The waterborne transport of cargo and passengers is
one human activity that has a global increasing
environmental impact [4]. Over 80% of the volume
and 70% of the total value of international trade in
goods is carried by the sea [5]. In the EU, maritime
transport is responsible for 77% of external trade and
35% of intra-EU trade [6]. Baltic Sea maritime
transport makes up about 15% of all cargo globally
transported via sea, which makes it one of the busiest
maritime areas all over the world [1]. The total length
of shipping lanes in Estonian sea areas is 1700 km,
while shipping lanes of international importance
(HELCOM shipping lanes) make up more than half of
it (950 km) [7]. At the same time shipping operations
create environmental pressures to the air, discharges
of oil, sewage from passenger ships as well as
invasion of alien organisms from ships’ ballast water
or hulls [2].
International maritime shipping accounts for less
than 3% of annual global CO
2 emissions, hence
shipping is considered one of the lowest carbon
dioxide (CO
2) emitting modes of transport per
distance and weight carried [6], [8]. For instance, in
EU, ships generate 13,5% of all GHG emissions caused
by transport, whereas road transport is responsible for
71% and aviation 14,4%, nevertheless, pollution from
shipping activities has been found to have significant
impact on the air and water quality and marine and
estuarine biodiversity [8]. The total greenhouse gas
(GHG) emissions of the world shipping that include
carbon dioxide (CO
2), methane (CH4), and nitrous
oxide (N
2O) increased from 977 million tonnes in 2012
to 1076 million tonnes in 2018 (9,6% growth) [9].
According to the UNCTAD 2022 report, the vessel
types with the highest emissions increase between
2020 and 2021 were container ships, dry bulk carriers
and general cargo vessels, but also from vehicle, ro-ro
Shipping Related Activities and Their Environmental
Lessons Learnt from the Estonian Case Study
M.L. Tombak
, U. Tapaninen
& R. Palu
Estonian Maritime Academy, Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn, Estonia
Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology LUT, Kouvola, Finland
ABSTRACT: Baltic Sea maritime transport makes up about 15% of all cargo globally transported via sea, which
makes it one of the busiest maritime areas all over the world [1]. At the same time shipping operations create
environmental pressures to the air, discharges of oil, sewage from passenger ships as well as invasion of alien
organisms from ships’ ballast water or hulls [2]. In order to move from assessment of discharges from one ship
to a certain area, it is necessary to combine the discharge factors to the activity patterns [3]. In this study the
shipping activities that have environmental impact in the Estonian sea area will be analysed. In addition, the
activities will be related with their source of pollution (e.g., manoeuvring, anchoring, loading/unloading cargo)
and the impact or consequences are analysed (e.g.,
emission to air (CO2, SOx, NOx) discharge to water
(antifouling paints, scrubber water, ballast water, bilge water, black water), physical discharge (underwater
noise) etc). Finally, we assess the relative importance of the environmental effect of shipping in Estonian waters.
International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea
Volume 17
Number 4
December 2023
DOI: 10.12716/1001.17.04.
and passenger vessels. [5] Ships that are registered
under the flag of an EU Member State make up to
17.6% of the total world fleet when measured in dead
weight tonnage (DWT) [8] and are divided into ship
types (not including fishing vessels) as other work
vessels (including tugs, barges etc vessels that usually
work in ports) - 30%, passenger ships - 19% and
tankers - 17% of which, respectively, 45% are RoPax
and 45% are chemical tankers [10]. In 2019 there were
roughly 18000 ships registered under EU flags,
accounting for 266 million GT and passenger ships
that were registered to EU flags were able to carry 1.3
million passengers, therefore representing 40% of the
world’s passenger transport capacity [6], [10].
