expensive
possible. Unfortunately, these criteria are often con-
flicting, especially the ones expressing safety and
economics. A single route, time-optimal,
cost-optimal and safety-optimal at one time, hardly
exists. Thus, an acceptable trade-off between the cri-
teria is sought instead. A mathematical approach to-
wards solving such a problem involves multicriteria
(sometimes referred to as multiobjective) optimisa-
tion. Because the currently available solutions hardly
apply such an approach, thus it is well-founded to
propose a new multicriteria weather routing method,
presented previously in (Szłapczyńska 2007).
This paper focuses on presenting a solution, im-
plementing the multicriteria weather routing method,
together with some examples of usage. The remain-
der of the paper is organized as follows: section 2 in-
troduces definition of the optimisation. Section 3
provides description of a model of the researched
ship. Further details on weather modelling, such as
weather data sources, formats, etc., can be found in
(Szłapczyńska, in press). Section 4 describes the
MEWRA solution. In section 5 some examples of
usage of the solution are provided. Finally, section 6
summarizes the material presented.
The proposed multicriteria set of goal functions in
the weather routing optimisation process, revised
comparing to (Szłapczyńska 2007), is presented by
equations 1 – 3:
j safety
Multicriteria Optimisation in Weather Routing
J. Szłapczynska & R. Smierzchalski
Gdynia Maritime University, Gdynia, Poland
ABSTRACT: The paper presents a new weather routing solution fully supporting multicriteria optimisation
process of route finding. The solution incorporates two multicriteria optimisation methods, namely multicrite-
ria evolutionary algorithm (SPEA) and multicriteria ranking method (Fuzzy TOPSIS). The paper focuses on
presenting the proposed multicriteria evolutionary weather routing algorithm (MEWRA). Furthermore, it in-
cludes some experiment results together with a short description of the assumed ship model.
[h] passage time for given route and ship
[g] total fuel consumption for given route
and ship model,
[/] risk coefficient for given route and the
ship model,
k – [/] number of route’s segments with i
j safety
< 1,
j safety
[/] fractional safety coefficient for
(j-1)-th and j-th waypoints and given ship model;
values of the coefficient ranges [0; 1], where 1
depicts completely safe section of route and 0
unacceptably dangerous section.
The assumed set of constraints in the weather
routing optimisation problem includes:
landmasses (land, islands) on given route,
predefined minimum acceptable level of frac-
tional safety coefficient i
j safety
for given route,
floating ice bergs expected on given route during
assumed ship’s passage,
predefined maximum acceptable ice concentra-
tion on given route.
The next section provides a description of a ship
model and the way of modelling the goal functions
(1) (3).
The researched ship model (Oleksiewicz, in press) is
based on a B-470 bulk carrier. Its basic parameters
are shown in Table 1. The model ship is equipped
with a hybrid propulsion including Sultzer RTA 48T
engine and a palisade of six textile sails (Figure 1).
Each sail has 522m
sail surface area. The ship is
equipped with a semi-adjustable B-Wageningen
screw propeller.
Table 1. Basic parameters of the model
Parameter name Value
Length 172 m
Width 22.8 m
Draught 9.5 m
Height 14.3 m
Service speed 15 kn
Displacement 30 288 t
Block coefficient (C
) 0.786
Figure 1. Sail model
3.1 Modelling of passage time
Ship speed forecast is a key element in passage time
modelling. Speed characteristic of the model ship is
based on algorithms presented in (Oleksiewicz, in
press). Speed prognosis for the model ship is based
on wind speed and wind angle forecasts. Then,
speed reduction factor due to wave impact is applied
to the prognosis. Detailed description on the model
ship’s speed modelling is given by (Szłapczyńska et
al. 2007).
It is assumed that the ship model moves between
two consecutive waypoints with constant velocity
and propulsion type (“only motor engine” or “hybrid
propulsion”). Thus the passage time for a route is
given by:
[h] passage time for a route and given ship
n – [/] number of routes’ waypoints,
[kn] speed of the ship model between (j–1)-th
and j-th waypoints,
[Nm] distance between (j–1)-th and j-th way-
3.2 Modelling of fuel consumption
Forecasted fuel consumption per hour for the ship
model is calculated by:
FCPH- [g/h] fuel consumption per hour,
P - [kW] engine power,
BSFC - [g/kWh] break specific fuel consumption.
