International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 3
Number 2
June 2009
In the last few years, advances in digital communi-
cation, ocean climate modelling and earth observa-
tion systems have began to have an increasing im-
pact across the whole maritime community bridging
waterborne and coastal activities.
1.1 Environment and Security
In the waterborne sector the demands for improved
navigation safety and security have introduced new
ship monitoring technologies such as AIS and LRIT
and stimulated demand for increased coverage and
accuracy of satellite observations. Concern about
pollution impact and consequence of oil spills, bal-
last waters and ship emissions have introduced poli-
cy driven information requirements associated with
a raft of new compliance legislation arising from;
MARPOL (Annexes I, VI), Ballast Waters Man-
agement Convention 2004, UK Marine Bill (UK
Marine Bill 2008) and the new Integrated Maritime
Policy for the European Union (EU 2007) which co-
vers coastal protection and maritime transportation.
In the context of climate change there is a growing
need to have access to accurate weather and sea state
(tides, currents, waves) forecasts as input to data-
driven services such as oil spill monitoring, ballast
waters dispersion and global ship routing. These
strategic baseline data have been identified as “ma-
rine core services” under the European FP7 devel-
opment programme GMES (Global Monitoring of
Environment and Security) which has been ongoing
since 2000.
1.2 Marine Stewardship
In response to the need for increasing levels of in-
formation addressing state and sustainability of the
marine environment to support local, regional and
national policy the concept of Marine Stewardship
has in recent years started to take on an important
new meaning and dimension (Graff 2006). Although
Marine Stewardship has a country by country inter-
pretation there is common emphasis on importance
of the spatial data domain and a growing recognition
that governance, interoperability and information
services are key underpinning features. At the Euro-
pean scale the development of a new digitally based
geospatial information philosophy is being support-
ed under the European Commission INSPIRE (In-
frastructure for Spatial Information in Europe) Di-
rective which in turn is part of a global effort to
build commonality across national “Spatial Data In-
frastructures” or SDI’s (Labonte et al 1998, ESDP
1999). The GMES programme addresses the provi-
e-Maritime: An Enabling Framework for
Knowledge Transfer and Innovative
Information Services Development Across the
Waterborne Transport Sector
J. Graff
BMT Group Ltd., Teddington, England, UK
ABSTRACT: The economic and social impact of the waterborne sectors in Europe cannot be overstated, em-
ploying directly more than 3 million people and generating a turnover of about €250 billion representing more
than 1% of the EU’s GDP. In order to maintain its leadership and competitiveness, Europe must take ad-
vantage of new market opportunities and address these challenges by means of focused research, development
and innovation. In recent years the impact of digital technology and relevance of geospatial information has
been increasingly felt across the whole maritime community bridging waterborne and coastal activities. The
challenge for the maritime and marine science communities is to accelerate the transformation of the maritime
sector into one that is able to exploit market-led opportunities and create high value added outputs that fully
embraces technological and scientific advances. e-Maritime offers itself as the enabling framework.
sion of end user information services through inte-
gration of measurement, modelling and prediction
within a geospatial systems environment. Many of
these emerging services are marine policy driven
providing information to support coastal zone gov-
ernance relating to fisheries, quality of waters, ex-
traction of gravels, protection of marine species and
flood protection. In view of the emerging require-
ment to extend land environment mapping into
coastal waters (Land-Marine Workshop 2007) and
provide access to these data, efforts to define and
develop the protocol and standards for a marine spe-
cific SDI are underway (Ng’ang‘a 2004, Sutherland
2005, Sutherland & Nicholas 2006). The Interna-
tional Hydrographic Organisation (IHO) has
acknowledged the potential importance of a marine
spatial data infrastructure and a special IHO work-
shop on Marine SDI was convened during the Geo-
matica 2007, to discuss related issues. The first of
five resolutions agreed at the IHO Workshop states;
“IHB to communicate with IOC to cooperate on
the development of the spatial data standard S-100,
with a view to facilitate marine/hydrographic data
This is an important statement that recognizes the
need for knowledge exchange and collaboration be-
tween the maritime technology and marine science
communities to address emerging information needs
increasingly relevant to development and welfare of
the waterborne industry. The statement reflects ear-
lier calls for such cross sector dialogue made by the
author (Graff 2006, 2007).
This has led to formation of a new IHO Working
Group on Marine Spatial Data Infrastructure
(MSDIWG) which together with the strategic Work-
ing Group on Transfer Standard Maintenance and
Applications Development (TSMAD - responsible
for S-100 development) will provide an important
contribution to evolution of the IMO e-Navigation
1.3 Marine Transportation
Motorways of the Sea (DGTREN 2005) is a
growing concept that aims at introducing new inter-
modal maritime-based logistics chains which will
bring about a structural change in our transport or-
ganisation that will be more sustainable and com-
mercially more efficient. At European scale there are
four proposed marine motorway systems linking re-
gional states which are illustrated in Figure 1 and at
global scale the Marine Electronic Highway pilot
project (Sekimizu et al 2001, Gillespie 2005) in the
Malacca Strait being progressed by IMO represents
another important first step in prototyping some of
these ideas.