The Baltic Sea is a 392 978 km2 semi-enclosed
second largest brackish water body in the world, after
the Black Sea [11], [12]. It is 54m deep on average and
due to the shallowness of the Danish Straits, ships
with depth up to 15m can cross to the Baltic Sea,
whereas bigger ships can only enter if empty or
partially loaded [11], [12]. The sea is surrounded by
eight EU member states - Denmark, Germany, Poland,
Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland and Sweden and
Russia, but five more countries are in the catchment
area - the Czech Republic, the Slovak Republic, the
Ukraine, Belarus and Norway [11], [12]. The Baltic Sea
area has been designated as a special area in
accordance with the International Convention for the
Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL)
Annexes I (oil), IV (sewage), V (garbage), and VI (for
Sulphur) [2]. As a result, there are strict IMO
restrictions on discharge into the Baltic Sea of oil or
oily mixtures, sewage from passenger ships and
garbage [2]. Furthermore, there are other measures to
reduce the pollution, for example The Baltic Marine
Environment Protection Commission (HELCOM), that
seeks to protect the Baltic Sea from all sources of
pollution from land, air and sea [2].
Impact of shipping related activities to the
environment cannot be underestimated. First of all
due to the consequences that those may have on the
surrounding in the long term and secondly due to the
tightening regulations of EU and IMO in the area. In
April 2018 the IMO adopted its initial strategy to
reduce GHG emissions from ships at least 50% by
2050 compared to 2008 level and 40% by the year 2030
compared to 2008 [13]. In July 2021, the European
Commission set the target to reduce GHG emissions
at least 55% by 2030 compared to 1990 level (Fit for 55
package) [8]. Shipping operations at sea and also at
berth are everyday significant sources of different
pollution [14], for example discharges to water, air
emission and physical impacts, such as noise and
artificial light [4].
There are three levels of waterborne traffic in the
Estonian sea area [7]:
1. International shipping traffic that takes place in the
Gulf of Finland between ports of other European
ports and ports that are in the Gulf of Finland
north-eastern part of the Baltic Sea, including
large-scale transportation of oil and oil products,
as well offshore fishing with trawlers.
2. Local shipping traffic (e.g., ferry traffic between
mainland and islands).
3. Small vessel traffic (smaller fishing vessels, yachts,
fishing boats), the intensity of which is seasonally
different, as well as seasonal sea tourism and water
sports (kayaking, surfing, etc.).
About pollution of the marine environment from
small ships throughout the Baltic Sea scope, a detailed
overview is provided in the Johansson et al. article
The main question of this study is to find out what
kind of shipping related environmental impacts are
relevant in the Estonia sea area? In order to answer
that question, we first need to answer:
1. What shipping activities have an impact on the
2. What kind of impact do those activities have?
Literature search was carried out using online
databases (e.g., Science Direct), and maritime related
organisations (e.g., HELCOM, EMSA, IMO,
UNCTAD) webpages. Mainly shipping-related and
environmental impact related articles, reports or other
documents were used. Shipping related activities are
divided into three categories which are based on a
study of Jägerbrand [4]. In this study the shipping
activities th
at have environmental impact will be
analysed. In addition, the activities will be related
with their source of pollution (e.g., manoeuvring,
anchoring, loading/unloading cargo) and the impact
or consequences are analysed (e.g., emission to air
2, SOx, NOx) discharge to water (antifouling
paints, scrubber water, ballast water, bilge water,
black water), physical discharge (underwater noise)
As a result of this study, an overview of shipping
related activities is gathered and presented in table
form. The tables will give answers to questions of
what are the shipping activities that have an impact
on the environment and what kind of impact it is.
Based on a recent study [16], an extra table is
presented to give an overview of which shipping
activities with environmental impact are relevant in
the Estonian sea area. Furthermore, considering if the
assumed impact is high (red), medium (yellow) or
low (green), first evaluation is given (Table 1).
Table 1. Colour coding of assumed environmental impact of
shipping activities.
Assumed impact Colour
According to the Estonian Maritime Document
Exchange [17] there has been 11 000 - 12 000 port calls
annually in Estonian ports in 2017-2021 (Figure 2) and
statistically the vessel type with the highest number of
calls was predictably ferry vessels due to the intense
passenger transport between Tallinn-Helsinki (Figure
3). As Figure 3 is demonstrating, ferries are followed
by general purpose cargo vessels, chemical tankers,
roll on-roll off vessels and container vessels.
Shipping related activities are divided into three
categories which are based on a study of Jägerbrand
[4] - discharges to water, air emissions and physical
pollution. This division is used to gather knowledge
on what are the main pollution sources and mainly
negative impacts.
Figure 2. Port visits in Estonian ports in 2017-2021 [17].
