International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 3
Number 2
June 2009
There is extensive literature addressing the subject
of “emotional intelligence” (EI) and its importance
to the profile of leaders and models of leadership.
Yet, despite what some claim to be the “sine qua
non” of leadership (Goleman 1998, p. 93), there are
arguably few, if any, valid instruments available to
predict demonstration of EI competencies in the
workplace. This paper focuses on EI and challenges
to measurement as they relates to leadership devel-
opment in maritime management where EI com-
petencies are generally acknowledged as critical to
effective job performance. The paper proceeds as
1 definition of EI;
2 review and evaluation of current instruments that
claim to measure EI;
3 rationale for study;
4 survey results of hiring practices in selected com-
panies in the shipping industry; implications to
the imperative for testing and measurement of EI;
5 and, recommendations for further research.
The term emotional intelligence, while popular in
many academic and practitioner forums, continues to
generate significant controversy regarding its mean-
ing, its measurement, and its predictability or validi-
ty (Livingston & Day 2005, p. 757). Although defi-
nitional grounding is important to this paper, a
comprehensive review of the literature devoted to
defining EI lies beyond the scope of this study. Suf-
fice to say that we the authors frame the un-
derstanding of EI, in part, around the five competen-
cies and personality attributes posited by Daniel
Goleman (1998, p. 95):
self-awareness: The ability to recognize and un-
derstand one’s moods, emotions, and drives as
well as their effect on others.
Demonstrated: self-confidence; realistic self-
assessment; self-deprecating sense of humor;
self-regulation: The ability to control or redirect
disruptive impulses and moods; the propensity to
suspend judgment – to think before acting.
Demonstrated: trustworthiness and integrity;
comfort with ambiguity; openness to change;
motivation: A passion to work for reasons that go
beyond money and status; a propensity to pursue
goals with energy and persistence.
Demonstrated: strong drive to achieve optimism,
even in the face of failure; organizational com-
empathy: The ability to understand the emotional
makeup of other people; skill in treating people
according to their emotional reactions.
Demonstrated: expertise in building and retaining
talent; cross-cultural sensitivity; service to clients
and customers
Proficiency in managing relationships and build-
ing networks; an ability to find common ground
and build rapport
Demonstrated: effectiveness in leading change;
Predicting Emotional Intelligence in Maritime
Imperative, Yet Elusive
E.S. Potoker & J.-A. Corwin
Maine Maritime Academy, Castine, Maine, USA
ABSTRACT: There is extensive literature addressing the subject of “emotional intelligence” (EI) and its im-
portance to the profile of leaders and models of leadership. Despite what some have argued as the sine qua
non of leadership, there are arguably few, if any, valid instruments available to predict demonstration of EI
competencies. This paper focuses on EI and challenges to measurement as it relates to leadership develop-
ment in maritime management where EI competencies are deemed critical to effective performance. The
authors review and evaluate current instruments that claim to measure EI, survey hiring practices in selected
companies in the shipping industry, and make recommendations for further research.
persuasiveness; expertise in building and leading
Reuven Bar-On’s definition (1997) is another that
informs this paper as he addresses, “…noncognitive
capabilities, competencies, and skills that influence
one’s ability to succeed in with environmental de-
mands and pressures” (p. 14). Non-cognitive refers
to the “emotional, personal, and social components
of intelligent behavior” (Bar-On 1998, p. vii). These
capabilities appear to be particularly important given
the environmental variables inherent in maritime
management, and so are included as a consideration.
Consensus is also clearly lacking regarding availa-
bility of instruments that accurately predict demon-
stration of EI competencies. Three tests that are cur-
rently used with arguable claims of some success are
The Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence
Test (MSCEITMHS Multi-Health Systems), the
BarOn EQ-i (Bar-On 1997) and the Emotional
Competence Inventory--e.g., ECI360 (Hay Group
1999-2005). Because each test defines emotional in-
telligence differentlye.g. focusing in part or not on
personality traits, cognitive abilities, and/or other ar-
rays--users might not necessarily have just the one
test to meet their needs. Additionally, making com-
parisons of different test results is not feasible as
comparability is simply not possible: Some tests re-
sults are based on self-reporting models (e.g., the
BarOn EQ-i); others incorporate observer input and
self-reporting (e.g., the ECI360), and so on.