In addition to conventional navigation aids gov-
erning weather and bathymetric charts the evolution
of marine motorways will demand increasingly so-
phisticated products and services to monitor traffic,
mitigate accidents and pollution impact and to opti-
mise and improve commercial efficiency of routing
and port turn-around. For example, AIS and LRIT
are already being adopted as key data carriers to im-
prove monitoring and safety of regional and global
vessel traffic and improvements in marine broad-
band are leading to new types of remote monitoring
and information exchange. A service offering that is
receiving much attention from several developers is
the concept of ship performance monitoring which
integrates onboard vessel behavior parameters with
prevailing sea state and weather to compute continu-
ous updates of optimal routing advice delivered re-
motely to the bridge. The IMO e-navigation strategy
offers a vision for a web services infrastructure that
lends itself to delivery of a wide range of such new
added-value marine information services in addition
to mandatory ECDIS information.
Figure 1. The four proposed European Motorways of the Sea
interconnecting regional sea States in Europe.
These initiatives also highlight a particularly im-
portant feature namely; the need for convergence be-
tween maritime technology and marine science in
order to realise the degree of knowledge integration
needed to provide the types of sophisticated mari-
time information services required today.
The IMO e-Navigation Strategy was initiated in
2005 with intent on embracing new digital technolo-
gies to provide the framework for new digital ser-
vices adoption across the maritime transport com-
munity to support navigation. IALA (International
Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and
Lighthouse Authorities) was charged by IMO with
developing the e-Navigation vision and standards
(IALA 2007). A definition for e-Navigation was
agreed at the IALA e-Navigation Committee meet-
ing (e-NAV2) in Southampton in March 2007; It
“E-Navigation is the harmonised collection, integra-
tion, exchange and presentation of maritime infor-
mation onboard and ashore by electronic means to
enhance berth to berth navigation and related ser-
vices, for safety and security at sea and protection of
the marine environment”
e-Navigation is underpinned by 7 points that have
to be considered in an integrated fashion.
1 Electronic charts and weather information
2 Electronic positioning signals
3 Electronic information on vessel route, course,
manoeuvring etc.
4 Transmission of positional and navigational in-
5 Display of information
6 Information reporting, prioritisation and alert ca-
7 Transmission of distress alerts and maritime safe-
ty information
In order to have the functionality demanded for
delivery and display of mandatory navigation data,
e-Navigation has to be supported by an ECDIS.
A key feature in progressing e-Navigation lies in
universal adoption of Electronic Nautical Charts
(ENC) and the availability of a common approach to
the use and display of ENCs and related navigation
aid data onboard vessels namely, the Electronic
Chart Data Information System or ECDIS. In July
2008 draft regulations were presented by IMO to
make the carriage of ECDIS a mandatory require-
ment under SOLAS Chapter V Safety of Navigation.
It is anticipated that this will be adopted and thus
trigger the universality of ENC adoption and usage.
The role of ECDIS is especially important in
view that a new version (S-100) for the digital code
structure of ENC’s (commonly known as S-57) has
been developed (Alexander et al 2008) and is cur-
rently being released under test with adoption envis-
aged in the next few years. The new code is “open
standards compliant” which enables the handling of
many other data types, for example, S-100 will sup-
port gridded and time series (x, y, z, t) data in sup-
port of dynamic ECDIS, marine GIS and web based
services. This paves the way for a new generation of
ECDIS systems that can exchange data with coastal
GIS databases and operational forecasting centres
and provide a gateway for other decision-support in-
formation services.
However, it also raises questions regarding scope
and definition of ECDIS and what influence IHO
might have on commercial services development
through Working Groups TSMAD and MDSIWG.
Although conceived to improve the safety and secu-
rity, e-Navigation also has a potential to increase ef-
ficiency and performance of ship operations, which
is the main consideration for ship-owners, operators
and their service providers e.g., minimise fuel con-
sumption and mitigate emissions.
In 2006 the EC started considering e-Navigation
in parallel with IALA and tasked the FP6 MarNIS
(Maritime Navigation Information Services) project
with developing an e-Navigation vision. The
MarNIS e-Navigation Task Force meeting (Oslo,
18.09.2006) revised the concept of e-Navigation to
embrace the following criteria:
to minimise navigational errors, incidents and ac-
to protect people, the marine environment and re-
to improve security;
to reduce costs for shipping and coastal states;
to deliver benefits for the commercial shipping
The last two points extend e-Navigation into a
system termed e-Maritime. This is important and
provides a clear distinction between the two namely.
e-Navigation (protocol oriented) is to ensure pro-
vision of navigational data and information, also
from / to Aids to Navigation etc., in a standard-
ised/harmonised way to facilitate common interpre-
tation of said navigational data and information.
e-Maritime (system oriented) is the promotion of
the use of all maritime data and information, and the
distribution thereof, to facilitate maritime transport
and provide value added services to improve the
profitability of shipping.