Figure 3. Most common vessel types based on number of
port calls in Estonian ports between 2017-2021 [17].
Figure 4. Classification of the environmental impacts of
shipping on the aquatic environment into three main
categories of discharges to water, physical impact, and air
emissions [4].
3.1 Discharges to water
The main shipping related wastes that have direct
impact to the water are ballast water, oily bilge water,
propeller shaft lubricants, tank cleaning water,
scrubber discharge, liquid and dry bulk, marine litter,
food waste, black and grey water, cooling water and
antifouling paints (Table 2). Danish straits, the
southwestern part of the Baltic Sea and the Gulf of
Finland are under the greatest pressure from
pollutants spread by ships in the Baltic Sea [14]. In
order to avoid invasion of NIS the International
Maritime Organization (IMO) adopted in 2004 the
International Convention on the Control and
Management of Ships' Ballast Water and Sediments,
i.e., the Ballast Water Management Convention that
entered into force in Estonia in 2018 [18]. According to
the convention, when a ship enters a new body of
water, ballast water taken from elsewhere must be
replaced with local seawater at a distance at least 200
nautical miles from the nearest land and in water at
least 200 metres in depth [18], [19]. Since there is no
sea area in the Baltic Sea that meets such conditions
(the width of the open part is about 300 km), a
gradual exchange of ballast water in the open sea and
deballasting of ballast water in ports is a realistic
measure here [19].
3.2 Air emissions
The main air emissions from vessels that are analysed
in this study are nitrogen, sulphur, particulate matter,
black carbon, greenhouse gases, volatile organic
compounds and gases from using refrigeration
systems (Table 3). The nitrogen contribution from
shipping activities in the Baltic Sea (both air and
water) has been estimated to make up to 1.25 -- 3.3%
of the total nitrogen input and about 0,3% of total
phosphorus input to the Baltic Sea [4], [28]. NOx in
ship exhaust gases worsen the nutrient pollution
problem of the Baltic Sea, also called eutrophication
[3] SOx is not as important pollutant for the Baltic Sea
marine environment compared to inland nature and
human health, but it is indirectly very relevant as
implementation of SOx regulation (“SECA”) is a
catalyst for using new greener technologies and
alternative fuels such as Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)
that influence also NOx emissions [4]. Black carbon is
estimated to be responsible for 6,85% of the global
warming contribution from shipping activities in
2018, while CO
2 contributed 91,32% [8]
Table 2. Discharges to water.
Nr Shipping related Source of the pollutants/pollution to the sea General environmental impact and/or consequence
1 Ballast Water [2], Ballast water could be transferred between Spreading the NIS is ranked as one of the worst
[3], [8], [20] different marine regions by vessels that take threats to the marine environment by the IMO [3].
in ballast water upon cargo discharge and NIS that have an adverse effect on biological
empty their ballast tanks when cargo is diversity, socio-economic values, human health, or
loaded, since shipping is present in all sea ecosystem functioning are considered invasive alien
areas non-indigenous species (NIS) are species [4]. There were 132 NIS in the different
transferred between ports regardless of basins of the Baltic Sea in 2017 [21]
differences in environmental conditions [3]
2 Oily bilge water The amount might be dependent on the size Oil and its degradation products might have an
[3], [4], [8], [20] of the ship, oil could end up in the bilge impact on the whole ecosystem, starting from
water from condensation and leakages in damages on the DNA level up to changes in
the engine room [8] community structure [4]. For example, oil may
3 Propeller shaft Pollution ends up in the sea due to the change the community composition since species
lubricants and/or waste streams that are related to the with higher tolerance increase [4]. Coastal wetlands
stern tube oil [3], operations of propulsion and engine [3] are vulnerable to oil spills as they are low-oxygen
[4], [8], [20] environments with slow decomposition, for instance
4 Tank cleaning and The amount of pollution is related to the dilutions of 2.5 -- 5% bilge water or low
washing water number of tanks that must be cleaned and concentrations of diesel may significantly change the
(slop) [3], [4], [8] the size of loading capacity [8] marine environment [4]. Bilge water, lubrication of
propeller shaft bearings, or the illegal cleaning of
tanks could give more than 70% of the total shipping
related oil discharge [4]
5 Scrubber Pollution for the environment comes from In experiments with scrubber discharge there has