Another concern, as with any instrument, in-
volves that of reliability and validity. Reliability
does the instrument consistently measure over time
what it purports to measure? Construct validityis
there evidence that the instrument measures what it
claims to measure? Construct validity claims are
frequently supported through triangulation, where
multiple instruments/observers corroborate findings.
This is problematic, however, in the case of EI in-
struments for reasons discussed earlier. Predictive
validity, or the degree to which the test is accurate in
forecasting on-the-job performance, is particularly
important to this paper. Nevertheless, it is one thing
to hypothetically score high (or low) in a test setting
for EIparticularly if by self-reporting methods
(versus impartial observers). It is quite another when
one factors in the work environment such as weath-
er, fear, terrorism, and a multitude of other variables
such as crew diversityall of which have the poten-
tial to affect operationalization of predicted perfor-
mance. Crew diversity is a factor of life on ocean
going vessels, many of which bear foreign flags and
count on crews representing many nations, both de-
veloped and developing. Therefore, if we add cross-
cultural and national dimensions to measuring and
predicting EI as defined earlier, the challenges loom
even larger. Alternatively stated, history has proven
that results obtained in an “antiseptic” or closed sys-
tem will not necessarily translate in real world situa-
tions where the environment intervenes regularly.
An Internet search of the importance of EI to de-
cision making reveals over 26,000 cites illustrating
its value across industries. Therefore, if it were
available, predictive validity for EI would not be
uniquely important to maritime management. Yet,
the rationale to meet these needs in this particular
industry appears particularly impelling in a global
post 9/11 environment, which brings us to the sec-
tion that follows.
…the prospect of a relationship between EI, leader-
ship and individual, group and organizational out-
comes is sufficiently compelling to attract the atten-
tion of researchers who will resolve the question and
move leadership theory and understanding of social
influence to its next stage (Brown and Moshavi
2005, p. 870).
In March of 2006, Pamela Turner, Assistant Sec-
retary for Legislative and Governmental Affairs of
the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, directed
a letter to Congress regarding the results of a project
that implemented the Crew Endurance Management
System (CEMS) on towing vessels. Crew endurance
is “the ability to maintain performance within safety
limits while enduring job-related physical, psycho-
logical and environmental challenges” (Crew Endur-
ance Management 2006). Management of the ele-
ments that heighten risk that leads to poor
performance and/or human failures is a goal of
CEMS. The report also included a description of the
resources that would be needed to implement the
CEMS on all U.S. flag-towing vessels (CEMS
Demonstration Project Report, 2006). While the re-
port’s main concern is to reduce marine casualties as
a result of stress and fatigue, the opening statements
of the report point to the imperative not only to find
predictive indicators for EI, but also for the mainte-
nance and development of EI competencies:
Numerous studies indicate that human factors
contribute to the vast majority of marine casualties.
Most of these human factors relate to cognitive
abilities such as situational awareness and situa-
tional assessment (p. 1).
This imperative prompted the authors of this pa-
per to determine if and how EI competencies were
currently being assessed in the shipping industry.
Discussion of that survey and its components are
addressed in the section to follow.
Through the Careers/Cooperative Education Office
of Maine Maritime Academy in Castine, ME., we
identified 100 individuals in management positions
in a wide range of maritime-related companies. The-
se included, but were not limited to major U.S. ship-
ping, offshore drilling, tug boat service, marina
management, and logistics and related transportation
companies, and pilots’ associations. A survey, in-
cluding Goleman’s definition (1998), was mailed to
all with the request that they rank order the im-
portance of EI competencies. They further were
asked to note whether their company or if they
themselves screened for these competencies through
recruitment, hiring, selection and/or their perfor-
mance appraisal process. Appendix A of complete
paper includes survey details.