Based on the model’s engine (Sultzer RTA 48T)
catalogue data the BSFC value is assumed to be
171 g/kWh. Values of engine power P belong to a
discrete set, depending of current telegraph com-
mand, as presented in (Szłapczyńska et al. 2007).
Another aspect of fuel consumption is connected
to starting the engine. Additional portion of fuel is
required to every start of the engine, which might
become significant when it is possible to turn the
engine on and off during the voyage. Thus, the total
fuel consumption of the model ship for a route is
given by:
[g] total fuel consumption for given route
and ship model,
[h] passage time between (j-1)-th and j-th
[g/h] FCPH valid between (j-1)-th and
j-th waypoints,
m – [/] number of engine starts,
FCPS – [g] fuel consumption per start.
3.3 Modelling of the voyage risk
It is assumed that the wind causes the prime safety
threat during the voyage. Thus, the definition of the
fractional safety coefficient i
j safety
, utilized by (4) to
calculate the risk of a voyage i
, is given by:
j w w
efd efd w
w max
– [kn] maximum allowable wind speed,
w j
[kn] wind speed between (j-1)-th and j-th
max def
[kn] threshold wind speed, assumed as
35 kn,
[/] shape coefficient (Figure 2), dependent of
the ship propulsion type and wind heading angle,
max def
[kn] possible threshold wind speed
margin, assumed as 10 kn.
Figure 2.
shape coefficient (solid line - hybrid propulsion;
dotted line - only motor engine) as a function of wind heading
angle γ
The main purpose of the
shape coefficient is to
differentiate the maximum allowable wind speed
w max
dependent of the wind heading angle. The co-
efficient discriminates (by greater
values) mainly
the following winds.
The i
j safety
= 0 depicts a totally dangerous route
sector (with v
w j
w max
). In contrary, i
j safety
= 1 de-
picts a completely safe route sector (with v
w j
= 0).
The proposed weather routing algorithm is based on
the optimisation criteria set (1) - (3), defined in sec-
tion 2. The solution utilizes two basic multicriteria
mechanisms, namely multicriteria evolutionary algo-
rithm Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm
(SPEA) and multicriteria ranking method Fuzzy
4.1 Multicriteria evolutionary weather routing
algorithm (MEWRA)
The SPEA framework in the proposed algorithm is
responsible for iterative process of population de-
velopment. The result of SPEA is a Pareto-optimal
set of solutions. The multicriteria ranking method
(Fuzzy TOPSIS) is responsible for sorting the result-
ing Pareto-optimal solutions according to the given
preferences of the decision-maker. The preferences
are represented by linguistic values with fuzzy
weights assigned to the decision criteria. The main
algorithm’s flow is illustrated in Figure 3.
Figure 3. Multicriteria evolutionary weather routing algorithm
4.2 Chromosome structure
An individual in the evolutionary approach, also re-
ferred to as a solution, represents a route. The route
includes an array of waypoints constituting ship’s
trajectory, where the first one is equal to the position
of the origin port and the last one to the destination
port. A single entry of the waypoints array includes:
geographical coordinates (longitude, latitude) of
the waypoint,
motor engine relative settings valid from the pre-
vious to the given waypoint, ranging [0;1],
propulsion type (there are two different propul-
sion modes distinguished for the assumed ship
model: “motor only” and “motor & sails”),
time of reaching given waypoint,
velocity of the ship, assumed constant on a sector
between two waypoints, valid from the previous
to the given waypoint,
uncertainty index for given waypoint (value rep-
resenting uncertainty of the waypoint’s data).
Only the first three elements of the waypoint en-
try are in direct control of the evolutionary mecha-
nisms: the coordinates, motor settings and propul-
sion type. All the other values can be calculated as
functions of the former and are stored in the chro-
mosome in order to improve on efficiency of the al-
4.3 Initial population
The first step towards evolutionary computation is
always building an initial population. In the consid-
ered weather routing case, a preliminary set of basic
routes is generated at first. For given pair of origin
and destination ports the set includes the following
an orthodrome,
a loxodrome,
a time-optimized isochrone route (Spaans 1986,
Hagiwara 1989,Wiśniewski 1991), referenced
further as IZO_REF_TIME,
a route given by fuel-optimization applied to the
time-optimized isochrone route, referenced fur-
ther as IZO_REF_FUEL.
The isochrone routes (IZO_REF_TIME &
IZO_REF_FUEL) are generated with time step 2h.
The initial population is generated by creating
random mutations of the basic routes. Also pure
basic routes are included in the initial population.