discharge [3], the low-pH water from exhaust gas scrubber been observation of increased mortality and reduced
[4], [20] systems [4] feeding in copepods [4]
6 Liquid bulk (HNS - Dry bulk, packed and liquid fertiliser Release of hazardous substances like hydrocarbons,
hazardous and cargoes that are carried on vessels could end heavy metals etc into aquatic environments may
noxious up in the sea during transportation, loading/ cause indirect ecological effects like including
substances) unloading, transhipment and cleaning of changes in behaviour, competition, and predator-
cargo holds [22] prey interactions that may have impact on the
general marine life [4]
7 Dry bulk [4], [22] Due to containing nitrogen and phosphorus, large
amount of dry bulk may smother vegetation or
induce algal blooms [4]
8 Marine Litter/solid Waste that is generated on vessels include, In addition to being an aesthetic problem, marine
waste (most for example, glass, tin, plastics, paper and litter also causes socioeconomic costs, threatens
commonly plastic, food waste, whereas food waste is also human health and safety and has impacts on marine
but also paper, separately categorised as garbage [4] organisms [2]. Consumption of tiny micro plastics
metal scrap) [4], is also a concern as it may end up in the food chain
[23] [2]. Furthermore, marine litter might end up
damaging and degrading habitats (e.g., in terms of
smothering) and might help the transfer of alien
species [2].
9 Garbage and Food waste might end up in the sea from When discharging food waste to the sea, it may
other waste (Food shops, restaurants etc, but also from cause an increased biological or chemical oxygen
waste/biowaste, transportation of livestock [8] demand as the organic matter is degraded in the
food oil) [3], [20] marine environment and its nutrient content
(Nitrogen discharge from food waste [20]) may also
increase eutrophication [3]
10 Black water Black water (sewage) comes from onboard An excess input of nutrients may cause
(sewage from toilets and the amount is dependent on the eutrophication in marine environments [4]
passenger ships) number of passengers on board, but also the
[2]–[4], [20] type of toilets, length of voyage [4], [8].
Sewage from medical facilities on board is
also considered black water [24]
11 Grey water [3], Grey water from vessels is non-sewage
[4], [20] wastewater that includes drainage from
showers, kitchens, laundry facilities and
galleys [4], [24]
12 Cooling water [3] Seawater is used in the vessels machinery There is a small potential for transport of non-
systems as a cooling media for heat indigenous species [26]. In addition there is a
exchangers, freshwater is used in a closed potential to cause thermal environmental effects
circuit to cool down the engine room once the cooling seawater is discharged and the
machinery [25] After the freshwater has discharged seawater might contain dissolved
cooled the machinery then it is further materials from the components of the seawater
cooled by the seawater in a sea-water cooling system [26]
cooler [25]
13 Non-indigenous International maritime transport has The translocation of NIS might cause changes in the
species (NIS) [4] resulted in the translocation of species trophic chain (e.g., new predators) or decrease in
attached to the hull [4] indigenous species populations due to competition
with NIS for space or food [8] Another impact could
be the introduction of new pathogens and parasites
that are dangerous for marine organisms in the area
and also for human health [8].
14 Biofouling and Different antifouling agents are used on Antifouling paints could be a major source of copper
antifouling paints the ship hull to prevent the accumulation to the marine environment and tributyltin (TBT) that
[3], [4], [20] of organisms [4] has been used in ship paints has found to cause
imposex, which is an endocrinal disturbance leading
to the development of male genitalia in female
marine gastropods [4]. Negative impacts by TBT
have also been reported for other marine organisms,
however, TBT was phased out of use from 1st of
January in 2008 by IMO [4], [27]
Table 3. Air emissions.
Nr Shipping related Source of the pollutants/pollution to the sea General environmental impact and/or consequence
15 Nitrogen (NOx) The nitrogen is formed during fuel NOx emissions formed during fuel combustion are
[2], [4] combustion [4] known to cause acidification in freshwater systems
(also referred as “acid rain”) [4] . Furthermore,
through an increase in bioavailable nitrogen, NOx
also contributes to water eutrophication [4] . In
addition, NOx together with volatile organic
compounds (VOC) is a precursor for ground-level
(or “bad”) ozone (together with VOC) and particles
that are harmful for human health [4] .