Thirty individuals surveyed responded over a four
month periodfrom July to October of 2006. Eight
of those who did not respond were due to mail re-
turns because of outdated addresses or personnel
changes. We feel that this response rate is a respect-
able one given the nature of the industry
particularly as many of these individuals frequently
ship out for months at a timemaking surveying a
challenge at best. Results are as follows:
Category 1. Please read the definition of EI
competencies. Do you feel that these competencies
are important to effective management in the ship-
ping industry?
100% of the respondents voted affirmatively
(“Yes”). Several added comments that are illustra-
tive of the importance of EI:
Regarding their relative importance specific to
the maritime industry:
“Especially onboard the vessel when they are to-
gether 24/7.”
“Within the boundaries of the command structure
aboard a ship.”
“Due to the close quarters and strenuous work
conditions our crewmembers experience, it is im-
perative we take each competency into account
when crewing and managing our vessels.”
One individual found these competencies to be
uncommon in a shipboard environment and added:
“These sophisticated ‘touchy/feely’ concepts are
difficult to teach or impart to those who manage
others. . …”
“As a C/M[Chief Mate], a department head, di-
recting/leading/working w/others has many dif-
ferent requirements that vary from managing an-
other officer, with skills and a permanent job
aboard, unlicensed crew, skilled/semi-skilled with
a permanent job aboard, to unlicensed, semi-
skilled without permanent job status/one trippers,
all require somewhat different approaches.
Regarding their relative importance in any indus-
“The EI competencies appear important to lead a
productive & fulfilling life.”
“It’s difficult to quantify which are most im-
portant, but they are all ingredients for most ef-
fective management.”
“In any industry, for that matter.” (2 responses)
“Absolutely. I feel these concepts are key to near-
ly anything one attempts in life.”
Category 2. In order of importance from 1-6,
with 1 being the most important, pls. rank order the
EI competencies that you consider to be important to
effective management in the shipping industry.
It was obvious that respondents had difficulty
rank ordering the six EI components listed in Ap-
pendix A. In fact, three individual comments sug-
gested that it was difficult to pull them apart in im-
portance. One individual rated all 6 as #1; others
rated several equally, making it very challenging to
attempt to represent the data in Figure form. For
those who provided comments, it could be argued
that they viewed the competencies from their specif-
ic job responsibility or personal vantage point--
understandably. As example, a “marine personnel
administrator” favored “e” as #1 in importance,
commenting that vessel masters who promote team-
work appeared more effective in her view than oth-
ers. An “owner” of a U.S. based, but Mid-East affili-
ated maritime company emphasized the importance
of “d” which includes “cross-cultural sensitivity.”
He states, “Any chump can turn a wrench or steer a
course. Only a human relations ‘expert’ can moti-
vate a team.” A “personnel administrator” comment-
ed that all were important when deciding if an indi-
vidual would receive a permanent job aboard a ship
or a promotion to a position of higher responsibility.
Figure 1. Category 2-- Rank Ordering of EI Competencies
Despite the challenge of representing the data
from Category 2 in figure form due to double-
counting of several items, it is displayed in the form
of a scatter gram in Figure 1. As explanation, if “b”
was considered #1 in importance and “c” was also
considered #1 in importance by the same individual,
those choices are both represented on the scatter-
For Category 2 only, four individuals are not rep-
resented due to the fact that they obviously did not
either follow or understand the instructions.
The most interesting findings (to the authors of
this paper) were the highs and lows. Choice “b” or
“self-regulation” clearly rated #1, with “e”, “profi-
ciency in managing relationships” clearly in second
place. “Self-awareness” was top choice in the #2
ranking. A total surprise to the authors was the fact
that “f” was ranked overwhelmingly least in im-
portance. However, that may be explained by a qual-
itative comment that was offered by one respondent
who stated, “ ‘f’ is too general a definition.” Perhaps
there was a need for further explanation that might
have influenced the results. While the data results
are interesting, the authors are unwilling to jump to
generalizations without further research, discussed
later in the paper.
Category 3. To the best of your knowledge, does
your Company or do you screen for these EI compe-
tencies in recruitment, hiring, selection, and/or in
the performance appraisal process?
Twenty-two or seventy-three percent: “Yes”
many with qualifiers, to be discussed.