4.4 Specialized operators
There are several specialized “genetic” operators re-
quired by the evolutionary framework, each custom-
ized to the established chromosome structure. The
set of specialized operators in the multicriteria evo-
lutionary weather routing algorithm includes:
one-point crossover,
non-uniform mutation,
route smoothing by means of average weighting.
4.5 Final ranking of routes
When SPEA completes its computations, the availa-
ble result set includes the Pareto-optimal set of indi-
viduals (routes) and a corresponding Pareto front.
Unfortunately (or fortunately, but from the other
perspective) the Pareto-optimal set is numerous.
Thus it would be inconvenient for the user (e.g. a
captain) to browse manually through the complete
set of resulting routes in search of the most suitable
Yet another problem might be encountered: how
to decide which route is the best within given mul-
ticriteria optimisation environment? To solve this
problem decision-maker’s (e.g. captain’s) prefer-
ences to the given criteria set should be defined.
Hence a tool for sorting the Pareto-optimal set is
provided Fuzzy TOPSIS method. The method cre-
ates a ranking of routes based on the decision-
maker’s preferences expressed by linguistic values
with triangular fuzzy values assigned (Table 2). The
decision-maker picks one linguistic variable per cri-
terion. The variable should describe the most accu-
rately the significance of the criterion and its impact
on the decision. The first route in the final ranking
will be the most suitable one from the Pareto-
optimal set, with reference to the previously defined
preferences to the criteria set.
Table 2. Linguistic values and corresponding triangular fuzzy
values, utilized to express decision-maker’s preferences to the
criteria set
Linguistic value Triangular fuzzy value
very important (0.7; 1.0; 1.0)
important (0.5; 0.7; 1.0)
quite important (0.2; 0.5; 0.8)
less important (0.0; 0.3; 0.5)
unimportant (0.0; 0.0; 0.0)
This section presents two experiment results with the
proposed multicriteria evolutionary weather routing
algorithm. The experiments’ origin and destination
ports as well as the departure dates vary to present
performance of the algorithm for various weather
conditions. In both cases output of the algorithm is
compared with the routes found by the time-
optimised and fuel-optimised isochrone method re-
spectively. Output routes of the multicriteria evolu-
tionary weather routing algorithm (depicted as
MEWRA) were selected by means of linguistic val-
ues assigned to the criteria set as given in Table 3.
Table 3. Linguistic values assigned to the criteria set in the
multicriteria evolutionary weather routing algorithm
Route Passage Fuel Voyage
description time consumption risk
MEWRA_TIME very unimportant unimportant
MEWRA_FUEL unimportant very unimportant
MEWRA- important less very
_COMPROMISE important important
5.1 Lisbon – Miami, departure 2008-09-02 at 00:00
The initial population generated for the Lis-
bon-Miami voyage is presented in Figure 4. The set
of Pareto-optimal solutions (routes), obtained after
100 of generations during evolutionary optimisation,
is then presented in Figure 5. The resulting ME-
WRA_COMPROMISE routes are then presented by
comparison to the isochrone routes in Figure 6-8 re-
spectively. Basic performance parameters of the
MEWRA and reference isochrone routes are collated
in Table 4.
Figure 4. Initial population of routes for Lisbon-Miami voyage,
departure 2008-09-02 00:00
Figure 5. Set of Pareto-optimal routes for Lisbon-Miami voy-
age, departure 2008-09-02 00:00
Figure 6. Output of the algorithm MEWRA_TIME compared
to the time-optimal isochrone route for Lisbon-Miami voyage,
departure 2008-09-02 00:00
Figure 7. Output of the algorithm MEWRA_FUEL compared
to the fuel-optimal isochrone route for Lisbon-Miami voyage,
departure 2008-09-02 00:00
Figure 8. Output of the algorithm MEWRA_COMPROMISE
compared to the time-optimal and fuel-optimal isochrone
routes for Lisbon-Miami voyage, departure 2008-09-02 00:00
Table 4. Comparison of basic performance parameters of the
reference isochrone routes and output of the algorithm (ME-
WRA routes) for Lisbon-Miami voyage, departure 2008-09-02
Route Passage Fuel Voyage Avg
description time [h] cons. [t] risk [/] speed[kn]
IZO_REF_TIME 234.29 308.81 0.149 15.37
IZO_REF_FUEL 531.56 48.36 0.124 6.77
MEWRA_TIME 233.30 307.50 0.132 15.49
MEWRA_FUEL 373.54 8.45 0.094 10.24
_COMPROMISE 288.91 225.79 0.058 13.51
During the period of 2008-09-01 and 2008-09-15
the Tropical Weather Outlook of National Hurricane
Centre reported activities of three tropical storms
and cyclones in Atlantic region, namely Hanna, Ike
and Josephine. However, the considered routes were
threatened directly with Josephine only. The outlook
of wind speed forecast (NOAA Wave Watch III) on
2008-09-10 is presented in Figure 9. The remnant
low of Josephine continued moving to the west for
the next several days.