16 Sulphur (SOx) Sulphur is generated when vessels are SOx emissions might cause acidification in
[2], [4] using marine fuels, but also by other freshwater systems (also known as “acid rain”) [4].
combustion machinery, for example oil-fired
boilers [4] .
17 Particulate matter Particular matter is released during fossil The organic compound accumulation might cause
(organic carbon) fuel burning or could be formed in reactions anoxia [4]
[2], [4] with SOx [4]
18 Black carbon If black carbon on snow or ice, it darkens
(Artic areas) [4] them and decreases their ability to reflect
sunlight, eventually leading to higher heat
absorption and melting, that is especially
relevant in the Arctic since this adds to
temperature rise in the Arctic that is already
much faster than anywhere else in the world [8]
19 Greenhouse gas Greenhouse gases are generated from Emission of GHG is linked to chemical changes like
(CO2, CH4 vessels when the burning of fuel [4] ocean acidification that affects shell-formation of
methane) [2], [4] various calcifying species (e.g., reef-forming corals)
and has the fastest changes and largest impacts
observed in the polar and tropical regions [4]. In
addition, decreases in pH may be larger in the Baltic
Sea due to lower concentrations of buffering
dissolved inorganic carbon [4]
20 Volatile organic VOC are generated from handling crude oil The ingestion or inhalation of petroleum components
compounds (VOC) as cargo [4] may have a negative influence on the digestive,
[4] respiratory, and circulation systems [4]
21 Ozone-depleting The ODS emission from vessels comes The use of refrigerants on vessels contributes to the
substances (ODS) from the extensive use of halocarbons as anthropogenic impact on the ozone layer and due to
[4], [23] refrigerants [4] the rise in UVB radiation, as a consequence of ozone
layer depletion, there is a negative effect on aquatic
species and possibility of changes in aquatic
communities [4], [23]
22 Fluorinated The gases (most common are The global warming potential of 1kg of R-404A (one
greenhouse gases hydrofluorocarbons - HFCs) are usually of the refrigerant) being released into the atmosphere
(F-gases) [29] found on vessels in air-conditioning, is equivalent to significant 3922 kg CO2 [29]
refrigeration and inert gas drying systems,
but also in the production of insulation
foam and firefighting equipment [29]
3.3 Physical pollution
In the Estonian sea area, when it comes to accidents,
then attention should be paid to the potential risk of
pollution incidents to the Narva River Downstream
Conservation Area, which aims in particular to
protect fish and their habitats [30]. Regarding
groundings and sinkings then on average, more than
10 new wrecks are found in Estonian sea areas every
year, and a total of 594 wrecks lying on the seabed of
Estonia have been mapped in the database of the
Transport Agency - 490 of them have been found
during surveying work, the rest have been identified
either from aerial photographs or from previous sea
charts [31]. In the Gulf of Finland, anthropogenic
noise exceeds (5% of the time) the high natural noise
level in approximately half of the assessment area,
due to shipping lanes located in the middle of the gulf
[32]. Man-made underwater continuous sound occurs
in a large part of the Estonian sea area, and there is a
potential to have a long-term effect on marine animal
species whose activities necessary for life are near
shipping lines. At the same time, there is also a
sufficiently large sea area in which natural sound
levels dominate, and marine animals are not
significantly disturbed by ship noise [32]. The main
shipping related physical pollution is underwater
noise, but also artificial light, wildlife collisions, ship
groundings and accidents (Table 4).
4.1 Shipping related activities and their environmental
impact on Estonian sea area
In relation to the intensifying maritime traffic,
including small craft traffic related to leisure and
industrial offshore activities in the Baltic Sea and
especially in the Finnish Bay area, shipping related
activities that have environmental impact, become
under discussion of both public and private sector
bodies. It is important to develop and improve
appropriate decision support tools for assessing the
environmental effects of possible pollution caused by
shipping to mitigate the increasing environmental
Table 4. Physical pollution.