2 individuals: did not know, but did offer opin-
Six: “No.”
Regarding the “yes” choices, comments clearly
indicated that many of the components of EI are tak-
en into consideration for after-hire decisions: e.g.,
for retention, promotions to management or senior
officer positions such as Captain or Chief Engineer
as part of the performance appraisal process, and in
decisions for granting part-time hires permanent job
status. Several comments illustrated that a formal
process for measuring these competencies is not in
place. Representative examples of such qualifying
comments are as follows:
“Informally—we do not use a formal tool.”
“Not done in a formal way yet; is part of evalua-
tion and discussions by people making selec-
“Partly, difficult to evaluate empathy and self-
awareness in an employment candidate. [itali-
cized by authors of paper].
“More so in the performance appraisal process;
most hiring is done based on professional qualifi-
cations & experience.”
“Theoretically yes; in practicality, somewhat to
not at all; it often is based on seniority more than
these qualifications or dogged determination.”
“We try, but it’s difficult in an interview to see
how people really are.”
[One respondent, who checked “no,” indicated
that “but the factors become evident very quickly.”]
Only one individual claimed to screen for these
competencies when interviewing potential candi-
dates. Three others, while attesting to the importance
of EI competencies on Question 1, pointed to the in-
fluence of unions in hiring decisions. First-level de-
cisions for hire of unlicensed positions often related
to basic performance issues such as showing up to
work on time and getting work done in a timely mat-
ter. As indicated earlier, for promotions, these three
also indicated that many of the EI components
would be taken into consideration, although they did
not offer how. One individual makes this illustrative
statement regarding the role and influence of unions
in the hiring process which, in turn, indicates why EI
components are generally considerations “after the
fact” (i.e., the hire) decisions:
“Personnel are only screened for these competen-
cies with regards to retention. Initial hires are ap-
pointed to employment with a company by a un-
ion, and the unions recognize their role as being
one of protection for all members, versus the cull-
ing or development of individuals.”
While EI competencies were deemed important by
all who were surveyed, and considerations in the
performance appraisal (PA) process for varying rea-
sons such as retention and rehire for permanent posi-
tions and promotions, it was unclear as to how these
competencies were evaluated. In part, this is a limi-
tation to the survey itself as that question was not
specifically asked. Nevertheless, with EI only as an
informal consideration for many in the performance
appraisal process, and a minimal to non- considera-
tion in hiring due to union/and or other variables in-
volving full or part-time hiring, one might question
how the road to leadership could be optimized if
predictive indicators for EI in this industry could be
identified. Additionally, how might training and ca-
reer development be optimized if build around an EI
model? Another concern relating to the informality
of the EI screening process involves the possibility
of rater bias and legal repercussions that might ensue
due to perceptions of “informality” (aka, “unfair-
ness”) in promotion and retention decisions.
Research results point to numerous and worth-
while areas for further research, including, but not
limited to:
1 surveying further how EI is presently being as-
sessed in this industry;
2 developing a formal, performance-based Perfor-
mance Appraisal model/instrument that is
grounded in EI competencies for purposes of
trainingteaching of specific EI-related skills,
development—career improvement and organiza-
tional effectiveness;
3 continued effort to identify tests for predictive va-
lidity of EI;
4 studies using personnel samples to assess the rela-
tionship between EI components and promotions
within the maritime industry; and,
5 assessment to discern if the importance and the
respective value of each of the EI competencies
(Goleman, 1998) is shared across cultures. This
last area of research is still an un-chartered one
for EI in general, and appears important given the
diversity of crews and foreign-flagged vessel
ownership that is characteristic of this industry.
In short, we are still a long way from identifying
and measuring a quality (EI) that appears crucial to
any industry. Nevertheless, in a post 9/11 world
where teamwork, cross-cultural sensitivity, and self-
regulation and awareness (and more) in uncertain
surroundings are of paramount importance, contin-
ued research in this area appears as imperative as
ever. We invite interested faculty and others to con-
tact us if there is interest in collaborating regarding
further cross-cultural survey research that needs to
be done on this issue.
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ship and emotional intelligence: A potential pathway for an
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