Figure 9. Wind speed forecast (NOAA Wave Watch III) on
2008-09-10 for the Northern Atlantic region with indicated po-
sition of tropical depression Josephine
As depicted by the Figure 5, all the Pareto-
optimal routes bypass Josephine. The ME-
WRA_TIME route compared to the time-optimal
isochrone route (IZO_REF_TIME) is shorter almost
1h, requires over 1.3t less fuel and is safer (lesser
voyage risk factor) the same time. The similar
tendencies can be found for the MEWRA_FUEL
and IZO_REF_FUEL pair of routes. But this time
passage time saving in almost 30%, fuel saving ex-
ceeds 80% and voyage risk is reduced by almost
25%. The MEWRA_FUEL route owes its suprema-
cy the utilization of favourable winds with possibil-
ity to turn off the engine. Another aspect of the su-
premacy is that the IZO_REF_FUEL route is not a
fully fuel-optimized one (it is a fuel-optimized time-
optimal isochrone route). Due to that it is better to
compare MEWRA_FUEL with IZO_REF_TIME. In
such case fuel reduction exceeds 97% and voyage
risk reduction is almost 37%, but for the cost of in-
creasing passage time by almost 60%. On the other
hand, the MEWRA_COMPROMISE route allows
reduction of the risk factor by 60% (mostly due to
bypassing the remnant of Josephine by means of “34
knot wind radius rule”) comparing with
IZO_REF_TIME. The route allows over 26% fuel
saving for cost of increasing passage time by less
than 24%.
5.2 Halifax Plymouth, departure 2008-02-15 at
The initial population generated for the Halifax
Plymouth voyage, is presented in Figure 10. The set
of Pareto-optimal routes, obtained after 100 of gen-
erations, is then presented in Figure 11. The result-
WRA_COMPROMISE routes are presented by
Figures 12-14 respectively. Basic performance pa-
rameters of the MEWRA and reference isochrone
routes are collated in Table 5.
Figure 10. Initial population of routes for Halifax - Plymouth
voyage, departure 2008-02-15 12:00
Figure 11. Set of Pareto-optimal for Halifax - Plymouth voy-
age, departure 2008-02-15 12:00
Figure 12. Output of the algorithm MEWRA_TIME compared
to the time-optimal isochrone route for Halifax - Plymouth
voyage, departure 2008-02-15 12:00
Figure 13. Output of the algorithm MEWRA_FUEL compared
to the fuel-optimal isochrone route for Halifax - Plymouth voy-
age, departure 2008-02-15 12:00
Figure 14. Output of the algorithm MEWRA_COMPROMISE
compared to the time-optimal and fuel-optimal isochrone
routes for Halifax - Plymouth voyage, departure 2008-02-15
Table 5. Comparison of basic performance parameters of the
reference isochrone routes and output of the algorithm (ME-
WRA routes) for Halifax - Plymouth voyage, departure 2008-
02-15 12:00
Route Passage Fuel Voyage Avg
description time [h] cons. [t] risk [/] speed[kn]
IZO_REF_TIME 157.89 208.14 0.290 15.58
IZO_REF_FUEL 420.84 14.77 0.312 5.75
MEWRA_TIME 152.99 201.68 0.340 15.62
MEWRA_FUEL 259.66 1.23 0.245 10.25
_COMPROMISE 206.34 191.98 0.159 14.03
During the period of 2008-02-15 and 2008-02-28
neither tropical storms nor cyclones were reported
by NHC. However, strong wind fields originating on
US Atlantic coast, heading towards eastern coast of
Greenland, were expected repeatedly during the pe-
riod. A non-zero ice concentration was observed
during the period at northern coast of New Funland.
Also rare icebergs transported by Labrador Current
were expected in the area.