Nr Shipping related Source of the pollutants/pollution General environmental impact and/or consequence
waste to the sea
23 Underwater noise Passenger ships, container and tanker The intensity of sound could be measured, but the
[2]–[4] propellers are the biggest noise polluters, impact of it to most of the animal species is not
in addition, the noise may be caused by completely understood[4]. A danger zone is the
the construction and operations of proximity of a source of noise at which the sound
offshore facilities, dredging, geological pressure is high enough to cause damage to the tissues
prospecting etc [4] of a living organism that causes a temporary increase in
hearing threshold, a permanent increase in hearing
threshold or more severe damage such as death of a
living organism [32]
24 Artificial light [4] Port operations, trucks, train, vessels that Since cruise tourism usually concentrates its activities
visit the port, increases when a lot of dark in remote environments then it might influence
time (little daylight) negatively sensitive nocturnal marine species with the
high levels of artificial light [4] Light pollution may
potentially cause a reduction of biodiversity or loss of
habitats and it may also impact species orientation,
reproduction and recruitment, predation, and
communication [4]. Furthermore, seabirds attracted to
the light from vessels or offshore platforms can become
disoriented, collide with structures, starve, become
dehydrated, or be taken by predators [4]. Artificial light
may also cause stress for nearby inhabitants
25 Wildlife collisions Vessel speed might be related to the The impacts of wildlife collisions might be injuries
[4], [23] probability of a collision taking place, but and fatal results [4]. But also disturbances that are
also to the severity of impact and besides causing alterations in behavioural traits, whereas
direct collisions, vessels may also interfere prolonged disturbances potentially alter survival
with marine fauna indirectly, by changing rates or population size [23]
their behaviour or habitat [4], [23]
26 Waves and Vessels create waves and currents when Vessels cause physical impacts in coastal areas and
currents [4] they are operating [4] watercourses and that might cause erosion &
resuspension [4]. One of the results of erosion is
shoreline vegetation that is continuously forced
further from the waterline, and the roots of trees and
bushes are exposed, which might cause their falling [4]
27 Ship grounding Vessels might end up on the seafloor Vessels that have grounded or sunk can cause a leakage
and sinking [4], because of severe weather, collisions or of substances and chemicals in the environment such
[33] war casualties [4] as, for example, TBT-based antifoulant, oil or fuels, in
addition, sinking vessels may also cause physical
damage of ecological habitats and are considered
unsafe for the environment [4], [33]
28 Accidents [8], [30] The pollution might come from lost cargo Accidents might cause oil spill, loss of cargo(containers)
or leakage of fuel, oil or other harmful [8]. The risk of pollution incidents and
substances the environmental impact are higher in sensitive
areas, including protected areas [30]
Current research contributes to the creation of
tools by pinpointing on the environmental impact of
shipping on the Estonian sea area. Without
harmonised and detailed statistics used throughout
different fields of research and decision making, there
cannot be a unified approach.
International maritime transport has a great
influence on Estonian sea areas, as Estonia is located
along the largest trade routes, including the trade
route to Russia’s St Petersburg and other Baltic Sea
ports in the Leningrad Oblast area, but also routes
serving Estonian needs and including transit through
Estonian ports. Therefore, developments in the
international shipping sector should be considered.
The table below (Table 5) indicates shipping
related activities and their assumed impact that is
relevant in the Estonian sea area. Operational
emissions and discharges from vessels are regulated
through international conventions, primarily the IMO
MARPOL, the Ballast Water Management Convention
and the Antifouling Systems Convention and in order
to move from assessment of discharges from one ship
to a certain area, it is necessary to combine the
discharge factors to the activity patterns [3]. Amount
of pollution might be dependent on several factors
like vessel size, speed and hull design, but also seabed
sediment grain size, water depths and under-keel
clearance [23]. For anchoring and mooring, waiting at
the port with the engine running and grounding the
amount of pollution might also be dependent on
vessel size, speed and hull design, but also seabed
sediment grain size, water depths and under-keel
clearance [23].
Bunkering of ships in Estonian waters is regulated
by Regulation No. 51 "Procedures for handling
dangerous and harmful substances at sea, Narva
River and Lake Peipsi” [30]. From August 2021,
bunkering is allowed in four anchorage areas in
Estonia [30]. Performing STS operations outside the
STS area may take place in justified exceptional cases
by agreement with the Estonian Police and Border
Guard Board [7]. The main reasons for accidents
caused by bunkering are: a) pipeline breakage, b) lack
or non-use of absorbent booms, and c) poor
communication [30]. When it comes to defence
operations or dumping of unwanted munitions, there
are special area requirements (navigation signs and
shooting ranges) and with war legacy there might be a
risk of hazardous substances [34]
Table 5. Shipping related activities and their environmental impact relevant in Estonia.