The aim of e-Maritime is to deliver benefits to the
public, transport consumers, public authorities and
the maritime community, by means of ICT and to
offer a framework for commercial services.
A schematic of the e-Transport overview showing
both e-Navigation and e-Maritime components is
presented as Figure 2 adapted from work by one of
e-Navigation’s pioneers Dan Pillich (Pillich 2007).
Figure 2. e-Maritime and e-Navigation shown in the broader
context of e-Transport information services provision.
The diagram highlights the role and the compli-
mentarity of e-Maritime as an important overarching
framework that brings together a diversity of tech-
nologies to enable Motorways of the Seas, namely
waterborne transport, with the benefit of latest ad-
vances in ICT and marine science knowledge.
However, as has already been noted under 2.1
above, it is not yet clear what the IMO vision
framework for e-Navigation will embrace and where
conflicts with commercially driven e-Maritime ser-
vices will arise.
The EurOcean 2007 conference produced the “Ab-
erdeen Declaration”, calling for an integrated Euro-
pean Marine and Maritime Science, Research, Tech-
nology and Innovation Strategy which should
foresight activities to identify new and emerging
scientific challenges and opportunities;
cross-sectoral, multinational and interdisciplinary
research partnerships;
co-operation between research, industry and other
stakeholders to enhance knowledge and technolo-
gy transfer and innovation;
development of scientific and technology capaci-
ty to strengthen the knowledge economy;
shared use, planning and investment of critical in-
frastructure on a Europe-wide basis.
This stirred considerable interest and support at
European level and a Post Aberdeen Task Force was
established made up of representatives from Marine
Science and Maritime Industry interest groups in-
cluding ICES, ESF Marine Board, ETP Waterborne
and EuroGOOS. This was deemed relevant as a ve-
hicle for providing a representative response from
the European marine and maritime communities to
the EC actions calling for initiatives to demonstrate
science and technology crossover and innovation.
From a personal perspective, I would argue that
the representation on the Task Force is far too heavi-
ly marine science research biased with the WA-
TERBORNE consortia representing industry, having
a shipbuilding focus. Consequently, there is a gap in
the key new crossover area that is framed in e-
Science (Hey & Trefethen 2003, Env e-Science
2008) and ICT technology applications, namely e-
Maritime, that are enabling a dramatically new data-
driven approach to marine science and technology.
Curiously, there is little or no recognition in the
current EC discourse on European maritime strategy
of the emergence of e-Maritime, or indeed e-
Science, as an important enabler of new information
services and driver for innovation and integration
across marine science and maritime technology re-
search outputs. Why?
Perhaps the answer lies in some of the prophetic
key recommendations identified more than a decade
ago in the seminal UK Marine Foresight Panel study
1994-97 report (UK Marine Foresight 1997) chaired
under the late David Goodrich namely;
3.3 High priority areas for wealth generation
Information Technology: For acquisition and
processing of increasingly large volumes of data,
the development of intelligent information sys-
tems and GIS-based data management systems is
needed, linking satellite remote sensing, GPS
navigation, monitoring networks (data buoys,
commercial vessels) and hazard databases. Also
required is development of a marine information
service backed by data acquisition.
3.4 Actions for implementation
The opportunities to apply Digital Information
Technology to the marine environment are many
and varied. Industry should lead this initiative in
consultation with academia and government. The
Panel recommend the setting up of a user led in-
terest group and a LINK programme for the ap-
plication of Digital Information Technology to
the marine environment.”
It is eminently clear that digital information technol-
ogy is driving a whole new agenda for change in the
waterborne sector and we are at the onset of seeing a
new industry emerge designing and delivering inno-
vative marine information products and services.
This offers challenge and opportunity but de-
mands integration and innovation across marine sci-
ence and marine technology sectors and uptake of
new enabling technologies such as e-Science. The
new enabling framework for marine informatics is
proposed as e-Maritime.
Awareness of the underpinning technologies de-
fining e-Science and e-Maritime and understanding
their innovative integration potential seems to be
lacking across marine and maritime communities.
This has to be remedied urgently if Europe is to be-
come a player in the emerging global information
services market. Europe has the potential to lead.
Finally, I would reiterate, now ten years on, a
single recommendation adapted from the 1997 UK
Marine Foresight Panel report namely;
The opportunities to apply Digital Information
Technology to the marine environment are many
and varied. Industry should lead this initiative in
consultation with academia and government. I
recommend the setting up of a user led interest
group for the application of Digital Information
Technology to the marine environment under the
aegis of e-Maritime.
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