The Pareto-optimal routes (Figure 11) avoid the
strong wind fields as well as the ice threat zone. The
MEWRA_TIME route compared with the
IZO_REF_TIME is shorter by almost 5h, requires
over 6t less fuel for a cost of slightly higher voyage
risk (less than 18%). On the other hand the ME-
WRA_FUEL route compared to IZO_REF_FUEL is
significantly shorter (over 38%), allows enormous
reduction of fuel consumption by over 91% and also
improves route’s safety (voyage risk reduced by
over 21%). Again, when compared to
IZO_REF_TIME, the MEWRA_FUEL achieves al-
most 99.5% of fuel reduction and 15% voyage risk
reduction, but for the cost of almost 65% longer pas-
sage. On the other hand, the ME-
WRA_COMPROMISE route allows further minimi-
zation of the risk factor, with 45% reduction of the
factor (due to bypassing strong wind fields on the
south from New Funland) comparing with
IZO_REF_TIME. The route allows 7% fuel saving
with passage time increased by less than 31%.
The proposed multicriteria evolutionary weather
routing algorithm (MEWRA) was presented here in
application to the hybrid propulsion ship model.
With MEWRA it was possible to obtain significant
reductions of passage time, fuel consumption and
risk factor, however (time in most cases) not all at
the same. Based on the results presented in the pre-
vious section, the following tendencies can be ob-
MEWRA_TIME routes, when compared with the
optimal isochrone routes
(IZO_REF_TIME), slightly shorten passage time
(0.5% & 3.1%) and reduce fuel consumption
(0.5% & 3.1%), but in one out of two cases may
increase voyage risk (here: by 18%). The similar
percentage values of passage time and fuel con-
sumption reduction depict that the fuel savings
are caused by the shortened passage only. The
average service speed on MEWRA_TIME is
3.5% - 4.1% greater than the original service
MEWRA_FUEL routes, when compared with the
fuel-optimized time-optimal isochrone routes
(IZO_REF_FUEL), significantly shorten passage
time (30% & 38%), reduce fuel consumption
(80% & 91%) and decrease voyage risk (21% &
25%). The surprisingly good MEWRA passage
time performance is caused here by the fact that
the IZO_REF_FUEL route is suboptimal. Fuel
consumption reductions are caused by the possi-
bility of turning the engine off during the voyage.
The average speed on MEWRA_FUEL routes is
30% - 35% lesser from the original service speed.
MEWRA_FUEL routes, when compared with the
optimal isochrone routes
(IZO_REF_TIME), even more significantly re-
duce fuel consumption (97% & 99.5%) and de-
crease voyage risk (15% & 37%). The lengthened
passage time (60% & 65%) is the cost of the sav-
ings in this case. Such a good MEWRA fuel con-
sumption performance is caused, again as in pre-
vious comparison, by the very nature of the
hybrid propulsion model. Allowing, during the
voyage, the possibility of turning the engine off
and finding the best possible wind conditions, one
(at least theoretically) is able to achieve 100%
fuel reduction. The question is, whether it is ac-
ceptable to drastically lengthen the passage to
achieve such fuel savings.
MEWRA_COMPROMISE routes try to establish
a practical trade-off between the basic routes’ pa-
rameters. The routes, when compared with the
optimal isochrone routes
(IZO_REF_TIME), significantly reduce voyage
risk (45% & 60%) due to bypassing the main en-
countered security threats. The routes also reduce
fuel consumption (7% & 26%), but lengthen the
passage time (24% & 31%). Actions taken to in-
crease routes’ safety are the major factors induc-
ing longer passage. The average speed of ME-
WRA_COMPROMISE is only 6.4 % - 10%
lesser from the original service speed.
To conclude, MEWRA is a new weather routing
solution and, as proved by the experiment results,
competitive towards other single-objected methods,
such as e.g. the isochrone method. The solution ex-
pands functionality of typical weather routing tools
by introducing the trade-off routes (ME-
WRA_COMPROMISE), yet preserving the possibil-
ity to search for single-objected routes (MER-
WA_TIME & MEWRA_FUEL). In addition to that,
it is possible to define another set of result routes by
assigning simple linguistic values (such as “im-
portant”, “less important” or “unimportant”) to each
of the optimisation criterion.
It is worth mentioning that MEWRA execution
time in the both presented cases (Lisbon Miami &
Halifax - Plymouth) was shorter than 20 min. The
execution times seem to be acceptable, taking into
account the future plans to improve MEWRA to-
wards dynamic route update mechanisms. Other
plans include expanding MEWRA to support a cus-
tom ship model with traditional motor engine.
The authors would like to thank MicroOLAP Tech-
nologies for supporting the research by granting a
free licence for EasyMAP VCL component (a GIS
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