Subcluster Activity Activity more specifically Possible type of environmental Assumed environmental
impact impact
Shipping Cargo Propeller wash and vessel Discharges to water Cu and Zn from antifouling paints,
[35] transport, wake [23] (basically pyrene from scrubber discharge,
passenger moving vessels) bilge water, grey water [16]
transport, Air pollution Nitrogen (16% of Baltic Sea) [16]
cruise Physical pollution Underwater noise [16]
tourism STS Bunkering Discharges to water Cu
[34] Air pollution
Transfer of goods from one Discharges to water Cu
ship to another in STS areas [7] Air pollution
Anchoring and mooring [23] Discharges to water
Air pollution
Waiting at the port with the Discharges to water Cu and Zn from antifouling
engine running paints [16]
Air pollution
Grounding [23] Discharges to water
Physical pollution
Defence operations. Dumping of Discharges to water
unwanted munitions [34] Physical pollution
Currently, the generally accepted methodology for
determining the environmental impact of shipping
activities in the Estonian sea area is not yet available.
In general, there are three different categories of
pollution coming from operating vessels - discharges
to water (e.g., ballast water, oily bilge water, scrubber
discharge, black and grey water, antifouling paint
etc), air emissions (e.g., nitrogen, sulphur, black
carbon etc) and physical pollution (e.g., underwater
noise, wildlife collisions, ship grounding etc). All
those activities have impact on the surrounding
environment. For example, when discharging food
waste to the sea, it may increase eutrophication which
is considered one of the main issues in the Baltic Sea
region. Furthermore, NOx that is formed during fuel
combustion on vessels also contributes to water
Based on previous studies carried out in the
Estonian sea area [16], [32], it was assumed in this
study that noise, as one of the shipping related
physical activities has the highest impact on the
environment, followed by Cu and Zn from antifouling
paints, which is discharge to water, pyrene from
scrubber discharge, bilge water and grey water and
nitrogen that occurs when fuel is burned.
Nevertheless, the estimations are inconclusive,
because the approximate quantities of emissions
released into the air or water in the Estonian sea area
are not available. It would be valuable to have a well-
developed methodology to find out numerical values
for water discharges, air emissions and physical
discharges for example like the ones that the Maritime
Working Group of HELCOM compiles for the whole
Baltic Sea. The first step towards that could be to
compare methodologies that are used in the nearby
countries, like Finland, Sweden and Latvia and see if
those would be suitable to use in the Estonian sea area
as well.
This overview is a starting point for further, more
detailed studies of what are the main shipping
activities that have the largest (negative) impact on
the (marine) environment in the Estonian sea area.
Furthermore, this study lacks the analysis of the
environmental impact of shipping related activities
that is caused by the fishing vessels and leisure craft
vessels that are not registered in AIS. Study also lacks
quantitative analysis of the environmental impact of
shipping due to the lack of developed methodology
on the Estonian sea area. These should be evaluated in
further studies.
This research was funded by the Ministry of Environment,
Estonian Research Council and Estonian Ministry of
Economic Affairs and Communications, RITA2/133.
“Preparation of a methodology for the assessment and
characterisation of the environmental impact of shipping in
the Estonian maritime area and preparation of a preliminary
assessment.” https://www.etis.ee/Portal/Projects/Display/
96f073dc-7b2c-4af8-a6fc-3a240d48910f and by the European
Commission, ER188, “ADRIENNE+”.
The authors would like to thank all the other participants of
the project “Preparation of a methodology for the
assessment and characterisation of the environmental
impact of shipping in the Estonian maritime area and
preparation of a preliminary assessment.” Rivo Uiboupin,
Ilja Maljutenko, Urmas Raudsepp, Jonne Kotta, Robert Aps,
Urmas Lips, Natalja Kolesova, Madli Kopti and Siim Pärt
and participants of the project “Adrienne+”.
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